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Fantasy Fairytale Land

Would you rather Fairy Tale Land Be in Current Times or in an Older Time

  • Older Time-no technology

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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"Cherry? Wasn't expecting you." Lula said looking at her niece. Putting on a smile she walked over to her. "Normal is low profile. Don't need other kids eating the house again. How have you been? Havent seen you since....The accident." Lula said keeping the talk light and casual. She looked around happily. "Is there anything you needed?" Lula asked concered.
Cherry did agree that the house should be low profile... But she was never going to admit it out loud! She walked in and softly shut the door behind her. "Uh, sorry about the door...I was just tired and thought of this place, that's all!" Cherry smiled as she explored the new house, checking our every shelf and corner. "It is pretty nice in here. So how have you been? It's good to see you!"

Lula Smiled. "Its fine. And i do have a spare rrom set up for you, I left it Sweet-ifed. I have been....Busy. Trying to stay hidden and keep under radar is hard when your mother was a well known Witch. I'm Glad to see your okay." She said walking into the kitchen. "would you like anything to eat?" She asked.
Cherry smiled at Lula, even though they both had totally different views, Cherry still couldn't hate her. Lula was just too nice! It made her sick! "Yeah. I'm glad you are OK too." She continued to look around. "Well I could go for some dinner foods instead of sweets!"

Lula nodded and headed to the cabnets. She looked at Cherry. Smiling she looked up at her nieace. "What would you like to eat?" She asked and pointed to a small hallway. "Your room is the ginger bread door." She said giggling. She grabbed plates and silverware and set them on the smaal kitchen table made for two. She tried to remember that last time she had company.

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