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Fantasy Fairytale Land

Would you rather Fairy Tale Land Be in Current Times or in an Older Time

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"yes he can, thats if he would like to come." he said reaching his hand out to august. "its a long journey." he said looking at them both. "i know a girl who is the only one who has access to the pan but she lives in the west mountains." he said seriously and the west mountains was very dangerous because of the creature that lived there.
"I can fly, if it's easier?" She asked, knowing fully well that Hook hired people to capture any fairies in sight. His men were everywhere, hidden around every corner; in fact, if she were found, she would've been tortured especially, due to Hook's undying hate for Tinkerbell. Tilting her head slightly, she frowned a little "What girl?The west mountains are very dangerous. I know who your mother is, i'm sure she wouldn't be too happy to allow you to go so far." Her tone was also serious, mimicking his.

He looked at her. "her name is allison, she is alice's daughter she tends to herself trying to keep away from everyone, she is more like a female robin hood, she steals for her friends, she lets on that she knows the pan. flying isn't going to do any good i've seen the creature, then what my mother doesn't know won't hurt her, and the one thing I know is most people wouldn't go to the mountains." he said nonchalantly watching carefully at them.
Inka sighed forlornly, she hadn't flown properly for a while, she had prohibited herself to do so due to Hook and his men. In fact, she badly wanted to fly, despite what Chester said. At the thought of going to the mountains, she smiled; she was up for an adventure, she hadn't had much excitement for a while. But, when Chester mentioned Alice's daughter, she looked shocked. "Alice had a daughter?....What?I never knew!" Though, it was rarely known that Tinkerbell had had a daughter either, in fact, no body knew of this.

"yeah, alice had a daughter when she came to wonderland, she grew up with the white queen and she ventured off a few years back on her own ever since. The beast is a dragon with 3 heads who hates everyone." he said grimacing lifting up his sleeve to show a scar across his arm then lifting up the hem of his shirt to reveal a large scar from a large gash in his stomach from the beast. "we will need to collect supplies, i'm rationing you on your nectar so we don't have another incident." he said looking at her pointedly smiling at them.
Whitney stop dragging Caitlynn around when she ended up disappearing out of her hand. 'What the...' thought Whitney, since she has no clue about the Cheshire Cat nor his daughter. Because her father never met them when they were in Wonderland.

Whitney was a bit sad when Caitlynn said that she hasn't seen any handsome princes yet. But she did looked up to see that Caitlynn is on a tree branch now, since Whitney wasn't excepting her to be up there.
"Yes. I am the White Rabbit's daughter as you can tell by my white rabbit ears, and I am not really as insane as you might think I am...Ok, maybe a little bit insane. But it's not as bad as my father's insanity, since I am just doing my job as the Prince's Royal Adviser. Even though Chester always keeps leaving the castle when I told him not to leave, because he is trying to run away from his horrible mother. Since she is trying to force him to become something that he is not, by making him do athletic and gentleman stuff." said Whitney, since she does care about Prince Chester's well being. Because she has a crush on him.

August had gotten into Chester's pocket before he left. He peeked his head out to look at his surroundings. @Tigergirl2013
Inka scowled innocently when he mentioned rationing the nectar. "What?! But-But i'm fine with all the nectar, i swear! That was a one off." She lied with a soft smile, before she added, "And a dragon?!I love dragons! They're always so polite to me....Maybe this particular dragon will enjoy my presence." she meant it truthfully, any living creature seemingly enjoyed her presence, but that was just a fairy trait. She flew out of Chester's hand and gently began to glide along the wind beside them with a small buzz, her hair also gliding with the wind, allowing her pointed ears on show.


Jackson just hugged Crimson as she tried to hit him. "Hey calm down I only did it because i like you, and I didn't know how to tell you>"Jackson said as rested his chin on Crimson's head.
"we will see." he said running through the trees as he veered left going east first to collect supplies. "we will have to be careful in this town, so keep an eye on guards, the things i need i can't get anywhere else beside this town." he said moving fast through the trees as he watched the wildlife around him.

Will watched them carefully suddenly running off from them as they heard the howls of wolves approaching they weren't paying much attention to him so he decided to veer off and let them fend the wolves. he ran ahead looking back then charging forward getting further and further away from them.
Chester nodded as he ran into town collecting the items he needed with quick efficiency, looking around at everything to make sure no guards came around for them hating his mother for who she was and what she was trying to make him do.
He looked at august then noticed a guard he grabbed the rope and made a run for it climbing up a tree and moving through the trees like some jungle man. he kept going and going moving farther and farther away from the guards, as he dropped some sand bag hitting one in the face knocking him out wincing slightly as he continued onward climbing higher and higher up once he lost the tail he sat up in the tree catching his breath hoping that inka was right there. "i got stuff to climb up those mountains." he told august once he caught his breath from running.

Will looked through and saw the prince drop a sand bomb on a guard laughing as he ran into the rabbit's daughter on the way away. "your looking for the prince aren't you?" he asked in his human form staring down at the rabbit. "the prince of hearts?" he asked part wolf he could have made the rabbit lunch but he didn't want to.

@Ldybug123 @xxbetaspiritxx @Blackrose7
"Oh...I'm sorry...I didn't see the guard." August said, feeling guilty he hadn't seen the guard and warned Chester. @Tigergirl2013
"it happens, we all make mistakes I do it too. now they know where we were and that isn't good, we need to get out of here as soon as possible." he said matter of factly getting ready to run as much as possible to divert their attention from where they were really going, but the wolf saw them and the wolf knew where he was headed which was dangerous to them. He looked partially worried, as he averted from their original location and headed north towards a charming little town.
Inka followed after Chester with excitement and ease. She seemed a little shocked to have seen the guards chase after him, but she hadn't realised a pirate looking man chasing after her and she let out a little high pitched squeal, trying her best to fly away. It was a strange sight, until she got out of their sight, quickly flashing into her human form, doing her best to cover her ears with her hair as she walked along the market place; a puzzled expression grew on her face very quickly. The market place was like a maze to Inka and she was unsure of what to do or where to go now she had lost August and Chester.
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Chester saw the pirate then he threw down a sand bomb drawing a gun from his bag. "leave the fairy alone or die, or off goes your head." he said capturing his mothers words cocking the gun in the pirates face knowing he would probably send the pirate to his mother if he tried anything. he held the gun up getting ready to pull out a sword. he was partially his mother's son if he didn't want to be.
Whitney was surprise to see a boy who was staring at her. "Yes, I am indeed looking for a prince. Because his mother ordered me to go find him, since it's going to be dinner time soon, and she also wants to force him to do the things that he doesn't want to do again." said Whitney, since she does give Chester more art related stuff in his room, when she does bring him back to the castle. Because she wants Chester to secretly enjoy painting in his room without him being force to do something that he doesn't like to do by his mother.

When Will ended up saying the prince of hearts to her however, Whitney's rabbit ears went a little bit up. Since Will might have seen Prince Chester before he came here.
"Yes. It's the prince of hearts, since he escaped the castle again, because he didn't want to deal with his mother." said Whitney.

Eventually, she found Chester again, and this time, he was armed. Taking a step closer to him, she rested a hand on his shoulder. "Chester, what's going on?" She cocked an eyebrow, trying to seem nonchalant, as if it wasn't her being chased. It was only if the pirates took a closer look at her that they'd notice, but they didnt seem to care for her appearance in the slightest.
Chester smiled at inka drawing his gun into his bag as the pirate ran away in fear. "scaring away evil enemies by dropping sand bombs, we better get a move on, we have to beat everyone to the west mountains." he said smiling at them passing over a bit of nectar for inka to replenish herself.

Will nodded. "your not going to like where he is going though." he said shaking his head. "call it wolf intuition, but i did see him." he said not telling whitney where he was headed just yet wondering what the rabbit would think when he told her that he was headed to the western mountains and everyone knew to avoid them as much as possible. "i'll tell you where he is headed if you tell me if it is true that the queen has tinkerbell." he said as it was true the queen did have tinkerbell because tinkers could fix anything.

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