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Fantasy Fairytale Land

Would you rather Fairy Tale Land Be in Current Times or in an Older Time

  • Older Time-no technology

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Chester had an extra couple of bottles of nectar for inka should she wake up from her slumber. He smiled and crawled across the branches to his little place.

(i got to shovel the snow, I am in VA there is 2 feet of snow on the ground.)
August finished the bread and looked out the window. He put his arms on the windowsill and laid his head down. Soon after, he fell asleep. @Tigergirl2013
The bed was very large, and at someone her size, there was a lot of space. She lay comfortably, sinking into the memory foam mattress, her small size and weight making her sink into it without being noticed. Consequently, if anyone were to sit on that bed, they would most likely crush her, but everyone inhabiting the particular tree they were in knew she was there, and in that room, so it was unlikely that anyone would bombard into the room and accidentally crush her. She continued to suckle of the nectar, it making her belly feel warm, and making her fall into a deeper, more comfortable sleep.
Chester then began to paint happily, in his little tree home painting the market they had just visited snatching things from his memory to paint out happily excitedly. He wanted to get lost in his work as he heard people shouting below the tree and he saw the commotion keeping himself well concealed noticing a young girl running through the woods evading some angry men and he recognized the girl it was Allison she ran through the woods, as fast as the rabbit she ran for it. She dodged them and within seconds she was gone. He puzzled over why she was doing so far north from her general place that he got back to work exactly painting relaxing slightly.

Allison had stolen from others to feed a family she was just like robin hood but she wanted to evade others entirely most of the time, even though she did kind things. Once she had lost the angry men chasing her she stopped catching her breath panting, relieved she held a small vial of medicine and a loaf of bread as she went to the door mouses home dropping off both then she galivanted into the woods hiding behind trees exhausted
August woke up and walked over to where Chester was. "What are you painting?" He asked quietly, looking up at the easel. He frowned, he couldn't see it well from down here. @Tigergirl2013
At the sound of commotion, Inka leapt up, flying to the roof of the room she was in and making a small bang. Though, all the nectar made her energetic and fast, too fast. Adrenaline ran through her as she flew around the room speedily, not pausing for a break. At the sight of other bottles of nectar, she drank all the rest but one and continued to run around, her feet creating small patter like sounds across the wooden floorboards, and her wings were flapping so vigorously, a loud buzzing could be heard. It was evident in her eyes that she was full of energy as they never stayed a solid colour for more than a second, her wings the same. If she carried on the way she was, she would be extremely tired the next few days, and very worn out.
Chester heard the sounds of inka and climbed across the way and grabbed her. "no more nectar for you." he said smiling. holding her gently. "relax." he said smiling. looking at her over seeing her hair was in a tizzy and her hair sticking up all over the place and all the nectar was gone. "geez inka, why did you drink all of them?" he asks concerned.
Inka scrambled around in Chester's grasp, her hands pushing against his that held her. A smile playfully grew on her face as she mumbled, "....But I didn't eat them all!There is one left, but thinking about it, I need it." She tried to calm herself but she was too energetic. The nectar just tasted too good, not like the normal nectar she ate, and she couldn't help herself.... In his hand, her wings tried to push her away so she could continue running around. The amount she drank was hard for such a little body to handle.
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Chester came back with inka. "i apologize, i am painting the market, someone is very energetic drank a bit too much nectar." he said shrugging as inka struggled and he held onto her so she wouldn't break anything and try to calm her down in the process.
"Oh." August said, climbing up and into Chester's pocket so he could get a better view of the painting. @Tigergirl2013
Inka eventually stopped squirming, but her heart beat was racing against Chester's hand. Despite her attempts, she was in too much of an isolated space to change form. The only reason she wanted to change form was so she could continue running around. Her fingers tapped on Chester's hand in rhythm to her heartbeat as she shook slightly from adrenaline.

"May I please have the other bottle of nectar?" She said hopefully, starting to feel a little drained.
Chester looked at her. "not a chance, you need to relax. that nectar is for later. next time i won't get so much." he said matter of factly waiting for her heart to slow down after the amount of nectar she consumed.
"....Oooowww,why?" She exclaimed with a saddened pout. Her heart rate only fastened as the previous nectar began to kick in again and she began to squirm around softly. As she relaxed, she managed to fall out of Chester's grasp and began to fly around rapidly, her wings creating that same buzzing sound as before. The majority of the time, she was flying into the walls of the room. When she used to get like this, her mother used to put a clear jar over her, but she was careful not to allow Chester to grab her again as she dodged his hands.
August jumped out of Chester's pocket and ran after Inka. He climbed the shelves to get to her height. He reached out to grab her but slipped and fell. He grabbed another shelf before he hit the ground. @Tigergirl2013 @xxbetaspiritxx
Chester grabbed a hold of August looking him over, before he realized to grab a jar he dumped out his paint brushes and put the jar over her on the ground as he waited for the nectar to wear off while she was stuck in the jar he gently looked her as the jar could get air in it. "alright that should do the trick." he said smiling as he watched her try to get the jar off.
Inka angrily pushed at the thick glass walls of the jar, flying upwards and making the jar jolt from the ground slightly. She continued to do this, creating a sharp, echoing noise before she just gave up and sat down, her feet gently kicking at the glass as she began to calm down.
Chester looked at her stopping his painting to sit down and draw. He watched inka carefully concerned for her. "inka where is your parents?" he asked looking at her curiously as she finally gave up on trying to escape the jar. He looked over at August wondering if he really were okay after he almost fell off the shelf
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Inka looked even more saddened by what he had said, and she looked away, crossing her arms and shifting her gaze to the wooden floor. Her mother had died fairly recently, and as for her father, she had never known him. A soft whimper escaped her lips as she turned away from both of their glares.
Chester looked at inka. "inka, i'm so sorry." he said thinking about taking the jar off but worried if she would ever come back if he did, he should have realized it sooner she was alone, without the fairy people and there was only one person he was aware who knew how to get to them and she woke up inka in the first place.
Inkas expression softened, "...Its okay." Her voice echoed within the jar, and she had to cover her ears to prevent them from aching at her repetitive voice. She had never known the fairy people, and in fact, didn't want to. They seemed to hate her mother, or so said, because of when she ran off with Peter. Peter Pan. Her tiny feet crossed over one another as her expression stayed at the floor; any eye contact would've made her burst into tears.
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Inka sharply looked at August, her eyes and voice pleading. "Please get me out of this jar,please?" She pouted to emphasise her sadness, helplessly laying in the centre of the jar as she ignoring the negative feelings eating at her stomach.


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