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Fantasy Fairytale Land

Would you rather Fairy Tale Land Be in Current Times or in an Older Time

  • Older Time-no technology

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(Inka is in her fairy form still but, Nevermind:D)

Inka followed August and Chester, her wings buzzing subtly as she flew around. Her hair flew about her wings, catching on them and causing her to fly into a nearby wall and fall onto the floor with a little thump. She sat on the floor, still the size of a small pinky, and rubbed her head, standing and attempting to untangle her hair from an elegant corner of her wings.
xxbetaspiritxx said:
Inka looked at the painting, her head tilted slightly. "It's me,right?And August.....Its almost like a picture, isn't that grand!" Her smile widened. "it's beautiful. You're very talented." Her wings flapped nonchalantly as she locked her gaze on Chester and she changed her form. She sat there, still small, about 5'0 and looked at Chester once more. She looked exactly the same, but her features were more emphasised and visible. If looked at closely, her cheekbones were sharp and protruding, her nose small but slightly pointed, her lips large and her ears very pointed.
(Then what about this?????)

Chester nodded gently picking her up as he gently disentangled her hair from her wing being delicate with as to not break her. "alright, lets go to town be fore warned I am evading guards, if we need to split your more than welcome to come back here to the hideout. "just follow the stars they direct you back here." he said slowly climbing down the tree inka and august in his hands as he made his descent the sun beginning to set on the world.
Inka looked at August, before placing her hands on the edge of the pocket fabric and peering out at the forest. It was a dark day, the canopy covering all means of sunlight from the rest of the forest underneath the canopy.
Chester walked for about a mile or so before entering a small little village with everything one would ever need, but this village accepted small people alike. "its okay you guys no one will judge you here." he said nodding to a man passing carts full of fabrics, and carts laden with fruit.
August peeked his head out to look at the village. His stomach growled and he blushed a little, embarassed. @Tigergirl2013
"inka you hungry too, like your companion in there?" he asked smiling at them both seeing a cart full of sweets, then specialty food-like seafood and flower nectars, then in addition fruits, vegetables, and roots, and another for meats, cheeses and breads. "what do you guys want its on me." he said pulling out a medium sized bag out of his pocket filled with coins enough to feed them for a while. He stood at one of the many carts in the tiny village.
Inka smiled gratefully but shook her head. "I am fine, but thank you for asking." She mumbled gratefully, slinking herself back down into the pocket to lie down. Earlier on in the day, she had filled herself up by eating nectar and honey, and she was now very tired. Almost instantly, Inka was asleep in the bottom on Chester's pocket. She always made the mistake of trusting strangers easily, and she was just hoping that Chester and August wouldn't plan on hurting her in any way, shape or form. Her lips pouted, the way they usually did as she slept, and her small, skinny frame was tucked into a tight ball. She rarely got hungry due to the fact that there usually wasn't any food around for her to eat, so she got used to not eating much at all. Softly, she snored, her wings flapped a little, before isolating her like a blanket as she slept.

"no its alright, what would you like, we can get inka something for her to snack on later." he said getting her nectars while she slept in his pocket. He thought to himself she looked extremley peaceful while curled up in his pocket he held the large bottle of nectar for you. "its no trouble at all, I don't mind." he said really meaning it being gentle with them both while in his pocket.
Chester walked over to the breads seeing a wide variety. "which one, is the question we got nectar for her so she will be nourished for a while. " he said looking at august reaching for some cheese for himself keeping an eye out for enemies especially for the guards who wanted to get him and take him horse back riding and other stuff.
Chester grabbed the sour dough bread and paid for it then he went up and grabbed some additional flowers, that he could utilize to help get nectar for inka. Once he paid. "we are going back to the tree house, you are more than welcome to stay with me." he said looking at them both.
Inka continued to sleep soundlessly. Her snoring was but a high pitched murmur, but the smell of nectar made her smile. Her limbs were tucked neatly against her stomach but, momentarily, her wings stretched out and flapped, hitting August in the legs slightly, but it wouldn't of hurt, it would've felt like a slight tickle. They remained outstretched as she stretched out her small frame before curling back in again. Her hair curtained her face, but her small, pointed ears were on show as they twitches lightly.

@Tigergirl2013 @Ldybug123
Chester nodded then went forward taking his purchases into a sack as the sour dough bread was freshly baked he gently climbed to the top of the tree then into the tree house and he was surprised that they hadn't noticed the branches walk way through the trees to smaller little homes in the canopy. "alright, here you go august, if i move the dresser there is a door that leads to the other connections up in the canopy." he said starting to push it aside showing a crawl space big enough for someone his size could fit through. he gently slid the door aside to show a massive chain of tree walk ways across a large expanse of tree homes as many different living creatures used the walk ways around.
August walked out onto the walkway and smiled. He looked at Chester. "I like it..." He said shyly. @Tigergirl2013
"there is a little home across the way. I can take you too and your welcome to use it." he said crawling across through the branches and into another little tree house but with miniature furniture and equipment to make bigger items. He smiled. "your home away from home." he said smiling at him letting him through into the space.
Inka pushed against the sides of the pocket in a stretch, her tiny hand against Chester's stomach. Her snoring was but a mere hum as she slept; her new position in sleep made her face directly visible if she were to be looked at from a birds eye view. Though, shortly after stretching, Inka curled up onto her back, her legs bent and pushed against her chest as her face was pointed directly upwards. As Chester crawled, she got squished against his stomach and she grumbled in slight annoyance.

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August walked into the little house and smiled. He turned to look at Chester. "Thanks." He said to him. @Tigergirl2013
"your welcome, now I am going to put inka into a proper bed so she can sleep properly." he said lifting her from his pocket then crawled across the next tree branches depositing inka into a bed as he sat beside her watching her sleep as he left flower nectar for her he crawled back across the space and towards August, he peeked in depositing the sour dough bread onto a space so he could access the food.
August came and got some of the bread before looking up at Chester, smiling. He then took a bite of the bread. @Tigergirl2013
Subconsciously, Inka reached for the nectar and drank it as she slept, sucking on the tiny pull out lid gently, like a child. It seemed to soothe her to do so, and small,high pitched drinking glugs from the room she was in. The bottle of nectar was bigger than her, so she had to wrap her arms across it to hold it up.
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