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Fantasy Ex-Harmonia!

The girl can only get a confused look from the sniper. "Uh... What?" He asks. Not long after the girl nudges him, two hybrids burst out of the foliage behind them and charge at the pair. "AMBUUUSH! HOSTILES AT YOUR SIX!" He screams, pointing his beretta at one of them and shooting three bullets at it. The hybrid dodges one but gets hit by the other two in both the neck and chest area and soon falls down on the ground, choking on its own blood. Jonathan points his pistol at the other hybrid, a lizard mix, but it's already at the girl's position, attempting to stab the girl with a forward motion of its curved knife! @Metaphysics
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She whirled around and summoned Saniem, impaling the creature on its blade and shaft before turning back to the man. Her face showed a small struggle before clearing her throat and taking a deep breath. "Do...you understand me now?" She asked before shaking her head. "Nevermind that! Start running!" She suddenly shouted before continuing to nudge him. "It's not safe here, especially with so many plants around us and more enemies coming." She added. @Puzderhero
Despite all his confusion and actually being impressed by what the strange girl did, Jonathan nods his head and begins to run with the girl running beside him. As they are fleeing, he can't help but notice a couple familiar faces. It's Arin and Patches! This short amount of joy soon turns to horror and sorrow as he looks at the body of the once proud pirate captain. He immediately stops running and puts a hand on the shoulder of the girl. "...I'll be quick. I just need to bring a couple of friends along." Before the girl has a chance to respond, Jonathan is seen running towards Arin and the dead captain.

"Arin!" He calls out to the mind-Mage before picking up the confirmed dead body of Ivan. "We have to go NOW! It's not safe here anymore!" Jonathan looks back to see the girl standing there and looking quite frantic. "See her?" The sniper points to the girl. "She can get us out of here. NOW GO BEFORE WE'RE SURROUNDED!!!" He commands her and the other women she's with before running towards the mysterious girl, a few tears streaming down his face as he carries his fallen friend on his shoulders.

@Arrietta @Metaphysics @Dreamlight @Keyscience
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.4d61aeb0c15d252dea322ae727ca5ae8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36635" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.4d61aeb0c15d252dea322ae727ca5ae8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Serenity had fallen asleep prob because she was so tired. She opened her eyes. Looks like she was still alone. She tried to sit up again this time she was able to that. The pain had lessened but she still felt week. "Looks like I'm still alone I hope everyone is ok." Then she heard barking. "Spike?! Is that you?!" Spike came running out of the bushes. "It is you!?" Spike ran to her and there was something in his mouth. "Huh what's this?" She took it from Spike and looked at it then she looked at Spike and smiled. She picked him up and hugged him really tight. "Oh Spike I was scared something happened to you." Spikes licked her face and then she put him down. She made spike grow then she picked up the scepter. Then she slowly stood up her legs shook a little but not as bad as she thought it was going to be. Then she got on his back. "Spike take me to the others. Spike ran to where the others were as she held on tight. Finally she saw familiar faces from afar. "Guys!" She said as spike ran up to them.

@Arrietta @Puzderhero



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Cykard trudged through the foliage of the forest, his overbearing weight crushing down scattered and decaying clumps of twigs and leaves. He simply moved forward without any inclination of his own, simply allowing the situation to take over him so to speak. More people had been streaming in, more than Cykard had first expected, indicating that the scale of the transportation was quite huge. It was apparent that no novice mage could have formed such a vast transportation spell. Even the fact that Cykard, with his blood actively resisting foreign magical energy, could be teleported was a testament to the mages's prowess. Things on the overall scheme though, seemed rather uneventful and Cykard hypothesized that he would soon be returning to the city. However, he was proven quite wrong.

Firstly. the group leader of sorts ran after a man named Patches, but Cykard stayed behind after witnessing the girl and Jonathan being faced with hostiles. Cykard had immediately loosed his massive blade from his back and held it in single handed form in his right hand, freeing his left for counter measures. Understanding that Cykard was more capable in halting the advance of enemies by facing them full on rather than slowly backing away defensively, Cykard immediately ran forward ahead of the girl to face down hybrids and living foliage. Vines erupted from the ground and struck at Cykard's bare skin, whistling with whipping force as their thick bodies slammed against Cykard's skin. A resounding clanging sound echoed throughout the area, as if the vines had struck metal and not skin. Cykard emerged unscathed and immediately sliced apart the vines that had attacked him and continued an ardent offense, cutting apart any manipulated plant life that eked out past him in an attempt to reach Jonathan. A hybrid dashed out of a tree and collided with Cykard with powerful force, only to be surprised at how heavy Cykard was. Cykard's body instinctively reacted and his feet dug in, causing his body to move back a meter or so from the hybrid slamming into him bot not toppling his balance. The hybrid then desperately attempted to twist it's body, which was facing away from Cykard due to it assuming it would be knocking Cykard down, and attempted to strike Cykard's face. Cykard let the blow land as he simultaneously ground his balance and powered a powerful left hook that connected cleanly with the hybrid's skull. The hybrid's fingers snapped as they struck Cykard's face, obviously not expecting it's strength and density, while Cykard felt the satisfying sensation of a skull shattering into pieces as his gauntleted fist slammed into the hybrid's skill, causing a deep impression and felling the hybrid several meters away. It was obvious that Cykard could not handle this much longer as there were simply too many enemies to face at once.

Cykard still held his ground though, stubbornly refusing to allow the enemy to advance without earning every single inch of the way.

"I'll be keeping them occupied. Feel free to send some help but first ensure everyone's safety. Good luck" said Cykard, as if Jonathan was the one needing luck. Cykard's face, wrought with a resolute determination, radiated a battle ready intensity further enhanced by his piercing, luminous green eyes that heralded an immense but artfully controlled blood lust. Hacking, slashing, kicking and punching, Cykard loosed himself into battle as he resisted the advance, placing his trust in the woman he was now defending to get all of them out of the forsaken place.​

A bit of worry sprinkled Hannes' consciousness whilst preparing to carry the patchy guy before him due to the grave injuries it undertook, but an instant silence came to be when the group heard an audible feminine cry. The pitch of the voice seemed familiar to the patchy man, hence his instantaneous reaction on moving fast as he could to the tone's origin. Ivan's movement made it very clear to the masked man how dearly important the cry of danger was to Patches. "I wish you luck." The physical intense trauma which Ivan took with while rushing to the girl's call of aid gave Hannes an interior question of whether patchy guy there would be okay despite his condition. Either way, all he could do was hope for Ivan's safety, or so he thought. In the crevice of time after vanilla hair's advance did Jonathan followed its tracks. Now was different, the previous person was perceived by the the bird face man as an endangered patient running of to do the unknown cry's bidding. At the present moment was a friend who left its own objective of following a green light. The only thing which Hannes could think of was the fact that Ivan and Jonathan knew the girl and whoever she was, Danger was beside her. "Hey! Where are you going?" Despite his first priority being to save Oswald and bring him to a secure place, Jona was always an exception. After all, Family always comes first right?

"a switch of narrators took place"

Hannes was the last of the group to reach the destination of where everyone went, sincerely because of his phone ringing which was something he expected ever since this hellish shindig began.
"Hello..." simply replies "Dad..." simply replies "OMIGOSH Illia, Where is everyone???" astoundingly questions "Uhh... we're in some island." simply replies "Which?" further asks for specifics "Sierra" simply replies "Ahhh good... Is it working?" a new query pops up his thoughts "Yawp." simply replies "Kindly please press the red button for me?" asks for a simple favor "Yessir:)" delightfully answers. The call ended with hope set upon his mind but it was short lived as a huge group of creatures came rushing at his back. "shit..." Hannes was able to catch up to the group with a simple message to everyone. "RUUN!"



@Arrietta @Metaphysics @Dreamlight @Keysience @Archer

@LexiRK @animegirl20
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-Arin group-

As the group struggles to run carrying Ivan's body as they do so, numerous Helheimian plants and Arconians had ambushed the group. Halting their escape.

@Keysience @Dreamlight @Arrietta

-Cykard group-

Having to be brought down yet again, the cat-like Egnarion began rising once more. With a roar, large beams of green light came running down on the entire forest, once again, the beast transferred its wounds as it finds it way to the other group led by the large wielding a powerful sword, the beast, crushing a few helheim plants and Arconians continues to charge towards the group.

@Keysience Veronica @Dreamlight

@Puzderhero Johannes @Constance Auburn



Taken over by guilt, Arin didn't bother giving even the slightest of reaction to everyone who had come to her aid, to her, she only hears little to no noise, with the shouts of her companion being that of a whisper that was delivered far from her little ears. She ran as they ran but kept her grieving look, watching Ivan more than the others. Arin was no longer in proper control of her body nor her mind. Her thoughts were stomped on, blaming herself for Ivan's death. Even as they were surrounded whilst making their escape, Arin did not ready a weapon like anyone would normally do, she instead, walked over to Ivan, watching him as the others struggle to fight for their lives.

I'm sorry She drowned herself with the same thought over and over.



Location: Thyrean Forest; Leaving

Activity: Withdrawing

With: Each other

The forest lost its silence and the glow of the fireflies it originally had were replaced the raining rays of green light coming out of the sky, it was no unfamiliar sight for them, they knew exactly that the source of the lights were from their former comrade who, they are sure of, transformed to his uncontrollable beast form. Watching the intensifying scene from the forest entrance, the short red hair lets out a loud yawn. "Heeeeey, this is boring, Ulrika! Let's go play for now!" the red hairs words didn't put quite an interest on the fox but was about to plan on leaving the scene already, they had no purpose there other than kill the traitor after all. "Well, if you meant rest or better yet, continue our plans, then I wouldn't mind" the fox giggled childishly with the blue hair simply nodding at their conversation.

The trio had decided to withdraw, not even caring for the results as they were sure there minions could finish the job. The fox looked back after taking a few steps away.
"I didn't really want to do this...but, you left us no choice." she followed in with two.


Frey heard several more others that came to their side of the forest. It seems someone is protecting them from the other enemies that came, after a few seconds another one came, a Novushkun to be specific for he is using guns and a knife. "C'mon, we have to go NOW!" Frey couldnt help but shout at Arin, "Why are you being like that? He saved you didn't he? Rather than sulking you should run and protect the life that he saved!"

The two were working together while Frey was carrying the dead man and trying to get everyone to run. The Novushkun man came to them and talked to Arin about following a woman who would lead them to safety. Frey did as told and followed everyone and met up with a few more others, especially Hannes, Frey was quite relieved to find that he's alive, and not hurt.

@Arrietta @Dreamlight @Metaphysics @animegurl20​
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Castella turned around hearing Hannes coming. She quickly started sprinting away from the creatures. "What did you do?" She shouted back at him. Not that she was blaming him but clearly they had probably been agitated by something. She was a good sprinter but right now she really wished she had her scepter with her.


Many other companions came.. Veronica looked back and saw a bird masked man being chased by many creatures and all of them started to get surrounded by the creatures. "Shit!" She casted her magic, time perception manipulation which from the eyes of the enemies, Veronica and the others appear faster as their eyes' time perception are slower.

Giving them the illusion that Veronica and her companions are moving at an extremely fast speed. From the time mage's pocket watch, she pulled out a gun and started to shoot each one of the creatures.

The sniper has to set his fallen companion down when the hybrids began to surround the group. However, when the sniper points his pistol right at a tiger mix, he felt... Faster. Like, Sonic the hedgehog fast. With this sudden feeling of speed, Jonathan decides to use his pistol AND his beret knife at the same time.

With a scream he-"AAAAAHHHH!" Jonathan wait. JONATHAN DO-fine... The sniper stabs a tiger mix in the neck while firing his beretta at a canine mix, killing them both instantly with one swift moment. Then, he throws his knife at a salamander mix which enters its forehead and as this happened, the Novushkan soldier fires 3, count em, 3 bullets at three different hybrids! One bullets hits a lion mix in the heart, another bullet hits a reptilian man square in the brain, and finally the last bullet enters a fox mix's neck.

The carnage continues for a few more minutes and Jonathan is shooting hybrids the way a dead-eye would if you gave him coffee for the first time. Just as he finished shooting a wolf mix with the last bullet in the pistol's magazine, Jonathan catches another horrific sight. It's the beast, the one that killed Patches with its sharp claws. It's alive, but Jonathan was sure it was dead! "That...THAT SON OF A FUCKING BITCH!!!" He screams so loud that the beast can hear him and turns toward him with a snarl.

The enraged sniper has to close his eyes, take a few deep breaths, open them, and then glare at the mysterious girl he helped earlier. "...Get these people out of here." He commands, looking back at the beast while loading another magazine in the pistol. "...I need to do my fallen friend a favor." He says in a pissed off tone before beginning to slowly walk towards the beast, with every intent to blow it to shreds.
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Feum frowned as she felt resistance in the spreading. She frowned a bit. "Apris, I should've known that girl doesn't give up so easily." She said as she created another dimensional crack and let one of Helheim's other creatures out of it. It was huge and insect-like, having many limbs, pincers, blades and a hard exoskeleton. It gave a high pitched shriek and rushed into the forest. "This will teach her a lesson." She said before stepping through the crack and closing it.


Apris was feeling a unique mix of mad and concern for a stranger and did what she thought was most logical. She raised her hand and delivered a mildly painful slap to the girl. "We all need to retreat before we are overwhelmed. We'll give him a funeral later or I swear I will leave his corpse to be eaten by the forest."


Spoken To:

Remilia let a smirk play across her face as the man began stood his ground like some sort of martyr, looking like he was fully willing to die here, and for a bunch of complete strangers no less. She had to admit, she wasn't sure whether to be flattered, impressed or amused by his actions, maybe a little bit of all of them would be the answer? Never the less, she wasn't going to go and allow herself to be outshined by muscle lad over there, and she couldn't have him dying on her before she figured out what was going on with his chest, and the way that he was shrugging off blows like they were nothing only served to raise her curiosity. But even with how well he was preforming it was obvious that he wouldn't be able to keep this up forever, not with the amount of enemies that were coming their way already, "Buddy, you can't be expecting us to let stay here hog all the fun while we run off with out tails between out legs can you?" She said, cracking a half-joke despite their grim circumstances, soon after shifting her attention away from the man before he could protest, and towards the approaching enemies.

Immediately she turned her attention to the closest threat, a large, heavily clad man, headed their way, practically coated in armor she doubted the even gargantuan over there would have to spend some time dealing with him, but, she'd just so happened to come equipped for the situation. Waiting for him to strike Remilia dodged out of the way of his heavier blows, bringing herself within touching distance, and lunging towards the man, laying her right hand flat on his armor and sending immense amounts of electricity running the suit, electroctuing the man to the point of causing him to blackout, collapsing to the ground without having taken a single direct blow.

(For the Cykard group, you get the monster! Congratulations!)

In the area a series of loud and reverberating clicks were heard, as if something was circling the group. The insect's footsteps were silent and it was well hidden despite being large. It spotted an opportunity. It shrieked an rushed them, Helheimian thorn vines following behind him as it sped, ripping the ground apart and spreading the forest. From the trees, the branches started to thrash wildly and hundreds tiny tendrils started to reach for them as well.
"THEY JUST CAME" The out of nowhere event has lead their crew to adrenaline rushes, doing the best they could to avoid unnecessary trouble. Hannes did his best dodging the attack of hybrids with one of them, a half deer/half human, charges from the group targeting the masked man in which he in turn uses the hybrid's momentum to hang onto its antlers and finally sits on top of the deer riding it like a horse. It took Hannes a while, alas, the endless punching to its face enabled the masked man to manipulate the hybrid to his content. Another hybrid by the species of a wolf rushed at its prey targeting the scepterless lady. Just as the untamed hybrid pounced at Castella readying its claws and teeth to pierce and shred her flesh, Hannes came just in the nick of time to land a successful charge at the wolf, incapacitating it in the process. "Come with me." The bird faced man had the vibes of which the conjurer was helpless in their current situation, a giving of the hand was his decision as a gesture that Hannes wanted to help the girl.



As they were running more of those hybrids came at them. 'Gosh, I can't knock some sense to this kid.' Frey studied the surroundings with her ears and decided to help out in battling, while protecting Arin. Frey might not be able to use gun like Veronica and Jonathan but Close Quarter Combat is her favorite and and pretty much her expertise. She let out Aegis, striking it down to earth and cried it's name. "AEGIS!" Once again a full set of armor is protecting her body from harm. She held her sword tightly and dove into the battlefield.

For every hybrids she came across she only made them unconscious for an interrogation to find out why this is happening to them or for her comrades to have a better shot at killing the other ones while they are down. One by one of them left unconscious with the hilt of her blade hitting the back of their necks.

Frey heard what Apris' said and agreed with her. "She's right! We have to go before we are outnumbered by these things." She said to everyone.

@Arrietta @Dreamlight @Metaphysics​
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Cykard kept at his flurry of blows, precisely slicing apart hybrids and plants alike without discrimination. Soon there was a winding trail of sliced apart hybrid bodies and rotting plant matter in front of him, growing as Cykard was slowly pushed back more and more while taking lives with each step retreated back. Amid all of this he had suffered two small three inch long lacerations from a two handed blow with broadsword from a knight like hybrid. Aside from those wounds, Cykard was untouched, and the hybrids were now hesitant to approach without coming in groups of two or three.

Calmly, precisely, unperturbed, Cykard stood his ground and mercilessly bisected and bifurcated when he could,leaving small piles of body parts flung around. Soon however Cykard noticed that the hybrids he slaughtered actually began to resurrect, but instead in a more bestial and monstrous form. Remilia then joined in Cykard's struggle, and offed a bulky hybrid with a powerful burst of electrical energy.

" I'm sure you were eager to join in on this "fun" girl, and I have no opposition. Whether or not you run like a coward is entirely up to you either way."

Cykard replied with a calm and controlled tone laced with an ever so subtle hint of caustic sarcasm. He did not consider any of this a battle for his honor or something to pad his heroism. Both honor and heroism were values that Cykard had long ago threw away, but he had not lots the morality that made up his core. No matter what, the unnecessary loss of human life was still something Cykard would try to prevent, and he himself did not place much for his life. He was fated to die soon anyway, what with his monstrous heart's beating constantly breaking down and restructuring his bodily mass into an Ergonian form the longer he lived.

It was inevitable that Cykard would die within a short period of time. In exchange for his dragon's body that resisted all force, he sacrificed his natural humanity. Attempting to merge a powerful force with sucha meager human vessel was a catastrophic experiment to begin with, and every beat of Cykard's heart essentially sped up his death. Thus Cykard strode into battle devoid of regrets, fighting fully knowing that death was so near. It was a suicidal streak in the best sense of the word.

Cykard appreciated the help Remilia granted, but if these hybrids simply revived then there was no fighting them as everything was right now. He glanced at the sky overhead, a canvas of light darkness glazed with the moon's splendor. The perfect scene for Twilight Dragonsbane. Cykard's mouth formed ever so slightly into a smile, an indicator of the great pride he placed in his blade. He held Twilight Dragonsbane with both hands and began to focus. Energy from the night around him began to draw into the blade, covering it in a malevolent pitch black aura that flickered with a chilling intensity. The wavering and chaotic energy traveled from the hilt of the blade to Cykard's body, enshrouding it in the same threatening aura of coal black; it was as if Cykard had donned the reaper's cloak, clothed in deathless shadow ready to reap. His eyes, normally a resplendent teal green color, were now a dark violet. The runic inscriptions on the blade began to glow extremely bright, activating the Twilight curse that was imbued within the unholy blade.

The ergonians that had revived immediately began to scream out in pain as their deep wounds immediately began to glow with a brilliant white light that burned at the flesh. The burning continued on mercilessly under all conditions as long as the Ergonians were out in the open under the blanket of the moonlit night, and it sizzled and tore into their flesh, melting it into rivulets of sloppy and bloody mass. No matter how much agony they cried out, how much they thrashed in pain, the moonlight's curse heeded no mercy. It continued to burn and rend until the beasts were bloody piles of mixed skin and muscle fiber heaped in gooey gobbets on lonely bones. The gruesome scene was almost beautiful, with several dozen bodies bursting into a radiant light representative of lunar beauty contrasting with the mellow but shadowy grasp of night.

A new enemy had begun to approach though. A monstrous, insect like being far different in structure and complexion than the hybrids Cykard had faced, leaving him to believe that it was simply an Egnarion. Gripping his broadsword tightly, Cykard immediately relinquished his ground to engage it. He was not so impolite as to leave Remilia without warning though,

"Stay put to hold these things back if you want girl, or help me if you want. You can run "with your tail behind your back" as you said if you so wish, it has no bearing on me."

And with that, Cykard charged, his blade held in horizontal form to his right for a quick slash and left dodge movement. The insectoid monstrosity screeched it's blood lust and charged at Cykard also, it's massive scythe like protrusions tense with preparation to strike down. One second before the charge's outcome took place, Scykard immediately had a vision. His instinct, which has now honed to that of supernatural levels by imbuing himself with the night's energies, immediately presented a likely outcome in a clear sequence of visual events in his head. Cykard would dodge the two upper scythe blows and turn left, only to be repulsed by a hidden appendage to the monster's right. Cykard immediately reacted on both battle knowledge and instinct, and stopped abruptly before pushing himself back one step to narrowly avoid the crashing scythes which embedded themselves within the ground in front of him.

Immediately after, Cykard centered his balance to his left and swerved his body while thrusting forward his arms that gripped Twilight Dragonsbane, essentially performing a wide arc slash in an attempt to hack off the scythe limbs. The insectoid reacted, but could not move fast enough with it's grounded limbs. Cykard's slash tore through one scythe appendage before being repulsed by the second, indicating the creature's immensely durable hide. Cykard reacted to his failed swing by pulling back his blade while holding it overhead to allow for counter attacks and stepped back rapidly.

The moolight curse began working, slowly burning through the insectoid's right scythe limb until it severed it off with its left scythe arm to prevent the curse from spreading. The creature instantly rebounded and began to move towards Cykard again, ignoring Remilia. Cykard knew that he could not repulse the monster due to it's superior mass and braced himself for a powerful impact that even he could not withstand without considerable damage.

"Hjalpa mer, vinsamlegast..." the monster clicked out before shrieking and charging. The Helheimian plants started to surround them, forming a cage of violent plants that lashed out at everything that came near it. It tackled its attacker and lifted its remaining scythe arm, intent on piercing the man's heart and ending him. It brought it down but suddenly stopped. "HJALPA MER!" It started thrashing wildly in pain.


Watching Cykard do battle Remilia couldn't help but be somewhat impressed. Not by his fighting capabilities, no, any buffoon with a sword could learn to fight well, but by the power that seemed to lay within his weapon, radiating outwards from it's blade she could feel it wash over her, and it's effects were more than noticeable as their enemies began to cry out in pain, screaming as they were set alight with a blinding whiteness, melting down into their basest components as it broke down and ate away at their flesh, reducing them to a bloody puddle once it's work was done. Sure it was... a tad disgusting, but the magical components and enchantments that must have gone into the production of the weapon were clearly of a greater caliber, one to which any self-respecting mage would have to at least appreciate for what it was.

Now though, wasn't the time for her to be gawking at a fancy sword. Turning her attention to the threat at hand Remilia analyzed the situation, they were almost surrounded, the threats of both the soldier-like force of the unknown hybrid creatures and the plant-life of the forest itself closing in to attack them both presenting very real threats, both filling in for the others weak points, and the fact that their enemies meta-morphed into another threat upon their death only increased the direness of their situation. But she wouldn't be discouraged, she hadn't made all the accomplishments she had with her magic just to die in some dingy little forest, no, there was no way she was going to let herself die here.

Keeping her Remilia decided on an course of action, splaying her right arm upwards, holding in position as she channeled he mana up it, the air thickening as she prepared her next attack, moments later bringing it down with swift, precise swing, leaving a light trail of electricity in it's wake, before pointing it towards the largest grouping of enemies, and unleashing an arcing wave of electricity unto them, arcing down her arm and violently exploding from her fingertips quickly closing the distance between itself and her enemies, searing the vines and other plant-life working their way out from the woodwork of the forest, and stunning the hybrids, carrying enough voltage to knock them out, but staying at a level where they would not have to deal with the issue of their metamorphosis into Egnarions. Watching the plant-life caught alight gave her another idea, shifting her attention briefly from the enemy forces Remilia let a multiple blasts of electricity towards the towering trees of the forest, setting several of them ablaze, the fire soon spreading outwards and cutting off several of the enemies routes of attack, bottlenecking them in multiple positions where she could more easily deal with their threat.


Location: Thyrean Forest

Activity: Fighting

With: Apris @Metaphysics

Frey @Keysience

Veronica @Dreamlight


@Constance Auburn


Arin still remained in shock, she remained seated next to Ivan's body for awhile, mourning and looking at what she had brought down on him, she blames herself for it, it was too much for herself to handle. That was until two strangers, both women, lectured her with the other one, slapping her across the face. The harsh words all made sense; Both of their words managed to strike her refusing heart. They were right; Ivan's sacrifice would be in vain if she didn't fight. The thought gave her enough strength to fight back though the burden was there, she would at least make Ivan's sacrifice worth it by fighting.

A fire had started in the forest, not far from their location and from a seemingly unknown source. Slowly, Arin stood up with her knives in her hands.
"We have to get out of here alive, right?" she looked at her companions and lastly at Veronica. "I will need you to look after Ivan, you're more than capable than any of us in carrying him with your abilities, right?" no sooner had she finished, she began charging in towards the enemies, aware of what happens to an Arconian once they die, she only pins them down to the trees with their knives as she hits them, she began running even farther, either pinning down more of them or disabling them by aiming her knives at their knees or arms, treading only forward, Arin expresses all her guilt in fighting.

The Egnarion Beast

The beast's path was altered when a brave novushkun soldier called to its attention. No fool would dare take on the beast especially of its caliber and abilities but the man, filled with rage and intent on vengeance cared not for this. Letting out a roar, the beast charged towards the soldier, with plans on decimating him as the fire spreads out, creating an isolated area for the two.

An Airship Appears!

The dark forest, had its peaceful streak ended as multiple fights began to occur around its vicinity, the heroes remaining within it struggles to fight for their lives on the line. The vast areas of trees and darkness would prove the efforts of the heroes were all for naught if they were unable to escape the forest. However, a new hope appears for them in a form of an Airship.
"Poppppppssssss! We're here! Is Mommy Frey with you!?" the airship's announcement added to the already noisy clashing of the warriors and their enemies. The airship was being driven by the orphans who were under the care of the bird man who immediately went in search of their father after their call.

From a high point where the forest could be seen

A young girl stood on top of a cliff, taking a full view of the forest and the events that took place within its vicinity. The young girl's long white hair was being taken by the winds. She was about to leave the cliff when the airship's announcement caught her attention.
"Papa, where are you?" tears began flowing down her pale face. The wind continued to blow in, carrying leaves with it then all of a sudden, the girl was there no more.
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Cykard braced for impact, placing his right arm in front of him as a buffer while grounding himself with his left hand placed behind his back as an anchor. The insectoid crashed into Cykard, and the explosive force suprised even Cykard. He felt the force of the blow travel through his body, paining his internal organs which were softer than his durable skin. Thankfully Cykard's dense skin acted as a buffer to prevent much damage aside form a slightly fractured collarbone caused when the insectoid reared up after knocking into Cykard with it's scythe like claw. which was propelled by the momentum it already had. Cykard flew back into a tree, crashing through it's trunk in an instant. The severed tree trunk immediately fell backwards, crashing again on Cykard's head.

"Deja Vu huh?" said Cykard, his voice muffled as his head was placed unceremoniously in a tree trunk. Cykard twisted his neck, smashing through the trunk and freeing his upper body. He immediately regained balance and ignored the pain ringing on his neck, which was getting duller as his battle lust became more stoked. Cykard took up a defensive stance with Twilight Dragonsbane in a perpendicular position above his head, but it was apparent that the insect creature did not continue it's attack. Thankfully, the hybrids and plants were cut off from Cykard's duel as Remilia focused on removing the with her wide range arcing bolts of electricity. He would have to thank her later. Cykard immediately surged forward with his blade in hand placed in front of him in preparation of a powerful thrust.

Cykard showed no mercy to the screaming insect as he plunged the massive blade into it's mouth. Cykard grounded himself after being halted by the stopping force of the insectoid's head, and resumed a powerful heaving push, bursting the blade through the monster's head. An alien iridescent blue life blood sputtered forth in a continuous spray from both the creature's mouth and back skull, as if a faucet had burst. Cykard could tell that the fight was over as the creature's struggling died down rapidly in intensity. Cykard pulled back his blade with a heave, a gruesome "shlick" sound resounding as neural matter and burning flesh slid off the sword. Cykard stepped back, the aura of whirling night black around his body moving the blood on his body away from him.

Cykard's violet eyes widened in surprise, losing their usual sharp intensity as he witnessed the insectoid rapidly morphing its shape. Immediately he assumed battle stance, but there was nothing to fear. The monster had now turned into the visage of a kneeling little girl, sobbing pitifully. Cykard felt the grip on his weapon loosening without him paying heed, as if it was naturally apparent the girl was no threat. With tearful, lugubrious eyes the girl stared up towards Cykard, and with hands clasped in earnest gratitude, muttered out a short stream of words. They were from another world, another tongue, another land, yet no matter what tongue or world, the meaning would always be the same. A universal: "Thank you". The girl faded away, crumbling away like dust, and yet the sight was vividly moving. Her body started to dissipate into brilliant particles that faded away in the air, leaving last her thankful teardrops which dissolved as they hit the ground.



With all the fighting that happened, Frey's quite exhausted due to the lack of rest that she had. No later, Arin began to stood up, very determined to fight now. 'I thought she'd never stop blaming herself.' Frey thought to herself with a sigh and stepped back a bit to get a bit of rest. She breathed for a minute and was going to help Arin in taking down the enemies when the airship, Katarina SS, came with the kids driving it.

The kids where calling out to Hannes and asked where Frey is. Frey is happy that the kids came but the kid who used the P.A System.... "I thought I told them never to call me MOMMY!" Frey whispered angrily to herself. Nonetheless Frey shouted with all her might, "I'm here! I'm here! Look I need you guys to bring the airship down a bit and give us a rope to climb on!"

Frey turned to her companions and said to them, "Guys! Let's go! It'll be much more better if we can get to the airship." Frey released her armor by saying the word 'INCURSIO'. Frey would help in carrying Ivan, in any case.

@Arrietta @Dreamlight @Metaphysics @SkyFilms @Constance Auburn @LexiRK


Veronica agreed to what Arin asked her to do. "Sure!" She smiled at Arin and felt really relieved that the purple haired girl felt atleast better. The time mage teleported in front of Ivan and sat beside him. She deactivated her time mabipulation perception and watched the others fight. "They're really strong." As she was observing them, an airship finally arrived to help them.

Veronica quickly carried Ivan and called the others. "C'mon guys! let's go!" While she waited for the rope to be brought down, she suddenly felt a sharp pain on the side of her waist. Veronica looked at it and saw a knife that was the cause of the pain. The time mage placed Ivan on the ground and took out the knife that was beside her waist. "Ahh! Shit." she tried not to be heard so that noone would notice. To prevent the losing of blood.. Veronica tied her jacket arround her waist and started to deny the sharp pain that she was feeling. She wiped her welling eyes and carried Ivan again.

@Arrietta @Keysience @Metaphysics @LexiRK
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Jomathan, with his pistol ready, with a grip on his knife tightening with anger, pulls up his scarf and covers his nose and mouth. The reason for this is the moisture from the water from the docks and his sweat which covers most of the scarf. This will help him resist the Carbon Monoxide in the smoke from entering his nasal passages, covering his brain, and killing him. The sniper can't help but feel pleasured by the walls of fire covering both sides, making it just him and the beast. The beast charges at Jonathan, swiping at him with claws sharper than the sharpest knives! Something clicks in Jonathan... A reaction that he has never gotten in such a long time... He knew exactly how to dodge this swift attack. With a burst of energy and quick thinking, he lunges towards the side of where it's paw is attacking from, leans his back so much that if he was playing Limbo he'd be the world champion, and manages to dodge the ginormous claws. While actually surprised the attempt at dodging it, the Novushkan takes the opportunity to drive his knife into the side of the beast while still sliding. He gets it in the with no problem and the knife slides inside the beast's side before he gets up and takes it out, leaving a long bloody gash on the beast.

Now Jonathan is a fair distance from the large creature, watching it in its current state with a look of pure vengeance and sheer anger.

"...This is for Patches..."

(This music plays after Jonathan says the last quote and it will last for the entire battle.)


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Apris looked at the airship and then the monster and finally at the the Helheimian plants. 'I failed before, I won't fail again.' She thought. "HEAR ME FOREST!" She suddenly shouted. As if it was listening the parts of the forest not yet taken by the Helheim suddenly became still. "FIGHT BACK DAMMIT!" She continued as she placed Saniem into Safiem and started pulling back the giant bow, aiming for the creatures chest with her massive spear-arrow. Vines suddenly snaked up to the other plants and started restraining them, the forest was starting to resist. "Get down!" She shouted.
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