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Fantasy Ex-Harmonia!


Spoken To:


Watching the flames spread throughout the forest Remilia sighed to herself, looking at how quickly the fire's breadth was escalating she realized that she may have overdone things a bit, sure, watching their enemies milling about behind the flames, unsuccessfully trying to a safe route of attack made it fairly clear that she'd gotten the job done, but at the rate the fire was spreading half the forest was going to be burned down if nobody did anything about it. Oh well, as long as she got out of her that wasn't any of her concern. Though, the longer she stood around like this the harder that task became, the fire wasn't going to play nice and make a nice little path for her to follow along just because she started it... Come to think of it, she didn't even know the way out of this forest did she?

Well, that was a tad troublesome wasn't it?

Turning her attention to her new-found battle buddy she was relived to see that he'd taken care of his half of business too, the insectile beast he'd been doing battle with early being nowhere in sight, presumably defeated by that impressively enchanted weapon of his, and, while it was fantastic that she wouldn't have to worry about that thing anymore, it didn't exactly give them any better a way out of this forest. Annoying, annoying annoying annoying. This was annoying, they'd won hadn't they, and they didn't have any reward of any sort? At least that's what she thought, until it arrived, soaring through the sky and bellowing out it's words through the forest, making it's presence more than clear to anyone who was anywhere near it's location, no, you probably wouldn't even have to be nearby to head the thing, the speakers it was blasting it's message through were just that damn loud. Honestly though, Remilia couldn't help but feel anything but relief as she heard the blasting noise play out through the forest, despite her inner rambling and complaints about it's volume, and completely ignoring the fact that it wasn't even calling out for her.

Pacing over to where her temporary ally stood Remilia looked around. There were still a number of ways they could make their way towards the source of the noise, but they were ever so slowly closing up, the two of them would need to get moving now if they didn't want to have to be dealing with the fire, or with the enemies forces, which would inevitably find a way around the barrier of fire eventually.
"Hey, you heard that right? We'd better get moving and check it out, could be the only way out of this place" She said, speaking flatly as she approached him, "By the way, I don't think I ever caught your name..." She continued, allowing her voice to trail off, allowing him to fill the space, should he so desire.

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Castella didn't take the mans hand but she definitely needed protection at the moment. "I'm not worth saving though" She knew she didn't matter to anyone. Her family had left her, she had no friends, she was a nobody. She didn't see why this strange man would want to save her

@Constance Auburn (sorry it's a bit late)


Location: Thyrean Forest

Activity: Fighting; Heading towards the Airship

With: Apris @Metaphysics

Frey @Keysience

Veronica @Dreamlight


@Constance Auburn


The help she has been getting had been useful, she was also dangerously venting a bit of her anger out on herself and on her enemies after all, if these people haven't been with her, Arin may as well have joined Ivan's corpse. Of course, Arin isn't thinking like this, though partly blaming her enemies for Ivan's death, she still holds herself as the most responsible as to why Ivan could've died, but no, that wasn't the time it seems, it wasn't the proper time for her to mourn any longer, the blonde girl wielding a sword was right, Ivan didn't save her to die and that other blonde chick with the bow's slap did the right stuff on her as well. From the new people around her including Veronica, Arin mustered the strength that she needed to carve a path for them.

Didn't take long that they were already heading towards the airship that kids are apparently driving, it was ironic, adults being rescued by kids but none of the heroes would probably think this way, they're all focused on getting themselves out of trouble and on board the airship, the blonde with the sword seems to know the kids but instead of dropping a rope like she said, the kids were daring and bold enough to actually make the airship land, albeit crushing a few trees just to do so, it didn't matter, an escape route is an escape route no matter what and right now, it would be the best option after all.

"Okay, you guys better get in-" Arin signaled the others but was cut off when the blonde girl with the bow started firing from something unknown to Arin. Arin immediately prepared herself to launch a barrage of knives and stood a bit closer to the ones carrying Ivan's body. "We'll protect the airship! Get in with Ivan's body please." she said to both Veronica and Frey who were handling Ivan's lifeless body.

Arin threw a few of her knives, pinning a few Arconians to the trees as well as preventing a few Helheimian plants to approach the Airship.
Not now.. Arin was shaky but she keeps herself together as she kept on fighting. It's not the proper time to cry! she thought as she projected a couple more of her knives towards an approaching Arconian.

The Airship

"Okay! I see Frey everybody! Whoaaah! She looks pissed! You shouldn't have called her mommy, Alk!" a small girl with vanilla colored hair said to a boy with spiky hair, calling the boy through the name 'Alk'

"Oh c'mon Claudia! D-d-don't scare me! L-let's just get the ship down!" the boy responded and with few pushes of certain buttons along with a few control with the joint wheel, the two kids managed to get the massively large airship down. "Okay, everyone! To battle positions! We might be getting more hostiles charging towards this airship from here on out! Let's make sure we save these people everyone!" the spiky haired brat announced to the inner PA of the airship, the other orphans didn't take long as they all soon prepped themselves to their previous battle positions, turning the airship an immobilized tank for the mean time.

"Everyone who's within this forest! Please come here! We'll be providing you guys back up and an escape route! Hurry! We will leave in 30 minutes! I repeat:" Said Claudia as the announcement ringed throughout the entire forest.

"That should do! Everyone! Let Frey and her friends in!" The other orphans soon made an attempt to pick up the people just outside the airship.

Earl's Egnarion Form

The beast didn't mind the fires surrounding it and the blaring noise from the airship as its eyes were locked onto Jonathan, the novushkun soldier, its very claws urging to slash itself on the face of the soldier and after the ghastly wound the soldier inflicted on it, the creature lets out its roar once more and its entire body was covered in a green colored aura, it dashes towards Jonathan, hoping to put an end to the soldier's life.


Cykard Group

The insect beast fell down as it was decimated before the might of the former noble's blade, its entire skeletal exterior completely melted from the curse of the powerful night blade. The blaring noise of the announcement caught the group's attention and apparently, it wasn't just them whose attentions were attracted. A small girl wearing a blue dress came out of nowhere, her long white hair and red eyes were captivating but in the heat of battle, her innocence would mean nothing if doesn't defend her against the arconians. Her sudden appearance was alerting the group of her but apparently, she meant no harm.

the girl said, shakily. "T-take..me..with you..." it didn't take long, the girl collapsed.

@Archer @The One Eyed Bandit @Dragonlover1
One of Jonathan's eyebrows rise up once he sees the beast instantly heal itself with a green light. Wait, a green light? The same one that engulfed him and his allies in the first place? The same green light that was leading him towards this exact area. The Novushkun sniper realizes something... That thing brought him and the others here, but why?

This question will have to wait, the beast is coming towards him again. Jonathan's face goes back to the same vengeful one, with his teeth gritting behind the moist scarf. The beast goes for a pounce! Jonathan has to dive to the left, aim his pistol, and fire at the same side he stabbed which looks perfectly clean. Hopefully he can find its weakness of he's a little closer.
Earl's Egnarion Form

The beast was wounded yet again but this time, he managed to slip in a slash onto the soldier's torso, luckily, it wasn't deep and wasn't even close to being considered as deadly.

Although weakening, the beast sets its eyes straight onto its prey before leaping high into the sky, the beast launches itself way up in the air, planning to crush the soldier if its bare claws manages to reach him.
At first, Jonathan is confused at why such a beast can launch itself that high into the air, but soon turns to alarm as the beast descends! "SHIT!" He shouts, having to instead run out of the way, but it's too late. The beast misses him, but it lands so close to him which sends a powerful shockwave through a small portion of the area, even making some of the nearby fire go out. This shockwave sends the sniper nearly flying away, then sliding hard on his back until his back hits hard against a tree.

The pain is unbearable, luckily Jonathan didn't break anything. His vision becomes blurry for a brief moment, as if he got hit with a flashbang and just started the recovering process. As his eyes look around the area a little, he can see the fire spreading, but not as fast as it was earlier. Through the blurriness in his eyes, through the weakness in his arms, he can feel something... A fallen branch. His head turns to see the branch that his right arm is resting on. It's almost as long as a spear and it's just thick enough to look durable. The tip of it is on fire, it covers nearly a third of the entire fallen branch and trust me, it is sharp at the end of it. It's almost like it's a wooden spear on the ground...

An idea forms yet again in his brain... Could fire kill this thing? Will it create a wound so severe, so deep, that it can't be fixed by this green aura? "Only one way to find out..." He mutters as he grabs the sharp, burning branch on its non-burning end in a tight grip, and turning his head towards the beast now charging at him once more. He musters up half of his strength to stand with a bit of difficulty, and the other half running with both of his hands on the wooden spear, giving a great shout that Arin, Frey, and all the other people in his group can hear. "YYAAAAAAAAHHHH!" Once he and the beast finally meet, he brings the spear back and makes a hard upward thrust with its flaming end, aiming for the neck!

Oh yeah and the uh, knife and beretta are on the ground near the tree his back slammed into. Just thought I point that out.

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Apris removed her spear and dispelled it along with the bow when she saw the situation was taken care off. She knelt and put her hand on the ground. "I know you're losing strength but please, try fighting its influence until we get out." She whispered before standing up. "We must go." She said as she jumped into the Airship and landed gracefully before waiting for the others to board.

Feum smiled as she watched from a crack between dimensions. "You may try fighting, but soon, it'll be another world for the Helheim." She chuckled before closing the crack.
"Y'know for a pretty lady, you sure are pretty stubborn." Leaving Castella defenseless was not a polite way to treat a woman as gorgeous as her, with a shrug of her reply, Hannes pulled her by the hand which made the conjurer sit on the Hybrid creature they both were riding on. Moments after their short conversation was a happening of hope and rescue as the airship came just in time for their plan of escape to have some sense of assurance. "HAHAHAHA just what the doctor ordered. I'M HERE KIDS!!" He shouted the loudest that he can to which the kids heard as the two neared the airship. "MY BABIEEEEES!!" Both the children and Hannes felt a huge amount of happiness the moment they all saw each other as if it's been a long time, they then landed the ship opening the ship's humongous gates to where the masked man and Castella went inside.

"Everyone in? Good. Alright kids y'know the drill, minimally.. invasive." As much as the whole family wanted to hug each other, now was not the appropriate time for their chaotic situation which was escaping the horde's clutches and not letting Jona boy there be a human pork chop. "Yessir :3" Claudia remarked as everyone of the orphans returned to their positions to deal with the current dilemma. A closing of the gate was their first move followed by the activation of the thick iron protection and a huge electric shield to which they fired the repetitive tranquilizer ammunition and paralyzing electric projectiles. The non-murderous tactic was working effectively, hitting numerous groups of hybrids from a circular direction.

@Arrietta @Dreamlight @Metaphysics @Keysience

(it's alright gurl, no hard feelings :3 and Merry Christmas)
"I suppose it's in my nature to be stubborn" Castella said though she cringed when he called her a pretty lady.

She didn't know what she could do to help and didn't know what she could do to help. She still didn't have her scepter so she was basically useless.

@Constance Auburn


Mentioned: The Airship @Arrietta

Remilia almost electrocuted the girl as she presented herself before them, taken off-guard by her sudden appearance inside her safe-ground of fire, appearing inside what the enemy forces had been trying to make their way inside for quite a time now like the flames weren't there at all, in fact, she'd been halfway though the motions of filling the girl with enough electricity to drop an elephant before she noticed her lack of hostility, holding off her attack while she waited for the girl to speak. Apparently, she'd decided to do the job for her, as, after she delivered her plead for help she collapsed onto herself, tumbling onto the ground and sinking into unconsciousness before Remilia had the chance to do so much as to ask for her name, let alone make her own decision as to whether the girl harbored any ill-intentions towards her.

This presented an issue. She wasn't under any obligation to help the girl of course, but she could hardly just leave her there, as a mage she couldn't allow someone who had oh so effortlessly made their way though the burning woods go and die on her before she had a chance to figure out
how she'd done whatever it was she'd done, and, seeing as she was getting a bit tired of her the whole lightning shtick, get a demonstration of her technique of it turned out to be of a magical origin. The problem here was actually getting the girl to the airship, carrying her to the damn thing wasn't much of an option with all the fire around... So the prevailing option seemed to be that of bringing the ship to them. A risky venture to be sure, she'd need to signal whoever was piloting the ship, hope they didn't decide against investigating it, and she also ran the risk of the pilot interpreting her signal as an attack... But hell, at least it would save her a bit of legwork wouldn't it? On that thought Remilia clapped her hands together, slowly parting them soon after, a massive amount of electricity crackled between the palms of her hands as she drew them apart, before making a flexing motion with her left hand, breaking the electrical link between the two and sending the energy surging into her right arm and out of her palm, which she quickly directed towards the sky as to make sure anyone around had a clear view of the display.

"Well... Heres hoping this works out..."
She muttered under her breath, her gaze quickly flicking towards the girl's slumped over form before repeating the process until either the airship drew nearer, or decided to take it's leave.
Earl's Egnarion Form

With the wooden spear still driven on its neck, a green aura starts to envelop the beast; the beast then started its attempt to 'heal' the wound; transferring the spear and the wound to a nearby tree. The green aura starts to emanate from the beast till it completely shone a bright green light. The beast's eyes changed, from its cat-like shaped pupil to a more humanistic one, resembling that of Earl's arconian form once more. Earl manages to takeover his own Egnarion form, albeit, making the beast act tamer. Tears start to flow from its eyes. The cat-like beast lets out a majestic roar, making all the aura coming out of its body to burst uncontrollably, almost surrounding the entire Thyrean forest.


Jason Warshead; Ulrika Haze; Jade Warshead;

Planning to leave Thyrean Forest.

Jade covered his hears in an attempt to block the Majestic beast's roar. "Wow, I didn't expect him to use it." His voice losing to the echoes of the roar.

Ulrika, in reply, smirked. "Hmph, I must say, I didn't expect that. Well then, I guess things could become quite..." Ulrika looked towards the brothers. "Bothersome."

Understanding what's next to come, Jade pouted in disappointment. "Man, we just started! Why did he have to do this?" Jade said, losing interest in continuing as each word passes his mouth.

"Well, it doesn't matter, this doesn't mean our plans are ruined anyway." Ulrika shrugged. "This just means we get more of a challenge next time, if you ask me."

Jason only nodded as the two continued to talk.


Arin Crownguard;

Back to the Karavan Festival

Arin continued to protect the airship, Ivan's corpse, Veronica and the mystery woman. However, unlike the others whose attempts at stopping their pursuers involve killing or severely hurting the Arconians, Arin's methods were less violent and less painful; Commonly pinning them onto trees or by stopping them on their tracks by aiming for their legs. Arin's reason for this are currently unknown but regret can be seen carved on her face each time she does so. Arin's chest tightens at the thought of Ivan's death being under her own shoulders. Earl's message to her moments before his death made her unable to blame the arconians and Earl's egnarion but only to her blame herself.

Arin's barrage of knives were put into a halt after hearing a familiar roar. The sound reminded her of Ivan's death, severely making Arin's chest tighten further, however her attention was diverted rather quickly as a green aura surrounds the entire forest. The aura shone too brightly, making Arin cover her eyes. Arin lets out a sharp cry at the blinding aura.

The moment her eyes opened again, however, she was at a place where she was not supposed to be, looking around, there were no longer the towering trees, the airship, Ivan's corpse, even Veronica and the others were missing.

What surrounded her were the familiar sight of the stalls; cries and laughter of random kids playing around; Eilows and Novushkuns in general toasting for a drink around the fountain area.

She was not in the Thyrean Forest anymore. She was back on top of the Thyrean Wall, around the time the Karavan Festival was still peaceful...

Arin looked around, completely confused. What happened? Why am I here? Where's everyone!? Ivan! Veronica!? Arin's head kept looking both left and right. Was I imagining everything?

Arin's face was at an awe. Surprised that she may have just imagined everything up till the arconian invasion till Ivan's death. Though still unable to absorb it all, Arin lets out a deep sigh, feeling comfort as she did so but was immediately interrupted by an announcement, coming from a risen platform at the middle of the Thyrean Wall.

"Welcome to the 15th Karavan Festival!" said a duo standing in the middle of the platform in unison. "I am Elena Thompson, a mage from the house of Eyulb, Eilow's economic magic branch!"

"And I am Lance Oliveros, a proud knight from the Novushkun Aerial Republic, Cornelius!" the duo sounded extremely energetic as they went with their introductions."We know that everyone's getting impatient, but rest assured! After 15 minutes, we will now start with our program flow!" the duo announced.

Arin's breathing became rash, the announcement made her legs tremble, it was impossible that it was just a coincidence... It can't be! Cold sweat began to flow from her head, down to her chest area. No... it can't be... Arin started to sprint towards the center piece, ignoring all the people she bumped into as she attempts to get to the middle of the Thyrean Wall not wanting a possible repetition of what happened on the Thyrean wall.

Chapter 4: And so it begins, again

@Peppermint @Euthanasia @Metaphysics

It was almost over for the sniper at that very moment, the Egnarion's ability to transfer that fatal wound to a tree left Jon even more desperate than before. This is when the man moved to Plan B... He reaches back takes out his sni- Wait wait wait, why is he glowing? Is it his special-*BOOM* AAAAAHHH!!!

The Novushkun soldier wakes up with a loud scream, disturbing some of the patrons walking by. Is it heaven? Tartarus? No, it's a metallic table with three empty wooden chairs surrounding it and five fixed headpieces in front of him. Before he could question where he is, the trickle of water on the back of his neck makes him instantly turn around, his eyes widening in horror. "Oh shit... I'm back at the festival!"

He quickly stands up, taking the earpieces and putting four of them in his right side pocket, putting one of them on his right ear. Jonathan turns the switch to Channel 2, the one that can contact the big radio on Hannes's

Ship. The Novushkun presses down on the small button and speaks,
"Hannes... This is Jonathan, I repeat this is Jonathan. How copy?" He keeps repeating this process until something familiar catches his eye...


Frey Blackfrost

Back at the Karavan Festival

Frey opened her closed eyes, she felt the warm breeze of the day and the falling of water from the fountain. Then as if an arrow on cue, at the exact same time that the fireworks exploded Frey remembered everything that had happened, before this repetition of the Karavan Festival. Swiftly, Frey ran and ran to where Elena and Lance is, planning on stopping this madness. While running she took out her phone and left a voice mail for Hannes to hear. "Hannes if you ever remember everything then please, do not go down come out with the kids, I want you to stay at the air and wait if anything happens after 15 to 20 minutes. See if you can try to prevent anything from happening too." She puts her phone down and not too long after Frey had heard footsteps beside hers, running and the other one was shouting at the other in a weird way. Frey picked up her speed and went to the other two who are shouting and stopped to catch her breath as the too were farther away and she couldn't run as much as before. Is this the symptom of becoming old? Frey shook her head and cleared her mind and ran to catch up again to the two.

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Apris - Prophet of Helheim

Apris looked around confused, she didn't know where she was or what happened. "W-what in the name of Uneil happened?" She shouted. The female Overlord looked around her in confusion...this was...is the past of this world...took note of what was going on and kept her weapons from appearing on instinct in response to this. "Time doesn't stop the Helheim, once it sets its sights on a world nothing will stop it..." She mumbled.

"ARIN! STOP!" She heard someone shout out

Apris whirled around and saw a familiar purple haired girl. Her eyes narrowed before she punched the ground hard, causing small cracks to race at Arin and vines rose and snared her, making her trip. She approached her slowly. "What's going on here?!"
"I'm getting weary from all this walking..." Yuuma said as he clutched the strap of the bag he was carrying.

Still tired, he decided to rest and watch the program. As he went closer to the stage to see the program starting, he noticed a girl rushing towards the
stage. A man was running towards her.

The girl then tripped.

"W-woah!?" The sudden events unfolding before his eyes only contributed to his curiosity.

He tried to get closer, trying to blend in the crowd.
Elias was running around the festival, trying to find someplace where he could enjoy watching the festival going on without being stepped on due to his current form's small size. As he continued running, he began to hear the announcement, sighing in relief as he heard the time remaining before the program could start. "Thank god, I thought I was going to miss the program before I could even take a seat" he thought to himself as he continued running, only stopping for a moment, his ears twitching as he heard someone shouting. As he turned in the direction of the shouting, he saw a girl running and a man running behind her. The girl then tripped, and with that, another girl appeared. "Is this part of a show or something?" he thought to himself as he continued to watch the event that was ocurring in front of him.
There stood a lonely tree outside the walls of Thyrea, drawn there by a magical disturbance. Eckard doesn't understand why he felt it, or what it is, but he feels drawn to it as he is drawn to many magical events. Something is wrong here, something feels different, like a hiccup in the fabric of reality. As guards patrolled the walls they looked with suspicion, no recollection of this tree being here.

Eckard could hear the joyous sounds and smell the wondrous food wafting from inside this village of sorts. He was scared to proceed though, the last time he can remember so many people the only other thing he could remember was pain. So there he stood, fifty feet from the walled city. A few rounds of guards passed by before someone decided to take a closer inspection. Eckard was crouching low, arms and legs covering his body so no human features could be seen. The guards poked and prodded but they couldn't quite understand what this thing was doing here. It was clear it wasn't a tree, at least not one they've ever seen. Soon back up was called and a small crowd on bystanders gathered to see what was going on. In the meantime Eckard wondered what could be smelling so good.

Back to the Karavan Festival

Helping Arin to stand up

With: @Euthanasia @Noblesse

Right after carrying Ivan again, Veronica continued to patiently wait for the ladder to come down from the airship. All of a sudden, a bright green light started to envelop every each and one of them. Without having any second thoughts, the time mage girl closed her eyes as the bright light continued to envelop them. What now? Veronica thought to herself, feeling nervous that something terrible might happen once the light vanishes.

In an instant, all of them were teleported back at the Karavan festival. When Veronica slowly opened her eyes, she was eating a macaroon and was seated at the bench, near the fountain.
"Hmmm.. yum." Right after swallowing the macaroon that she was eating, her eyes started to widen because she was back at the Karavan Festival, where all the bad things happened. "How in the world did I come back here?!"

Veronica looked around her and noticed that she wasn't carrying the corpse of Ivan anymore. She suddenly heard a familiar announcement from the stage which had caught her attention.
"This...This is where it all started." Veronica quickly stood up from the bench and ran towards where the announcement came from.

There she saw some familiar faces near the stage, as if trying to prevent something from happening once again. Veronica narrowed her eyes and saw a purple haired girl that suddenly tripped, a sword wielding blonde haired girl, and a guy with a sniper running towards the purple haired girl.
"Is that A-Arin? and Frey?!" She then started to teleport right in front of Arin and looked at her in the eyes.

She saw an expression from Arin that she has never ever seen before. An expression you wear when you're trying to chase someone but you're too far away to reach for it. Veronica felt heartbroken as she was looking at Arin's face. She crouched and placed her hand right in front of Arin, trying to help her stand up.
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As he was just about to reach over and grab the back of the Eilow's hoodie, vines came up from the ground and ensnared Arin's foot, sending her toppling to the ground! Those vines... They almost look like the ones in the forest that tried to attack him and his allies. Suddenly, he hears a voice present itself to Arin and the soldier, making him instantly turn around with a hand on his beretta, about to pull it out when he recognizes who the voice belonged to.

"Holy shit... It's you. The uh, who are you again?" Jonathan asked the woman, remembering how she appeared out of nowhere in the mysterious forest, how she helped to kill many of the Arconians to guide his allies to safety, the question he has on his mind is... How did she get there and why? However, that doesn't matter at the moment. Now, he needs to focus on preventing a civil war inside Thyrea... Again.

Instead, he focuses on the lady's question.
"Never mind, never mind. It seems the large cat thing brought us back to the start of the festival, but we should talk about this somewhere more private, because as you can see..." He turns around and gives a small motion to the crowd watching them in confusion. As he shows the mysterious woman the crowd, Jon spots a particular building nearby. A cafe, with its doors open and the usual customers out to watch the special program unfold, even the cashier which makes it the ideal spot to have a private conference amongst themselves.

With a relived smile, he turns back to the lady.
"And there's our private spot." He says, referencing the empty cafe by pointing behind him by a quick flick of his index finger towards the shop, leaning in towards the woman with a hushed tone. "Look, if you want to stop the events of the future from occurring, I suggest we go in there and plan our next course of action because we have EXACTLY fifteen minutes until this place turns into a fiery pit of death and destruction." Jonathan finishes it with a more silent tone, making sure the crowds wouldn't hear him and go in an all out riot. He then turns around and starts walking to the cafe, spotting another familiar face helping Arin up. Although her name is unknown to him, she did help him kill many of those Arconians out in the forest, so it's obvious that she should be apart of their plan for saving Oswald.

He lightly taps the girl's shoulder as he passes her by. "Bring her along..." Jonathan mutters before making his way through the crowds towards the empty cafe.

@Noblesse @Peppermint @Metaphysics
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Arin Crownguard

Heading towards the cafe

"Ouch" the impact on how she hit the floor wasn't much but still, it was still painful. Luckily, Veronica and Jonathan both arrived at the scene and apparently, it was that vines lady that caused her to trip. She doesn't remember her name exactly, in fact, she doesn't remember if they formally had a greeting already. Well, those events, in particular were just confirmation that she isn't the only one that remembers the events that will probably happen. A thought suddenly slipped her mind, it was a very momentous event from the 'past'. Patches... Her expression changed to an extremely tragic one but that thought that she could probably prevent that from happening again gave her a hint of hope and somehow, relief.

"Guys, I'll follow. Can I leave for just a while?" her voice was rather down and it was tainted with self pity. Arin left the three and went towards the woody area near the fountains. What could've happened here in the 'past'? As she was strolling around, she could feel a presence among the trees. She turned to where it was coming from and readied her knives. "Who's there?"
Apris - Prophet of Helheim

"I see..." Apris said slowly as she slowed into a stop. This wasn't the first time she had dealt with time travel and it sure wasn't the first time she had made use of it. This does however give her the advantage of preparing the world and its heroes for The Forest's invasion. "I follow you, I am Apris, Overlord from Helheim and whatever services I have to offer are yours to use." She said as she followed him to the the cafe.

She reached the cafe and spotted a small potted plant, a white flower, near the doorway and leaned towards it. "Stand guard little one." She told it. The flower's petals shook slightly in acknowledgement before she moved past it.


Spoken To: N/A

Another bolt of lightning flared up into the sky.

Her eyes flickering between the encroaching threats of her foe, and fire alike, an expression of frustration was clearly spread across Remilia's face. Honestly, it wasn't like the bolts she was firing off into the sky were exactly hard to notice, but they'd barely drifted an inch closer towards her.
"Damn it..." She muttered as her gaze once again came to focus on the threats in front of her. At this rate, the fire would be damn-near cooking her within a few minutes, and then the enemy wouldn't even have to break through it to see her dead..

Her plan certainly didn't seem to coming together as nicely as she'd hoped it would, and now there was the additional issue of the unconscious girl on the ground... But she didn't exactly have a back-up plan. And with how close the fire was getting, she didn't have time to think of one either. Which meant this next bolt would be her next chance.

Breathing in deeply, she began to pull as much mana as she could muster from within herself, channeling it through the array of tattoos splayed across her right arm, causing a familiar crackle of electricity to surround it. This time though, rather than releasing it, she allowed it to continue to build. Minutes later the static surrounding her arm had built into a miniature storm of electricity. "Man, I'm going to regret this in the morning.." She joked, as she began thrusting her arm into the air to she completed the spell. Honestly, even as she was on the brink of firing her spell, she hardly expected to get out of her situation alive, there was no way the airship would make it to her in time, even if they interpreted her signal correctly. But even knowing that, there was no way she was going to let herself go out without a fight, so, despite the doubts whizzing through her mind, she hoped for a miracle, and fired her spell up through the burning leaves.

Then, a familiar wave of green light once again washed over her.

And an enormous bolt of lightning flashed across the festival skies.

Wait, what?

Remilia herself barely noticed it at first, having unwittingly squeezed her eyes tightly shut as she'd cast the spell. Opening her eyes, she almost jumped at the sight that met her. Stalls. Crowds. A festival.
The festival. Within a moment the scorching heat of the fire had been replaced by the warmth of a busy crowd, and it's fierce crackling being overthrown by the noise of bustling people. A wave of anger washed across her. Was someone playing with her or something? She knew that she she probably feel relieved that she'd made it out of that situation alive, but... Nothing pissed her off more than when people tried to toy with her. And there was no way in hell that there wasn't somebody behind this. There was no way being transported as she had been was a coincidence, not if it happened twice, especially in the manner that it had.

Looking around though, she knew she'd have to push that aside for now. The crowd surround her, was, understandably, staring, she had just fired a bolt lightning into the sky after all, and a rather sizey one at that. And more than a few folks looked more than a tad perturbed by that. Usually, she'd just fight off anyone who had an issue with her magic, but even she was a little drained after her ordeal within the woods, so she instead decided to make her way away from the crowds, making for the nearest... The nearest
anywhere where she could try and figure out what the hell was going on.

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Yuuma tried to follow the three but the large crowd prevented him from getting there as quick as he wanted.

"Hey! Watch where you're going, kid."

"Ah, sorry, sorry!"

After getting through, he had already lost them. He tried to look for them and while doing so, he stumbled upon a dainty white flower.

"Oh! I've never seen this kind of plant before..." He said to himself. He noticed that it was near a cafe's doorway.

"Um Hello? I have a question about your..." He said as he went through.

His voice trailed off as he realized that the cafe is empty. His voice was rather loud too, and slightly echoed throughout the room.

@Metaphysics @Peppermint
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Elias continued watching those people as they headed off, becoming harder to see where due to the moving crowd blocking the view.

"That was strange..." he thought to himself as he now stared blankly towards the crowd of people, only getting back to his senses as he saw something flashing towards the skies. Before it could disapear, the little rodent-like creature began running towards it, his curiosity getting the best of him.

As he arrived, he saw a red haired girl ( @The One Eyed Bandit ) leaving the crowded area. Believing that she was the one who did that, he began following behind her, wondering the reason for her to launch that bolt into the sky.
Ah, clairvoyants and their kind, why do they always have to be so vague? 'Something has changed.' Doesn't exactly help. Minerva had been sent to Thyreato help prevent something. Help how? Stop what? So many questions, only thing to do really was to listen. Sitting in a cafe, at a table near the windows, Minerva had carved a runic symbol into the wooden top of the small round table and spoken a few words. She was now able to use the table as a receiver of sorts, listening in on all the conversations in the city, tuning her spell like a dial on a radio to change locations, waiting for some clues.

It really was a nice day outside, what a horrible time to waste on a mission. The air smelled of delicious food, the air similarly filled with deliciously good music. Focus Minerva. Minerva tuned out the sounds around her, trying to focus solely on the conversations of the city, looking for her clues.

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