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[div class=name]Everworld.[/div]

[div class=container][div class=description]Everworld was the newest fantasy VR Game hype everybody had been talking about these days. From young to old, the game had something in store for every age to enjoy. Set in a medieval setting with fantasy elements put inside, the game knew new heights when it came to popularity. Becoming the number 1 game of all times. The characters received quests to complete, which could be anything: from running an errand for a local store to actually defeating a demon in one of the dungeons laying around. Even guilds were present, some having a better reputation than others. It all depended on the preferences of the player on which one they wanted to join. One could upgrade their armour and weapons if they were fighting oriented, others could buy normal pretty clothes if they just wanted to experience the normal life there. Even shady ones were around where sometimes rare items could be achieved by completing a mission.[/div][/div]


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[div class=name]the update.[/div]

[div class=container][div class=description]An update was being worked on by the creators yet the content never got “leaked”, neither did the company say much about it. Only that it would be… life-changing. Indeed. One could understand it in a lot of ways, but they never guessed it right. It wasn´t figuratively speaking, it was literally.

January 5th, 2073. The update launched. Nothing seemed to have changed besides some bug fixes and one small box one could tap in the settings menu once they entered Everworld. Just a tiny box with this written next to it: life-exchange. Yes, it was a rather ominous button and players were utterly confused about it. But since no data was revealed as it was only the first day of the update, none could be too sure about it. What did I really mean? Was it a pun from the creators or was it something more dangerous? Only those that clicked the button would really come to know. Also, the downside for having checked it was that it couldn´t be undone. Their real life body was put in some sort of coma with the promise that it wouldn´t die from starvation or anything sort like. However if they died in game, that would be the complete end as well.

But of course, you wouldn´t be put there as a starting “player”. You´ll actually be the character you played in the game. Though, if you´ve only started out recently, you might want to be a little more careful.


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[div class=name]classes.[/div]

[div class=container][div class=description]
  • Knight
  • Swashbuckler
  • Paladin
  • Barbarian
  • Samurai
  • Summoner
  • Necromancer
  • Illusionist
  • Elementalist
  • Druid
  • Assassin
  • Priest
  • Ranger
  • Bard
  • Monk
  • Gunslinger


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[div class=name]rules.[/div]

[div class=container][div class=description]- A minimum requirement of 350 words per post.

- Post at least 3 times a week.

- 1 character per person for now.

- Keep the drama out of the ooc.

- If you want to quit, let me know about it and post a fitting exit for your character.


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[/div][/div][div class=credit]code by [COLOR=#FF3400]sox[/COLOR][/div]

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