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Realistic or Modern Evergreen Circus || OOC

Yknow I've always tried making complex characters like Maxwell, but to no avail; I have had this idea for him for an extremely long time, im so happy you guys enjoy him as a character :,-)
Oof, she still is a very cute design! It's up to you if you decide to keep it or not, but I think her appearance is charming. Also, you could have her go to the cafeteria/canteen area! Everyone is gathering there anyway. N Nue

Aww, I'm glad you're finally able to roleplay with him. It's always nice when you get to rp with one of your more developed ocs! Lunar Lunar
Oof, she still is a very cute design! It's up to you if you decide to keep it or not, but I think her appearance is charming. Also, you could have her go to the cafeteria/canteen area! Everyone is gathering there anyway. N Nue

Aww, I'm glad you're finally able to roleplay with him. It's always nice when you get to rp with one of your more developed ocs! Lunar Lunar
Oh no I'm definitely keeping it, I just thought it was hilarious when I looked at her picture again and was like "...dam u rite tho"
Will do!
Angels have very different codes of etiquette, lol. I realized when I wrote Cassian into being a polite/very socially aware character that he'd be boring unless there was some nuance to that, so the caveat of his well-bred angel manners is that the poor boy has no idea how to talk to demons. :-P
Angels have very different codes of etiquette, lol. I realized when I wrote Cassian into being a polite/very socially aware character that he'd be boring unless there was some nuance to that, so the caveat of his well-bred angel manners is that the poor boy has no idea how to talk to demons. :-P

Who said Maxwell was a demon? >;-)

I mean rumor around the circus is that he is, but no one is quite sure ;p Lotsa whispers
Alvar was just told to be respectful all the time no matter what. It gets to the point where it’s a little annoying sometimes. That’s just a Dryads way. Be respectful, or be punished. *shrugs*

Who said Maxwell was a demon? >;-)
Oh no. Now I’m even more scared.

Lunar Lunar
I know the implication here is Maxwell is shut in his trailer because he eats something probably horrifying, like humans or something, but I'm just imagining he got McDonald's and just doesn't want the others to see it because then they'll want McDonald's too
Yeah, Alvar’s is the type of person how will flinch if there’s even a slight indication that you will even yell at him. Don’t even get me started on him bracing himself for a hit. He’s kinda a wimp. But, he’s an adorable wimp.

Wandering Seraph Wandering Seraph
I can't stop laughing, omg... don't make Maxwell share his McDonalds, he'll cut a b*tch. N Nue Lunar Lunar

I can see Calista has got a lot on her plate already; between taking care of her daughter and making sure no one gets murdered, she's gonna be exhausted lol.
I know the implication here is Maxwell is shut in his trailer because he eats something probably horrifying, like humans or something, but I'm just imagining he got McDonald's and just doesn't want the others to see it because then they'll want McDonald's too

Hes eating Wendys ;^)
LMAOOOOO, oh no!! Well, it was nice knowing Aubrey, I guess.
We've discovered the number one rule of Evergreen circus; don't touch Maxwell's chicken nuggets or you die.
Now that I think about it, Alvar hasn’t been in a situation where he could even have chicken nuggets....... this boi
May I present...
The masterpiece...
I will only refer to as...
"Cassian @ Alvar"

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