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...and as you answer the door, you see none other than YouTube personality Daniel Preda wearing a white and gold Greco-Roman outfit complete with golden sandals. He exchanges a few greetings with you before giving you a scroll and a wooden chest, urging you to look through both items as quickly as possible and promising to explain everything.

While Daniel waits outside, you go back inside and set down the chest, then open the scroll and begin to read it.

“The Society Against Evil needs your help!

You may have heard of us through Joey Graceffa’s show “Escape the Night” on YouTube Premium. While it is true that Mr. Graceffa has been involved in some of our most recent missions, the Society lost contact with him during an assignment at the Museum of the Dead earlier this month. Efforts are currently underway to locate Mr. Graceffa, but a far more urgent situation has recently come to our attention.

Those of you who are familiar with the show Escape the Night may have heard of a being known as the “cursed god”. The Society has learned of a prophecy dating back to Ancient Greece saying that he would return to Earth and bring about the end of the world as we know it, unless certain mortals from the future travel back in time to stop him. To that end, given each of your particular skills, we are now reaching out to you to help us with this mission. If you succeed, you will have earned a place among the ranks of the Society Against Evil. But if you fail... believe us when we say you don’t want to know.

One of our newest agents, whom you may recognize as Joey’s former boyfriend Daniel Preda, will take you by chariot back in time to Ancient Greece, where you will begin your mission. You have also been given a chest containing clothing that corresponds to a specific persona from ancient times. When you are ready to depart, you must be wearing this clothing and cannot carry anything with you from the modern era, or else the chariot will remain hidden from your eyes. Mr. Preda will answer as much of your questions as he can, and more will be explained to you in good time after you arrive, but bear in mind that time is of the essence.

Farewell, and best of luck.”

The names “Joey Graceffa” and the “Society Against Evil” sound vaguely familiar. Weren’t they part of a show on YouTube Premium that was kind of like this, with several YouTubers being invited to parties in different time periods? And come to think of it, didn't those parties always somehow lead to everyone taking part in different challenges that resulted in all but a few of them being horribly murdered?

But maybe you're overthinking this. That was all fake, after all... wasn't it?

Daniel still stands at your doorstep, patiently awaiting your response.


For those of you who don't know, here's a quick summary of the show Escape The Night. Having said that, I intend to design this RP so that no prior knowledge of the actual show is needed to enjoy the RP, so no worries if you have no idea what I'm talking about.

Escape the Night is a fantasy-horror web series/reality competition show on YouTube Originals, created and hosted by Joey Graceffa. The show follows the adventures of Joey (playing the role of "The Savant") and several other YouTubers as they become entangled in the exploits of the Society Against Evil: an organization that has battled various forms of supernatural evil for centuries.

The basic format of the show has Joey and a handful of other YouTubers going back in time (the time period and setting changes with every season) and having to accomplish a wide range of missions and challenges in order to return home to the present, defeating the main villain of each season in the process. However, each episode also has a final challenge in which two YouTubers are chosen by vote to compete head-to-head; the winner survives, but the loser is killed off, typically in a horrific manner corresponding to the challenge.

Of course, it isn't always that simple, and there are a number of ways in which the show can and DOES deviate from this standard formula. I'd explain how, but I wouldn't want to spoil it for you guys, now would I? ;)


All RPNation Rules apply here. This should go without saying, but anything that breaks the rules of this site WILL be reported.

No godmoding/powerplaying/etc. This includes rigging dice rolls in your favor, having a character successfully solve puzzles or avoid enemies without first passing an appropriate dice roll, and anything else that would reasonably count as cheating.

Bear in mind that ANYONE can die. Not all of the player characters (PCs) will survive this RP, so to prevent anyone from being left out of the RP as a result, everyone must create...
  • Multiple PCs, the exact number of which will be evenly split depending on how many players we have, AND
  • At least one (1) NPC, who will not directly take part in any challenges but may still play a role in the overall story.
There will be dice rolling involved, so plan accordingly.

The gaming portion of this RP will be divided into two phases per “episode”: Missions & Challenges/Sacrifices. Missions and Challenges will both require dice rolling, so be sure to familiarize yourself with the dice rolling system on this website.

Missions are objectives that all living PCs cooperate in. Each mission will consist of various puzzles and other tasks, and each individual puzzle/task that a player helps with will require one or more dice rolls. The dice rolling process for missions is as follows:
  1. The available options to complete each individual task in a mission will each correspond to one of the character stats from the Character Sheet (Composure, Focus, Mastery, Erudition, Stealth, Grace, Speed, or Distraction).
    1. Some missions may require the group to perform multiple tasks simultaneously (e.g. one player distracts the enemy to give the others time to finish working on a puzzle).
  2. Whichever option you choose to have a particular character take will require a Xd100 roll (where “X” is the value of the corresponding stat for that character). The result of this roll will determine whether or not the character succeeds at the task.
    1. If multiple characters are working together on the same task, all characters must roll individually, and the highest or lowest result among them (depending on the task) will determine success or failure.
  3. Each task/path will be assigned a Difficulty Value (DV) based on the probability of success for an average person. The result of the aforementioned dice roll must be GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO the DV in order to succeed in the task.
  4. If the dice roll is less than the DV, there may be an option to salvage the task by rolling for a different stat, repeating the same process as before.
  5. If ALL available saves fail in this manner, then the character has failed in the task, and additional consequences may follow.

Beware of laziness during missions!!
This is not a rule/requirement per se, but it’s something to keep in mind, because PCs who don’t actively contribute to the group or don’t help with missions are generally more likely to be voted into challenges or sacrificed.

Challenges will typically come at the end of each mission, and consist of two characters competing in a single set of puzzles/tasks that will (with only one possible exception) ultimately result in a character being killed off.

There are many possible challenges, including some that may contain extra twists and will therefore not be listed here, so as not to spoil the surprise. However, the two main types of challenges are as follows:

--> In a STANDARD CHALLENGE, each PC votes for one person (either themselves or another PC) to be put up for elimination, with each vote increasing the likelihood of a particular PC being selected. Two names are then randomly selected from all of the votes, and the two PCs whose names are drawn will compete against each other in the challenge. The first PC to complete the challenge survives, while the other PC is killed off in a manner corresponding to the setup of the challenge.

--> A PROXY CHALLENGE is nearly identical to a Standard Challenge, except that the PCs put up for elimination must each select a safe PC to compete in the challenge on his/her behalf. In this case, the PC who selected the losing player is killed off.

Character stats will not apply during challenges. Instead, there will be a series of 1d50 dice rolls to simulate each PC’s progress in each post over the course of the challenge as a whole. The first PC whose dice rolls add up to 100 or more will win the challenge. If both PCs pass the 100-point mark at the same time, the PC with the largest total sum of their dice rolls by that point will win. Tiebreaker rolls may also be used as needed.


Sacrifices may occasionally be featured at the end of missions instead of challenges. In a typical sacrifice, each PC votes for one person (either themselves or another PC) to be killed off, with each vote increasing the likelihood of a particular PC being selected. One name is then randomly selected from all of the votes, and the PC whose name is drawn will be killed off.

There are six PCs currently still alive: Alice, Bob, Charlie, Dave, Emily, and Fiona. Following a mission to retrieve a magic diamond for the king, they find said diamond suspended over a bottomless pit, and are informed that the only way for them to obtain the diamond is to first sacrifice one of their own by throwing them into the pit to their death. Seeing no other choice in the matter, they each cast their votes by taking engraved stones with each person’s persona written on them and handing them to the king, who collects the stones in a jar.

Alice votes for Dave.
Bob votes for Alice.
Charlie votes for Bob.
Dave votes for Emily.
Emily votes for Charlie.
FIona doesn't want to kill anyone, so she decides to vote for herself.

The king shakes the jar with all of the guests’ votes inside, then sets it down and proceeds to take one stone out of the jar.

Taking one look at the selected stone, the king announces that the unlucky guest is...


Dave panics and tries to run away, but the king’s guards catch up to him and push him into the pit, where he falls to his death. The rest of the group can only watch helplessly as this happens, and Fiona bursts into tears as Dave’s screams echo from the pit.







OTHER INFO: (history, personality, etc.)

There are a total of 8 stats, as listed below. Each stat’s value can range from 0 (completely useless) to 10 (practically an expert). The sum of a character’s stats at the start of the RP must add up to 40: no more and no less. However, as time goes on, certain actions and/or events may boost a character’s stats (e.g. gaining a COMPOSURE bonus for overcoming one’s worst fear).


How good is the character at keeping calm under pressure and not “freaking out” when presented with something horrifying or unpleasant?

How good is the character’s attention to detail and ability to stay focused on the task at hand?

How good is the character at solving standard types of complex puzzles?

How knowledgeable is the character in relatively obscure/unknown subjects that may still be relevant to missions and challenges?

How good is the character at hiding or otherwise avoiding detection by enemies?

How well can the character avoid clumsy accidents and dodge incoming threats?

How fast can the character move, particularly when faced with a time limit or a pursuing enemy?

How effectively can the character distract enemies or otherwise draw their attention away from other guests?
RELEVANT INFO: (history, personality, etc.)


ACTUAL NAME: Daniel Preda


PERSONA: The Savant



OTHER INFO: Daniel had been Joey Graceffa’s boyfriend for almost six years, and despite their breakup, the two of them have remained on very good terms with each other. Consequently, Daniel was Joey’s closest confidant regarding the latter’s past dealings with the Society Against Evil. After being informed of Joey’s disappearance during an assignment and the discovery of a prophecy involving the “cursed god” that Joey had told him so much about, Daniel insisted on leading the mission to go back in time to Ancient Greece, intending to continue Joey’s work and hopefully learn more about whatever has become of him.


ACTUAL NAME: Red (alias)

YOUTUBE SCREEN NAME: Overly Sarcastic Productions

PERSONA: The Oracle



OTHER INFO: Red is best known for discussing a variety of mythologies, literary works, and creative writing tropes on the YouTube channel she shares with her high school buddy Blue, the latter of whom is likewise best known for his videos on historical figures, periods, and events. Red's more recent videos are especially well-known for her chibi-like and often humorous drawings of the characters she talks about, as well as snippets of her guitar/vocal covers of popular songs in the end credits.

caecgirl caecgirl

Yes indeed! Feel free to fill out your CS’s! Also what personas would you like to play as? Anything that would fit a character in ancient times (examples below) would work.

The Gladiator
The Charioteer
The Senator
The High Priest(ess)
The Performer
The Scribe
The Philosopher
The Hunter/Huntress
The Centurion
The Merchant
caecgirl caecgirl

Yes indeed! Feel free to fill out your CS’s! Also what personas would you like to play as? Anything that would fit a character in ancient times (examples below) would work.

The Gladiator
The Charioteer
The Senator
The High Priest(ess)
The Performer
The Scribe
The Philosopher
The Hunter/Huntress
The Centurion
The Merchant
That works! You will need to make multiple player characters though (exactly how many will depend on how many people join) as well as at least one NPC, because some of our player characters WILL gradually be killed off over the course of the RP and I don’t want anyone to be left out.
That works! You will need to make multiple player characters though (exactly how many will depend on how many people join) as well as at least one NPC, because some of our player characters WILL gradually be killed off over the course of the RP and I don’t want anyone to be left out.
first sheet done. not as passionate about the others...working on them though. btw whats the dice base? d6, d10, d20, and d100 are the most com,mon. generally all rolls except damage use this base. sorry for "womansplaining."
No worries. I typically use d100 for missions and d50 for challenges. The exact procedure I use is listed in Rules & Game Mechanics —> Game Mechanics in the OP, along with example scenarios I had put together on another site (currently working on updating the links for this site instead).

first sheet done. not as passionate about the others...working on them though. btw whats the dice base? d6, d10, d20, and d100 are the most com,mon. generally all rolls except damage use this base. sorry for "womansplaining."
Also I don’t see the sheet. Could you add it again?

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