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Fantasy Epic Awesome Quest- OCC

Annnnnnd Spider is done and with him the boys pre narrative history is completed.
Sorry im late, starting typing now. I've even got a pretty good starting mission for us. Hope everyone here is a fan of Ants.
Ok you guys. Its up hopefully it sets the scene well for y'all to get out an opening. Ill get us aimed at the mission soon as croc contacts The Narrative.

Just to confirm, are we already on the ship?
Yes. Croc is down on the planet because of 3 reasons. A.) He knows where the store house is. B.) He can carry the crates personally. C.) He insisted on going there to ensure he had plenty of whiskey.

So croc is on the surface and the crew is in the ship which is in orbit. The ship isnt there because this planet is filled with godzilla sized animals that can and will crush a parked ship. But it can lower itself into the atmosphere just above the clouds and use directed magnetism to pull the gold panel croc is on up like an elevator.
I guess what are we being expected to do at the moment? How long have we been on the ship and what was our recruitment like? Admittedly I figured we were going to start this roleplay with the actual recruitment so I'm missing a few details.
Well in my head canon i tried to steer away from the recruitment phase because it would not only take months but most rps die in that phase.

So i had it start just after recruitment. Members were preparing for a year long trip and the final preparations are underway. Like each character should be wrapping up their work if possible anf preparing to leave for another universe.

In actuality none would have a very good idea of What The Narrative actually is besides the brothers and first mate. None have gone through the 10 year training process, basically you guys were approached by The brothers who either offered you something or solved some problem for you to get you to join.
Anywhere youd like honestly. The vessel has a room for each agent, a kitchen, a cargo bay, a medical bay, an airlock for space walks, a gym, a jail, an outer deck that can be accesses even when in space due to shields around the ship and atmospheric generators, it even holds 3 fighters in its docking bay. Its not as small as it looks in the picture thanks to dimensional tech from the Narrative that allows it to hold more space within than it should based on the proportions outside. There is also a confrence room with a holo table for the crew to meet in that is complete with a bar and has a door into the kitchen. Near the cargo bay there is a room for trash and waste removal. Each room has its own bathroom and shower and is technically the only place that is off limits to everyone. Each crew member has a key to their own rooms door and no one except the captain has a skeleton key. But he spends most of his time in the room, in the bridge, or the bar.
I'll actually be getting the first chunk of lore done today when i get home in about 6 hours. That may answer questions one has about the recruitment process and the Narrative itself. I have kept most of your characters away from the narrative in the early game so i can mod yall out later with narrative tech.
Well, I'm going to say that Chevi's on the bridge. Anyone else feel like saying where their characters are?
I think I’ll wait for BlightGiver’s post as Chevi will be assuming Rabbit is in the bridge to talk to Jwarva.
Ok im off so lemme answer amd comment on stuff them ill get started on lore bricks. That said the option to be on the planet with croc is open to all except the first mate who will be needed to fly the ship as thats basically the job of the captain and first mate.

Well, I'm going to say that Chevi's on the bridge. Anyone else feel like saying where their characters are?
That's a good place to be. Rabbit just went there looking for the first mate.
Jaxon might be in the conference room at the bar.
He and croc will likely be good friends if he frequents the bar.
Val's going to be in the armory but will move somewhere at the end of the post.
The armory is where rabbit just came from...well he was there then he went to the navigation chamber where spider was then went to the bridge. The armory wouldnt be locked but only her own locker is accessible to her jam packed with goodies by rabbit. He has the keys to all the lockers to perform maintenance on guns and load magazines.

I think I’ll wait for BlightGiver’s post as Chevi will be assuming Rabbit is in the bridge to talk to Jwarva.
That is an accurate assumption.
Nicely done PixelSymphony PixelSymphony i feel like she will get along with rabbit and croc equally. Probably not spider but then again no one really gets along with him as he loves pissing people off.
I like jaxon already. He and spider will likely have many fun shennanigans in the future if he is as morally ambiguous as you seem to depict him. Hell croc and he might share war stories over some whiskey bottles. Caffeine_Obsessed Caffeine_Obsessed
Just a few things to mention from your post.

A.) The Ship is by no means small on the inside. Its about the size of a shopping mall. That can still be small to her but nonetheless its pretty far from cramped.

B.) The ship is in orbit and going too and from the vessel before our first mate picks us up is kinda impossible. Croc and her would he on the planet waiting for the ship to pick them up so i dont think thera could be in the ship just yet if she started in the jungles on the surface.

If you'd be so kind as to edit the transition from planet to ship out that would fix any inconsistencies in the setting.
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
Just a few things to mention from your post.

A.) The Ship is by no means small on the inside. Its about the size of a shopping mall. That can still be small to her but nonetheless its pretty far from cramped.

B.) The ship is in orbit and going too and from the vessel before our first mate picks us up is kinda impossible. Croc and her would he on the planet waiting for the ship to pick them up so i dont think thera could be in the ship just yet if she started in the jungles on the surface.

If you'd be so kind as to edit the transition from planet to ship out that would fix any inconsistencies in the setting.
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
Sorry changed. People can find her as appropriate this time.
Much better thanks. Though the only colleague there with her is croc but yes excellent. One more from our first mate and i can move us to the mission
BlightGiver BlightGiver Jwarva is needed to pilot the ship down to the surface when you are ready my friend.

PixelSymphony PixelSymphony i beleive your cs still lists your character as the navigator. Would you mind swapping it to chef?

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