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Fantasy Engranussian Younger Years (CLOSED)

Reaver raised his brows, smiling widely once more as he hugged Graham in return once more. "Thaaank youuu."

He shook Reaver around before setting him down, and patting his back once again. "It's no problem. I just wanna make you happy, that's all."
He shook Reaver around before setting him down, and patting his back once again. "It's no problem. I just wanna make you happy, that's all."

"Well, yer doin' a good job at it." He grinned and snickered, loosening the embrace.
He grabbed another bowl and went over to Reaver. "Do we have chocolate syrup?"

Perking his ears at that, he peeked into the fridge before grinning and taking out the chocolate syrup. "Yep! Right here."
Perking his ears at that, he peeked into the fridge before grinning and taking out the chocolate syrup. "Yep! Right here."

Graham took the chocolate syrup, open it and chugged down a few seconds worth of it before swallowing and nodding. "I don't have a problem, i swear."
Graham took the chocolate syrup, open it and chugged down a few seconds worth of it before swallowing and nodding. "I don't have a problem, i swear."

While watching, Reaver laughed before shutting the fridge. "Just make sure t' save some fer the ice-cream."
"Yus sir!" He began to dump a heavy amount of ice-cream in before handing the rest of the ice-cream to Rea.

Reaver watched, a wide grin on his face before then dumping his own ice cream into his bowl. His tail having curled instantly.
Reaver watched, a wide grin on his face before then dumping his own ice cream into his bowl. His tail having curled instantly.

Graham clapped, happy with the food in front of him, begging to be eaten. He then began to eat quickly before getting a brain freeze. "OW! NOT FUN!"
Graham clapped, happy with the food in front of him, begging to be eaten. He then began to eat quickly before getting a brain freeze. "OW! NOT FUN!"

Reaver perked his brows at that, lifting his own bowl before lowering an ear. "Brain freeze?"

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