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Dice Empire of Ash OOC

Myth-Weavers Online Character Sheets


One wild child, coming up.
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  • Wren

    Race: Human

    Alignment: Chaotic Good

    Age: 18

    Str: 10

    Dex: 20 +5

    Con: 14 +2

    Int: 14 +2

    Wis: 12 +1

    Cha: 10

    Level: 1

    God: None claimed. Will call out to whichever God will be best in that circumstance.

    Hit Points: 10

    Hero Points: 3

    Armor Class: 19

    Perception: +5 (+6 to Detect Traps)

    Initiative Bonus: +7

    Fortitude Save: +3

    Reflex Save: +7

    Will Save: +1

    Base Attack: 0

    Melee: 0

    Ranged: +5

    Feats and Traits

    Reactionary: +2 to Initiative

    Rich Parents: Starting money is 900 gp

    Resilient: +1 to Fortitude Roll

    Animal Antipathy: -2 to Ride and Animal Handler checks

    Dodge: +1 to Armor Class

    Two Weapon Fighting - Reduces the penalty for TWF, -2 and -2 when using light weapons.

    Feat Wish List

    Improved Two Weapon Fighting (8th level)

    Weapon Finesse

    Weapon Focus

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"Damned if you do, damned if you don't. thrice damned if you make no move at all."

- Kael Gro'losh -

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/Character_3ca1a7_5788967.jpg.f2755393715536fa253fb4fad23f253a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147511" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/Character_3ca1a7_5788967.jpg.f2755393715536fa253fb4fad23f253a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 6' 8"

Weight: 215 lbs

Temperament: Jovial

Covered in a large set of chainmail this tall half-orc stands strong against any and all that comes against him. His weapon, just as much of a barrier as any shield and an inspiring sight for all around him to stand fast, and fight on. However, his abilities lie not only with the realms of defence, for his strength is inhuman and paired with an unending drive to save his fellows leads to mental images of a bear defending it's cubs... Though.. the fact most bears that display such ruthlessness are female, so it makes the image not fit TO properly...

When a battle unfolds, he has two choices, his longspear, which he uses to rid the enemy's very own attacks upon his allies with a swift upset of an enemy's attack. (bodyguard feat yo.) And when his hands grip the handle of his falchion none may stand tall, as each strike displays an ancestral savagery tempered and refined in a sharpened edge. A cold iron, masterfully forge Falchion, a weapon he calls a companion, much like his elders before him.



As a warder, he has a job to protect his allies, regardless what comes their way. Sadly, when such a thing is disease what can one do? Leave the land? Hold up in a house and hope everything blows over? The wyrmrot is not something to be so easily evaded. No, at the behest of his friends he stayed with them in their home, they stayed in that house for a week, and in a weeks time everything went to hell.

First that went was their grandmother, a kind old woman, she did not deserve this. Next was the wife, she moaned and screamed for days before she went silent. Next was kael's friend himself, he begged him to get their daughter to safety, the last thing they had that wasn't touched yet by the plague.

Kael was strong, but the girl, he knew he had to move quickly, to get her to a church or place of healing. She had not shown the signs yet by some grace of Fleuriel, but he had to make certain it stayed that way. The plague had drove some folk mad with raving, weak wills in any time of weakness tend towards it. You cannot blame them... But maddness can drive men and women to see the world not as it should, and on that day as he made his way to the Fleurielites he saw them. A group of maybe 4-6 men with torches, scarred by plague and wild eyed, screaming of how the goddess had abandoned them.

The building was a place of healing, and in their madness they saw it as a cause of this. Such utter depravity.... they had to be put down, like rabid dogs... he sent the child towards the church, it wasn't to far off and relatively clear, she would stick to the edges of the area, away from corpses, just as he said... A good girl, listened well, perhaps she'd grow up to become something should she survive this horrid curse.

But she would have no chance without that church, and he was tasked with protecting that child. It was that day and hour he caught the plague, it was as horrible as it looked. Never before had he cursed Solst, but on those days he wished he'd come sooner. But it seemed, that Solst would not be coming to him at all...

He had survived... but where he was he could not remember. he remembers not going to a place of healing, he remembers walking... It was definitely lower Pyreport but...

[Will be continued later, once we get it all going. Consider it a story-like diary of sorts.]



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Myth-Weavers Online Character Sheets

From The North came Drostir. (played by Sam)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/the_destroyer___book_3_by_thedurrrrian-d9t17ld.jpg.e35da9b3bf473cf380334af68222431c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147205" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/the_destroyer___book_3_by_thedurrrrian-d9t17ld.jpg.e35da9b3bf473cf380334af68222431c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Idk how to do all those fancy things yet)


Height: 6'3"

Weight: 230lbs

Hair: dark brown

Eyes: dark brown

Though tall, Drostir is a fairly average build. He also has an unremarkable face and look to him. The only thing about his appearance that seems to be worth note is his hands. The tips of his fingers are blacked as if from severe frost bite. Though he has full range of motion amd complete sensation, they are cold to the touch even when held over flame. Drostir considers it an honor and mark of privilege to have the stains.


Drostir has always been adventurous even as a youth, always getting into trouble for climbing the trees too high, staying under water to long etc. One day during the summer of his 13th year, he was exploring a nearby cave system. Deep within the cave he discovered an altar with a whole symbol with some dried herbs and incense. Realizing that the symbol was made of silver he grabbed it with, less than noble intentions. As soon as he grabbed it a freak storm had come upon the land.

Hours later Drostir was found a few hundred yards from the village, unconscious. His fingers cold and frost bitten, still clutching the holy symbol.

To this day he does not speak of what conspired between his finding of the symbol and his return to the village but ever since he has been a devoted follower of the Winter Stag.



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<div style="text-align:center;"><p> <strong>Kazrik Algrimsson - Dwarf Barbarian, Former Gladiator</strong> <img src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/14985696/Pathfinder%20Character%20for%20Campaign/RPNation/Dwarf%20Trollslayer.jpg&key=2030c6b326acf7026bb00e0f292ec6715f0b458fab9ef0ad7e64ab75d09da52b" class="ipsImage" alt="Dwarf Trollslayer.jpg" /></p></div>

  • Kazrik Algrimsson, in a previous life, was the son of a prominent merchant family, residing in a dwarven hold far away in the mountains of a distant land. His life was shattered, when brutal orc raiders and their ogre allies assaulted the hold. While these raiders were eventually driven off, they managed to capture quite a number of women and children to take as slaves. Kazrik was only a small child when this happened, and to this day has only a small number of fading memories of his family and homeland. He and many others were put to work in the mines, or toiled in the various fungus farms. While many died under their cruel orc slave masters, Kazrik somehow survived this harsh and dangerous life. His bond changed hands many times, and between many masters before he became a young adult dwarf. He eventually found himself so far from the original raider clan that had captured him, he had no idea how he would ever get home. As Kazrik grew in strength, a clan of hobgoblins he had been sold to, decided he would be worth more in the gladiatorial slave pits than as a common laborer. They taught him some rudimentary fighting techniques, then tossed him into the pit to fight his fellow slaves for their master's entertainment. This was a horrifying experience for him, yet somehow, Kazrik also survived this. His natural toughness and raw strength allowed him to overcome his opponents, and as time went on, he managed to achieve quite a number of victories. He was sold to yet another group of raiders and humanoids, this time as a gladiator instead of a slave, and these people toured him around with a group of other gladiators, entering them as a team in various combats and arenas. One of the gladiators on the team, a half-ogre named Gorug, befriended Kazrik, and helped him and the other gladiators in their team survive their fights. Gorug helped further train and refine Kazrik's fighting skills, and the two became quite a team. Together, they were awarded many scars, many tattoos, and other markings. The pits and arenas were quite brutal, and after a time, Gorug and Kazrik were the only original members left. They had become hardened, and numb to the brutality of it all. Kazrik's life would change once again however, as one night after a fight, he was abruptly rousted from his cell and taken from his team. He quickly found himself outside the encampment, under the open sky, where his chains were removed, and he found himself being sold yet again. This time, he was being sold to a dwarven merchant, who had seen him fight in the gladiatorial games, and needed an additional bodyguard for his travels. Kazrik was bewildered. He had never been a bodyguard before, and had not seen another dwarf in quite some time. The merchant's name was Gundrak Ironbeard. He was an elderly dwarf, and specialized in selling dwarven crafted cooking instruments and farming tools. Compared to his previous owners, Gundrak was quite kind to Kazrik. He had felt sorry for the dwarf slave, and decided that he could both free the slave, and profit in his own way. While Kazrik guarded Gundrak's wares and caravan without pay, the merchant took some time to educate Kazrik on various bits of dwarf culture, and helped him refine his use of the language, which Kazrik had rarely used. In addition, Gundrak taught Kazrik how to read both dwarf and common. The other sell swords and mercenaries that worked with the caravan helped civilize and soften the former slave gladiator, helping him further control and harness the bestial fury within him. While Kazrik was eager for vengeance against the slavers that took him from his home, Gundrak and his caravan tried, but could not help him. Kazrik was so far from where he was taken, that no one knew where the hold was that he described, nor did anyone recognize the banners of the orc raider clan that took him. He was in foreign lands with foreign company. Circumstances for Kazrik changed once again, when their caravan visited Pyreport. While Gundrak made an unusually extended stay in Pyreport, the Wyrmrot plague struck. For the most part, the carvan was thought spared, until Kazrik started showing symptoms. Wanting to be quickly away from Pyreport, but eager to help Kazrik, Gundrak left the dwarf barbarian in the care of a local apothecary and departed, hoping to avoid the plague himself. He left a note with the apothecary to give to Kazrik when he recovered, but then the apothecary began to show the signs of the plague. Kazrik had never been this ill before, and was in a vastly unfamiliar city. He was uncooperative with the apothecary, and eager to join back up with Gundrak's team. Despite being headstrong, the prospect of freedom was unfamiliar, and a bit frightening. He had been someone's property for a large portion of his life, and in a way, he still considered Gundrak his master, even if that wasn't true. As the plague worsened, events became unclear for him.

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