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Fandom DWMA - A Sound Soul - Soul Eater RP

Oh. Well I have a lot more respect for you, Shippo. I don't know how you guys do it.. I don't think I'd be able to without my laptop.
Jeeeez. I've worked a 12 hour day before but unfortunately those are the days where I'm always busy so even if I had a phone that could, I wouldn't be able to reply. Now that summer is over hopefully those 12 hour days well be few and far between :P
I work at a hotel going between Front Desk and Housekeeping as is needed. Started out solely on front desk but then we were shorthanded and I offered to learn.

As you can guess, Front Desk allows me to be pretty free (especially the 3pm -11pm shift) but Housekeeping you're constantly cleaning except when you're on lunch break. No time to write out decent replies.
I work at Wal-Mart doing cart carry out and whatever else. I normally read post and reply later.

Spooky do we know each other or are we meeting for the first time
I honestly don't know. Would you rather our characters know each other already, or meeting for the first time?
Maybe we can do something inbetween like we only been partners for a little bit like maybe 3 months
Well the idea is that everyone is a new student... so people wouldn't have been partnered.

You guys could have been friends for that span of time, though.
Canon characters exist but I don't want them as a part of the roleplay really besides some events that'll take place in the future.

It's alternative because Death is still around, though.

@Strawberry Preserves

Since Strawberry Preserves is making a character we just need StoneWolf18's friend to post the partner to her character and everyone will at least have a match. So we're doing ok :)

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