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Fandom DWMA - A Sound Soul - Soul Eater RP

It gets worse before it gets better :3

But when it gets better, it's awesome.

Also, it's really hard to believe it when you've actually finished school. I'm on my last semester and it just... it doesn't feel like I'm actually almost done.
RubyRose said:
It gets worse before it gets better :3
But when it gets better, it's awesome.

Also, it's really hard to believe it when you've actually finished school. I'm on my last semester and it just... it doesn't feel like I'm actually almost done.
Heh, I'm assuming after doing it for so long it just seems like daily life until its not anymore... just an overwhelming sense of disbelief

That is it exactly. It becomes so ingrained into your life that when it's gone it's like O.o now what?

Well then you usually have a job which fills the empty chasm left by school but it's still odd not to have homework xD


There are a lot of things to enjoy while you have them. Like not paying taxes. And not having to worry about bills or buying food. All you have to do is get your homework done :) Seems like a lot at the time but you're going to miss it some day. Trust me on this one :D xD
RubyRose said:
That is it exactly. It becomes so ingrained into your life that when it's gone it's like O.o now what?

Well then you usually have a job which fills the empty chasm left by school but it's still odd not to have homework xD


There are a lot of things to enjoy while you have them. Like not paying taxes. And not having to worry about bills or buying food. All you have to do is get your homework done :) Seems like a lot at the time but you're going to miss it some day. Trust me on this one :D xD
-scratches out a few problems on a piece of paper, remembers all the essays she has to finish all while memorizing the periodic table- meh
RubyRose said:
That is it exactly. It becomes so ingrained into your life that when it's gone it's like O.o now what?

Well then you usually have a job which fills the empty chasm left by school but it's still odd not to have homework xD


There are a lot of things to enjoy while you have them. Like not paying taxes. And not having to worry about bills or buying food. All you have to do is get your homework done :) Seems like a lot at the time but you're going to miss it some day. Trust me on this one :D xD
Yeah, I'm not denying that, but there are definitely upsides to being done with school xD .

And not having to worry about completing a project or assignment or researching anything. Yes, it's very nice :3
Yeah, that sounds similar to me. I get good grades in my classes (mostly A's), but the homework can be soooo booorrrriiing.... >_<
SpookySableye said:
Yeah, that sounds similar to me. I get good grades in my classes (mostly A's), but the homework can be soooo booorrrriiing.... >_<
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StoneWolf18 said:
Ok. What's the inverse matrix of

2 6 8

3 1 9

Have fun solving multiple of these problems fast.

... On a different note, does anyone want to hear a song?
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SpookySableye said:
Ok. What's the inverse matrix of
2 6 8

3 1 9

Have fun solving multiple of these problems fast.

... On a different note, does anyone want to hear a song?

mmm, sure

You're SpookySable's partner, aren't you? I can't very well reject you on that point :)

Also... I was thinking of waiting for StoneWolf18's partner to post their character but I may get the opening post up tonight.

I just have one request. If you could go through and capitalize things properly, I'd appreciate it :) Just like the character's name and what not. It sounds a bit ridiculous but it would mean a lot to me.


I'm excited as well :) It's nice to see people who are really interested ^.^

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