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Fandom DWMA - A Sound Soul - Soul Eater RP

@RubyRose Yes, unfortunately neither of us is able to continue, we're sort of caught up in our own ways (I have way to many forums to both manage and contribute to in addition to some school work daily) and we just can't contribute anymore as we decided, sorry!
The only thing that bothers me is that you guys didn't mention it sooner.

Hope life goes well for you!
It's rather unfortunate, but at the very least it isn't that painful now that you know the situation and we didn't have anything serious going on in the plot we apologize!
Oh it's very painful. You both had such wonderful and interesting characters.

But you're right... you hadn't really incorporated in and the roleplay will survive. So we're good.
@Psionic Nightingale @Rhodus

Very interesting.

You guys are good to go.

Brief summary of events:

First year students went to class and the teacher, Marie, offered them a chance to become EAT students if they could successfully complete a project. Well some students, though the project was due in a week, wanted to do the project right that instant- which was a battle. Other students jumped in as well so Marie, and another teacher -actually a Mercenary- that Death just hired went outside to monitor what became I believe either a 3 way or 4 way battle.

In the midst of battle another student came running in saying his weapon had been taken.

While the two teachers ran off to see what was going on (followed by a pair of students against orders) the rest of the students were called to Lord Death's office.

Lord Death told them bluntly that none of them were strong enough to be EAT students, but that he had a new category - NEW students - that he was going to have those who wanted to join, join. It's similar to EAT but meister/weapon pairs must go with another pair always instead of taking on missions alone.

If people didn't have a partner already picked out, the system was going to assign one to them (Figure this could be an NPC of sorts, or Secondary character). The students have been dismissed from Death's office to go sign up for NEW and start taking on new missions, and new classes.
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You are good to join in.

You don't have to write your character being late. You could write it like he's been there the entire time- and is simply responding now to what is going on around him. :)

Just so you know.

Question can you give me a brief description on what's going on? So I know how I can join lol, or do you just want me to just start off random like sitting down or something?

One more thing is it alright if I make another character who can go well in partner wise with my main character? Or is it to late for me to do that.
Ruby rose did that already look two post above yours

Brief summary of events:

First year students went to class and the teacher, Marie, offered them a chance to become EAT students if they could successfully complete a project. Well some students, though the project was due in a week, wanted to do the project right that instant- which was a battle. Other students jumped in as well so Marie, and another teacher -actually a Mercenary- that Death just hired went outside to monitor what became I believe either a 3 way or 4 way battle.

In the midst of battle another student came running in saying his weapon had been taken.

While the two teachers ran off to see what was going on (followed by a pair of students against orders) the rest of the students were called to Lord Death's office.

Lord Death told them bluntly that none of them were strong enough to be EAT students, but that he had a new category - NEW students - that he was going to have those whowanted to join, join. It's similar to EAT but meister/weapon pairs must go with another pair always instead of taking on missions alone.

If people didn't have a partner already picked out, the system was going to assign one to them (Figure this could be an NPC of sorts, or Secondary character). The students have been dismissed from Death's office to go sign up for NEW and start taking on new missions, and new classes. -rubyrose
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Kai123 said:
One more thing is it alright if I make another character who can go well in partner wise with my main character? Or is it to late for me to do that.
They need to me more like a secondary character.

So where as we circulate around the character you/'ve made- we hear their thoughts, feel their reactions, follow them- your secondary character will only be written when they are around your main character or there is something important going on, as well as if someone else is interacting with them.

So then yes I can make a secondary character, because there's no weapons here that are swords other then the katana. I'm sure is already partnered so I wanted my secondary character to be my weapon if that's ok with you??? Sorry for the late reply was playing League of Legends.
Kai123 said:
So then yes I can make a secondary character, because there's no weapons here that are swords other then the katana. I'm sure is already partnered so I wanted my secondary character to be my weapon if that's ok with you??? Sorry for the late reply was playing League of Legends.
Yes. That's fine.
I have a comment plus a question before I actually submit a character sheet.

My character is a weapon, but being the weapon -for me at least- means that I won't have much power over describing my actions, generally making it difficult to reach the five-sentence requirement. As the weapon, there's close to nothing that I can describe should a fight break out in comparison to the meister.

The question to this would be: what would your suggestion be to do?

The character themselves was originally this "soul-scarred" person who could split their soul and form their weapon in their hand - despite being the actual weapon. Granted, that didn't mean they couldn't have a meister, they just almost always rejected whoever tried to become their partner unless the situation demanded it (would be described in the history if this was acceptable).

Now, this gives me another question: Would a character like the one I just described above be allowed? They aren't overpowered, but it may be Mary Sue-like.

Ugh sorry for the long spam of words, I'm just curious as to how I could do this.
Hoki said:
I have a comment plus a question before I actually submit a character sheet.
My character is a weapon, but being the weapon -for me at least- means that I won't have much power over describing my actions, generally making it difficult to reach the five-sentence requirement. As the weapon, there's close to nothing that I can describe should a fight break out in comparison to the meister.

The question to this would be: what would your suggestion be to do?

The character themselves was originally this "soul-scarred" person who could split their soul and form their weapon in their hand - despite being the actual weapon. Granted, that didn't mean they couldn't have a meister, they just almost always rejected whoever tried to become their partner unless the situation demanded it (would be described in the history if this was acceptable).

Now, this gives me another question: Would a character like the one I just described above be allowed? They aren't overpowered, but it may be Mary Sue-like.

Ugh sorry for the long spam of words, I'm just curious as to how I could do this.
If you can give a brief explanation of how he splits his soul in a way that would actually be valid in Soul Eater, I'll consider it.

I actually wouldn't mind that kind of character mainly because we're short on meisters and it means your character could still fight.

As far as the weapon, meisther thing... there's still plenty weapons can do in battle.

Though you're right, meeting that requirement does become difficult... in which case you can either seek out new things to write... like how your character is responding to the battle, or you could have the weapon react some way- like there have been a couple times where the weapons shift out of their weapon form to help in some way, etc.

It's just finding the right things to write about...

It's one of those.... 'if you write it well and it falls a sentence short I'm not going to get on your case but if you're just being lazy and not seeking things to write about then I'll say something'. Does that make sense?

Word spams aren't bad. They're explanatory. :)
RubyRose said:
If you can give a brief explanation of how he splits his soul in a way that would actually be valid in Soul Eater, I'll consider it.
I actually wouldn't mind that kind of character mainly because we're short on meisters and it means your character could still fight.

As far as the weapon, meisther thing... there's still plenty weapons can do in battle.

Though you're right, meeting that requirement does become difficult... in which case you can either seek out new things to write... like how your character is responding to the battle, or you could have the weapon react some way- like there have been a couple times where the weapons shift out of their weapon form to help in some way, etc.

It's just finding the right things to write about...

It's one of those.... 'if you write it well and it falls a sentence short I'm not going to get on your case but if you're just being lazy and not seeking things to write about then I'll say something'. Does that make sense?

Word spams aren't bad. They're explanatory. :)
Woah, thank you so much for the quick response and explanation it comes in handy. So, then, I have a question about the soul split working for Soul Eater specifically; the way I always saw it was that the soul was scarred -for reasons I have to recall since it's been so long, lol- and because of the depth of the scar, it left the soul to be susceptible to complete tearing (which also means if something goes array due to either an outside force or internal, then they are generally rendered useless). In your opinion, would it be adequate to explain that because of the tear, the character separates the weapon from the human?
Kai123 said:
Now I have to wait to interact with others lol.


Your character seems cool
You could edit your post so that your character has joined up or at least come close enough to Kagoma & Alex's group to overhear them. Arya and Edin, my pair, are there, and the two other newbies to the roleplay... well Arya spoke to them. So there in the general vicinity.
Hoki said:
Woah, thank you so much for the quick response and explanation it comes in handy. So, then, I have a question about the soul split working for Soul Eater specifically; the way I always saw it was that the soul was scarred -for reasons I have to recall since it's been so long, lol- and because of the depth of the scar, it left the soul to be susceptible to complete tearing (which also means if something goes array due to either an outside force or internal, then they are generally rendered useless). In your opinion, would it be adequate to explain that because of the tear, the character separates the weapon from the human?
And we have found our missing link, folks xD

Your character is absolutely perfect now that you explained that.

And you shall find out whyyyy later if you stick around :) I'm totally on board with that character.

Please write them up and join xD
Shippo said:
You could easily describe the battle and talk to your miester.
That's very true, and while I would do it like that, I personally find it difficult to explain it all without reiterating every point at least three times with different words.. If that makes sense?

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