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Fandom DWMA - A Sound Soul - Soul Eater RP

We're at the death room I knocked for some reason. Stein fix my shoulder and kidney
Tori met Rayo and they want to be each other's partner so they planned to fight after school to see each other's skills first

Yea, I got caught up in the character interaction and didn't know when to switch to IC2. I would be totally fine with deleting my posts, if it's bothersome, which I could see being the case.


Sorry for disrupting the flow of the roleplay. Didn't mean to cause ye any trouble.
Leone said:
Yea, I got caught up in the character interaction and didn't know when to switch to IC2. I would be totally fine with deleting my posts, if it's bothersome, which I could see being the case.


Sorry for disrupting the flow of the roleplay. Didn't mean to cause ye any trouble.
Don't delete the posts :)

DarkSoul was just givin you a heads up for future reference. Every few posts between you and your meister, please either wait for someone else to reply ooooor you can actually go into PM or post in the InCharacter 2. If you do PM you can write up a summary of the discussion or post the discussion combined into a single post.

I don't want to take away your fun :) We just gotta keep everyone in mind.
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I would post more if spooky would quit character locking me for days. Just saying not angry I do understand being busy
[QUOTE="Strawberry Preserves]Aaah, I've been working on college applications. >.< Really sorry. Also kind of stuck on what to do. Jump in? Or watch the show?

It is your decision to do either. I welcome whichever decision you decide.

*cough* Curtis may need a hand *cough cough* But he may not appreciate it *cough*
yumiyukifan1 said:
I'm glad this role play didn't die out! This was one of my favorites! :D
O.o Don't even say that! It was only 3 days of silence!! (:'()

It's not going to diiiiiie! (TAT)
RubyRose said:
O.o Don't even say that! It was only 3 days of silence!! (:'()
It's not going to diiiiiie! (TAT)
*bows in apology * SORRY!!! Dx In my past role play experience, when it was 3 days of silence and nobody answered after those 3 days... ;-; Dead. And they all knew.... Again, *bows* I'm sorry. I lost hope too soon...
yumiyukifan1 said:
*bows in apology * SORRY!!! Dx In my past role play experience, when it was 3 days of silence and nobody answered after those 3 days... ;-; Dead. And they all knew.... Again, *bows* I'm sorry. I lost hope too soon...
In my past experience that is the minimum when you should start worrying.

I've been in a roleplay that it takes weeks for one person to respond... yet no one has given up on it just yet xD

So as long as you and I keep it alive, I'm sure everyone will keep coming back.

Unless the story line sucks. Then everyone is going to leave.

But... yeah... hang in there with me yuki! xD I need you!
RubyRose said:
In my past experience that is the minimum when you should start worrying.
I've been in a roleplay that it takes weeks for one person to respond... yet no one has given up on it just yet xD

So as long as you and I keep it alive, I'm sure everyone will keep coming back.

Unless the story line sucks. Then everyone is going to leave.

But... yeah... hang in there with me yuki! xD I need you!
Yes!!! I will be patiently strong and I shouldn't doubt my buddies! We all will help keep it alive! > :D
RubyRose said:
In my past experience that is the minimum when you should start worrying.
I've been in a roleplay that it takes weeks for one person to respond... yet no one has given up on it just yet xD

So as long as you and I keep it alive, I'm sure everyone will keep coming back.

Unless the story line sucks. Then everyone is going to leave.

But... yeah... hang in there with me yuki! xD I need you!
Hey don't worry, I'll try to stay in as well. I know I have not been the best lately about replying on time, but I promise that I will do my best to keep the rp alive with you guys.
DarkElite and Leone I'm pretty sure are still with us.

I haven't heard from Molten or Elision in awhile though... :/
RubyRose said:
Alex (@Shippo),
Kylei (@yumiyukifan1) & UFO (@Strawberry Preserves),

Solomon (@Elision of Ecritures) & Glaive (@MoltenLightning),

Hoshiko & Ibuki (@GeoStone)

Tori (@DarkElite020)

Rayo (@Leone)

Curtis (@Darksoul180)

Alright guys, what's going on?

I've heard from yumiyuki and Darksoul but what's happened to the rest of you? Have you dropped? Been really busy?

(And I'm presuming Shippo is waiting to hear from Spooky?)

It's been quiet a few days and I'm growing concerned.
Busy with school sorry. I'll try to rp
Huh, really glad everyone is still gung hoe! I haven't made a post yet because i want everyone else to finish what is going on!

@Strawberry Preserves @yumiyukifan1

So far i love both of your characters and their interactions! I love UFO and his reactions with Curtis a ton. Feel free to have your character interact with him and mess with him as much as you want xD . Curt is a jerk to pretty much everyone. And, he probably can hold his own versus this axe wielding menace, but right now he is underestimating the strangers a lot. So, without help, he will probably end up in a bind.

We shall see though! I will post soon if no one else does :P . I have a few things in mind. Glad to see most people are still with us! Just check in every now and then! I get on at least once a day!
DarkElite020 said:
Yeah sorry im also busy with school and I got a bunch of art commissions to do but I'll try to post tonight
Thanks for the heads up :)

Art commissions? Fuuuuun! Good luck with those!

And like I've said- school does come first.

Just say something, kay? :)

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