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Fantasy Dragon's Eye (Saffron Majesty x Ocean 123)


Intinn dhá rí.
A cool strong wind from the north blew over the stinking and bustling mega-city of Parenth, momentarily alleviating its fifty million citizens of the stench of fried street food and rotting garbage. The world had changed. Five thousand years ago, humans still arrogantly believed that they roamed their mother earth, unaccompanied by other intelligent races. What had actually happened is that the magical races of old had appeared much earlier than humans on the timeline of earth and decided to stay hidden. Five thousand years ago was the fateful day that the magic races came out of concealment. Of course, there was a great war and creatures of magic were pushed back further and further until the most ancient of all races awakened and shifted the tide, the dragons. Power beings the size of mountains and with wings that could cut down small cities. The great five dragons Arlock, Bisala, I'm unculturede, Grindenferth, and Brall decreed after they had ended the wars, that peace was to be the standard and those who should seek chaos would reap the whirlwind of the mighty dragons.

1000 years passed and peace was abundant, but after all, different races will always have those to conspire against each other. A grand wizard from the Coven of Seven Hells, Bramstorn the great, developed a plague that wiped out many humans and had an effect on the ancient dragons. The beasts of times past were weakened and all of them perished save one, Arlock, the white dragon of the blue flame. He went into hiding and was never seen after the attack. Bramstorn was killed for he treason against the races and with the populations more or less equal, the humans and the magic folk had no choice but to live among one another in strained judgmental peace. But now four thousand years later in the year 2100, the world has been without its dragons and the peace between humans and the magic folk are beginning to fall apart.
Dante sighed softly as they flicked their hood up, sticking their hands in the pouch-pocket of their oversized purple hoodie within seconds of locking the door behind them. They didn't particularly like leaving the safety of their own home but there was something they needed to do today. They'd caught a glimpse out of the corner of their eye and now they were heading back to the local museum to take another look.

They took a moment to stare up at what was once probably a beautiful building. The white marble had turned grey by the time Dante came into the world, and some of the chips in the columns were the size of their first but at least it was still standing. Giving their head a slight shake, the partial-draconian continued up the (slightly crumbling) steps and made a beeline for the archives in the back rooms. They still had some trouble figuring out why there wasn't even a roster to sign to say you'd been in there but was silently thankful for it.
In the back of the ancient Parenth museum, a building overshadowed by surrounding super structures, was a massive archive room that the citizens of the legendary city had alp but forgotten. Even the library staff itself had only a few old sage members who knew of the large room. One of these members sat at an old desk. The old woman's name was Anne and she was reading a book as she spent her shift in the room.

On the north wall of the archival unit, a vast map stretched from floor to ceiling. The legendary map of Arlock, said to be the last know source of instruction to find the only dragon that survived the dark wizard Bramstorn all those years ago. The map itself looked vaguely normal and nobody had been able to find any viable directions written on it. The only thing that sat out of place was the box where the legend of the map usually say was named "Dragon's Eye's".

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