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Fantasy Dragon Touched: The Modern Age


Casual Nobody
Since the iron ages there have been individuals with inexpiable capabilities that have influenced history. Their powers however have been dismissed by other explanations accepted by the rest of the world, but the wielders of these unique abilities know full well what they have caused to happen. As history has passed these special individuals have grouped into four 'factions' of similar capabilities. Each faction is lead by a single individual who has set themselves apart from the rest of their peers, expressing a unique skill that only they are able to properly control without negative after effects. Now a threat has provoked the factions and each believes it may have been another's faction member fault. Although they have no proof, each faction is dealing with the situation accordingly as their leader commands. The question still remains... who killed the king of the dragon touched?

This is going to be a modern fantasy rp where four factions, with the addition of one or two factions later on, will go about as they see fit, sometimes causing conflict, other times coming to a compromise. However the ultimate goal of all the factions is to find out who killed the king of the four factions, the dragon touched king. Before you start asking questions let me answer some big ones...

Q & A
Q: What is a dragon touched?
A: A dragon touched individual is someone who has unique abilities that have been passed down through bloodlines, transfer of another's 'dragon touched' status, or direct blessing of the king, which obviously is no longer possible thanks to his death.

Q: What are the factions and what's their differences?
A: The brief answer is that they're mostly the same in terms of strength and number/variations of abilities. What makes them different is that each faction has certain abilities exclusive to that particular faction. Each faction in themselves however will be explained in the rp if enough interest is shown.

[More to be added as needed]
Now that plenty of people have shown interest, I'd like some questions answered.

1. Factions. What special abilities do each of then have, and can everyone in the faction use it or is it just the leader (each leader has a skill only they can control/each faction has a unique ability with negative consequences, except for the leader; both statements are expressed in the interest check)? Are the abilities that are shared between factions affected by this unique ability? Are the factions player led or GM led?

2. World. You say modern, but that still leaves some questions. Do ordinary people know about the Dragon Touched? Are all of the factions in 1 city or multiple cities? Do factions "own" towns or are there representatives from each faction?

3. Characters. Any restrictions when making them? Important things to know when trying to decide how to make the character? Any information on the CS that isn't usually a part of one?

And most importantly: when is the RP going to start?
Now that plenty of people have shown interest, I'd like some questions answered.

1. Factions. What special abilities do each of then have, and can everyone in the faction use it or is it just the leader (each leader has a skill only they can control/each faction has a unique ability with negative consequences, except for the leader; both statements are expressed in the interest check)? Are the abilities that are shared between factions affected by this unique ability? Are the factions player led or GM led?

2. World. You say modern, but that still leaves some questions. Do ordinary people know about the Dragon Touched? Are all of the factions in 1 city or multiple cities? Do factions "own" towns or are there representatives from each faction?

3. Characters. Any restrictions when making them? Important things to know when trying to decide how to make the character? Any information on the CS that isn't usually a part of one?

And most importantly: when is the RP going to start?
I'm glad that so many ppl are interested and I have answers to those questions which I shall be addressing all with greater detail once I have a chance to properly answer them. Here's the short answers I got at the moment...
1. Everyone in the faction has the skills, the leaders however have an extra skill or three (still debating on it) and their other powers are stronger than the rest. Factions are player led (unless ppl don't wanna lead factions).

2. Yes people know, they are scattered throughout many cities, but we're focused on this one where the leaders and their lackeys are, (other cities have own leaders, an explanation for later) there are representatives from other cities.

3. No restrictions as of yet, each factions ppl act differently (though it really doesn't matter beyond lore/explanation of faction customs), the only thing I can think of as of now is the faction you're part of, main "hideout" for factions, people who become leaders will determine this.

And lastly... I'm hoping I can get the basic things done by this weekend, however I have a report to finish writing and other worldly duties. If anything I'd expect things to be finished some time in the next 2 weeks so long as my life doesn't kick my ass.

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