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Don't Hate Me If I Say I Love You

"I forgot to mention that they're also for when I want to be assertive..." Ethan whispered quietly in her ear, leaning back with a grin and pecking her cheek before lifting up his right arm and playfully flexing his bicep with an exaggerated grunt. "Yep, these guns of mine really come in handy when I need 'em," he laughed softly, shrugging off the previous remark as though he'd never said it.
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Alex flushed slightly and looked at Ethan, rolling her eyes and continuing to wash him as he grunted. "Your just luck I love you too much to tell you how stupid that was." She said.
"I think you already did either way just by saying that," Ethan retorted with a small smirk, pushing some of the bubbles that came from the soap against her face. "Besides, you're the one who pointed them out in the first place."
Alex smiled softly, moving away as he spread the bubbles on her cheek. "I know, but I like them, just not when you flex them too much." She said, looking at him.
"Is that so? I'll keep that in mind, then," Ethan replied with a warm smile, leaning in and giving her lips a brief kiss. After a brief pause, he said, "I honestly can't explain to you how thankful I am to be your boyfriend."
Alex smiled and kissed him back, looking up at him. She flushed slightly as he said he was thankful he could be her boyfriend. "And I'm grateful that I could be next to you." She mumbled softly.
Ethan's smile remained where it was when Alex told him that she was grateful that she was able to be next to him, reaching up and moving aside a few loose strands of hair that stuck to her face and then running his thumb along her fair-skinned cheek while caressing it. "You really do know how to make my heart race," he whispered.
Alex flushed slightly, biting her bottom lip as she looked up at him. "Hmm, so do you." She mumbled, putting the sponge down and using her small arms to help rub off the rest of the soap.
"I can tell..." Ethan murmured. "Your face is getting hot." He kept his gaze locked with Alex's as she began to rinse his body with her small hands, letting the faint-sounding rhythm of his heartbeat ring in his ears all the while.
Alex looked up at Ethan, flushing darker as she finished up. "Well then stop teasing me." She mumbled stubbornly, puffing out her cheeks before looking up at him.
"... Fine then." Ethan's voice had dropped to a lower tone when he spoke, clearly indicating that he had decided to take her request seriously as he grabbed her lower torso and crushed his lips against hers. For the first couple of seconds, he let them stay planted where they were, and then he started to move with her until her back hit the wall behind her, breaking away from her lips so he could trail little kisses along her neck, leaving a hickey or two behind while doing so.
'Looks like i am going to be a little late today.' She thought to herself as Ethan kissed her, letting him do what he pleased as she let the steam overtake them..

"I hope that made you feel better." Several minutes later once everything in the shower had come to pass, Ethan was out in the bathroom and getting himself dressed, putting on his boxers first before the rest of his outfit followed.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Casual-Mens-Blazer-Black.jpg.7cc56714f34d0eae5467ddd054eb62fb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="69313" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Casual-Mens-Blazer-Black.jpg.7cc56714f34d0eae5467ddd054eb62fb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Alex looked over at Ethan and rolled her eyes. "Yeah, it did a bit, what about you? Feeling better now?" She asked, smiling slightly as she slid on a t shirt and jeans, being that it was her casual day. She had no meetings today, so she could be lazy. "I now have to cover up the hickeys on my neck too." She grumbled, rubbing the sore area.
"Of course I am," Ethan laughed, adjusting the collar of his jacket and looking over at Alex with a smile of his own, chuckling when she mentioned how she'd need to cover up the Bite marks he'd left on the skin of her neck. "Sorry about that, babe. You know how I can get," he told her teasingly. "I'd help you out with that the same way you used to for me back when we were in high school, but I don't know the first thing about makeup. I think I'd end up doing a pretty piss-poor job of trying to cover it up."
Alex sighed softly, looking back at Ethan, who was fully content now. "Aha, yeah, I am not letting you try and cover it up. It would look like a block of concealer on my neck." She mumbled, adjusting her shirt and looking back at him. "Well don't you look snazzy today?" She asked, smiling up at him.
"Ah, well, I thought I'd change things up a little," Ethan replied with a smile of his own, leaning over to peck his lover's lips. "Normally I only have to go to work while dressed like this whenever there's a meeting, but today, I think I'm feeling a little more... Formal. After all, most of the time, I prefer a more casual appearance."
Alex smiled gently, pecking his lips back as she looked up at him. "Hmm, well I like it." She mumbled, looking at him. "Anyway, let's go eat before I'm late." She said, smiling at him.
"Sounds like a plan," Ethan said, smiling back at her before taking her hand in his own and walking with her into the kitchen. "So what do you feel like eating this morning, babe?"
Alex smiled and squeezed Ethan's hand, walking out into the apartment. "Well I don't know. Something easy to eat." She said.
"Alright. I'll just make you some scrambled eggs, then," Ethan informed her. "Feel free to serve yourself some toast in the meantime, if you want to."
Alex smiled and looked at him. "I will make you some too." She mumbled, taking out the bread from her pantry.
"Thank you, sweet lips," Ethan murmured, looking back at her with a soft smile before starting to get out what he needed to prepare the scrambled egg portion of their breakfast.

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