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Don't Hate Me If I Say I Love You

"Don't need to thank me. I like getting to wash you," Ethan murmured, soothed by the sensation of her fingers tweaking the growing locks of his red hair that were slowly beginning to form the same slightly longer hairstyle that he used to don back when he was a teenager.
Alex smiled gently and continued to mess with his hair until it looked like the good old days, like when she started dating him. Smiling, she kissed his forehead, standing on her tippy toes.
"Playing around with my hair again, I see," Ethan murmured with a soft chuckle and a small grin just as Alex finished her work, leaning into her kiss and continuing to rub the sponge over her body for a little while longer while holding her close to his chest. "You always did like messing around with it back then..."
Alex looked up at Ethan and smiled, kissing him breifly. "Mm yeah but back then I liked messing around in a different way." She mumbled, grinning gently.
Ethan gladly returned the kiss Alex gave him, and then let a small grin of his own pull at the corners of his lips at her remark. "Mhm. But even now, you're still the same way as you were back then," he whispered. "Feisty as ever."
"Well, I figured I couldn't let you hold the reins forever when we got back together," Ethan whispered, putting the sponge aside and using his hands to rinse off Alex's body. "So I decided to have some fun of my own with you."
Alex flushed gently as Ethan spoke in a low tone, her lips curving into a gentle smile. "Hmm well I still have some of the reins."
"So what is this now, a power struggle?" Ethan chuckled softly, his gaze lingering over his girlfriend's frame while he continued to wash her. "Hm... I don't think I can complain about that. It sounds like that would make things a lot more interesting."
Alex smiled and picked up the sponge, starting to return the favor. "Hmm it would but it's already like that, almost." She mumbled
"I guess... Although I think it's more like we're just taking turns with being in control of the whole ordeal," Ethan replied gently, keeping his hands planted against her hips and holding her close while she began to scrub him with the soap.
"Hm. If it's fine with you, then it's fine with me, my queen," Ethan mumbled with a smile of his own, leaning in to briefly plant his lips against her own.
Ethan made the decision to extend the kiss a little bit a few seconds in, lifting his right hand up and away from Alex's hip and threading his fingers between her dark and wet locks of hair.
Alex sighed gently into the kiss, letting her hands wander over his back as he kissed her, not really caring about the shower much anymore
Ethan let his lips fully meld against Alex's, nipping every now and then at her upper lip and letting his tongue run lightly along the surface of it, intending to deepen the kiss a little while his left hand slid over to the small of her back and pulled her even closer to him.
Alex smiled slightly and let his tongue prod at her lips, opening them gently as she moved in to kiss him deeper.
The kiss shared between the couple under the forgotten cascade of water had become one of a growing passion, and Ethan enjoyed it to the fullest while he could as he held his girlfriend close and let their tongues dance with one another, his right hand moving from her hair so he could wrap his arm around Alex's lower torso and press them close together.
Alex had completely forgotten about having to show up at work, or even just that they were in the shower. Everything kind of started melding into a blob, the only thing she could see clearly was him. It was always him. Like a beacon he never changed. Smiling, she continued to kiss him, dragging it out for as long as she had air.
Ethan loved doing this with Alex more than anything. There was nothing to worry about, and nothing to fear. All he needed to do was indulge himself in the young woman before him to know that everything would be alright. Unfortunately, his time for this particular kiss was beginning to come to an end; slowly, he could feel the last remaining air in his lungs going away, and knew that he only had a few more seconds at best to draw this out for as long as he could. And eventually, when said few seconds came to pass, be pulled away from the lips of his lover and opened his eyes to look at her in all her beauty, light pants going in and out through slightly parted lips that were curled into a gentle smile.
Alex let Ethan indulge himself as much as he wanted, mostly because she was too. She didn't know how she would survive without him. Pulling away, Alex smiled up at Ethan, leaning her forehead on his.
"God, I love you so damn much..." Ethan chuckled softly, closing his eyes and letting their foreheads rest against each other while still standing within the confines of the shower.
Alex smiled back at Ethan and let her hands press into his back as they leaned forehead to forehead. "I love you just as much Ethan."
"Hm... I'm very honored to hear that from you, milady." Work wasn't even at the back of his mind at this point, as much as it should have been; all Ethan wanted to do right now was stay here with his girlfriend, and let them enjoy their time together on her birthday for every single second they were able to.

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