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Realistic or Modern Do It For Me

She hummed in response and reached up, climbing on his back once he crouched down, resting her head on his shoulder, not entirely with it at this point with the words coming out of her mouth. “Charlotte would have loved your piggybacks.” She mumbled holding on tight to him.

He frowned a little and just nodded, leaning back as much as he could until a doctor came in with Max behind him, Jeff starting to pass out
Alex tensed softly and gave a small nod as he held her tight to him "Yeah...she would have." He said quietly before giving a heavy sigh

Max frowned softly and gave a heavy sigh "Kids come on and step out, let the doctor check him over." She said softly guidimg them out so that the doctor wasn't cramped in there
Jake frowned some and paused before leaving. “What happened?” He asked her worriedly. “I’d he gonna be okay?”

She got down once they got to the car and got in, closing her eyes and laying her jacket over her face. “These migraine tablets are doing nothing.” She mumbled frowning still.
Max nodded some and gave a heavy sigh "He was run off the road. He has a concussion and his ribs as far as we know are severly bruised. However I have the doctor looking him over to make sure its bruised and not broken." She explained to them.

Alex frowned softly and got into the driver's seat making sure the air was up to keep her cool "I'm sorry babe, I'll get us home as soon as possible okay?"
Cassie frowned and crossed her arms a little. “Probably someone he pissed off.” She muttered shaking her head some. “Luke can you take him to get some breakfast or something?” She asked him, watching them leave then turned to max. “Don’t expect sympathy from me. He’s a deadbeat dad at the best of times, I still can’t believe he got custody of Jake over mom. I’m here to make sure jakes okay. Not my father.” She muttered.

she mumbled a thank you and just leaned back, resting her head until they got back and she headed up to bed to go lay down and try to sleep it off.

Slexs mom called a couple hours later, smiling. “Hey sweetheart, how’d the signing go?” She asked him curiously. “How’s carmen doing?” He had yet to tell her they were back together but she knew from carmen herself and she was just waiting for him to be ready
Max frowned at the girl shaking her head a bit "Listen, I'm not going to get into that, but I do know that he has been trying his damnest to see you all. He wants to be there for you all." She explained before giving a heavy sigh

Alex smiled softly as he answered the phone and made his way down to his study "Hey Mom, signing went good." He said happily before biting his lip hard "Carmen is good, we uh....we decided to give it another go. See if we can do things right this time.."
She smiled some and nodded. “I know.” She told him happily. “She tells me everything Alex. How’s she feeling too? She wasn’t doing too good last time I saw her.” She frowned some.

Cassie just scoffed a little. “Sure he is. He’s the reason we don’t wanna see him. Never bothered before to try and see is why would he start now?” She muttered, looking up when his doctor came out to let them know they’d take him for surgery as they’d found he had cracked his ribs after all and one had been crushing his lung but it would be a quick fix and he could go home tomorrow.
Alex chuckled some and shook his head a bit "She um....she says she is doing okay, but honestly I'm worried about her mom. She said something is wrong with her heart."

Max frowned and sighed heavily "Again, it is not my place to say or get into that situation. I'm just telling you what I have seen from him." She said calmly before turning to the doctor "Thank you for lettting us know."
“It should only take an hour or two but we will update you when we can.” He assured her and left the two of them there.

Cassie just shook her head frowning “Yoi know a different person than I do then.” She muttered frowning. She had grown up during the arguments. Luke had grown up during the years jeff was away working the most and it wasn’t until Luke came along that their mom started telling them lies and twisting the way they viewed their father all because he’d given her divorce papers.
His mother just smiled a little. “Listen I’m sure she will be just fine… if carmen says she’s doing okay then trust her.” She told him. “She’s not gonna make you worry unless there’s reason to is she? I just wanted to let you know that your agent called and told me that the book tour is gonna be stopping in town here…. Please come in and weee everyone. They miss you
Max frowned more as she listened to her and gave a heavy sigh "Maybe we do, but if you didn't care you wouldn't have come." She said seriously giving a heavy sigh "Look I know Jeff; father of the year? Probably not, but I see how hard he tries amd has been trying. Its your decision on whether you give him a shot or not, but I'm saying you should atleast think about it." She said softly

Alex took a deep breath and nodded some "Yeah you're right." He murmured before smiling a bit "Of course I'll be there to see you, gotta show my number one woman some love right?" He said chuckling a bit
She chatted with him over a few other bits before hanging up to go make dinner around the same time that Carmen was getting up and coming downstairs again, slipping her arms around Alex from behind, "mmm... who was on the phonE?" She yawned

Jake got back to the roomj and listened to what Max said the doctor had told hem before sitting down and sighing a little "I don't wanna go back to my mom's place." He muttered frowning some
Max frowned when she heard Jake and gave a small sigh "I'm sure you'll be abke to stay with your dad Jake. He'll be okay." She assured him.

Alex turned to Carmen and gave her a big smile "Just my mom. You feeling any better?"
She nodded a little and rubbed his back, “mmm a little. You still up for getting some fo my stuff?” She asked him quietly.

He just nodded and sat down to wait. “Why would someone do that to him?” He muttered frowning.
Max sighed heavily and shook her head some "I'm not sure honey. It was definitely someone not in their right mind." She said softly

Alex nodded softly and smiled a bit "Yeah we can. You wanna go now?"
She nodded and smiled a little. “If you’re good to go.” She told him quietly.

Jake just nodded and continued waiting patiently until they brought his dad back out and he frowned some. “Max, you mind going with me to get a drink?@ he asked her once his dad was waking up, too smart for his own good and trying to trap his two older siblings with him so they would have to talk to him
Alex gave a small nod and smiled at her "Sure am." He said sweetly before getting his shoes on.

Max gave a small frown but nodded some "Alright lets not be long though." She murmured
Jeff came to fully and saw it was just his older two in there with him. “Hey… I almost die to get you guys to come up here?” He asked them frowning some.

She smiled and just watched him for a minute before going to get her shoes on as well and leave with him.
Cassie frowned and scoffed a bit at him "We're here for James." She muttered before crossimg her arms.

Alex took a deep breath when he felt a small pain in his abdomen but shook it off. He quickly drove her to her apartment and smiled some "Call and let them know you're leaving, tell me how much it is to break your lease okay?"
She nodded and sighed a little. “You spoil me.” She told him as they pulled up and got out of the car, heading up to her apartment to start grabbing her stuff.

Jeff frowned a little and leaned back. “If you insist. But once I’m out of here you both need to come over for a long talk alright? Cause I won’t have your mother turning you both against me any longer.” He told them seriously.
Luke frowned a bit and gave a heavy sigh "Dad nothing you say is going to change our minds, or the fact you weren't there for any of us. I'm sorry but once we know Jake is fine we're gone." He said seriously

Alex got up to her apartment and frowned softly as the same pain shot through him again. This time stronger then before. He took a deep breath and scrunched his face a bit before trying to shake it off.
He grit his teeth a little and shook his head. “Because your mother never let me. I would call every single day on set and every day she would tell me that I couldn’t talk to you two. When she kicked me out and told you both I’d left it was because I was taking her to court for custody and she wanted you both to refuse to come home with me…. All the child support money I’ve been sending and birthday presents and cards that I know you’ve never received because she would never let you read them or accept them the money went to her to fund her alcoholism. Hell I even tried to pay for rehab! She refused to let me cause it would show you kids that I do care. Your my kids. What is it gonna take for you both to see that all I want is for us to get to being a family again.” He begged them, straining more than he should be but he was desperate.

Carmen frowned some and watched him. “You okay?” She asked him quietly as she’d turned around and caught the moment of pain in his face.
Luke frowned more when he listened to his dad shaking his head some "I don't....why would she do that? Mom can be dramatic don't get me wrong but thats a bit extreme." He said softly while Cassie left the room not wanting to hear anymore.

Alex looked over at her and gave a small nod "Yeah...just small pain. I'm good." He said softly before taking a deep breath only able to take a few steps before he almost doubled over as the pain shot through him again.
She frowned and got him to sit on the couch, “hang on.” She murmured, going to get him some water. “Where’s it hurt?” She asked him quietly, crouching in front of him to help him out.

Jeff frowned. “If I knew I would try and fix it. Your mother loves you both very much there’s no denying that but she’s turned you both against me and for that I can’t ever forgive her. Things could have been simple during the divorce and we could have had split but she refused. I have all the documents at home detailing all of this. As you kids say I have the receipts.” He told him
Alex sat down and shook his head a bit "I'm not sure....all over." He murmured taking another deep breath and closing his eyes tight.

Luke frowned more but gave a small nod sighing heavily "I'll talk with Cassie. I can't promise it'll be soon, or at all for her, but I promise to come by and talk." He said softly

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