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Neden began to walk silently as the others were able to understand what she said, especially thanks to....The woman that was just recently the hare like creature? She was able to in some way translate what Neden had tried saying and explained that a number of large and deadly wolves were about, and it was best to be on the look out. As they continued walking, her eyes clanged over the others and paused for a moment on the young blonde woman she had spent days with on the way back from the Cove.

A small blush had covered her cheeks, causing her to look away in embarrassment, Dreux managed to pick up on it and snickered as he walked close to her. "Ya know, Neden. I may seem like it, but I know the ways of the heart-" he began, but was cut off as Neden turned sharply and looked at him, "Whatever you are trying to imply isn't very funny, Dreux. It's more of an annoyance and not the time. There's Snjòlfur, well, as you all call them Frost Wolves about. They will tear you limb from limb, savoring every bite." she said with a sharp tone as she turned back towards the trail in front of them, littered with snow and more tracks.

"My clan used to hunt them for sport." Neden began as she was in the front most part of the group, not exactly leading them, but not in the back either. "They aren't something you want to mess around with. Their fangs and claws are as long and sharp as the best blades one could possess. They can tear through bone as if it were a blade of grass. They're prone to hunting in packs, and work as a unit to take down their prey, they won't stop either until they are all dead, or their prey is. Their speed and sheer power is something even the best warrior can admire and look on in awe, as Miss Angura here stated, they range in sizes but are usually the size of a large bear and just as strong and menacing." she said as she took a moment to recollect herself as she fought sight of something up ahead, more foot prints, but human. They were fresh and not as deep if from a hunter, as well as they weren't even in a straight line.

Neden turned back around to face ththe others, "We're missing one...Where's the short, red haired woman that was with Sir Vernon?" she asked with a sense of dread as she looked back at the trail of footprints that lead into the small dense forest ahead of them.

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