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Fandom Divergent: Faction Before Blood // plot & chat

Free-for-all or simulation duels for tomorrow's training?

  • Free-for-all!

    Votes: 5 71.4%
  • Simulation duels!

    Votes: 2 28.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
If anyone is at a loss for how to start off the new day, keep in mind that any and all characters are welcome to be part of the group who finds Ben's body!

WanderLust. WanderLust. I hope that I didn't powerplay Blair too much in my last post??? I know Ghost got a little vicious with her lol. If there's anything specific you'd like me to go back and change, I'd be happy to!

Baratheon Baratheon You're due for an RP post, please!
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Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 how do u feel about Dante & Fable waking up on the roof the next day to give me something super dramatic to go off of for a post a lol? Also prob going to make Dante's ankle sprained so I can give him something to brood about apart from his simulation.
Oooo I love that! They are gonna be super sore from it but it will be such a cute moment! I also imagine them being like wtf we fell asleep here all night?!
Awww thanks so much! That's kind of what I'm going for- he's such a ball of anxious and determined energy but he also just wants to make his girl happy.
I found a song that completely fits all the Lycon family members. Itโ€™s a song I use to listen to I found it again and it just fits them all so well. (Even if it doesnโ€™t seem like it ๐Ÿ˜ˆ)
I'll try and reply tomorrow. Is there anywhere my characters are suppose to be?

Also I wasn't getting any notifications again >.<




Happy Saint Patrickโ€™s today to everyone as well! I know Iโ€™m not doing anything other then playing with my son. My fiancรฉ will be at work until 11pm lol So Iโ€™m just relaxing trying to figure out what to post with my characters.
I have work tomorrow so I canโ€™t go too crazy but I am having some drinks and getting stuff packed for the move next week haha!

Also...THANK YOU! He seems like the cool uncle man who owns an awesome weapon store!!!
So how should we go about having our characters finding the body? Like should they all end up seeing it together or individuals come across poor Ben?
Good question, were you going to set that up Aviator Aviator or did you want one of us to open up with that?
By the way I'm trying to post right now, been so hecking busy and wouldn't you know it I injured myself again so I'm off work again so I have time to reply.

However, on another, hilarious, note.
One of my bridesmaids to be, who I also live with currently, just got engaged as well!!! XD And from what it looks like we will be getting married near the same time :')
Nope, Ghost is going to be occupied elsewhere for his next few posts, so finding the body will be up to y'all! Feel free to get creative with it however you guys like, although interactions might be easier and more interesting if the characters do it as a group.

Nerdy. Nerdy. That's great news for you and your bridesmaid! When's your guys' weddings?

jrink jrink Please try to post on the RP thread soon!
Aviator Aviator I will be getting married September 18th, and it looks like she will be getting married early october XD So very soon after me! :O It's going to be hilarious and so much fun, I'm very excited :)

EDIT: I posted, hope it's good enough. Both Charlie and Aubrey are open for interactions, and Chris is hoping to interact with Blair.
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ok, posted! sorry that took a bit, had a bit of a stomach bug or food-poisoning? I'm still not sure which, but I won't be eating at that place for a bit lol
jrink jrink Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 Here's an idea for you guys: What if, as they're leaving the roof and sneaking back to the barracks, Dante and Fable run into Ghost as he's on his way up to the roof? However, since they're trying not to get caught, they hear him coming and hide so that he doesn't see them, but they watch as he goes onto the roof seemingly alone? Or if you guys had other plans at the barracks that you want to get to, that's fine too!
jrink jrink Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 Here's an idea for you guys: What if, as they're leaving the roof and sneaking back to the barracks, Dante and Fable run into Ghost as he's on his way up to the roof? However, since they're trying not to get caught, they hear him coming and hide so that he doesn't see them, but they watch as he goes onto the roof seemingly alone? Or if you guys had other plans at the barracks that you want to get to, that's fine too!
I'm cool with that, if Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 is. If so, I'll edit my post to allow more room for that.
All I know, for finding Ben's body, I want Bell to be the last one to see it, seeing as it's her bff, mayhaps when her and Mav are heading towards the barracks and training hall before the part ways?? if that works with WanderLust. WanderLust. obviously ๐Ÿ˜†
I think it would be nice if all the people are are gonna see the body end up together there. Since I doubt anyone who sees it will instantly run off plus itโ€™ll leave more room for fun interactions if itโ€™s a group! Though obviously anyone can do as they please I just know Randi, Poppy, Chris(?), and Blair(?) will end up seeing it together(them being a gang of friends xD)

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