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Ruby politely waited until Qrow was done speaking.

"....I'm...I'm glad she had him."

She didn't really want to delve any further than that. Lest she get upset right here and now.


Once more she waited for him to finish speaking.

"None taken. I told the other Yang the same thing I'm gonna tell you. I'm not a good person. If I were to become one....It'd take a lot of work." Ruby exhaled and leaned back in her seat. "...For the longest time I thought Ozpin was the one who'd do that. That I was going to be on the right side of things. Sure, people would get in our way but I'd only hurt them if they tried hurting me first. I don't LIKE killing people. That's probably a hard sell but...." Ruby picked up her glass and took another hearty sip. "I'd even made it a point to only injure the guards who'd been assigned to watch me. Even after they said some rather nasty things about my whistling."

She shook her head from side to side.

"But that's not the answer to your question. The other world Yang has been nothing but nice to me. She even promised we'd talk even when I was locked up in jail. Trying to keep to that promise was one of the things keeping me going during my stint in jail. Believing that Ozpin would eventually rescue me was the other. But she never mentioned the people I've hurt....or the lives I've taken. I imagine she probably didn't want to associate such things with a face like this." She waved a hand in front of her face John Cena style. "...I imagine Weiss will probably have me pay in some way for what I've done. I'm not a total idiot. She's been kind to me but the underlying fear is still there. That she could easily kill me or have me put in a sling and carted off to who knows where if I displease her. But...maybe it's just the other Yang and me rubbing off but...If I have to do time to repent....then I'll do it once this is all over."

She finished off her drink.

"I....I'm still trying to come to terms with Weiss and Maria and Yang telling me about the man Ozpin really is. You saw me at Salem's office. I got tossed in there like a wild animal. He was the only figure I could look up to. The only one that paid me any mind that wasn't simply scorn or disgust or...simple willful apathy. Growing up I was a total brat to get what I wanted. Being the boss's daughter didn't mean a damn thing other than people knew my name if I messed up. I needed to feel as if I had power over my life. That I wasn't going to just be the Bandit's daughter and nothing more. That I could be who I wanted to be and assert my authority over someone else. I wanted to be noticed so I took it out on the only person I could..." Ruby let the clear implication of who that was sit in the air for a bit. "I made her do whatever I wanted. If she didn't like it? I'd get her in trouble and they'd always take my word over hers. She was the outcast. The burden to us. I helped keep it that way." She looked over to her stump. "....I've been telling myself lately that saving us from the Beowulf was my only kind act towards her....but the more and more I think about it, I think I just didn't want to lose the only person who listened to ME."


"So, I helped make my Yang what she is. ...To a certain point anyway. Ozpin's....modified her a bit."

Ruby pushed her empty glass away and propped her elbow on the table.

"The way I see it, I have three options. I could have taken up the other Yang's offer and been either gunned down or captured by the Resistance. I could go back to Ozpin and stay in servitude thinking I'm worth more than I really am. I doubt Weiss would let me do that. She'd kill me before I could even leave Atlas's grounds. Or.....I can try to do better and when the time comes that I need to pay for my....crimes. I'll take it, whatever it may be. If in the meantime it means doing what Weiss asks of me and trying to be less of the Red Masque and more....Ruby Rose....then I'll do it."

Her voice broke as she added on.

"....I'd just want a warmer cell."

"So it was you."


Barely a second after the last utterance left Ruby's mouth, a wave of... something swept outward from Qrow's aura in a pulse. It was difficult to say precisely what. He didn't move; hadn't in some time. Not even to raise his drink to his lips. Not even to tame his bangs when they fell low over his forehead and obscured his eyes, a natural consequence of his gaze lowering so he wasn't looking at Ruby anymore. He didn't want to. He couldn't.

But even though he didn't move, and even though the bizarre miasma he emitted wouldn't even have been detectable had she not been sitting directly opposite her parallel world father in a neutral setting, the influence it exerted over their immediate surroundings was something to behold. By the bar, an entire shelf containing a row of freshly polished glasses collapsed off its hinges without provocation, shattering every single one of them as the hapless bartender looked on with a frown no deeper than the one he typically wore. At the table in the corner, the house of cards the flamboyant clown had been building suddenly collapsed in spite of its perfect construction, prompting a bemused blink and a thoughtful hum as he slowly looked over at the only other table in the room. One of the former Masque's chair legs snapped, seemingly of its own accord, but knowledge of her father's semblance and what it could do when he really unleashed it helped Ruby to know better.

Qrow still didn't look up at her. It wasn't until the bartender had retrieved a dustpan and started sweeping up the damage did the huntsman finally move again, and only for the slow, deliberate action of raising the glass he held to his mouth for a sip. His voice was eerily quiet, its gravelly edge sanded down to almost nothingness, like an alcoholic in recovery trying to maintain a state of zen lest something unfortunate happen.

"From the second I started hearing all the little pieces of this crappy story... I got a bug in my brain. Knew something was off, just couldn't exactly put a finger on what. But whatever that something was... it gnawed at me. See, it's Yang. She's... a stubborn chick. It's a part of her buried all the way in her soul. She doesn't let people beat her. If the world treats her like garbage, then screw the world—She keeps going. That's who she is."

Despite his severity of tone, he couldn't really keep the note of admiration out of his voice, either. Didn't really wanna, for that matter. But he remembered himself, huffed, and swirled the ice around his glass in thought for a brief second before he went on.

"It ain't easy, being the camp runt. The one all the others think is soft; That's something I can attest to personally. I'm sure it definitely didn't help. But that being what broke her down in the end? Nah. Doesn't track. If you knew a version of her worth knowing as well as I do, then you'd know exactly what I'm talking about. It doesn't add up to the lady I saw in Mistral, the Yang who split one of those Beacon kids in half in front of his friends for kicks. This isn't our world; its problems ain't our problems. Ever since I got here, I've been trying real hard not to think too much about what coulda made the people in this crapsack dimension the way they are. Done a pretty damn good job of it, too. But that... that I just couldn't shake loose. Now, I finally get it. The tribe didn't make her that way."

His jaw stiffened, and he looked up, at last deigning to lock eyes with Ruby once more.


"You did."

It was not a friendly stare.

"She looks up to you, y'know. Or did, once. Weird as it might seem for you to think about, the Yang I know idolizes Ruby Rose every bit as much as her little sister idolizes her. It's a two-way deal. They make each other better. Neither of them would be the person they are without the other. So tell me this: how long'd it take for her to stop being nice to you? She let you have your way, did every little thing you asked, and you think that was fear? You honestly think any version of Yang Xiao Long would be scared of some violent midget in a hood with a chip on her shoulder? I don't buy it. I bet she was reaching out to you. She probably wanted to help you, and you ruined her life. Didn't you? Now you're gonna sit there and tell me Ozpin's the only one you ever could've looked up to? SERIOUSLY? Like you never had any other options? Like you didn't make her entire existence a living hell until she was just as much of a miserable lowlife as you are? You wanna know why you like our Yang so much more than yours, kid? Wondering what the reason is she's so much better? Take a good, long look in the mirror. You're it."

He knocked back the last of his whiskey and slammed the empty glass down on the table upside-down.

"Guess what, miss woe-is-me? I grew up in the same tribe you did. It's not that bad when there's someone there to help you through it. You could've had that too. But when she tried to pull you out, instead of letting her you grabbed her by the ankles and dragged her down with you. And now here you are, talking about repentance and a cozy cell, right after Oz already fitted the monster YOU made with one of his own. The kind that doesn't come off so easily. Little late for that, dontcha think?"

He stood up sharply, slipping his hands inside his pockets and tossing a scatter of lien onto the table in front of Ruby so she could cover the tab. His brow was ridged, his frown firm, really not a whole lot between the man standing before her and the bandit chieftain she could recall from her childhood at all.

"'Preciate the intel. As a thank-you, you get one warning: stay away from my nieces. BOTH of 'em. You don't DESERVE to know them. If you're actually serious about this reformative spiel, you'll agree. Hope you find whatever it is you're looking for, but if I see you anywhere near my family again you're gonna have a much bigger problem on your hands than whatever Weiss has planned. Like I said. One warning."

That really was all he planned on giving her, and with one final, piercing stare he turned on his heel and stalked for the exit.​
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"So it was you."


Barely a second after the last utterance left Ruby's mouth, a wave of... something swept outward from Qrow's aura in a pulse. It was difficult to say precisely what. He didn't move; hadn't in some time. Not even to raise his drink to his lips. Not even to tame his bangs when they fell low over his forehead and obscured his eyes, a natural consequence of his gaze lowering so he wasn't looking at Ruby anymore. He didn't want to. He couldn't.

But even though he didn't move, and even though the bizarre miasma he emitted wouldn't even have been detectable had she not been sitting directly opposite her parallel world father in a neutral setting, the influence it exerted over their immediate surroundings was something to behold. By the bar, an entire shelf containing a row of freshly polished glasses collapsed off its hinges without provocation, shattering every single one of them as the hapless bartender looked on with a frown no deeper than the one he typically wore. At the table in the corner, the house of cards the flamboyant clown had been building suddenly collapsed in spite of its perfect construction, prompting a bemused blink and a thoughtful hum as he slowly looked over at the only other table in the room. One of the former Masque's chair legs snapped, seemingly of its own accord, but knowledge of her father's semblance and what it could do when he really unleashed it helped Ruby to know better.

Qrow still didn't look up at her. It wasn't until the bartender had retrieved a dustpan and started sweeping up the damage did the huntsman finally move again, and only for the slow, deliberate action of raising the glass he held to his mouth for a sip. His voice was eerily quiet, its gravelly edge sanded down to almost nothingness, like an alcoholic in recovery trying to maintain a state of zen lest something unfortunate happen.


Ruby didn't tumble out of her seat.

She knew what had happened.

And she wasn't happy about whatever was going to come next.

"Dad..." She muttered in a moment of mistaken identity and a tinge of fear evident in her voice.

From the second I started hearing all the little pieces of this crappy story... I got a bug in my brain. Knew something was off, just couldn't exactly put a finger on what. But whatever that something was... it gnawed at me. See, it's Yang. She's... a stubborn chick. It's a part of her buried all the way in her soul. She doesn't let people beat her. If the world treats her like garbage, then screw the world—She keeps going. That's who she is."

Despite his severity of tone, he couldn't really keep the note of admiration out of his voice, either. Didn't really wanna, for that matter. But he remembered himself, huffed, and swirled the ice around his glass in thought for a brief second before he went on.

"It ain't easy, being the camp runt. The one all the others think is soft; That's something I can attest to personally. I'm sure it definitely didn't help. But that being what broke her down in the end? Nah. Doesn't track. If you knew a version of her worth knowing as well as I do, then you'd know exactly what I'm talking about. It doesn't add up to the lady I saw in Mistral, the Yang who split one of those Beacon kids in half in front of his friends for kicks. This isn't our world; its problems ain't our problems. Ever since I got here, I've been trying real hard not to think too much about what coulda made the people in this crapsack dimension the way they are. Done a pretty damn good job of it, too. But that... that I just couldn't shake loose. Now, I finally get it. The tribe didn't make her that way."

His jaw stiffened, and he looked up, at last deigning to lock eyes with Ruby once more.

She said nothing more.

There was no defending what she'd put her Yang through.

The tormented relationship between children turned them into the monsters they were in the present day.

She regretted it after meeting the other Yang.

But she couldn't things as they were now.

She looked away as Qrow's gaze met hers.
"You did."

It was not a friendly stare.

"She looks up to you, y'know. Or did, once. Weird as it might seem for you to think about, the Yang I know idolizes Ruby Rose every bit as much as her little sister idolizes her. It's a two-way deal. They make each other better. Neither of them would be the person they are without the other. So tell me this: how long'd it take for her to stop being nice to you? She let you have your way, did every little thing you asked, and you think that was fear? You honestly think any version of Yang Xiao Long would be scared of some violent midget in a hood with a chip on her shoulder? I don't buy it. I bet she was reaching out to you. She probably wanted to help you, and you ruined her life. Didn't you? Now you're gonna sit there and tell me Ozpin's the only one you ever could've looked up to? SERIOUSLY? Like you never had any other options? Like you didn't make her entire existence a living hell until she was just as much of a miserable lowlife as you are? You wanna know why you like our Yang so much more than yours, kid? Wondering what the reason is she's so much better? Take a good, long look in the mirror. You're it."

He knocked back the last of his whiskey and slammed the empty glass down on the table upside-down.

"Guess what, miss woe-is-me? I grew up in the same tribe you did. It's not that bad when there's someone there to help you through it. You could've had that too. But when she tried to pull you out, instead of letting her you grabbed her by the ankles and dragged her down with you. And now here you are, talking about repentance and a cozy cell, right after Oz already fitted the monster YOU made with one of his own. The kind that doesn't come off so easily. Little late for that, dontcha think?"

She bit her bottom lip and shook in her seat.

Every urge in her body was telling her to scream, to lose her temper, to let him keep on thinking that she was just a mindless feral killer.

But she choked it down.

Along with the tears.


Her nails dug into the wood of the table.
He stood up sharply, slipping his hands inside his pockets and tossing a scatter of lien onto the table in front of Ruby so she could cover the tab. His brow was ridged, his frown firm, really not a whole lot between the man standing before her and the bandit chieftain she could recall from her childhood at all.

"'Preciate the intel. As a thank-you, you get one warning: stay away from my nieces. BOTH of 'em. You don't DESERVE to know them. If you're actually serious about this reformative spiel, you'll agree. Hope you find whatever it is you're looking for, but if I see you anywhere near my family again you're gonna have a much bigger problem on your hands than whatever Weiss has planned. Like I said. One warning."

That really was all he planned on giving her, and with one final, piercing stare he turned on his heel and stalked for the exit.

Ruby waited until his back was to her.

"If that's what you want..."

She thought of the other Yang. The laughs they'd shared, the talks they'd had.

The offer that Yang had made to her.

"Consider it done."

She grabbed Zwei and vanished past Qrow in a trail of rose petals.

The whole time she refused to look back. To look at him or that bar.

It wasn't until she reached Weiss's mansion and stepped inside did she finally stop.

Zwei was set gently on the floor and Ruby slumped against the doors.


"...I'm...*sniffle* I'm trying...."

She curled up into a ball against the door.

"I....I can't fix everything....*sob*"
It wasn't until she reached Weiss's mansion and stepped inside did she finally stop.

Zwei was set gently on the floor and Ruby slumped against the doors.


"...I'm...*sniffle* I'm trying...."

She curled up into a ball against the door.

"I....I can't fix everything....*sob*"



Weiss paused where she was perched atop the bannister with perfect balance after an incredible frontflip from the very top of the manor's grand staircase, having obviously been pacing around the landing in trepidation for dust honestly knew how long. The only reason she hadn't already mobilized a battalion of specialists spearheaded by her own self to go track her and Zwei down was a genuine calculated confidence that she'd be back, but she had bad nerves and there was only so long even she could exercise patience. That was far from the entry she was expecting, though, and as Zwei morosely sniffed Ruby's ankle the heiress tried to rapidly parse how to approach someone with Ruby's mental fragility suffering from obvious emotional distress, gently floating down to a graceful landing from another majestic leap not far from the door with fingers daintily pinching the hem of her skirt.

wessytumblr_21ee83f45ffed07564dd141a913ea80b_0c967ccb_1280 copy.png

"...D-did I show you my Nintendust Switch yet? I'm rich."
Weiss paused where she was perched atop the bannister with perfect balance after an incredible frontflip from the very top of the manor's grand staircase, having obviously been pacing around the landing in trepidation for dust honestly knew how long. The only reason she hadn't already mobilized a battalion of specialists spearheaded by her own self to go track her and Zwei down was a genuine calculated confidence that she'd be back, but she had bad nerves and there was only so long even she could exercise patience. That was far from the entry she was expecting, though, and as Zwei morosely sniffed Ruby's ankle the heiress tried to rapidly parse how to approach someone with Ruby's mental fragility suffering from obvious emotional distress, gently floating down to a stop not far from her with fingers daintily pinching the hem of her skirt.
Ruby cuddled Zwei to her chest and sobbed.


"Oh...*sob* Zwei! You're such a *sniff* good dog....Eh....Waaaaaahhhhh!!!!!"
wessytumblr_21ee83f45ffed07564dd141a913ea80b_0c967ccb_1280 copy.png

"...D-did I show you my Nintendust Switch yet? I'm rich."
Ruby looked up from where she was continuing to cry and hold Zwei.

She'd heard Weiss, who wouldn't have?

Letting Zwei go, Ruby rose to her feet and the next thing Weiss knew, she was scooped up in a hug.

Or as much of one as Ruby could muster.


"W-Weiss! I...I'm so glad to see youuuuuuuuuuuuu. I was walking...walking Zwei and everything went terribly!! People were following me and I ran into...." She didn't finish that. Let Weiss ask her if she was interested.

Shaking her head from side to side, Ruby tried to calm herself.

"I....I'm happy that I'm living with you, Weiss." She sniffled. "I don't care what anyone says about you. You took a chance on me and I'm...*sniff* trying.....I really am!"

"W-Weiss! I...I'm so glad to see youuuuuuuuuuuuu. I was walking...walking Zwei and everything went terribly!! People were following me and I ran into...." She didn't finish that. Let Weiss ask her if she was interested.

Shaking her head from side to side, Ruby tried to calm herself.

"I....I'm happy that I'm living with you, Weiss." She sniffled. "I don't care what anyone says about you. You took a chance on me and I'm...*sniff* trying.....I really am!"


Some things were not only universal, but multiversal as well, Weiss reacting with as much concentrated passive indignation as could be condensed into a single petite human form when Ruby Rose helped herself to her personal space apparently making that illustrious list as she held onto her dignified bearing as much as possible while being bundled up and jostled about by the hysterical younger woman. That exasperation never reached the point of any sort of outburst or reprimand, however; quite the opposite. Instead, after a brief moment of rigid unresponsiveness on the councilwoman's part Ruby felt a hand gently alight on the back of her crown, gently smoothing out the back portion of her guest's hair even as her other arm encircled Ruby's shoulders, drawing her closer.

"...Terribly? You're mistaken, dolt. On the contrary, Zwei looks rather exhausted. I must've paid a dozen so-called professionals to bring him for walks when I was too busy to do so myself, and not a single one has returned with him looking so satisfied. Only I've ever pulled that off."

It was impossible to deny that the corgi looked tuckered out following their adventure, patiently laying by the door with his head cocked from the moment Ruby released him.

She was well aware of what had happened, of course. Or at least, the broad strokes of it. The only person following Ruby who hadn't been on her payroll was the one who appeared to have left her in such dire straits. The only thing she wasn't certain of was what exactly had been said to leave the self-proclaimed bandit princess in such a state, and in all honesty she didn't see a point in inquiring. She was fairly certain she could imagine.


"And that's not the only thing you're mistaken about. Listen carefully, Ruby. I don't take chances. The only time I ever take action is when I'm completely assured of the outcome. For example, the only reason I didn't tear Atlas apart looking for you after the half-hour mark is because I knew you'd be back, and here you are. I'm allowing you to stay with me because I believe some time spent living alongside someone who isn't a savage or degenerate is all you'll require to heal; and you will. I'm well aware you're trying. I could care less about your sordid past. My focus lies in providing you with the opportunity to have a more hopeful future, but what you choose to do with that opportunity is entirely up to you. Putting any major stock in the opinions of those from that other Remnant is nothing more than wasted energy. They're simply judging you next to the version of you they're familiar with, and that's never going to be a favorable comparison no matter how hard you try. You don't care what anyone says about me? Good. Me neither. Now apply that same layer of immunity to yourself, and it'll be far more conducive to achieving the version of yourself you actually want to be than these crocodile tears ever will."

She ceased stroking Ruby's head to firmly grip her chin between thumb and forefinger, lifting it up until their eyes met. That firmness was matched in her confident, authoritative delivery, but not in the hint of softness visible in her arctic eyes as they held the other's gaze unblinkingly.

"Say you understand. And stop whimpering, for goodness' sake. You're a grown woman."
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"'Preciate the intel. As a thank-you, you get one warning: stay away from my nieces. BOTH of 'em. You don't DESERVE to know them. If you're actually serious about this reformative spiel, you'll agree. Hope you find whatever it is you're looking for, but if I see you anywhere near my family again you're gonna have a much bigger problem on your hands than whatever Weiss has planned. Like I said. One warning."

That really was all he planned on giving her, and with one final, piercing stare he turned on his heel and stalked for the exit.

She grabbed Zwei and vanished past Qrow in a trail of rose petals.

The whole time she refused to look back. To look at him or that bar.

It wasn't until she reached Weiss's mansion and stepped inside did she finally stop.

An eyebrow raised slightly as she observed the pair leaving. One in such a rush that she almost could have blinked and missed it, thanks to that sheer speed. Almost. The rose petals didn't really help there. Still she didn't really move or do much beyond that. She wasn't trying to stand out or anything but neither was she trying particularly hard to hide. She sat just on the edge of one building scattered among many other buildings in the distance overlooking that exit, legs dangling in the air. Those crimson eyes shifted away from the trail of flowers and back over to briefly rest on him in particular for a few seconds, before she tore her gaze away from that specific view in favor of just looking at the city in general. It practically shined in the pale moonlight.

Yeah, he'd left of his own choice. Had made it clear he didn't plan on returning and demanded that they both stop crowding him. She wasn't going to keep bothering trying to talk to him but...that wasn't gonna stop her from keeping an eye on him when she could. It was like he said. She's stubborn like that. This display was proof enough of that, and maybe even more so was her decision to leave that infernal wheelchair behind in favor of continuing trying to force her legs to do their one damn job. She blinked a few times as she took in the sight of the city, strangely beautiful as it was in this light.


One hand rose up to pull the hood tighter around her head to hide more of her face, and the other hand rose a couple moments later, bringing a nearly empty bottle of beer up to her mouth. One gulp later, the now empty bottle got tossed carelessly onto the roof behind her and she scooped up another fresh one from the collection she'd bought. This was...number eight, she was pretty sure, but she wasn't really counting all that much.

They didn't even taste that great but she wasn't drinking them for extravagant, magnificent taste or anything dumb like that. They were doing exactly what she intended, and that was enough.​
And that's not the only thing you're mistaken about. Listen carefully, Ruby. I don't take chances. The only time I ever take action is when I'm completely assured of the outcome. For example, the only reason I didn't tear Atlas apart looking for you after the half-hour mark is because I knew you'd be back, and here you are. I'm allowing you to stay with me because I believe some time spent living alongside someone who isn't a savage or degenerate is all you'll require to heal; and you will. I'm well aware you're trying. I could care less about your sordid past. My focus lies in providing you with the opportunity to have a more hopeful future, but what you choose to do with that opportunity is entirely up to you. Putting any major stock in the opinions of those from that other Remnant is nothing more than wasted energy. They're simply judging you next to the version of you they're familiar with, and that's never going to be a favorable comparison no matter how hard you try. You don't care what anyone says about me? Good. Me neither. Now apply that same layer of immunity to yourself, and it'll be far more conducive to achieving the version of yourself you actually want to be than these crocodile tears ever will."

She ceased stroking Ruby's head to firmly grip her chin between thumb and forefinger, lifting it up until their eyes met. That firmness was matched in her confident, authoritative delivery, but not in the hint of softness visible in her arctic eyes as they held the other's gaze unblinkingly.

"Say you understand. And stop whimpering, for goodness' sake. You're a grown woman."

It was with an awe-filled bout of silence that Ruby listened to what Weiss had to say. While her thoughts were too jumbled to put out as such, they all seemed clear enough to her.

'How? How does she do it everyday? Ever since I started life as the Red Masque, I've had people gunning for me. Some of them were even scummier than me and only sought to make a quick buck off either capturing me or killing me and bringing back the mask as proof. ....She has an entire resistance movement against her and yet she stands tall despite it all. Does she have fears? Doubts? Of course she does. Any person does in their day to day life. Will I ever get close enough to see them, to be privvy to them? It's probably a lot to ask for but I want to know what worries her. If only so we can take it on together.'

As if on command, the sniveling and whimpering stopped as Ruby's eyes made contact with Weiss's.

'She's right. I used to be feared. People would make up stories about me as though I were a figure of legend, an urban myth. And yet all it took was to be confronted by the ugly reality of what I've done while trying to change. Stable.....I don't think I've been stable from the day I first pushed my Yang to the ground and demanded she stay there.'

She nodded her head.

'But maybe I can show him up. I'll show everyone up. I'll prove that I can change. That I'll pay for what I've done without fear or hesitation.'


"I understand."
An eyebrow raised slightly as she observed the pair leaving. One in such a rush that she almost could have blinked and missed it, thanks to that sheer speed. Almost. The rose petals didn't really help there. Still she didn't really move or do much beyond that. She wasn't trying to stand out or anything but neither was she trying particularly hard to hide. She sat just on the edge of one building scattered among many other buildings in the distance overlooking that exit, legs dangling in the air. Those crimson eyes shifted away from the trail of flowers and back over to briefly rest on him in particular for a few seconds, before she tore her gaze away from that specific view in favor of just looking at the city in general. It practically shined in the pale moonlight.

Yeah, he'd left of his own choice. Had made it clear he didn't plan on returning and demanded that they both stop crowding him. She wasn't going to keep bothering trying to talk to him but...that wasn't gonna stop her from keeping an eye on him when she could. It was like he said. She's stubborn like that. This display was proof enough of that, and maybe even more so was her decision to leave that infernal wheelchair behind in favor of continuing trying to force her legs to do their one damn job. She blinked a few times as she took in the sight of the city, strangely beautiful as it was in this light.


One hand rose up to pull the hood tighter around her head to hide more of her face, and the other hand rose a couple moments later, bringing a nearly empty bottle of beer up to her mouth. One gulp later, the now empty bottle got tossed carelessly onto the roof behind her and she scooped up another fresh one from the collection she'd bought. This was...number eight, she was pretty sure, but she wasn't really counting all that much.

They didn't even taste that great but she wasn't drinking them for extravagant, magnificent taste or anything dumb like that. They were doing exactly what she intended, and that was enough.

The crow yelled down at her as it flapped away overhead, into the evening gloom. :|​

It was with an awe-filled bout of silence that Ruby listened to what Weiss had to say. While her thoughts were too jumbled to put out as such, they all seemed clear enough to her.

'How? How does she do it everyday? Ever since I started life as the Red Masque, I've had people gunning for me. Some of them were even scummier than me and only sought to make a quick buck off either capturing me or killing me and bringing back the mask as proof. ....She has an entire resistance movement against her and yet she stands tall despite it all. Does she have fears? Doubts? Of course she does. Any person does in their day to day life. Will I ever get close enough to see them, to be privvy to them? It's probably a lot to ask for but I want to know what worries her. If only so we can take it on together.'

As if on command, the sniveling and whimpering stopped as Ruby's eyes made contact with Weiss's.

'She's right. I used to be feared. People would make up stories about me as though I were a figure of legend, an urban myth. And yet all it took was to be confronted by the ugly reality of what I've done while trying to change. Stable.....I don't think I've been stable from the day I first pushed my Yang to the ground and demanded she stay there.'

She nodded her head.

'But maybe I can show him up. I'll show everyone up. I'll prove that I can change. That I'll pay for what I've done without fear or hesitation.'


"I understand."


"Good girl," Weiss approved in a nurturing tone, unwavering expression giving way to something a bit more gentle as she leaned forward and gave her a peck on the cheek so soft it bordered on imperceptible.


"...Now are you going to keep crowding me, or...?"
she ignored and kept on drinking.

Moments later there came the faint thud of two boot heels touching down on the rooftop, then a clink of glass as Qrow carefully reached over with his long limbs and fished two unopened bottles out of her pile.



Then he flew away again.​
"Good girl," Weiss approved in a nurturing tone, unwavering expression giving way to something a bit more gentle as she leaned forward and gave her a peck on the cheek so soft it bordered on imperceptible.

Ruby smiled warmly at the cheek smooch.

Whatever else, Ruby truly enjoyed Weiss's company.

....Even if she was still scary at times.

"...Now are you going to keep crowding me, or...?"

Ruby practically jumped back from Weiss.

"....I guess since I'm curious now, I'll just go ahead and say it. You get up every day and do what you gotta do while those...Resistance guys stand around wherever and plot and plan. Wanting to lock you up or beat you up or whatever. But you don't let any of that bother you." Ruby sheepishly rubbed the back of her head. "....You've just got a lot on your shoulders and you handle it pretty well. I...It's..Admirable."

With that Ruby tried to hurry past Weiss, a blush tinging her cheeks.

'Behind the Masque is just a girl with a psyche so fragile I feel like it shatters on a regular basis. Yang's....well. But Weiss has an entire kingdom standing behind her. She's not afraid of Ozpin. Whatever may come....'

She smiled.

'I want to see the world she creates when the dust clears.'

Moments later there came the faint thud of two boot heels touching down on the rooftop, then a clink of glass as Qrow carefully reached over with his long limbs and fished two unopened bottles out of her pile.

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Then he flew away again.​

If the sound of her twin brother dropping down even registered with her, it didn’t show. She didn’t attempt to stand up, didn’t bother to address him or tell him off for taking two of the bottles, didn’t even so much as turn to face him. Her eyes stayed firmly locked on the horizon. “...You’re welcome.” She commented a few seconds after he was gone again, raising the bottle in her hand back up to her lips. Once it was empty she just let it drop down past her dangling legs and to the street below, already reaching for another bottle before that one even hit the ground.​
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Ruby smiled warmly at the cheek smooch.

Whatever else, Ruby truly enjoyed Weiss's company.

....Even if she was still scary at times.


Ruby practically jumped back from Weiss.

"....I guess since I'm curious now, I'll just go ahead and say it. You get up every day and do what you gotta do while those...Resistance guys stand around wherever and plot and plan. Wanting to lock you up or beat you up or whatever. But you don't let any of that bother you." Ruby sheepishly rubbed the back of her head. "....You've just got a lot on your shoulders and you handle it pretty well. I...It's..Admirable."

With that Ruby tried to hurry past Weiss, a blush tinging her cheeks.

'Behind the Masque is just a girl with a psyche so fragile I feel like it shatters on a regular basis. Yang's....well. But Weiss has an entire kingdom standing behind her. She's not afraid of Ozpin. Whatever may come....'

She smiled.

'I want to see the world she creates when the dust clears.'


She smirked, a faintly teasing inflection taking root in her tone. "Yes, and? What exactly are you curious about? Or was that your question?"

Any sort of window Ruby may have had to answer was narrow, Weiss seemingly either oblivious to the attempt to hurry away from her or simply not caring and intent on going the same way regardless as she kept pace, hands clasped behind her back. Her next words were ponderous.

"...Those people you made reference to? They're misguided. Not evil, malignant, or anything else of the sort. Just misguided. They fail to see the necessity of what I'm doing, that's all—their emotional trappings make them incapable of seeing the light at the end of the tunnel the way I can. And naturally, they're all just lining up for their shot to tell me I'm wrong, that I'm the misguided one, that the ends don't justify the means, etcetera, etcetera. They'll fault my plans to repair this wretched world until the cows come home, but not a single one of them will be able to offer up any sort of viable alternative. The suffering thousands experience every day is simply the way of the world to them. You could go so far as to say that they're complacent."

There was no spite, disdain, or superiority in her words. It was simply an appraisal, no different than the one she might give if she were analysing an employee's approach to their duties.

"They're capable nuisances, to be sure, but I've already secured my power base here. I feel no more threatened by them than I would be by children who don't know any better in the midst of a particularly unrelenting tantrum; nor do I judge them any more harshly. As I mentioned, they really can't help themselves. But I'm not about to take that child's opinion on my worldview or ethicality very seriously, either."

She concluded her analysis on a sharp, confident note, eloquent and practiced in her speech as ever.

"Does that help shed some light on the matter?"
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If the sound of her twin brother dropping down even registered with her, it didn’t show. She didn’t attempt to stand up, didn’t bother to address him or tell him off for taking two of the bottles, didn’t even so much as turn to face him. Her eyes stayed firmly locked on the horizon. “...You’re welcome.” She commented a few seconds after he was gone again, raising the bottle in her hand back up to her lips. Once it was empty she just let it drop down past her dangling legs and to the street below, already reaching for another bottle before that one even hit the ground.​

The bottle shattered over the skull of one passing Henry Marigold, killing him instantly
It didn't take much longer after he flew off the second time for her to be done, completely finished. Every bottle that remained was empty, damn near to the last drop. Yet, despite how much she had consumed...she didn't feel nearly as out of it as she should have, given that amount. Plus, in a way that felt like life itself was spiting her...none of the drinks really got her mind off of the thoughts that had been crushing her for some time now. The thoughts that she didn't dare share with or openly reveal to anybody if she could help it. That her current condition got to her more than she let on. The strong live, the weak die. Those words, she'd lived by them by them for years. Used them to justify much of her actions. But there was no reconciling them with her current situation. They just seemed...hollow. Broken.

She hadn't been strong enough to fight against what had got her in the darkness. By all rights, she...should have died, by those rules of nature. For not being strong enough. For being weak. Yet here she was, still alive...and feeling about as far from strong as anybody could ever get. For fuck's sake, she'd needed help to get in a damn van. One of the maidens, with all that entailed, a lot of skill to boot, someone who could have been on top of the world...and it felt only like she was the butt of one of life's sick jokes. Weak but alive, the complete antithesis to the Branwen tribe's mantra.

For a brief moment that seemed far longer than it actually was, a thought that had sporadically echoed in her mind returned once again. That perhaps it would have been better if she had died there. Qrow would have been rid of his worse half, the power would have gone to someone far more deserving, and she...she would have passed on without ever having to experience feeling this weak. Powerless. Helpless, humiliated and...​



He slapped his knee, in the midst of a drunken stupor that probably would've had a more graceless drunk toppling off his stool with the motion.

...laughed at. In many ways that felt worse than dying. After everything she'd gone through, sacrificed...

In the blink of an eye, her face suddenly snapped from relatively expressionless to an overwhelming scowl of hateful rage as one of the empty bottles got yanked up and thrown at the doorway that led up to this roof. The glass smashed apart on contact, sprinkling the area with small shattered bits and the trace amounts of drink that remained. The rest followed suit shortly after, followed by a yell loud enough that it probably woke up anybody who was sleeping among the upper floors of the building. She let all that negativity flow out in those moments, before she quieted down after the last bottle was gone and let her composure return. If she didn't keep it together as she forced herself to do when around literally anybody...it would only bring grimm.

She bit her lip, her red eyes flitting about in annoyed uncertainty before she moved to stand up and step way from the edge of the building and over to said door down into the building itself. She only got a few steps before the drinks really got to her and she stumbled, landing sprawled out on said roof and falling asleep right there.

Sweet dreams seemed unlikely.​
"I--oh thank god." She finished that sentence with a relieved whisper. She had no idea what she was going to say after that. Not until he spoke up and saved her from having to do so all alone. "Yeah, that! I'm a pretty good slayer of...elves!" Cinder threw a thumbs up and flashed a smirk over at Martha even if it was unnecessary.


She fell silent for the rest of that talk, though her head tilted and eyebrows quirked up in the slightest hint of sadness as she witnessed the exchange between the two. It didn't remind her of her folks, this carefree dismissal, almost lack of attention was like...the opposite of what they'd have done. Their attention would have crushed her, and moreso if she had dared to bring somebody there. But this seemingly uncaring feeling was no less...saddening. She tried not to think about it too heavily as she followed after.

This part of the home for sure screamed Watts more than the rest of it. Some might have been put off by all of it, but she wasn't. There was a slight smile on her face as she took it all in, though by the time he had turned back to face her, the expression on her face was more serious. "I...almost was. Dead I mean." She admitted, thinking back to the cold feeling of the sharp edge of Gambol against her throat. That admittance validated...so much of what had Arthur had said back then but she didn't remotely feel like withholding or lying about that. "But I didn't come here to talk about that. You're...you're looking good. All things considered." Cinder began, at least appreciating that before continuing.


"I...came to apologize." She said with a trembling voice. "You don't need to accept it or anything, and I'm not expecting it after...how I left. I just want you to know. To know that I'm so sorry. I didn't intend it to come across...the way it did for you...and probably the others too. Considering my mom and dad, I should have known better. I just...I was so desperate to be able to do something about...the losses we suffered...that I clung to the power. The maidens' strength, above all else. Even you guys. I thought I was doing what was best, but it's become increasingly more clear to me that what's best and what's right aren't always the same thing. I made a mistake. I prioritized the power over my friends, over you...I thought that said power was more crucial to help out with...everything. Yet, even with the power...if it hadn't been for Hazel and Gretchen..."

Cinder shuddered in fear, head falling as she couldn't even bring herself to finish that sentence. Her stare stayed aimed at the ground for a few seconds, and by the time she lifted her head back up, the tears falling from her face were far beyond obvious and noticeable, though she wasn't looking directly at him right now. Even a blind man probably could have noticed those tears.


"I'm sorry I abandoned you guys. Words will never be enough to express how sorry, but they're all that I..." Cinder hesitated, briefly moving as if to get closer for something, but the shameful guilt on her face only increased and she moved back with a slight shake of the head. It wasn't fair of her to even try for that. "I...didn't want it to go like that." She didn't know what else to say. The teenage maiden just lowered herself to sit on the floor and nervously and quietly rubbed a thumb across her opposite hand's knuckles.​

From the first words out of Cinder's mouth, the blase look on Watt's face sharpened as he sat up, but he waited in silence until she was done. There wasn't any sarcastic bite or deadpan 'I told you so's delivered; maybe if Cinder was acting like the partner he knew, that might've been what happened, an easy drift back into their usual routine of butting heads and shooting (mostly) toothless vitrol back and forth.

The partner he knew hadn't ever been so open and miserable about being wrong before. There may have been some tears along the way, especially at the end of Beacon, but nothing like this. This was an entirely different beast that had blindsided Watts. The silence that followed it heavy, and his words were very carefully parsed as he finally spoke.

"...This was never about being right, or wanting you to be wrong, Cinder. I'm glad Hazel and Gretchen were there when... whatever happened happened. But the fact that you're in Atlas means... you're not actually stopping, are you?"

It was phrased as a question, but in a way that made it obvious he already knew the answer.
From the first words out of Cinder's mouth, the blase look on Watt's face sharpened as he sat up, but he waited in silence until she was done. There wasn't any sarcastic bite or deadpan 'I told you so's delivered; maybe if Cinder was acting like the partner he knew, that might've been what happened, an easy drift back into their usual routine of butting heads and shooting (mostly) toothless vitrol back and forth.

The partner he knew hadn't ever been so open and miserable about being wrong before. There may have been some tears along the way, especially at the end of Beacon, but nothing like this. This was an entirely different beast that had blindsided Watts. The silence that followed it heavy, and his words were very carefully parsed as he finally spoke.

"...This was never about being right, or wanting you to be wrong, Cinder. I'm glad Hazel and Gretchen were there when... whatever happened happened. But the fact that you're in Atlas means... you're not actually stopping, are you?"

It was phrased as a question, but in a way that made it obvious he already knew the answer.

"...no it isn't." Cinder agreed. "It's about so much more than that." The teenager rubbed at her face to wipe away some of those tears. "And a lot happened. We got attacked. I guess that's not much a surprise, but...as far as I know, Vernal's dead now. That choice didn't pan out, in the end. Two maidens and we still..." She shook her head. "More than that, there is..." She hesitated, thinking briefly but intensely if she should say it...or how to say it. How to talk about the other Cinder, the evil one, and the fact that she's here, on their world. It was easy to not think about her when she was a universe away but now that she was on this Remnant, it wasn't easy at all. Her pause lingered for longer than she intended before she decided to not talk about her. "...there was just...a lot." She continued with that instead.

"Vernal...wasn't a friend, but she did help me some. And I didn't get to say a proper goodbye to her, thank her for the help she gave...nor did I get to say that to you, or Tyrian, or Emerald, or Mercury, or Neo, or...to Roman. Just as I didn't get to thank Penny for being in my life...or at least not until recently. It is for all of that, for all of you, and more...that yes, I won't be stopping. I can't stop." She stated with a remarkable amount of determination.

"But that's my choice." Cinder added more softly. "I'm not asking you to come back into the fight. You chose to be out, and nobody can fault you for that. If anybody even thinks about trying, just point me at them and I'll knock some sense into their heads. Anyways...that's enough about that, I think." She rubbed at her eye again, wiping away most of what remained before she looked over at Arthur with a slight smile.


"How have you been, partner?"
"...Those people you made reference to? They're misguided. Not evil, malignant, or anything else of the sort. Just misguided. They fail to see the necessity of what I'm doing, that's all—their emotional trappings make them incapable of seeing the light at the end of the tunnel the way I can. And naturally, they're all just lining up for their shot to tell me I'm wrong, that I'm the misguided one, that the ends don't justify the means, etcetera, etcetera. They'll fault my plans to repair this wretched world until the cows come home, but not a single one of them will be able to offer up any sort of viable alternative. The suffering thousands experience every day is simply the way of the world to them. You could go so far as to say that they're complacent."

There was no spite, disdain, or superiority in her words. It was simply an appraisal, no different than the one she might give if she were analysing an employee's approach to their duties.

"They're capable nuisances, to be sure, but I've already secured my power base here. I feel no more threatened by them than I would be by children who don't know any better in the midst of a particularly unrelenting tantrum; nor do I judge them any more harshly. As I mentioned, they really can't help themselves. But I'm not about to take that child's opinion on my worldview or ethicality very seriously, either."

Ruby came to a dead stop as Weiss spoke, enraptured by the other's words.

She let Weiss speak and the councilwoman would definitely have noticed a growing change in Ruby as she spoke.

Her face grew even more flushed and soft pants escaped past her lips.

'It....It's such a strange feeling. Even from when she seemed to be on Ozpin's side her confidence never wavered. She's always been in control of her actions from the very beginning. I've seen the looks of those who displease Ozpin. They're petrified and frozen in a terror that to many is simply unimaginable. Weiss looked at that living horror and stood her ground. Ozpin, the resistance, the others from the world that's not our own? They're little more than petty nuisances to her. The power flowing through her...It isn't just a maiden's power that inspires such a presence. It's..."


'No matter what challenges come her way, they're little more than speedbumps in the road ahead. She'll step over them like she's done everything else: with ease. To stand next to someone who wields such tremendous influence....It's practically overwhelming. I feel shaken to my core and she's done nothing but speak the truth. Not as 'she sees it' 'not an opinion.' The weight with which she gave these words shows that she believes she's in the right...That she'll defeat Ozpin and continue leading Atlas into whatever future she has planned for it. The idea-no the mere thought of losing doesn't enter into the equation. She has a goal and she'll meet it. No matter what it takes. Such willpower....such utter conviction....'

Ruby continued to listen, captivated as it were...

'Weiss Schnee....You're an amazing individual...'

She concluded her analysis on a sharp, confident note, eloquent and practiced in her speech as ever.

"Does that help shed some light on the matter?"

So engrossed in the confidence exuding off Weiss as she answered, Ruby seemed adrift in her....feelings.

Managing a bashful smile, Ruby nodded her head.


"...Yeah, I'd say it does."

Taking a moment or two to collect herself, Ruby couldn't help but let a sly giggle out.

"I believe in you. You looked Ozpin in the face and treated him like he were any other minor grievance. If he comes....When he does..."

Ruby leaned in and gave Weiss a peck on the cheek.

"I'll be with you. You'll change Atlas...and this world itself for the better."

That said and done, her mood improved, Ruby's face still felt warm...

"...I-I should get back to my room....You probably have...things to tend to..."

"I sincerely apologize for that, sir." She replied with all the respect and deference that statement warranted. "In his defense, I was truly not in the room at the time you called. I needed to deal with a-" Her eyes scanned the room, where much of it was still scorched and stained with black. "-delicate situation. If there is any blame for not being here to answer your call from the start, it rests with me, sir!" Even as wildly enthusiastic as she could be when in her element, when it came to work out in the field or dealing with superior officers, she was just as disciplined, professional and emotionally detached as anybody else in the military. That was the job, and she knew it well. Something gained from years of service and training at Atlas Academy.

"That is correct, Colonel. After I first felt this vague recognition, I went to confirm that feeling. With that in mind as well, I went back over the footage of the entire group that came in before they split off and I do believe they are all are, or rather were, Beacon students. Or as you said, at least appeared to be them. Appearances can be deceiving with this group, between the way they manipulated that ship to look like one of ours and the fact that they've been successful in evading being apprehended thus far, which, I also apologize for."

She was briefly hesitant. "...That could explain why my personal squad has had difficulty tracking down the two, or any of the others. They could very well have help from the resistance. Aye sir, that's a very real concern." Gwen had to admit. "I certainly would not object to assistance, sir, but that is entirely at your discretion." The Spec-Ops soldier finished with the utmost respect.​

There was a pause on the Colonel's end, the lingering silence drawing to the uncomfortable precipice where its length would have veered from short to long commensurate with the same amount of time it took for his player to finally respond before Agent Helios received his curt reply. Or a series of curt replies, as it were.

"The apology is unnecessary, if they are the people you suspect them to be, then I would be more concerned that they were captured than their having escaped. Pragmatically speaking, with their background and semblances, the suspects in question-- presumed to be, anyhow-- would be reasonbly be ranked among individuals on Remnant most capable of evading the finest Atlas has to offer. That isn't to say my opinion of you has changed, only that I expect the circumstances have informed you to a better direction concerning the matter."

He frowned, his dark brows knitting together in tandem as he abolished any inkling of levity from his demeanor that could probably be sussed out by the Operative on her end. "I'm perfectly aware that it is and I've already dispatched a member of my unit, 542009, to augment your search. You are likely already familiar with the Second Lieutenant Donagh, my investigation specialist. Beyond running the risk of stating the blatantly obvious, he is subordinate to you as a fellow special operative and a rule of thumb? If he has a hunch, he will follow through on it regardless of extenuating circumstances so with that in mind... I ask that you support him. That is all."

Ector didn't so much wait for a reply from Helios, the receiver already clattering atop its cradle as he leaned, his head tilted back, with both eyes lidded as a tired sigh left his lips. A few seconds passed before he allowed himself to loll to the side, his errant gaze falling towards the window adjacent to his desk in a scrutinizing matter. The layout of the lay beyond the portal to the world outside was dramatically different, it no longer was the Atlas Academy that he was so familiar with. It was instead the meticulously maintained grounds of the Schnee manor, the greenery and walkways drastically different from the stark, technological spire that was the academy with four towers set on all its four corners. It was an upheaval of his military lifestyle, having the vestiges of life inserted within that it provoked the realization that he'd nearly forgotten what it was like to gaze out and absorb the natural facets of the world. Or as much as was natural.

it had been a matter of days since the Councilwoman was gracious enough to allow him and his adjutant stay within her guesthouse as a part of her security as ordained by General Carnelian, alongside his personal unit taking up available room therein. It was an abrupt shift in the paradigm but as things were, with the changes, past and on the horizon, Llewellyn and his compatriots seemed more than capable of weathering them in their dutiful fashion.

A timed alarm hummed, with the Colonel mechanically deflecting his focus to it as he palmed the designated scroll Council Woman Schnee insisted he have separate from his penchant for the archaic rotary telephone, a message from her playing automatically as he flicked the scroll away from sleep mode.

💕"Hi,~ colonel Ector.~💘💘💗 Just making sure you're aware that all the contents of my defunct company's storage warehouses are steadily making their way back to Atlas, and there's more than enough for your delightfully insane proposal that we—"💕

There was the barest smirk in the placid features of his face before Ector automatically deleted the message, returning the scroll to the sealed drawer within his desk, a momentary lull as he rested his chin atop a few stray fingers in contemplation. Then he rose, stalking past his desk for the coat stand hewn from oak to retrieve the iconic overcoat of his uniform with a simple goal in mind.

It looked like a nice day for a walk on the grounds.

So engrossed in the confidence exuding off Weiss as she answered, Ruby seemed adrift in her....feelings.

Managing a bashful smile, Ruby nodded her head.


"...Yeah, I'd say it does."

Taking a moment or two to collect herself, Ruby couldn't help but let a sly giggle out.

"I believe in you. You looked Ozpin in the face and treated him like he were any other minor grievance. If he comes....When he does..."

Ruby leaned in and gave Weiss a peck on the cheek.

"I'll be with you. You'll change Atlas...and this world itself for the better."


"Wait, seriously?!"

Weiss hoped it didn't put too much of a dampener on Ruby's reverence towards her at this point when she ceased her elegant stride and spun around to face her, wearing a comically stupefied expression. That... That was...

"...Wonderful! Ruby, listen. Ozpin is quite possibly the most dangerous entity walking the face of Remnant today. I..." She took in a deep breath. "...I never intended to ask that of you. You know that, right? I'll admit, I did relish the thought of taking you away from him, of depriving that wretched creature of two of his silver-eyed warriors rather than just one. But it wasn't for the reasons you must be thinking. Ozpin and his Grimm are already going to die when they come here. No, it was more than that, it..."

She pursed her lips, and twiddled her thumbs idly with both hands clasped in front of her as she struggled to word what she wanted to say. What she was about to touch on was one of few subjects Weiss Schnee truly, sincerely had difficulty touching on.

"You and Maria... you're nothing more than toys to him, Ruby. Dolls. He thinks he owns the both of you, that you're his to bend and shape to his will as he pleases; what he did to her should be proof enough of that. Do you have any idea how disgusting it was for me to see that, every time he summoned me to that gaudy castle of his? Every time he spoke to you? Every time he glanced in your direction? It's why I could hardly ever bring myself to look at you. I was furious. It made my skin crawl. Because while I may never have truly bent to Ozpin's will? There was a time in my life when someone else thought he could control me that way. And for the longest time, he... he did. Until I took back control."

There was a dark, honed edge to her tone by that point, and her hands' grip on one another curled a bit tighter.

"...That was my ulterior motive here. To give you your life back. Nothing more, nothing less. I won't pretend for a second another set of silver eyes defending Atlas wouldn't be of benefit, but facing the one who subjugated you for so long can be immensely... difficult. If you've truly decided to do that of your own volition, then I'm delighted for you, but... I need to know you aren't only doing it out of some misguided sense of obligation or affection towards me. The only promise I had planned to ask you to make was that you'd never permit some contemptible excuse for a man to put you under his thrall like that again; that you never again pledge yourself to anybody out of blind affection. That even includes me, Ruby. So? Can you honestly make that promise?"

The councilwoman continued staring with wide eyes and lips faintly parted, intent on carefully gauging Ruby's response. Given her paranoid nature, it wouldn't have been unfair to say she still had her doubts. She knew she could fix Ruby, but this quickly? With how fiercely dedicated to Ozpin she'd always been before? If this were true, then the soul inside Ruby Rose had clearly been crying out for help more desperately than even she could've imagined.​
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A series of rapping transpired upon the metallic face of the door that led into Helios's laboratory, a moment of silence falling after as the unknown newcomer apparently awaited to be let in. Except that wasn't what transpired whatsoever, a rugged man with brown hair cropped short atop a hearty face that carried a bored expression entered with the door opening wide with no apparent regard for the chagrin that was sure to come his way. After all, the portly Brady Donagh always figured, people knew he was coming anyhow what with his Colonel's penchant for being the personification of a pinecone up people's arses.

Well, he'd admit that there were varying degrees but he absolutely loved the analogy.

"Heya, Heliossssssaaaand Jennings, right? Yeah, that's right. Gotta be." Brady sniffed after calling out the inhabitants within the lab, sauntering deeper inside with his head on a swivel as he took a gander of the knickknacks, equipment, tools, and more that lied everywhere. He even paused when he came across the latest of Gwen's experiment's, a solitary brow raised in puzzlement.

"Yikes, hope that was a successful experiment." He commented aloud before noting the other Operative's position-- probably when she was just about to hang up the phone if not still by it when he entered-- and approached with impunity.

"Found ya! Oh before we get to the brass tacks, I just wanna say thanks. That was a right marvel you did, writing the algorithm for the general surveillance system to omit me from recordings, just brilliant. S'really helped me do a killing on the job proper. Anyhoo... right to business! I'm gonna head on down to Mantle and I'm thinkin' of sussing out the ghosts that eluded you but I'm gonna need your help. Now the Colonel doesn't expect this job to be done within a matter of days, he isn't unreasonable like that, especially if I'm gonna be infiltrating the folks down in Mantle to get a bead on em. Easiest way would be to break into the resistance proper to eliminate the suspicion and we'll go from there."


He appended a hearty shit eating grin at the end of it all, as if the ensuing conversation that was very much one sided was wrapped up neatly in a bundle, bow tie and all, with clear direction towards accomplishing the goal.
"You and Maria... you're nothing more than toys to him, Ruby. Dolls. He thinks he owns the both of you, that you're his to bend and shape to his will as he pleases; what he did to her should be proof enough of that. Do you have any idea how disgusting it was for me to see that, every time he summoned me to that gaudy castle of his? Every time he spoke to you? Every time he looked in your direction? It's why I could hardly ever bring myself to look at you. I was furious. It made my skin crawl. Because while I may never have truly bent to Ozpin's will? There was a time in my life when someone else thought he could control me that way. And for the longest time, he... he did. Until I took back control."

There was a dark, honed edge to her tone by that point, and her hands' grip on one another curled a bit tighter.
The expression on Weiss's face or the admittance that someone at one point had controlled her didn't change a thing.

Ruby's admiration was genuine.
There was a dark, honed edge to her tone by that point, and her hands' grip on one another curled a bit tighter.

"...That was my ulterior motive here. To give you your life back. Nothing more, nothing less. I won't pretend for a second another set of silver eyes defending Atlas wouldn't be of benefit, but facing the one who subjugated you for so long can be immensely... difficult. If you've truly decided to do that of your own volition, then I'm delighted for you, but... I need to know you aren't only doing it out of some sense of obligation or affection towards me. The only promise I had planned to ask you to make was that you'd never again permit some contemptible excuse for a man to put you under his thrall like that again; that you never again pledge yourself to anybody out of blind affection. That even includes me, Ruby. So? Can you honestly make that promise?"

The councilwoman continued staring with wide eyes and lips faintly parted, intent on carefully gauging Ruby's response. Given her paranoid nature, it wouldn't have been unfair to say she still had her doubts. She knew she could fix Ruby, but this quickly? With how fiercely dedicated to Ozpin she'd always been before? If this were true, then the soul inside Ruby Rose had clearly been crying out for help more desperately than even she could've imagined.

"I promise!"

The quickness with which she said it might have warranted some explanation.

Which she was more than happy to give.

"....I should have gone more into it but when I spoke to Maria, Weiss. She made something clear to me. That the Masque was Ozpin's right hand. That wasn't who she was looking at now. I'm....I'm..."
She paused and shook her head to try and calm her nerves.

"Ruby Rose. I know what my past is and I know I've done terrible things. But you were right, Weiss. I can't let it drag me down. What's been done is done and when all of this is over. If I make it through this, I'll....Go to jail or wherever I need to try and repent. It's the least I could do. I do like you, Weiss. You're strong, beautiful, and have a charm which I'd never thought possible. But I have a goal I want to see accomplished and the only way I can do that is by moving forward and not looking back. My whole life has been trying to find meaning wherever I could. To be the one who stands out and leaves an impact. The only impact I'd leave once Ozpin has his way is as the surveyor of corpses. It's...I've never liked killing, I've never liked hurting unless I had to. I lashed out at those who'd badmouth him or his dream like an uncaged animal. The Masque was his but her sins are mine. I can't change who I am with just a smile and kisses. My...talk with the one I met while walking Zwei made that clear."

Ruby reached out to try and take one of Weiss's hands if the invitation was accepted.

"But if I'm by your side, I feel there's nothing the two of us can't accomplish. This home, the caring, the....kindness. You've given me the tools to show the world who Ruby Rose is and it's up to me to use them." She took a step closer to Weiss. "The world can think what it wants of us. But we'll prove them wrong and show them up every time. I'm done letting others rule who I am. I'm helping you because i WANT to. I'm with you because I WANT to be here!! You're....an amazing woman, Weiss."
The councilwoman continued staring with wide eyes and lips faintly parted, intent on carefully gauging Ruby's response. Given her paranoid nature, it wouldn't have been unfair to say she still had her doubts. She knew she could fix Ruby, but this quickly? With how fiercely dedicated to Ozpin she'd always been before? If this were true, then the soul inside Ruby Rose had clearly been crying out for help more desperately than even she could've imagined.
Ruby's eyes had been looking into Weiss's this whole time but for a brief second the gaze broke.

"It won't be easy. A sorry won't wipe away all I did in the belief that it was right. That it'd make him happy. But I'm willing to do what it takes..."


"And I'll help you no matter what.~"
There was a pause on the Colonel's end, the lingering silence drawing to the uncomfortable precipice where its length would have veered from short to long commensurate with the same amount of time it took for his player to finally respond before Agent Helios received his curt reply. Or a series of curt replies, as it were.

"The apology is unnecessary, if they are the people you suspect them to be, then I would be more concerned that they were captured than their having escaped. Pragmatically speaking, with their background and semblances, the suspects in question-- presumed to be, anyhow-- would be reasonbly be ranked among individuals on Remnant most capable of evading the finest Atlas has to offer. That isn't to say my opinion of you has changed, only that I expect the circumstances have informed you to a better direction concerning the matter."

He frowned, his dark brows knitting together in tandem as he abolished any inkling of levity from his demeanor that could probably be sussed out by the Operative on her end. "I'm perfectly aware that it is and I've already dispatched a member of my unit, 542009, to augment your search. You are likely already familiar with the Second Lieutenant Donagh, my investigation specialist. Beyond running the risk of stating the blatantly obvious, he is subordinate to you as a fellow special operative and a rule of thumb? If he has a hunch, he will follow through on it regardless of extenuating circumstances so with that in mind... I ask that you support him. That is all."

Ector didn't so much wait for a reply from Helios, the receiver already clattering atop its cradle as he leaned, his head tilted back, with both eyes lidded as a tired sigh left his lips.

"Oh, of course, right then sir-" Who the hell is he talking about again?? "-and I shall do so with ohp you're already gone." She switched gears mid-sentence as she recognized the sound of getting hung up on by that ancient piece of crap he still insisted upon using. She wasn't going to say no to somebody else jumping in to help find those guys, at any rate. Hopefully he'd be of more help than duck lips and his buddy.​

A series of rapping transpired upon the metallic face of the door that led into Helios's laboratory, a moment of silence falling after as the unknown newcomer apparently awaited to be let in. Except that wasn't what transpired whatsoever, a rugged man with brown hair cropped short atop a hearty face that carried a bored expression entered with the door opening wide with no apparent regard for the chagrin that was sure to come his way. After all, the portly Brady Donagh always figured, people knew he was coming anyhow what with his Colonel's penchant for being the personification of a pinecone up people's arses.

Well, he'd admit that there were varying degrees but he absolutely loved the analogy.

"Heya, Heliossssssaaaand Jennings, right? Yeah, that's right. Gotta be." Brady sniffed after calling out the inhabitants within the lab, sauntering deeper inside with his head on a swivel as he took a gander of the knickknacks, equipment, tools, and more that lied everywhere. He even paused when he came across the latest of Gwen's experiment's, a solitary brow raised in puzzlement.

"Yikes, hope that was a successful experiment." He commented aloud before noting the other Operative's position-- probably when she was just about to hang up the phone if not still by it when he entered-- and approached with impunity.

"Found ya! Oh before we get to the brass tacks, I just wanna say thanks. That was a right marvel you did, writing the algorithm for the general surveillance system to omit me from recordings, just brilliant. S'really helped me do a killing on the job proper. Anyhoo... right to business! I'm gonna head on down to Mantle and I'm thinkin' of sussing out the ghosts that eluded you but I'm gonna need your help. Now the Colonel doesn't expect this job to be done within a matter of days, he isn't unreasonable like that, especially if I'm gonna be infiltrating the folks down in Mantle to get a bead on em. Easiest way would be to break into the resistance proper to eliminate the suspicion and we'll go from there."

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He appended a hearty shit eating grin at the end of it all, as if the ensuing conversation that was very much one sided was wrapped up neatly in a bundle, bow tie and all, with clear direction towards accomplishing the goal.




The moment of playful acting passed between them without further comment, both turning a more serious eye onto the newcomer. "Oh yes, you...Donavan? Donoghue. Donomby. Donut. Charmed to meet you...and mind the mess. Always testing things in here, you see...heh heh..." She offered in way of both apology and explanation. "Also, don't mention it! Always happy to lend a hand when my talents are required!" Gwen beamed. "As for help on this trespasser situation, just tell me what you figure you need and I'll get on it."
The expression on Weiss's face or the admittance that someone at one point had controlled her didn't change a thing.

Ruby's admiration was genuine.


"I promise!"

The quickness with which she said it might have warranted some explanation.

Which she was more than happy to give.

"....I should have gone more into it but when I spoke to Maria, Weiss. She made something clear to me. That the Masque was Ozpin's right hand. That wasn't who she was looking at now. I'm....I'm..." She paused and shook her head to try and calm her nerves.

"Ruby Rose. I know what my past is and I know I've done terrible things. But you were right, Weiss. I can't let it drag me down. What's been done is done and when all of this is over. If I make it through this, I'll....Go to jail or wherever I need to try and repent. It's the least I could do. I do like you, Weiss. You're strong, beautiful, and have a charm which I'd never thought possible. But I have a goal I want to see accomplished and the only way I can do that is by moving forward and not looking back. My whole life has been trying to find meaning wherever I could. To be the one who stands out and leaves an impact. The only impact I'd leave once Ozpin has his way is as the surveyor of corpses. It's...I've never liked killing, I've never liked hurting unless I had to. I lashed out at those who'd badmouth him or his dream like an uncaged animal. The Masque was his but her sins are mine. I can't change who I am with just a smile and kisses. My...talk with the one I met while walking Zwei made that clear."

Ruby reached out to try and take one of Weiss's hands if the invitation was accepted.

"But if I'm by your side, I feel there's nothing the two of us can't accomplish. This home, the caring, the....kindness. You've given me the tools to show the world who Ruby Rose is and it's up to me to use them." She took a step closer to Weiss. "The world can think what it wants of us. But we'll prove them wrong and show them up every time. I'm done letting others rule who I am. I'm helping you because i WANT to. I'm with you because I WANT to be here!! You're....an amazing woman, Weiss."

Ruby's eyes had been looking into Weiss's this whole time but for a brief second the gaze broke.

"It won't be easy. A sorry won't wipe away all I did in the belief that it was right. That it'd make him happy. But I'm willing to do what it takes..."


"And I'll help you no matter what.~"


"...but... but it's only been a few days... well, if you're positive..."

And so it was that Ruby joined a list comprising of about one other person in the entire world that had seen the ice empress of Atlas flabbergasted. It went without saying that Weiss, for all her many would-be suitors looking to profit off her name, reputation or inheritance, had never really been the recipient of an expression of ardent devotion this potent before. She was far from a stranger to using someone's feelings towards her to her own ends, but for someone whose own emotions had been willfully repressed it was... A bit overwhelming. It was just... there had been so many more steps to this! She'd done so much research! Positive reinforcement! Operant conditioning! Entire flowcharts of behavioral psychology methods arranged into color divided binders, all completely squandered!

That wasn't the only thing on her mind, though. On some level, she wondered just how few acts of kindness the girl in front of her had to have experienced in her life to have responded so resoundingly to so little. She supposed she knew what that was like. And how exhilarating the effect could be when somebody forced their way into such an existence, how potent an outcome could arise from a single act of mere kindness. It was nothing to be underestimated.

Still... her assumption had been that this whole thing was founded on infatuation, yet all Weiss had really done to date was be herself and barely reciprocate a single kiss. Had she really been too presumptuous? She had to know.

"...Then I should tell you, Ruby," she began, slipping back into a bearing more familiar to her. There were many ways to earn a nickname like ice queen, after all. "I... have no intention of entering a relationship any time soon. Possibly ever. There's too much work to be done; I have too much I want to achieve. Such attachments would only compromise the person I have to be to realize those ambitions, anyway. I'm not completely sure what your expectation here was, but... I think... after everything you just said to me, I think it'd be cruel if I didn't make you aware of that. I'm a great many things, but cruel is not one of them."

She nodded stiffly, as if concluding a business transaction.

She didn't let go of Ruby's hand, though. On the contrary, she held it in her palm and shifted her other so it rested atop it, gently stroking the other woman's knuckles with her thumb.


"But... that isn't to say I don't get lonely sometimes, and it is exceedingly rare I meet someone whose affections toward me are genuine. I can tell that yours are, extremely so by the sounds of it, and... well, I'm grateful. If... um, I don't know if this is insensitive or not. I don't think it is. I don't have as much experience with these things as I'd like. But... bearing in mind what I just said, and that it wouldn't lead to anything... a-and it would have to stay between us!" She huffed with a sharp warning glare, the irony that she could flirt up a storm with the most handsome man in the Atlesian military yet had difficulty putting herself out there even this much, and in so roundabout a fashion, not lost on her. Even in the presence of someone who she was now more or less completely assured was incapable of harming her, trying to open herself up in this way was... difficult. Honestly, she needed the practice. "...With all that said⁠—"

*extremely generic ringtone because weiss hates her songs and didnt personalize her scroll in any way*

"Excuse me, I have to take this."

*dutiful scroll chatter*

"Oh? Which one?"

*informative scroll chatter*

"...Have her transported to the Academy. I'll be right up."


On a rooftop all the way at the opposite end of the district, one of Ruby's tails from earlier watched with a gallantly dutiful expression as the cuffed and sedated Raven was loaded into a transport by some androids.


"Yes ma'am."


"I have to go now Ruby thank you for the pleasant conversation bye!"

There was a dotted outline where Weiss had stood just a second ago, the councilwoman disappearing down the hallway so quick it was a wonder there wasn't a trail of white rose petals left in her wake.​
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