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Fandom ~Disney: Lost Magic~ In Character Thread


His game of no touchy forgotten, Jackson grinned at the girl again. The other guy started talking again, something about being an emperor. "Oh yeah?" Jackson asked, obviously distracted. "You should probably be sure you're important before you go around saying you are. Not saying you aren't, just saying." He quirked a brow, then shrugged. Finally tearing his eyes away from the pretty ponytailed girl, he took a few seconds to look around the place.

"Where are we?" He placed his hands on his back, bending backwards to stretch out the muscles that were sore from the way he'd been sleeping. They cracked audibly, and a low grunt escaped his lips. "That felt good." He muttered to no one in particular, straightening back up and dropping his arms.

Just as he was about to turn back to the supposed emperor, Jackson realized he'd already started to walk away. Not wanting to be left behind, he jogged to catch up to him. "Hey, wait!" They found another guy and pretty girl, and Jackson couldn't stop himself from grinning at her, too. Keaton's comment made him lift his brow in his direction again, and smirking, he jerked a thumb in Keaton's direction.

"He's an emperor, you know."


Tags: Keaton ( AnimeGenork AnimeGenork ); Maddie ( nymphadora. nymphadora. ); Raquel ( revalia revalia ); Leo ( nymphadora. nymphadora. )

Code by apolla apolla

The pretty dark haired girl spun on her heels at Aiden's yelling, and he grinned at her, holding the bag up higher so she could see. Though at first, upon waking he, he'd been a little slow on the upkeep, he was catching on quickly now. Of course he knew Esmee, there was no mistaking her, that voice, or this bag. Ever since they were teenagers, he'd loved her. He did whatever he could to make her happy, and while sometimes it was a little much, he wouldn't replace her for the world.

He thought he'd done well. That is, of course, until he saw her beautiful, plump lips turn upside down. "What?" He asked blankly, dropping the bag some, wondering for a second if he'd picked up someone elses by mistake. Her shriek was loud and shrill as she fled towards him, snatching the bag out of his hands and immediately catering to it like he wished she'd to do him like a child.

"It's yours, right?" He asked, rubbing the spot where she'd punched him upon calling him a dumb headed doof. Ah, well, it wasn't the worst thing he'd been called. She hung the bag around her body, and then her frown turned back into one of her beautiful smiles that he loved so much. She stood on her tiptoes, placing a small, chaste kiss on his cheek while she hugged him.

"You're welcome, doodle bug." He grinned sheepishly, though his grin immediately turned into a flat expression as she screamed for Maddie in his ear. Placing his big hands around her tiny waist, he pulled her back, looking her in the eyes. "Who knows what I'd do if I never heard that again." He glanced over his shoulder, spotting who he thought was Maddie talking to a few other people. "I'd ask if she heard you, but I think everyone did." He was grinning as he spoke, obviously teasing her.


Tags: Esmee ( revalia revalia )

Code by apolla apolla


"Aye snoozeball! Sleeping on the job?! I thought you were catching me! Or your book doesn't matter now?"

It didn't take Gemma long to locate her goofball sister. Scowling, Gemma narrowed her eyes and made a beeline for the girl, her hands balled into fists at her side. "I swear to god, Arielle, you had better find my damn book!" Gemma tried her best not to curse, but sometimes, the situation just called for it. She really liked to have only pretty words come out of her mouth-- her youngest sister just happened to bring out the worst in her at times. Especially when she snooped and stole.

Arielle started backing up, the smile on her face fading slightly. Gemma thought she might be getting through to her, or perhaps the girl had just gotten lost in her thoughts. It happened sometimes. Gemma was definitely the most grounded of the sisters, and she tried to implement her ways of thinking onto the rest, especially Arielle. But the girl was a dreamer, and there was just nothing to do about it.

Gemma saw it happen in her mind two seconds before it did. Not because of a magical ability, simply because she knew her sister, and she saw the person behind her. But before she could call out to her, her sister tripped over him, landing flat on her rear with her legs sprawled over the guys. "Oh, Arielle." Gemma heaved a sigh, though her eyes were drawn away from Arielle and to the man as he started to wake. "Get up!"


Tags: Ariella ( revalia revalia )

Code by apolla apolla


mentions: nymphadora. nymphadora.
location: magic kingdom plaza
mood: worried
scenerio: where the fuck is selene?
outfit: jack

Tanner sat up instantly. He was having the weirdest dream but nevermind that. Selene? Where was she? He can't remember anything, that even explains on how he got here or why he was asleep here. All he knows is that Selene was here as well. He stands up, looking around wildly. Seeing people getting up and some still sleep. He didn't really care, in his mind, all he cared about at the moment was where the fuck was Selene?

You would think the way that he cared about her, that they were something more than just friends, nope. He wishes though. He loves her, so damn much that it scares him. Tanner is not a person that would normally be scared but he is of her. She has a power over him like no other. He couldn't stand it if anything happened to her. Which brings him to the point of right now. He ran all over the place. Moving people, and waking them up somewhat looking for her. "SELENE! SELENE WHERE ARE YOU?" He screamed. He then noticed the girl he was looking for by some ladies.

Tanner ran to her, picking her up from the ground as soon as he reaches her, he takes her into his arms checking for injuries. "Are you ok? Any injuries?" He was extremely worried. I mean extremely worried. So worried he didn't really notice his surroundings.



Prince Eric | Alaric Jones
location: Magic Kingdom Plaza - with: Arielle&Gemma - tags: revalia revalia apolla apolla

Wherever he was, it was loud. That was the first thought Alaric had as he started to come to. He wasn't sure what had happened, but all he knew was that his head hurt and so did his leg now. Groaning slightly, he began to open his eyes as he realized there was a weight on his lap. Blinking, he pushed himself into a sitting position as best he could with a beautiful redhead sitting on top of him.

He gulped, eyes snapping wide open as a small red tint began to color his cheeks. "Uhhh...." he coughed, scratching his neck. "H-hello..." he stammered, unsure of what to say to the girl. Hearing someone else come up beside them and sigh, his eyes flicked towards her before going back to the redhead. "I uh...Um....what happened?" he struggled to get out, his fingers beginning to twitch in his antsy way.

Taking a moment to glance around the area, he frowned at the sight of people panicking and rushing to find those they knew. Where even were they? Alaric had no clue, he didn't have many if any friends other than Max. His eyes widened at the thought. "Oh no...Max!" he gasped out, suddenly joining the others in the panicked crowd. "Where's Max?! Do you know, have you seen him?!" he asked the girl on top of him.
coding; allrightsreserved@crucialstar


Coded by revalia revalia


It was only her and her drunk best-friend that stood there. In just a fraction of a second it seemed they switched on some sort of people magnet as five people seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. This was the thing... Raquel was social, yes but after a hang-over this big with that girl gawker she calls a best-friend, she was never quite in the mood to actually deal with people. Never had alcohol affected both of them this badly as the pair made it through multiple nights with holding their own liquor. What had gone wrong now... she did not know.

"Well... we could explore," she frowned, agreeing to his suggestion but as he twirled to lead the way he splashed face to face with an unknown beauty. Raquel couldn't help but actually feel jealous. "... pretty boy." Finishing her sentence with his own remark, her tone was rather mockingly. She crossed her arms, resting on her hip as she huffed, "You know I'm actually jealous of you for once... why can't a pretty babe like that fall on me?"

Just like that, it seemed like a group of four wanted to join Raquel and Leo's party. Party... if she heard the word after this terrible headache, she was going to faint. Quite literal, for once. The first person that came to speak, she already felt like she was going to punch that face he seemed so fond of. He seemed narcissistic right off the bet, however the way he spoke, she fought back her laughter. "And what year did you pop up from? Lord Adonis?" she retorted. "Bother you are not, people talk to people but I certainly don't feel lucky with your presence, with hers however... we speak a different story." she stated, referring to the brown haired beauty that came along with him, who seemed to be distracted by another pair.

"All I know this sorry excuse for a courtyard, as you put it, is a plaza... for a famous family park. Pretty sure my friend's parents dragged me with them here when I was little. As to why there is a bunch of smashed people waking up in the middle of it, I'm afraid I cannot quite help..." Raquel did not quite know the male's name, "... whatever your name is, sir."

She side-glanced her best-friend who seemed to have a far more better conversation than her. The question that the male asked caused the female to snort. Her head was booming, however, it surely was not from remembering something, she knew that hers and Leo's headaches were from all the alcohol they had both taken. That clearly was enough to knock them out cold in the middle of here. "I can rest assure you... and I speak on behalf of my buddy over there," she pointed towards the fellow leather jacketed male with the female on top of him before proceeding, "That the only headache we have is from the smashing booze last night. Certainly not even trying to remember that night. Not one bit. If that answers your question for two, at least."

However, at that point, he noticed another buff guy heading towards them, clearly catching up with the narcissist and the assumed diva. Another chuckle left Raquel's lips as she rubbed her chin from her crossing arm position, "Boy... this is something."

A buff guy like that... calling this other one an emperor. That was simply a wow. That's all Raquel could say. "This guy? An emperor?" she said between laughs, "What are you? His lackey?"

Location... Magic Kingdom Plaza | Mood... Hung-over/Anti-Social | Scenario... Too many people!
Character... Rajah | Type... Renaissance | Power... Claw Extension

Conversing: Leo ( nymphadora. nymphadora. ) | Keaton ( AnimeGenork AnimeGenork ) | Jackson ( apolla apolla )
Mentions: Nova ( r e i r e i ) | Madeline ( nymphadora. nymphadora. )

Princess Jasmine | Iris Nader
location: Magic Kingdom Plaza - with: Korey&Maggie - tags: AnimeGenork AnimeGenork

Iris smiled as the girl, Maggie, woke up. It was good to see she was okay, even if she had no clue who she was. She smiled at Korey too. "Nice to meet you," she responded back. "I'm Iris. And to answer your question...well I'm not sure really." she frowned, glancing around at the groups of people who seemed to be about as confused as she was.

"I'm not really sure about what I was doing before this. I just remember dreaming of sand." she tried to explain, feeling even more confused. She shook her head with a sigh a moment later. "Well, never mind that."

Following Maggie's gaze around the plaza, she took everything in once again. Most didn't seem to know what was going on, but there were a few who seemed calm enough to have an idea of what was happening. Well. At least she hoped they did. Turning back to the two, she bit her lip nervously. "No, I have no clue." she admitted. "I hope not, but going by the fact that we were all asleep, my guess may be we were. But...if so, where are our kidnappers?" she wondered aloud. "Surely if we were kidnapped, we wouldn't be just left alone to our own devices..."
coding; allrightsreserved@crucialstar
Violet Parr | Veera Perkins
location: Magic Kingdom Plaza - with: Vance&Robert - tags: r e i r e i apolla apolla

Veera barely recognized the fact that someone else had stopped beside her brother's form. Feeling her heart clench at the thought of something bad happening to her brother, her head shot up at the voice right in front of her. It took a moment before she could understand what the male had said. "N-no..." she said, her voice cracking slightly. "I have no idea, I-I just woke up myself...." she tried to explain as her mind searched through her fractured memories, only to have a sharp throb of pain run through her skull. She winced, raising a hand to clutch at her head as she dropped her gaze down to her brother.

"Vance!" she let out a cry of relief, already feeling some of the tension in her body fade away. As long as her brother was alright, she would be to. They could handle anything as long as they were both fine.

"I'm not sure where we are either, I only just woke up myself." she explained,. "But don't worry. We're together still and that's all that matters. We'll figure this out like we figure everything else out." she said, reaching over to brush a hand against his forehead as he mentioned his own head hurting. She frowned. "Yours hurts too?" she asked, confused as to what was going on with their memories.

A moment later she sighed. "We'll figure that out later, but for now, just let everything come naturally. We don't need you to be in pain right now, especially if something comes after us. If it hurts, don't think about it." she added in a softer voice. Lifting her head, she blinked in surprise, having forgotten the male on the other side of her brother. "Oh!" she exclaimed softly. "Sorry...I forgot you were there, I was so focused..." she flushed slightly at her lack of focus.

"Anyway, are you alright as well? Do you know what's going on?"
coding; allrightsreserved@crucialstar
Cheshire Cat | Oliver James
location: Magic Kingdom Plaza - with: Alison&Cisco&Laura&Alaric&Arielle&Gemma - tags: revalia revalia AnimeGenork AnimeGenork apolla apolla

Oliver grinned, his slow forming, toothy grin that tended to give most the shivers. "Yes, it does seem to appear I've lost my regular physique, but trust me, Alice dear, I haven't lost my cat-like grace." he purred, tilting his head to one side and then the other, stretching out the muscles of his neck. He frowned. They weren't as loose as he was used to. Oh dear, he really hoped this wouldn't hinder his movements later.

He made to give the blonde before him another response when he heard his name called out. Glancing up, Oliver raised a brow at the sight of another animal turned human. However, this one was a dog. He wrinkled his nose at the thought before straightening his features, letting a lazy grin cross his face. "Well, well, well," he purred in response, watching as the other dog approached him and Alice. He sighed softly to himself. He'd probably have to play nice here. "Lady and the Tramp," he mused, turning his grin into a smirk. "Enjoying your new forms?" he teased, stretching smoothly into a standing position. "I'm quite liking mine, other than the tightness of the muscles, but you know, such things can be fixed." he laughed to himself.

Taking a small step back from Alice he turned around and threw his body backwards, hands outstretched to catch himself on the ground. In another quick motion he raised his lower body up into the air and was perfectly balanced on his hands. He smirked. Despite not being exactly on his head, he did still have it. Lifting one hand from the ground he stretched out his arm before bringing it back down and repeating the action with the other one.

Oliver's gaze shot to Lady at her words. "Oh, you want a show? Well, dear Lady, I'd love to oblige, however I'm not quite up to my normal standards. Quite like you and your mate if I might be so bold to assume." he responded. "However, I shall give it my best try."

With that said, the former cat let his body drop back down to the ground in an upright position. Remaining crouched on the ground like he'd been only minutes earlier, he closed his eyes and focused, breathing in deeply. Searching through himself he could feel his power, yet he wasn't too sure how well his idea would work. Tapping into the one ability he seemed to have left at the moment, Oliver relaxed as he felt the familiar feeling of parts of his body beginning to fade away.

While he could have sped up the process, he liked to make a show of it, like the female dog had said before. So he did his best, never passing up a chance to show off. First it was hands and then his legs. That slowly stretched into his whole lower body and chest, leaving just his neck and head left. With his eyes still closed, his mouth stretched into his signature toothy grin. As his head began to fade, soon all that was left was his Cheshire Smile before in moments that too faded away.

He was gone in moments.

In seconds however, he reappeared. He'd been standing up as his body started to reappear with more speed than when he'd faded but it all happened so fast and he wasn't sure exactly how it happened. He suddenly reappeared all at once and dropped to his knees in pain, letting out a sharp cry. Grasping at his chest he let out a sharp and frightening hiss at his failed attempt.

Opening his eyes into narrow slits, he gave the male and two females before him a somewhat pained smirk before glancing back towards Alice, Tramp, and Lady. "Like I said." he called back to them, his voice rough. "I doubt we're all in the best of shape right now." he finished, resisting the urge to hiss once more.
coding; allrightsreserved@crucialstar

Arianna wasn't really sure what made her agree to help find this girl's sister. It wasn't as if she cared too much, considering she didn't even know if anyone she knew was here. Peter? And of the other pixies? Hell, at this point, she would even take Wendy. Shuddering at the thought, Arianna crossed her arms across her chest and scanned the surrounding people. "What does your sister even look like?"


Hearing a familiar voice, Arianna's head nearly did a full 180 as she turned to see who was calling her name. Her somewhat bitchy expression faded when she recognized Leon, replaced by a smile and wide eyed look. "Leon!" She squealed excitedly, jumping up and running to him, throwing her arms around him. "Thank god, someone I know."

She hugged him tighter, then released him, stepping back. She craned her neck to look at him from her short height, taking him in, realizing that she'd never been more grateful to see him. She wasn't blind or naive, and she knew that their relationship was purely for looks. It would never be anything more, and she'd convinced herself that that's what she wanted.

But was it?

Realizing he'd asked her a question, she blinked, trying to recall what it was. "What? A date? God, I hope not." She looked around, her eyes falling on Lyla again. "Oh, I was supposed to help you find someone."

Lyla responded, but as it would turn out, Ari didn't need to help her. Her sister found her, running up and throwing her arms around her. Arianna found herself smiling a little at the show of emotion, which for some reason reminded her of Leon. She turned to look at him, sliding closer, wanting to rest her head on his chest. She wouldn't get the chance, however, before a woman stalked over to them and slapped him right across the face, yelling at him with a very thick French accent.

Blinking in surprise, Arianna narrowed her eyes two seconds after the woman finished talking, stepping closer to Leon and wrapping her arm around his waist. "What is your problem?"


Tags: Elsa/Lyla ( apolla apolla ); Leon ( revalia revalia ); Barbie ( nymphadora. nymphadora. )

Code by apolla apolla

Lyla could tell that the girl wasn't very keen on helping her, but at this moment in time, she would take any help she could get. From what she could gather, others were waking up now and trying to find their own loved ones. Lyla didn't mind helping the other blonde find anyone she wanted/needed, as long as she found her sister.

But as it turned out, she didn't need Lyla's help. A guy approached them, obviously recognizing Arianna. Lyla pretended not to watch the two of them converse, but it was hard not to feel a stab of jealousy as she jumped up and hugged the guy. Judging by his question, they were dating, but for how long or how serious they were Lyla had no idea.

It wasn't any of her business, anyway, and she had more important things to worry about. The blonde, Arianna, turned back to face her, and Lyla had to resist the urge to roll her eyes at her statement. "My sister." She said impatiently, though had no time to say anything else before she got jumped from behind, hearing someone scream her name. Her real name, she thought.

She stumbled forwards, managing to catch herself and the person who was hugging her tight. Turning in the persons arms, trying to calm her racing heart and make sure she didn't spew ice shards everywhere out of fear, she looked down. It took a moment, but the face registered in her mind and the ice in her heart and stare melted.

"Oh, Anna!"

She hugged the girl back tightly, stroking her hair, repeating 'I know, I know' into her hair as she said she was scared. "Don't worry, An. We're going to figure this out." Lyla ignored the scene behind her after the girl came over and slapped the guy, thinking that she definitely didn't want to get involved now. Nope.

Another female approached them, and Lyla shot a look at her that might have been meaner than she intended. It quickly became apparent that she was just looking for someone else, like they all were, and her expression softened somewhat. She pulled away from Anna, shaking her head in the girls direction. "I haven't seen anybody like that. Not yet, anyway." She looked around the courtyard. "I'm sure we can find him, though, if you want our help. What do you think, Anna?"


Tags: Tinkerbell/Arianna ( apolla apolla ); Leon ( revalia revalia ); Rose ( r e i r e i ); Selene ( nymphadora. nymphadora. )

Code by apolla apolla
Last edited:

Naina groaned, and Cade grinned, settling back on his heels and crossing his arms as she brushed the strand of hair away he'd been tickling her face with. She opened one eye and looked in his direction, and he lifted up one hand to wave his fingers in her direction. She started talking, her voice muffled by her mouth being pressed into her arm, but he recognized his name.

"I'm sorry, you're going to have to repeat that." He grinned cheekily as she lifted her head, quirking a brow at her question. "We are definitely not in one of my 'hangover clubs', dear." He used air quotes around the words hangover clubs, not bothering to hide his eye roll. "Besides, you said you had fun the last time, if you don't recall." He pouted slightly, though his eyes twinkled in her direction.

The pout and playful look dropped from her face at her last question. "If I knew, I'd tell you." His voice came out rougher than it had before; why exactly had she had to ask if his brother was with him? Scowling, Cade scanned the courtyard anyway. "I don't see his highness." He muttered in response, pushing himself off the ground and reaching down to help her up if she wished.


Tags: Naina ( revalia revalia )

Code by apolla apolla


Coded by revalia revalia


He may have taken the form of a human but the personality was still top notch the same, "That I have no doubt about Chessie...Graceful as ever, cheeky as ever as well."

The young blonde started to actually get a hold of her own mind. For once. The weird feeling she had just experienced was something she had no idea that it could be possible. Alison was one to have very very bizarre dreams but that was something else, like viewing someone else's. Surely not hers. Pursing her lips she used the ground and hoisted herself up on both legs, dusting her dungaree skirt and clapping her hands together to clean the palms of her hands from the dirt on the ground.

Upon her standing, it seemed that two more accompanied them. Two that her fellow friend knew but Alice didn't quite put a finger on who these two people were. At least till Cheshire greeted them with the question, Enjoying your new forms? Adding one and one together, she figured that like him, this couple were animals who also turned human. Interesting... animals turned to humans. Does that mean that her little Dinah was here? And human? Taking the grinning cat's side, she looked at the blonde and brunette that approached them. "Oh! Lady, Tramp! Barely recognized you as is."

Not helping but letting a soft giggle she smacked Cheshire in the back of the head playfully, "Stop toying with people and try to be genuinely nice and not just nice, silly..." the young blonde apologized on his behalf. "He seems to still be adjusting to his form with his tightened arm muscles!"

She couldn't help but noticing the look of worry on the couple's face. Unlike her and Cheshire it seems that they had something really worrying them. Yet, out of nowhere, her what she thought was a imaginary cat friend suddenly went all hyper behind her. Alice shook her head, laughing lightly. Her mind suddenly drifted somewhere else as the conversation went along. It kept wondering to her cat, Dinah. Could she be here?

Turning to Oliver, "Hey do you think Din---" she was cut off as she saw him slowly fading away, inch by inch. A sight she was quite accustomed to back in Wonderland. Alison was so confused... he could do this here too?

the blonde inquired, her arms motioning in the spaces where his body parts were supposed to be. "You can turn invisible here as well?!" Alice was baffled by the sight. The many times he scared and taunted her with such power. "Oh dear... this is going to be fun," she snickered with a clap. In no time, however, his body started reappearing and where she was swinging her arm, now her palm rested on his abdomen. "Trick is over? Damn... that wasn't that long," she pouted.

Her expression immediately changed as he dropped down on his knees in pain. "Chessie!" the worried girl ran to his side, crouching next to him, placing a supportive arm over his shoulders as one of her palms went on top of his that was clutching his chest. "I don't think it is wise for you play such tricks at the moment... it's best you rest it out."

Her head tilted upwards towards Tramp, "I'm sorry Tramp, Lady, but I'm afraid you are going to have to find another solution to gather everyone's attention. It doesn't look like Cheshire here is in his full strength to do so. I'm really sorry we couldn't be of much help but things are very very bizarre at the moment. And that is coming from me..."

Location... Magic Kingdom Plaza | Mood... Amused > Worried | Scenario... More human shifters?
Character... Alice | Type... Classic | Power... Dream Walking

With: Oliver izayoiix izayoiix | Francisco ( AnimeGenork AnimeGenork ) | Laura

Arabella Morales a.k.a. Princess Belle

Of Course I Came Back

Mood: Shy/Confused | Scenario: First My Book, Now My Brother... | Location: Magic Kingdom Plaza, "Partners" Statue | With: Benjamin | Tags: r e i r e i | Outfit: This
Ara was a bit startled when the man finally shot up, after having confused her for someone named Rosie. A sister, perhaps. It sounded like they had a similar relationship to her and her own brother, Alejandro. She leaned back the slightest bit, afraid that she had angered him in some way by waking him up.

Then he was staring at her, and Ara started blushing under his scrutiny. Did she have something on her face? She pushed her glasses up her nose, just in case that was the problem and he’d just been about to correct it.

She stiffened when she heard him say the word “beautiful.” Whenever her parents or her brother said it, it was fine, but her painful high school memories came back whenever somebody else did. Ara bit her lip and looked away, trying not to show that she was pained by the compliment.

Taking her beloved book back from the man, Ara hugged it to her chest and finally dared to glance at him again. “My name? It’s… Arabella. Arabella Morales.” Having gotten her book back, she really didn’t need to stick around here any longer, so she gently pushed herself to her feet, still clutching the book to her chest. “I-I’m sorry if I bothered you… Excuse me, but I really must find my brother, Alejandro… He should be around here somewhere.”

But no matter how hard she looked, she didn’t spot anyone familiar. “At least, I thought he was…”

Coding by AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
Amberly Elliot a.k.a. Elizabeth Swann

You Like Pain? Try Wearing a Corset.

Mood: Serious | Scenario: Now That That's Out of the Way... | Location: Magic Kingdom Plaza, "Partners" Statue | With: Jim | Tags: MoonLegend101 MoonLegend101 | Outfit: This
The boy seemed startled by her concern. If he had really been Will, wouldn’t he have been touched by this concern. Then again, she wasn’t quite sure what Will’s reaction would have been. She barely remembered why she loved Will, only that she did.

Amberly waited with bated breath as the boy struggled to find the words to answer her. The longer she waited, the more convinced she became that he couldn’t be her Will. Wouldn’t Will have recognized her right away?

Finally, the boy admitted that he didn’t know. He barely remembered anything, much less his own name, he said. And then he apologized. The sincerity of his apology made everything that much worse. With a sigh, she let go of him and took a step back. “At least you didn’t lie to me to make me feel better.”

She raised her eyebrows at the boy’s inquiry. “I should think that was obvious. Will’s the only thing I truly remember, and you happened to be near me when I woke up. Since you both have dark hair, I naturally mistook him for you the moment I saw you.” Blowing a lock of hair out of her face, Ambie admitted, “Actually, I’m quite relieved you’re not him. You’re far too young to be involved with me.”

Glancing down, she realized there was a ring on her finger. Perhaps it tied her to Will? “Brilliant,” she muttered. “Just brilliant. This is the only clue I have to find the man I love. Well,” she sighed, “I suppose now’s the time to figure out what’s going on.”

Coding by AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
Richard Stockenberg a.k.a. Ron Stoppable

I Can't Do the Impossible.

Mood: Mostly Relieved | Scenario: The Two Most Important Things | Location: Magic Kingdom Plaza, "Partners" Statue | With: Tate | Tags: r e i r e i | Outfit: This
There were no words to express how relieved Ricky was that Kim—or, Tate? Why was the name Tate flashing through his mind just now—was okay. He let out a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding, and Reggie hugged his arm, a calm smile on his face.

Ricky shook his head. “Sorry, KP, I don’t know much more than you do. I just woke up here a few minutes before you did. One thing’s for sure: we are nowhere near home.” He took a moment to fully look around at all the people waking up around them. It looked like they’d all been brought here by the same exact thing. But was it, exactly?

Standing up, Ricky noticed Kim/Tate looking at Reggie strangely. He looked down. “Oh, you may find this hard to believe, but he’s Rufus. You know, my naked mole rat? I don’t know why, but he’s human now. It’s like he’s my little brother.” Reggie smiled up at him. “Oh, yeah, it also seems like he’s a mute, and for some reason I keep calling him Reggie.”

Kim/Tate (okay, he really had to stick with one) grabbed her head, and Ricky immediately put his hand on her shoulder in concern. That was when he started feeling a headache, too, but considering the two most important things he remembered were right here, it wasn’t that much of a headache. “It’s okay, KP, we’ll figure out what’s going on. We just need to find someone who would be able to tell us, right?” He started looking around again. “Problem is, who do we ask?”

Coding by AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
Theresa Russell a.k.a. Princess Tiana

How Can I Let Up Now When I'm So Close?

Mood: Freaked Out | Scenario: WHAT'S WITH THE RING? | Location: Magic Kingdom Plaza, "Partners" Statue | With: Nigel | Tags: revalia revalia | Outfit: This
Terry had started walking around, looking for some food. If she looked hard enough, she thought, maybe she’d find something to satisfy her stomach. Unfortunately, she was interrupted in this endeavor by a male voice. She stopped in her tracks and looked to the source of the sound.

It was a handsome man, wearing a dashing outfit that included a familiar-style cap. He was holding a guitar; apparently, she’d also managed to interrupt him in something. That made them even, then. After a moment, she realized he’d addressed her by the name she’d woken up remembering: Tiana. And that outfit…

Oh, heck. She was the only one who looked ridiculous.

“Naveen? Oh, thank goodness. Someone I recognize.” She sat beside, but not too close, lest she be poked by a guitar, and asked, “Are Ray or Louis around here? For some reason, I barely remember anything and—”

Something glinted in the sunlight. Peering down at her hand, she realized it was a ring. A wedding ring, gold with water lilies etched into it. She widened her eyes. “WHAT THE HELL? WHY AM I WEARING A WEDDING RING? I DON’T REMEMBER BEING MARRIED!” She stood up and glanced around, for some reason thinking that this was all a prank, someone had slid this ring on her finger while she had been sleeping over in that bush.

Glancing at Naveen, she said desperately, “Please don’t tell me that I’m married to a firefly or an alligator. They’re wonderful boys, but that’s just weird.”

Coding by AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
Mitchel Oaks a.k.a. Dipper Pines

That's Part of Growing Up. Things Change. Summer Ends.

Mood: Still Awkward | Scenario: Well, They're Nice | Location: Magic Kingdom Plaza, "Partners" Statue | With: Roman, Kadara | Tags: AnimeGenork AnimeGenork , nymphadora. nymphadora. , revalia revalia | Outfit: This
The couple got to their feet before they noticed him, which Mitchel didn’t terribly mind. Really, the less time he actually had to spend talking, the less awkward it would be later. When the man with the glasses finally answered him, Mitchel’s eyebrows furrowed. So he didn’t know what was going on either? That was disappointing.

It seemed the woman was just as confused, as she backed up the man’s answer. She suggested they go toward the center of the plaza, where a small group of people was. Mitchel swallowed. Great. More awkwardness to follow. He startled as the woman suggested he come with her and the man. The offer was nice, yes, but… she actually wanted his company?

What kind of topsy-turvy world was this?

The woman started to introduce herself as Kida/Kadara, a rather confusing name, and the man as Milo, though the man didn’t seem to believe this name himself. Mitchel cleared his throat before replying timidly, “Oh, um, I’m… Mitchel. My real name’s Dipper, or Mason? But I’m going by Mitchel right now. Like you, my brain wants that name for some reason. My sister, Dakota, is over there somewhere, looking for her pet pig.” He gestured vaguely behind him.

“Um, I suppose we should go investigate that crowd, huh?”

Coding by AnimeGenork AnimeGenork


Coded by revalia revalia


A lot could happen in such little timing. Arielle always seemed to have a knack for experiencing such events first hand. Her rear was aching rather terribly from the fall, despite the guy that was already on the ground broke her fall. What can she say... she was a clutz but she was also as fragile as a flower at some points. As she rubbed her lower back, she could hear her sister rant on and on about her book.

Arielle gave her an irritated look, "Do I look like I give a rat's butt about your damn book right now?! I don't even know where I am in the first place, let alone some bloody book." Unlike Gemma, Arielle does let her tongue loose. She had no one younger to set an example for so why worry? Especially when she got something better to do. That's getting on her older sisters' last nerves. Let's face it, Arielle has been trying to get Gemma to loosen up and have some fun the red-head's way. However, she doesn't seem to enjoy it.

The yelp alone, would have been enough to wake the male from his slumber and it did, frankly enough. As odd as it was, trying to get up, the pressure hurt her legs. As she was about to shift her legs to get up, the male sat and her eyes met his own gaze. She gave him a soft laugh. That was Arielle's way of saying sorry. Especially seeing those red tints appearing on his cheeks. He was cute, that hair completed his look. She was resisting the temptation to run a hand through his hair. She was obsessed with hair and Gemma knew that. She also knew that she could do it any second.

Her mind was humming a rather happy tune, it often played in her head. More so, when she was chipper. It's like the pain slowly evaporated. "Hi there, pretty hair. Your sleeping body was in the way when I was tracking backwards and well..." she gestured to their situation as to how they ended up. Her sister, she didn't forget her. Especially after hearing her.

Sliding her legs off the male, she slowly shifted upwards and looked down at him as she beckoned her sister over. But as the female got up, it was as if the male went on full panic mode. Did she hit a panic button somewhere when getting up. Raising a ginger confused eyebrow at her sister she looked back to him, before he disappeared. "What? Who the hell is Max?"

"God... Come on Gemma, he seems panicked... Let's see it he doesn't do something stupid." Arielle had a habit of doing that. Busting her nose into other people's business, as per usual. She set off after him, expecting her sister to follow.

The tune was still playing in her head, passing by a group of four. Two blondes and Two brunettes, halting. Hoping her sister ran after her.

The first person she saw was a couple, addressing the male who was blonde, "I'm sorry for disturbing but did you by any chance see a frantic man running around yelling something with Max?" The plaza was littered with people. It's what made him hard to find. The tune in her head kept going, trying to calm her down at this point.

Location... Magic Kingdom Plaza | Mood... Curious | Scenario... Where did he go?
Outfit... -
Character... Ariel | Type... Renaissance | Power... Siren Call

Mentions: Oliver ( izayoiix izayoiix ) | Laura
Previously With: | Alaric ( izayoiix izayoiix )
Currently With: Gemma ( apolla apolla ) | Francisco ( AnimeGenork AnimeGenork )



Coded by revalia revalia


The first word used to describe Naina was groggy at the moment. She was not quite the socialite when she woken up from her beautiful slumber. People close to her know this, people you can count on your fingers such as Cade, Cai, Noah and Cade's brother. Being those were the people that somewhat lived with her. For quite a lengthy period in fact.

Speaking of Cai and Noah... she haven't visited them in ages. I think it was due to a visit. Naina was so shitty at keeping contact with people. Highly because she expected them to, so she gets lazy... very lazy. Hearing Cade speak she listened to him rather quietly. "If you answered, you heard me quite clear! You know I don't like repeating myself, love." she pointed out quite directly.

"Need I remind you that I just woke up? How do you expect me to remember anything after waking up? Hmm?" the brunette inquired towards the other, after pursing her lips together. As if the answer was obvious.Well, it was for him. "However, I admit, they tend to get fun when I'm there if that's what you meant hmm?" she taunted with a wink shot his way. His pout was simply adorable but not with that outfit. It made the fierce look adorable and that is not cute combination.

Taking his hand briefly to use as a hoist, she stood up, rather sorely. "Erghhh, that hurts. I always hated sleeping sitting and on fountains.... then again I recalled I was laid down in my bed." Her body was aching all over from sleeping in the craned and very uncomfortable position. Letting go of her friend's hand she dusted her leggings which hugged her long legs nicely, she liked keeping in tone with her activities.

Noticing his change in tone with her, his scowl. She really hated it when he did that. It irked her. Naina did not get why he had to become so sour and jealous of his brother, especially if she mentioned him. "Take a chill pill Cade, I was only asking for his highness cause he owes me money. He needs to pay up." Naina was very much aware the feud that brew up between him and his brother, what was it about. In fact her and Cade were never the closest of friends... quite the contrary they couldn't stand one another. Well he couldn't, she simply returned those feelings.

Naina originally knew his older brother, she was best friends with him in school when one day he introduced her to his brother, Cade. She knew had a brother and she never quite liked how he described him. Cade initially seemed to see Naina as something or one that his brother had and not him. Hence the sourness. However, when she approached the brunette in front of him for the first time, they actually gotten along and that hate started decreasing, she even could say she was closer to Cade than his brother. Especially due to their age. She hoped to change his visions that he can have what his brother has, if he doesn't close that chapter and get on with it. Hence, Naina never really brings up her old friend unless there is actual need. Like... now. She was short on cash and he needed to pay up stat.

Now that she standing up at six feet, the view was rather different. She saw a bunch of people, "Woah... did they all wake up here? Like, us? What is going on? Is this an episode of Survivor... the new season? Disney Park addition?"

Scanning the area briefly for familiar faces she spotted a familiar blonde and her brother who somehow also ended up here... Cai and Noah. Guess the family visit came to her rather. How lucky. The female smirked as she continued scanning spotting another familiar face. "Yo, Cade..." she nudged and tapped his arm repeatedly to get his attention, "...isn't that your cousin from New Orleans? She's here?" Naina raised not one but two furrowed eyebrow in big confusion. She pointed at the lilac haired female who also seemed to have woken up. Right across the plaza from them. "Is it not?" she inquired... it was easy for her to mistake faces, just like she mistook names after all. She just couldn't remember that cousin's name but Cade talks a lot about her.

Location... Magic Kingdom Plaza | Mood... Confused as heck | Scenario... Where? What? How?
Character... Nala | Type... Renaissance | Power... Power Jump/Leap

Mentions: Cai ( r e i r e i ) | Noah ( r e i r e i ) | Teagan ( r e i r e i )
With: Cade ( apolla apolla )



Coded by revalia revalia


Seeing the blonde turn to him in such haste and surprise actually made him feel good. She remembered him. He was noticing blank expressions from people around him. Clearly Arianna was not one of them to him. It was nice to know at least someone remembered this handsome devil. His girlfriend ran, swinging her arms around him as he caught her, his arms snaking around her waist, hugging her. Inhaling her perfume. The familiar scent. Sure he was not head over heels but he cared, the way Leon cares. It was nice to see a familiar face, he can get that.

Slowly loosening his grip he slowly parted a bit, looking down at the blonde with his usual smug grin across his face, that defined his jawline, "Been meeting up with total strangers I see?" A chuckle escaping his lips. As she answered his question, he was relieved, "Oh. Good. I thought I had gone soft. This place is not my style for a date."

Leon would rather take her to a cattle farm. He didn't like places like this. Despite loving attention, he was not a great fan of crowds. As Arianna turned to face the girl that Leon stole her attention from and awaited. However, as he heard a strong french accent of anger bubbling up from behind him. He turned on his heels, only to be greeted by a nice swing. Not the good kind. His face even turned slightly with the force, a nice juicy palm imprinted on his cheek.

"Dieu, femme..." (God, woman!) the male rubbed his left jaw, getting it back into shape. It stung like a bitch, she could always swing a punch. His stubble rubbed against his fingers as he did so, "When did your slaps get stronger? More importantly... what on Earth are you doing here? Are you following me now?" he accused as he was more than enraged. Whatever he did and wherever he went, he just could not shake Barbara off his tail. Her face was wherever he went. His mission to steer clear was clearly failing.

The fiery rage that was being emitted from her eyes, he was all too familiar with it. "You want to know what I'm thinking? I'm thinking you finally lost it Barbie. Who is this Lumiere you speak of? Besides, we were done years ago. Get over me." the words, roaring in his own thick french accent stung. He never knew how to be mean to Barbie but with all the past experiences and what he was trying to escape... she was simply not helping and was getting under his last nerve. God, where was Ben when you needed him? Oh, yeah gawking love struck at some girl he just met not far away, while he was stuck in the middle between his ex-girlfriend and girlfriend. Fan-flipping-tastic!

He felt Arianna's arms snake around his waist, he wrapped a protective arm around her shoulders as she did so. He simply didn't want any stings attached. It just was not him.

Location... Magic Kingdom Plaza | Mood... Nauseous | Scenario... Were we on a date?
Character... Lumière | Type... Renaissance | Power... Fire Manipulation

Mentions: Benjamin ( r e i r e i )
With: Arianna ( apolla apolla ) | Barbie ( nymphadora. nymphadora. )



Coded by revalia revalia


For a second he wondered if he was hallucinating or if he simply mistook her for someone else but he would most definitely recognize notice that majestic green gown anywhere. She looked ever so beautiful in it. As always.

However, as he said the name Tiana, that got the woman's attention. Perhaps he had nailed his suspicions, perhaps not. He was about to find out one way or another. His sea-green eyes met the pretty woman's eyes. He was more than sure it was her now, just as he met her gaze, he was most definitely sure. She look majestic, like a little lily-pad flower. However, as he heard her call his name. It was bingo.

"In the flesh," he replied, "I am rather glad that you were the first person I encountered. Beautiful as ever might I add." Nathan never kept her short of compliments. He was a sucker for beauty like hers. Following her steps he watched her settle down by his side and he moved the guitar, placing it by his side, gently as to removed the obstacle from between them, flipping his cap back on his head.

As her attention was driven to the wedding ring, he smiled but it quickly faded a bit as she suspected that married the firefly or the alligator... but what about him. The obvious choice. Oh Tiana....

Nathan heaved a sigh before speaking, "No, Tiana, I can best assure you that you are not married to a firefly nor an alligator. Why would you accept to that anyways when you have a much better choice, right in front of you?" he taunted wagging his eyebrows. He was curious however, he did not notice his hand but as he glanced over to his palm, he too had a wedding ring. It matched the golden touch hers had. It seemed Tiana did not remember getting married to him, it was hurtful but it also was not her fault.

He did not tell her, he wanted her to find out. He simply played it casual. How hard can it be to spot a ring after all?

"Also is it just me? But my head has been pounding ever since I woke up. Also I don't know why the name Nigel keeps popping up in my head... Nigel Cross." he paused for a second, running the hand with the wedding ring through his hair. "Do you have any names carved into your brain? Maybe another name you go by?"

Location... Magic Kingdom Plaza (Fountain/Statue) | Mood... Taken Aback? | Scenario... Why not me Tiana?!
Character... Naveen | Type... Modern | Power... Adoptive Muscle Memory

With: Theresa ( AnimeGenork AnimeGenork )



Coded by revalia revalia


The dark haired young female couldn't help but let out a giggle at Aiden's tease. "Come on!" She beckoned him with her to her bestest friend ever!

With that she ran towards Madeline and repeated what she did to Aiden, hugged her tightly and air kissed her. Squealing her name. She didn't think that she would bump into Madeline here. Of all places. Especially for the day that the two young females had planned. Their relaxing spa day. Running ever so lightly in her heels she approached the brunette. She could surprise people in how much she can run in heels.

Whenever they saw one another they always hugged each other and air kissed on the cheeks right after but it seemed Madeline did none of those. Especially when Madeline acted like she didn't know her. Esmee was more than confused as she looked at Aiden with a very confused look, assuming he followed. "Maddie... we've been through this! I have enough of your autographs to sell! I even have the one with the heart from when we were kids." she giggled, opening her Chanel bag, she just reunited with and showed her a small picture with a pink heart.

Maddie's tone was usually so friendly but it was as if she was talking to a mere stranger. Lowering the picture rather sadly, she frowned. "Maddie, are you feeling well? Do you want to cancel our spa day and do it tomorrow? You really seem a bit off."

Location... Magic Kingdom Plaza (Near one of the Benches) | Mood... Sad | Scenario... Maddie... it's me!
Character... Esmeralda | Type... Renaissance | Power... Vertigo

With: Aiden ( apolla apolla ) | Madeline ( nymphadora. nymphadora. )

She woke up, breathing hard, half-panicked, with a name on her lips she didn’t remember and a muddled head full of thoughts she couldn’t seem to place.

Which . . . her head hurt, that probably had something to do with it. But she’s definitely certain this is not where she was yesterday. Speaking of which, where was she yesterday? Where is she from? And more importantly, where are her friends? She distinctly remembered a- a team, color-coded, and she needed to know they’re safe but she can’t see them anywhere, and she didn’t even know how she’d recognize them. She knew this was California- wait, was it? No, they were in Florida. Where did California come from? Something was very, very wrong.

A aching pulse shot through her skull and she was reminded oh, that. Her hand went up instinctively, prodding around the spot that hurts the most, and when she pulled it away her fingertips were red.

“Oh, okay,” she said, to no one in particular. “That might be a concussion.”

What were you supposed to do- right, testing mental faculties. Today was . . . Today was . . . okay, next question. Her name was Honey Lemon? No, wait, that was a nickname from some guy. She couldn’t remember. But her name was, uh, Aiko Miyazaki? Or was it Marisol? Marisol Takahashi?

How did she remember three different names?

Okay, so maybe this concussion was a pretty bad one. She desperately wanted to find her team (purple streak, green, fire, red, a robot?- what were these weird images) but she’d be useless if she died from traumatic brain injury. So then she had to find someone who could help. Gritting her teeth, she got to her feet and took a moment, or two, or ten, to get her balance. Way longer than she would have liked, but she was up and that was the important thing. Still a bit dizzy, she wandered toward a small girl and a much taller man- why she chose them, out of all the others in the plaza, she didn’t know. But the girl’s hair looked like it was glowing, sort of, so maybe that was it.

Although that could have just been the blurred vision. It was probably the blurred vision.

Then again, now that she looked, the girl seemed kind of busy, and she didn’t want to interrupt that. Maybe she would just- sit. Here on this bench. And watch for a little while. That was a good idea, right?

(location: magic kingdom plaza | mood: confused | scenario: i should get this looked at)
(character: honey lemon | era: modern | power: living catalyst)
(tagged: Anyone Anyone )
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Theresa Russell a.k.a. Princess Tiana

How Can I Let Up Now When I'm So Close?

Mood: Concerned/Perplexed | Scenario: What's in a Name? | Location: Magic Kingdom Plaza, "Partners" Statue | With: Nigel | Tags: revalia revalia | Outfit: This
Naveen’s compliment completely flew over Terry’s head. Had she been paying closer attention, she might’ve been able to detect the hidden meaning behind his words, but as it was, she was too focused on the fact that she looked completely ridiculous whereas he looked normal. Ugh, this was so unfair.

Were she not panicking over the fact that she was apparently married, she probably would have also noticed Naveen’s sigh. Instead, she heaved a sigh of her own and muttered, “Good. How would I ever explain being married to a firefly or alligator to other people?” Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Naveen wiggling his eyebrows. She rolled her eyes and grinned. “You just can’t help yourself, can you, Naveen?” Her heart did a weird little jump in her chest, but she honestly could not pinpoint the feeling.

At his question, Terry furrowed her eyebrows. “I had this weird headache when I woke up, too. It comes back if I try to remember more than what I do.” Then she nodded. “Yeah, my brain’s telling me I should go by Theresa Russell, or Terry. Not sure why. Tiana is a far prettier name.”

Coding by AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
Francisco Moretti a.k.a. Tramp

Open Up Your Eyes To What a Dog's Life Could Really Be!

Mood: More Determined | Scenario: Time to Fight Back | Location: Magic Kingdom Plaza, "Partners" Statue | With: Lady, Cheshire, Alice, Everyone Else | Tags: revalia revalia , izayoiix izayoiix | Outfit: This
Tramp was never quite sure what to think about the Cheshire Cat. In his own realm, he wasn’t so alarming, but in this world, he was surely an oddity. Nevertheless, Tramp had always been amused by some of the things Cheshire would say. So in response to his greeting, Tramp gave him a wry smile. “I can only hope that I’m as agile as I was a street dog. Better to kill rats with.” Turning to Alice, his smile became kinder as he said, “An unfortunate side effect of our current situation, but I’m glad that you’re alright, Alice. I don’t mind Cheshire’s quips at all—in fact, they’re comforting right now.”

Cheshire began showing off how agile he was, even in human form, damn him, so Tramp turned to Lady. He’d been so focused on checking on Cheshire and Alice that he hadn’t completely answered his mate’s questions. “Sorry, Pidge, I didn’t answer you. Yes, I have the power to read minds now, apparently—but all it’s done is cause a major headache so far. Yes, the three villains I mentioned have trapped us in… well, I think this is some sort of world that puts all of our realms on some sort of pedestal? I’m actually really unclear on that right now.” He squeezed her hand, knowing that she was just as worried about their puppies as he was. “We’ll find them, Pidge. And we’ll get back at those villains for hurting us and every other parent here.”

Having taken care of that, he turned back to Cheshire and Alice. “That’s a great idea! You up for that, Cheshire?” Soon enough, Cheshire was fading away, much like he did in his cat form. That was a relief, at least. It was like they weren’t in a dire situation at all. The trick was drawing some attention, but it wasn’t enough.

And that was when the trick failed.

Surprised, Tramp abruptly let go of Lady’s hand and dropped to his own knees beside Cheshire. Dammit. He met Alice’s eyes and said, “We may have powers, but they’re nearly useless. My mind reading power gives me nothing but headaches. You’re right, of course, but I have no idea how to gather a group of people this big…”

Before he could dwell on this any longer, a redhead approached him. Tramp wasn’t sure if the other Classics could tell, but as soon as he laid eyes on her, he realized she was Ariel, the little mermaid. His eyebrows immediately shot up. There was no recognition in her eyes, not that he’d expected it—she was Renaissance, and she therefore wouldn’t remember her life as a mermaid.

He stood up, casting a glance at Alice, Cheshire, and Lady before responding. “No, sorry, I haven’t seen anybody running around like that…”

Almost immediately, his eyes widened a tiny fraction. His mind reading power worked without him thinking about it, so he found himself delving into Ariel’s—er, Arielle’s (well at least that was easy to remember)—mind. In a hidden corner, there was something about a power… one that could help gather everyone in the plaza…

Clearing his throat, Tramp asked politely, “Um, I don’t mean to be a bother, but could you possibly call the people around here to this spot? I have to, er, make an important announcement about… a special event taking place soon.” Considering he had no idea how the spell had affected Ariel/Arielle (WHICH SPELLING SHOULD HE GO WITH), he figured that a pretty good excuse. “I know that’s a bit weird to ask, but I’m afraid my voice isn’t loud enough.” Somewhat of a lie, since I used to be a frickin’ dog.

Tramp—he decided he should start calling himself Francisco Moretti, for the sake of everyone who didn’t remember he was Tramp—waited until Arielle had done as he asked. Her power was surprising, but fitting, and it did manage to attract the attention of all the Disney characters gathered in this plaza. They were drawn to it, and Francisco repressed a relieved exhale.

There was a bench nearby. Cisco took advantage and leaped onto it (hey, he did have his agility intact). He turned to face the gathering crowd of his friends, most of which didn’t remember him. “Uh, hey there. Some of you may recognize me right away—Red Queen, Prince Charming, Tinkerbell, nice to see you’re okay—and the rest of you probably don’t know me well or at all.”

He took a deep breath. This was going to be rough. Looking up, he set his jaw and continued, “Once upon a time, we all lived in our own separate realms in the world of Disney, which this park seems to be dedicated to. However, three villains decided they didn’t like their lot in life, I guess, because they cast a spell that pulled all of us out of those realms.

“First, he took the Renaissance characters—that is, Disney realms that were created during the Renaissance. None of you remember your Disney selves, so you probably believe me the least out of everyone.”
Cisco locked eyes with Kovu, who was giving him the most skeptical look possible. “You. You used to be a lion named Kovu, chosen heir to Scar and, eventually, the heir to Pride Rock. You were in love with a lioness named Kiara, who is somewhere among this crowd, too. And right now? You think what I’m saying is complete bullshit.” Kovu blinked and widened his eyes, his mouth dropping open. Delving into his mind again, Cisco said, “You were given the power to change into any form of wild cat. Go ahead. Give it a try and prove I’m not just some lunatic.” Kovu glanced down at himself, perplexed, but within moments, he had shrunk down into an ocelot. Some members of the crowd gasped.

“Now that I have your full attention…” Tramp cast a glance at Cheshire, Alice, and Lady, just in case they wanted to add anything. Then he continued, “The rest of you who probably don’t know me are Modern characters. You were ripped away from your realms after the Renaissance characters. You remember very little about your lives, but at least you remember something.” Pointing at Kuzco, he said, “You were indeed an emperor, so those doubts of yours can be put to rest. You also have the power to turn into a llama. Try it out if you want. As for the rest of you, you might think I’m familiar, but who knows.

“I am a Classic character. We were taken out last. You Renaissance characters might know me as the clever rascal known as Tramp from Lady and the Tramp. Lady is right here with me. Our powers are unstable, which is why I know what pretty much everyone gathered here is thinking. Ow.

“Even if you don’t particularly care about what’s going on, you were all ripped away from your true homes. Any fabricated memories are not real, and thus, the people in them aren’t either. I don’t know how, but we need to figure out how to get back—or at least punch the villains who got us here in the face. If you agree, great! If you don’t… then I’m sorry if the villains try to mess with you further. I, for one, will not take this lying down. So who’s with me?”

Coding by AnimeGenork AnimeGenork

Keaton Landau a.k.a. Emperor Kuzco

I Was Dragged All Over Those Hills And I Did Not Hear Any Singing

Mood: Perfectly Llama Awesome! | Scenario: I'M A LLAMA! | Location: Magic Kingdom Plaza, "Partners" Statue | With: Jackson, Madeline, Raquel, Leo (formerly), Everyone Else | Tags: apolla apolla , nymphadora. nymphadora. , revalia revalia | Outfit: This
It seemed neither the pretty girl nor the lug believed his claim as an emperor. Though this was incredibly annoying to some extent, it was not as annoying as the fact that the pretty girl was soon distracted by the arrival of a new pair. The black-haired girl seemed to recognize his current companion, so he supposed the interruption could be excused. Hmph.

Turning to the man and woman he’d approached earlier, he saw the man turn to some blonde chick who’d just fallen on him. Okay, now this was too much. His question had been perfectly valid, hadn’t it? So why did nobody care? And to think his ego was untouchable… Well, now it was certainly bruised.

But then—THEN—the familiar lug saved him by approaching the still-sitting girl and saying he was an emperor. FINALLY. Somebody who truly understood his importance!

Unfortunately, the girl wasn’t having with. Heaving an exaggerated sigh, he spread his arms and declared, “Miss, I come from a time when emperors ruled and comparing me to Adonis would qualify you for an invitation to be of a high position in a palace.”

For once, he stayed quiet as the girl explained where exactly they were. His expression turned slightly confused. “I don’t believe I was ‘smashed,’ as you say… I woke standing up, oddly enough… But perhaps that explains the headaches.” The girl proceeded to imply she did not know his name, and Keaton gave a flamboyant bow and announced, “My apologies, dear woman. I am Kuzco, but at the current moment I’m going by Keaton Landau.”

“I appreciate you taking time to help me understand what’s going on,” he continued, flashing one of his brilliant smiles her way. Before he could say anything else, however, something called him to the center of the plaza. It sounded like a girl… but at the same, it wasn’t…

By the time Keaton emerged from his daze, he was with a huge crowd gathered to listen to some blond boy. Now how was it he was able to get attention so quickly? Keaton pouted. He’d have to ask this boy how he worked his magic.

As he listened, though, he realized that this boy was a tad crazy. Keaton nearly walked away completely from him. That is, until he pointed at a boy with a sick afro and that same boy turned into an ocelot. Keaton gasped. Cuteness of the ocelot aside, it seemed this blond boy wasn’t crazy after all.

Keaton was really listening now. So when the boy pointed at him and told he was really an emperor, he exclaimed, “SEE? I KNOW WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT!” He believed every word the boy said, so when he was told he had the power to change into a llama, he tried it.

Needless to say, it worked.

“HELL YEAH! I’M A LLAMA! This guy’s legit!” Keaton gave the crowd a llama grin and changed back into his slightly more awesome human form.

At the close of the boy’s speech, Keaton made his way through the crowd and stepped onto the bench beside him. “I don’t quite get what this guy just said, but I believe him. If we all have some sort of wicked power, we can definitely beat up the guys who did this to us! The fate of my empire—of all our realms—depends on it!”

Coding by AnimeGenork AnimeGenork

  • Korey Hughes a.k.a. Kovu

    I'm a Rogue. Judge Me Now, For Who I Am.

    Mood: Hella Confused but Ready for Action | Scenario: I'm...a Lion? Or an Ocelot? | Location: Magic Kingdom Plaza, "Partners" Statue | With: Maggie, Iris, Everyone Else | Tags: AnimeGenork AnimeGenork , izayoiix izayoiix | Outfit: This
    Korey wasn’t really paying a terrible amount of attention to the girls’ conversation, so the strange pull towards the center of the square didn’t have to do much to convince him to follow it. Maggie was right behind him as he went to join the gathering crowd around some blond guy.

    He claimed that everyone in the plaza was a Disney character or something, which caused Korey to snort. As if. This guy was raving mad. Was he drunk? But at least he seemed to understand how outrageous his claims were. This is complete bullshit.

    Which was why he wasn’t expecting to be singled out.

    The blond met his skeptical gaze with a serious one. For some reason, he felt as if he should know this guy, which was startling, since he’d never seen him before. The boy started saying something about him being a lion, and the heir to Pride Rock. His name had been Kovu? Like from The Lion King 2? HOLY SHIT THAT WAS REAL? Korey’s eyes widened as his mouth dropped open. Was that why he felt concern for someone he probably didn’t know? Because of the whole Kiara thing? Holy shit.

    It was then the boy said he could turn into cats.

    Korey glanced down at himself, thoroughly confused. He’d never known anything about have magical powers… or, he thought he didn’t. Maybe that was all different, as the boy was saying. He pictured an ocelot, which, for some reason, was the first cat he thought of. When he opened his eyes, he was staring at a pair of paws. Maggie, above him, gasped, and he jumped in the air in surprise.

    Maggie immediately picked him up, and they listened to the rest of the boy’s speech. When the boy asked who was with him, Korey leaped out of Maggie’s arms and sprinted toward the bench, hopping onto it in his ocelot form. By thinking about his human form, Korey shifted back. Facing the crowd, he grunted, “I’m in, too.”

    Coding by AnimeGenork AnimeGenork

What is Forgotten Never Stays That Way...

The villains watched the foolish characters gather under the rallying call of the pretty little mermaid. "That power could be a problem for us," the female hissed, narrowing her eyes at the redhead. This had not been part of the plan.

"But it is useful in gathering them," the second villain mused, greatly amused that now all of their targets were in one place. "Now we can attack them without having to deal with their scattered arrangement."

"He's right," the third villain hummed, his chair creaking as he leaned back. "Poor little Tramp. He just wanted to help everyone. Now, he's lost the chance at ever finding his children."

"What a shame," the three villains simpered, and then they proceeded to cackle again.

"Mata! Lyle! Narissa! Slim! Get to work," the female villain barked, turning to four of their chosen henchmen.

Their identical grins flashed in the dim lighting. "Yes, ma'am," they agreed, their voices creating a sinister tone.

"Time to mess with our dear old friends," Mata purred, locking her eyes on the boy who could turn into a llama. "I call dibs on the cute one."

apolla apolla nymphadora. nymphadora. revalia revalia r e i r e i S Stardreamer MoonLegend101 MoonLegend101
( GoGoPR GoGoPR FanOfSiriusBlack FanOfSiriusBlack Please let me know if you're still in or not!)

Coding by AnimeGenork AnimeGenork

{ revalia revalia I hope that was okay how I pulled that off! Let me know if I need to edit anything! (I wanted to actually move on instead of waiting over much ^^")}

  • Jeremy
    Still sitting cross legged, Jeremy felt rather stupid, waking up in a place he didn't remember. He recognized it as Disneyworld; who didn't know Disney? But looking around at everyone, he didn't see a single person he knew. After a few moments, he pushed himself up to a standing position and actually started to look around. People everywhere were reuniting with loved ones and friends, yet here he was, alone.

    Enough feeling sorry for yourself, Jer. He inwardly scolded himself, knowing that one of his sisters would have done the same if they were here. And it wasn't that he was the mopey type, either. But waking up with a killer headache, no memory of how you got here, and no one you knew was the best type of combination for mopey.

    Frowning, he started weaving in and out of people, searching for a familiar face. "Jane?" He called, to no avail. His frown deepened, but he didn't have much time to think about it before he heard the most beautiful voice. And here he was thinking that Jane had the most beautiful voice, but this one... this one was mesmerizing.

    He turned on his heels, seeking out the voice in question. It belonged to a pretty redhead, and whatever was going on, she was gathering everyone's attention. Jeremy remained somewhere in the middle of the crowd gathering around her and a blonde guy. He started talking to everyone, talking about Disney. Which again, Jeremy knew of the franchise, but this guy was trying to say they were from Disney.



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