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Fandom Disaster Hearts - A Taagnus RP

Taako was thankful for the sunglasses hiding his eyes as they widened. Not well versed in Austen it took him a beat to place the spiel and realise Magnus was quoting, not admitting. The uncomfort melted away in the realisation and he lifted an eyebrow. “Actually I am in the very exact place to judge. I never made a ritual of watching old timey romance, just you know, sometimes. Like a regular person.” He grinned playfully, not only at the lovely view he had of Magnus’ arse.

“Yah, that would be it. How’d you wanna do this, joggernaut? You gonna run back and forth or what?” He set of strolling, it wasn’t a long walk to Merle’s so it shouldn’t take long. Unless Taako decided to drag this out, really squeezed this opportunity to ogle for all it was worth.

“Cuz I’m not keeping up with you, that’s for sure. Taako’s good back here, you know.” Unsure if Magnus could see the ridiculous wink Taako delivered from behind the glasses he paired it with equally goofy fingerguns.
As he was jogging on the spot, a dumb idea so tempting to go through with popped into Magnus’ head. He was getting those more and more around Taako, a slow feeling of getting comfortable around the other settling in over the time they'd spent together.

With a mischievous grin, he took a few hopping steps to kneel with his back towards Taako, hands reaching behind him. “Well, I'm not slowing down either, so I can only think of one other option where I get you home AND me getting my daily exercise.” Sending a playful look over his shoulder, he smiled brightly. “So hop on, why dontcha?”
A tremendously styled eyebrow peeked out over Taako’s outrageous glasses as he arched it. “You have got to be kidding me, a piggyback?” This was ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. But Taako would be lying to himself if he said he wasn’t going to take the offer. An excuse to not walk AND get a real good feel of the back packed tightly in Magnus’ far-too-old tee? Sign him up any day.

“How old are we even.” iIt wasn’t an honest question, and besides, it was asked as he was halfway up Magnus back. The boy really was tall. “Fuck, are you some kind of sasquatch? Bet this counts as daily exercise, so, that’s out the way.” Finally up, Taako settled in with his legs and arms loosely wrapped around Magnus, trying hard to avoid this becoming a weird backwards hug.
A barely hidden goofy smile was on Magnus’ lips, and he immediately got a firm hold of Taako's thighs as he stood up easily. “I mean, not really. You're pretty light.” He remarked with a certain smugness. “Like, sure, it's a good addition with some additional luggage, but I think I'd have to carry two of you if it's gonna be a challenge.”

Assured he had a good hold on the other, he set into a light jog - more of a powerwalk if he could say so himself - that hopefully wouldn't juggle Taako around too much. “So uh.” He started, trying to remember the billion questions it seemed he always wanted to ask Taako. “How long have you lived here? 'S a nice town as far of what I've seen.”
Taako snorted and gripped on as they set off. “Throw my sister on top the next time then, or find some less convenient way to carry me.” The residue of his hangover weighed his head down until it was nearly resting on Magnus’ head but honestly he couldn’t care less.

“I haven’t lived here that long, moved in with Merle two years ago or something.” Another snorting sound escaped him and nestled in with Magnus’ hair. “Yeah sure, it’s great. It’s on no maps but everyone thinks it’s all that. No town where you recognise most people your age is big.” He grinned, the tease already taking shape in his mind. “But by redneck standards it must seem like New York or something.”
Magnus had to stop himself from reacting too wildly to the feeling of Taako practically nuzzling into the back of his neck. Cheeks warming, he had to admit the gesture pretty adorable coming from the stone faced boy on his back. ”Challenge accepted!” He announced, smiling brightly.

“Still not a redneck, though.” he grumbled, the irritation not quite reaching his tone this time. The bare skin under his hands were soft, he thought as a thumb as subtle as he could smoothed out over it. “That means you've lived in bigger towns?” He prodded. “Can't imagine what that's like.”
The vantage point from up here was quite the change for Taako’s ‘I swear I’m old enough to see this movie’ height, and he took full advantage of being able to look down on people passing them. “Close enough to one.” He shrugged and added in a deadpan. “If it’s built like a redneck and lives like a redneck it might as well be a redneck.”

At Magnus’ question he waved a dismissive hand in the air, sure he’d lived in bigger cities, smaller ones too, but after a while they all blended together. Then that might just be because Taako never payed attention to them but whatever. “Sure, ‘been all over the place. Seen all the things, it’s less impressive than you think. After the second time it’s all ‘who are you’ and ‘where’d you come from’. Good to have another new guy to mock for once.” He gave Magnus’ (impressive) shoulder a slap for emphasis. “So you really lived in the same place all your life huh? Real all-american of you, bet your parents are still together and you’ve got an exhausting little sister hidden away somewhere.”

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