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Fandom Disaster Hearts - A Taagnus RP

Magnus couldn't help but to laugh at Taako's naming of their apparent caretaker. “Foster Merle? Sounds like one of a kind! He's got a lovely garden either way!” He continued to praise, thinking it better to lay it on a little thicker than necessary than hold back. He was determined on making Taako talk to him now, and what kind of person didn't like hearing nice things about them and the people around them?

The smile on his face turned stiff at the inquiry. The direct question made the guilt he'd been harboring since day one float up to the surface. Twisting his lips and scratching that back of his neck, he shoved it down again. “Uhm, y'know, small town life got a little bit underwhelming, wanted to see the big world instead.” He tried to laugh, it coming out strained. “I've really got the tiniest place, just one room and a bathroom. Starting to wonder if it's worth it!” He grinned.

Of course it was worth it. Anything was worth not having to walk down the same streets that brought back every painful memory he'd tried to work though with no prevail. Taako would think him selfish if he knew. Better with an easy lie.
Despite himself and everything he was feeling, Taako found himself laughing at Magnus' comment. He quickly retracted though, turning the short burst of laughter into a trademark amused smirk. "Oh he really is one of a kind, especially when it comes to his garden." Next to him, Lup made a disgusted noise and rolled her eyes as she left them to go find Barry.

He noted the change in demeanour, and had he been someone else he might have questioned Magnus further, but he wasn't anyone else, he was just Taako, and therefore he tagged along on the subject change. "Man, if you consider this the big world I can't imagine how small a town you grew up in." He grinned, sensing an opportunity to slide from uncomfortable territory (actual conversation) to familiar lands (half-flirting).

"Can't be that small, what with it being large enough to fit you, Champ." Giving Magnus a friendly jab in the... well not shoulder, he had to give that up given the awkward angle of hitting something that high up, but above the elbow. And if Lup was watching, he'd have to swear up and down that it hadn't been an excuse to get a feel of that there bicep. (Maybe just a little, but no one had to know that) "If you get too cramped you can always come hang in Merle's garden, if you dare." Taako finished off with a wink.
Seeing Taako's stance gradually becoming more and more relaxed, so did Magnus. The other's laugh brought a smile to his face and his mind couldn't quite shake how adorable Taako's face was when his nose crinkled up like that. “Oh, this is enormous compared to my old place.” He explained, humor resonating his tone. “I mean, anything bigger than five named streets is big to me, but y'know.”

The inquiry about his size once more made a slight blush rise to Magnus’ cheeks, entirely unwelcome. With a chuckle and abselty touching the place Taako had poked his sharp fingers, he felt like he had to look away. He knew his own size very well, it had come with more advantages than disadvantages since he was very young. But just that, he'd always been the kid with at least three growth spurts since puberty. In a small town where everyone knew each other, no one commented on it much. But now, around Taako, it was suddenly something that made him feel like the elephant in the room everyone was looking at.

“I… I'd like that!” He finished in the end, gathering himself up as best he could. Feeling a spur of confidence from the way Taako was looking up at his own form, he smiled with only a hint of nervosity on his face. He could play along. “...and I think I'll dare more than you'd expect.”
The colour creeping up along Magnus' face was utterly delectable, and Taako decided right then and there that he had to see more of it. He bit his lip and wondered if Magnus even knew he was tracing Taako's trail, or if he was just that oblivious and stunned. Either way, Taako was into it. Way, way into it. He only regretted making the jab such a short and pointed thing; he wanted to get right back to touching Magnus. "Damn. You're even more of a small town boy than I thought, soon you'll be telling me you came here on the midnight train." (Lup, who apparently could still hear their conversation, filled in the rest by shouting, "GO-ING AAA-NYYYY-WHEREEE!")

And ow, what was this? Magnus playing Taakos own game? That was welcome, very welcome. Feeling like a duck in a pond filled with bread Taako smirked, "Are you sure? My expectations are pretty..." He let his eyes roll over Magnus slowly, if he wanted to play, then Taako was going to bring his best damn game. When he spoke after that pause, it was in an exaggerated, accented, way, highlighting just what he might be referring to. "...Grande." He flicked Magnus a grin, dropping the act just a little. "Still think you're up for it, Mountain?"
Taako’s eyes on him - all over him - made Magnus temporarily unable to form words. He barely registered the twins’ perfect alignment, only having eyes for the one in front of him. How did Taako do this so easily? Was this the norm here? Was Taako just special. Oh, he’s special alright, his mind filled in helpfully. The color on his cheeks stayed.

Instead of something equally suave and cool coming out of his mouth in the end, he felt another dumb stutter wavering his voice. “I-I mean, I stand by my word. And… I think you seem nice and your friends- and sister- they all do too.” He tried to smile, sincerity lacing his tone. “I’d really like hanging out with you- and them, of course. I-I think we’d be good friends.”

Of course, he started thinking back on those misplaced texts he’d received last night. Maybe he wasn’t the most observant when it came to these things, but Taako may have been - well, flirting. Magnus still wasn’t sure how to feel about that. Not wanting to assume anything, he thought it better to set boundaries he knew of. It still didn’t calm the butterflies tickling in the pit of his stomach.
Call him cruel, but Taako was loving this. Everything from the blush on Magnus' cheeks, to the stutter in his words, and the way he seemed utterly confused by everything Taako did was the greatest gift Taako had ever been given. And if he played his cards right, he suspected Magnus may just be a gift that kept on giving.

"Oh Mags, no need to smear on that thick with the flattering." He grinned, with more kindness this time. (But the teasing glint never left his eyes) "Although I'm not saying no to any of it, so keep it going if you prefer. I'm sure we'll the closest of friends either way." He really did think so, but admitting it without any kind of innuendo would leave him utterly defenceless and that had never been Taako's thing. So, therefore, no sincerity was audible, all of it covered with playful wording and a smile.

Figuring he'd scared the straight boy enough for now, Taako pulled the flirting back a notch and eyed the clock on his phone. "Well, well, and here I thought you didn't want to be late this early on in your time here. Am I distracting you, Hercules?" (Okay, yeah, maybe the notch he'd pulled the flirting back was minuscule, but for him it was an achievement.)
Before Magnus had any time to respond, the loud bell signaling the beginning of the first period rang clearly through the yard. Magnus immediately snapped out of the unrelenting attention he'd been giving Taako, automatically starting to move towards the entrance.

“No- I was just talking to you and- you weren't distracting- uh, not that you couldn't-” he desperately tried to form words, torn between rushing into the school not to be late and to think of an equally smart retort to throw back at Taako. His cheeks were still hot. Dammit. “... I'll just be going to class now.” He finished in the end, mouth pressed into a line. “Don't you have classes too?”
Taako grinned, the embarrassment on Magnus' face an eternal source of amusement to him. As long as he avoided the part of his heart that felt soft when he looked at that pink tint on Magnus' cheeks. "Sure, I've got classes. I just don't care as much as you do, Guns." With a wink thrown after him, Taako watched that glorious back hurry towards the school.

He is absolutely trashed. The world has flipped over sideways and everything is hilarious. Wanting to share the hilarity with someone, anyone, Taako flips through his phone looking for someone who might need to know just how great everything can be. He finds Magnus, and of course, how could he ever doubt who it was going to be? It has to be Magnus, because Magnus has to know.

Taako sends over an emoji, convinced that that will convey his message. As he gets the same emoji back he can only assume that he's succeeded. Giggling, he responds with a third edition of the emoji, this time larger than any of the previous ones. This one is quickly followed by a shakily typed out message.

sir flex a lot
miness bigger tha yours
Magnus had been staying up late that night for no other reason than missed homework. His mother would’ve had his head if she knew, but at least he had reasonable defence. Sort of. After those first few meetings and awkward texts, the other people of Taako’s little group had started reaching out to him. He’d come to a garden party, genuinely laughed for the first time in a while. Barry could make some mean s’mores that he’d inhaled whole, and in the end it became a challenge to see how many he could eat before feeling sick. At 32, Magnus finally looked at the clock to see it late into the night already. He’d contemplated leaving, going home and fall asleep at a reasonable hour. But looking around and feeling how he just fell in place with this lot, he decided against it, and challenged Lup to a duel of stuffing as many marshmallows in her mouth at once. She’d happily taken the challenge, and won.

He felt like he was a part of things. Like he had friends. So far, this whole thing didn’t seem like a mistake at all.

Beside him on the dinner table, next to the english textbooks strewn about, buzzed his phone. Seeing the name of Taako pop up on the screen, Magnus couldn’t help but smile. He still wasn’t sure if every interaction with the other had an underlying tone of a very forward kind of flirting, but he couldn’t help looking forward to the next time they could talk.

Sending back the same emoji he’d received - for no understandable reason, but Magnus had learned that it was better to just roll with whatever Taako said in most cases and hope for the best - he couldn’t help but chuckle to himself at the reply he got. Quickly forgetting the extensive homework laid in front of him, he typed out a response.

it’s not the size that matters, taako. it’s how you use it! :D
It didn't take long until he got a reply back from Magnus, it did however take him a while to figure out a reply. Frowning at his phone Taako turned the phrase over and over in his alcohol blurry mind. He tried desperately to understand why the fuck Magnus would write that, not that he objected to the flirting, but that phrase... Should someone like Magnus really have to use it?

sweet pups
if your e implying smth boutt you self thats the biggegest scam eVER
> : (
magnus bumsides, scammming gays since 19wheneves
Phone buzzing once more, this time three times in a row, Magnus decided it was best to put the homework away for tonight. Now fully focused on the new messages on his screen, an amused smile spread on his face. He knew exactly what Taako was talking about, but decided to play dumb instead. Better that than face the undeniable underlying innuendo which seemed to be included in every single one of their interactions.

dunno what you’re talking about :D I was just referring to my use of emojis!
also, are you on a rollercoaster or something? your typing is a little… off?
"Fucker..." Taako heard the slurring in his own voice, but couldn't care less. Magnus had definitely understood, and yet here they were, with him pretending to be oh so innocent. The bastard. Taako grinned at his phone, barely noticing the odd glances he got for it as he slid down the wall until he was sitting on the floor typing furiously.

sweet pups
if were talkig abou emojiis you shoulld rely more onn size th an usage!!!!
rollercoast?? im drunk beefy boii!! younever been drunk texed befor???
An eyebrow was raised when the second message arrived. Drunk? He knew Lup had mentioned something about dealing with her brother’s ‘intoxicated ass more than she’d like to’ once or twice, but the subject had always been changed as quick as possible for Magnus to ask further. Did this happen often? Was someone with him? Was he alone?

Concern started to bloom in his stomach, but he tried to remind himself that this was probably the norm for people his age, to go out drinking on weekends for no special reason.

Still, he couldn’t help but to type back.

not that I can remember, nope.
r you okay? is someone with you?
Taako scoffed, attracting some odd looks from strangers passing by. He stuck his tongue out at them and returned his attention to his phone. "Concerned ass..." Ignoring that second text for now, he focused on the first as that was about what he could manage right now. No one had ever drunk texted Magnus before? What kind of people had he hung out with in his old town? Taako felt like he had to reevaluate his image of small towns, and cross them out of any 'to-visit' list they had ever been on, because clearly they had crappy taste in both boys and activities.

Replying took a while longer than intended as Taako got lost in thought, thinking both about boys and activities. When he finally pulled himself together he had a reply at the ready.

sweet pups
wellll then im honouored to pop-pop yr cherrrie clark kent
im damm fine
but u al eady kne that dint ya ;)

Figuring out a reply to that other text was harder, and it took him several long seconds before he managed to get some really odd feelings out of his gut at the thought of Magnus (Someone, anyone) worrying about him and his safety.

y u assskin?? u jealous??
cuz in hat case im wiht chrris evns and this supe rhot colege linebackr
His phone lay silent for a worrying amount of time after that. Feeling restless, Magnus went to brush his teeth in the miniscule bathroom his apparent so kindly included. Of course, this did nothing to distract him from the anxious thought and images invading his mind. What if Taako wasn’t as safe as he said he was? What if the people there were untrustworthy?

Knee bouncing while sitting down in his bed, thinking that maybe sending another text would get Taako’s attention, maybe calling him-

His phone buzzed. It took him two reads to truly decipher what Taako was saying, but he only sighed when he finally got it. Of course he’d respond like that.

The next little group of messages made something else churn in Magnus’ stomach. Jealous? Of some hot linebacker and whoever this ‘Chris Evans’ guy was? Him? Not a chance. That wasn’t what this was about, he wanted to type back. This was about wanting to know whether Taako was safe or not.

He felt he shouldn’t, but in the end he texted back, ignoring once more the persistent flirting.

is Lup nearby? you’re gonna get home safe, right? it’s pretty late.
Taako couldn't help but roll his eyes as he got the next message, even if that did send a bout of nausea running over him. Who even was this guy, why was he worrying over Taako? Had he nothing better to do? None of it made sense and that was the most infuriating and frustrating thing Taako had experienced.

Rereading the message Taako scoffed, it wasn't late. Maybe a little, but it was saturday for god's sake. And he'd get home, he always did. Or well, he'd get to some home, maybe not his own, but it would work out, it always did. Magnus had no business getting all worried about him, and honestly Taako couldn't see where he'd even gotten that idea in the first place.

lup's wit barry ill gethome jusss fine sometme is good hitchhike nite ya kno
The answer didn’t calm Magnus down at all. Quite the opposite. To conclude it all, Taako was at a party sounding piss drunk, no one he knew nearby and no confirmed ride home. Magnus hands dragged down his face.

He should get to bed and just let this pan out. Taako was insisting he was going to be fine after all. Maybe he could even get a hilarious story on monday about how no one at the party was rude or made Taako uncomfortable, and that he’d gotten a drive straight home by some nice and very sober person. Maybe.

Magnus sighed. Well, at least he hadn’t put his jammies on yet.

do you need a ride home? where are you exactly?
The classical second wave of drunkenness hit him hard at about the same time he got Magnus' text, which was really a strike of luck as the second wave brought the sleepiness.Yawning big, Taako squinted at the screen and thought his options through. He could stay here, let the night unfold as so many before it, or he could take Magnus up on this ridiculous and unthinkable offer, dare him to follow through with it, and either finally getting a hold on a chink in Magnus' shining armour, or end up with a ride home. The latter option had by far the best possible outcomes, and when Magnus' drew the offer back Taako would have every opportunity to go back to plan A.

With a shrug Taako typed out the address of the party, and then promptly stopped thinking about it. It wasn't as if Magnus was actually going to show up, so he might as well get back into the swing of things.
Immediately upon receiving the last text, Magnus abruptly stood up from the bed, already putting socks on again. He wasn’t quite sure what had made Taako reconsider, but he wasn’t about to ask. Maybe somewhere within his alcohol-addled mind he’d seen sense in the offer, however humiliating he probably thought it was. Nonetheless, Magnus felt more awake now than he’d done the entire weekend.

Grabbing keys and jacket before rushing out the door, Magnus felt a smile form on his face. Maybe it was dumb, but being able to be there, to rush in and save - that’s definitely not what he was doing, but he didn’t stand to correct himself - Taako might bring them even closer, maybe Taako would look at him the way that always made his stomach tingle again, and-

He stopped in the parking lot outside his building, suddenly realizing what was happening. He was going to give Taako a ride home. He was going to have to drive a car again.

His parents had left it there, as if they weren’t kind enough to buy him a whole apartment. It wasn’t the same as he drove- that time, no. That car was mangled to bits from the crash. The keys pressed into his hand painfully, and Magnus realized his breathing was getting worse, heart hammering in his chest.

No, he shook his head. No backing out now. A promise was a promise.

He sat down in the front seat, ignited the engine and drove out of the parking lot, hands gripping the wheel tightly.
It wasn't hard to get back into things once Taako put his back into it. Simply stepping back inside and firing of some looks to various people around the room landed him with a glass in his hand and a continuous flirt with a blond at the other side of the room.

Some transparent gestures later the guy had made his way over and Taako was up against the wall, a much too forward leg between his thighs and a clammy hand under his shirt. The blond was a disappointment, but he made for a decent settlement for the frustration of flirting over text. And with closed eyes he could almost imagine wider shoulders and the rough feeling of young sideburns...

Taako pushed the guy away and disappeared into the crowd, what the fuck was wrong with him? He was just hooking up, it was normal, what he always did, and yet for some reason now he couldn't enjoy it?
The drive didn't take long, every house passing as if they were mere pictures to Magnus. He drove paying attention to every detail, heart jumping up in his chest every time another car passed him by. It was fine. He could drive fine.

The house that fit the address looked very much like the said party was happening inside it. Loud, flashy with drunk teens coming in and out of the front door constantly. Gathering himself, Magnus pushed some giggling people he vaguely recognized from his school to get inside the house. It wasn't that he had a problem with drinking. He really didn't, and enjoyed it himself very much. But it was being so obviously the only sober person in the room that made him want to squirm and never come back. He had to find Taako, fast.

It didn't take long. Elbowing himself through the crowds, he spotted dark, smooth skin and violet hair behind someone else, some blond guy, pressed up against the wall. Oh. Oh. Magnus stopped in his tracks, mouth going dry.

Should he have been surprised? He didn't know what to think. He knew there was something churning in the pit of his stomach, something that wanted to push the other guy off Taako, wanted to take Taako away from here, into his own arms-

And then Taako was pushing the blond away, heading straight towards Magnus. Snapping out of his deer-in-the-headlights state, he rushed to catch Taako in his way, grabbing his shoulders gently. “Hey! Where’re you heading?” He tried to smile, shaking off the previous emotions as quick as he could
The world was spinning, and now he wasn't so sure that it was just because of the alcohol in his system. He'd been thinking about Magnus while making out with someone. And sure, it wasn't unusual for Taako to think about someone hotter when hooking up with a low catch, but this guy had definitely not been unattractive, so what the hell was he doing? Magnus was attractive, sure, but nothing more. There shouldn't be anything deeper than that, ever.

Something grabbed a hold of his shoulder and Taako spun, sending both his thoughts and sense of balance reeling. Stumbling, he looked up to meet Magnus' eyes, which honestly felt like a cruel twist of fate. Taako frowned and tried to understand if his mind had conjured up this image to taunt him, because what else could it be? "Wh- What are you doing here?" His words slurred, the texts from earlier completely forgotten as he tried to remember if he'd seen Magnus here earlier. That thought immediately led to a question of if Magnus had seen him with the blond guy. "Have you been here all night?"

And then he caught a glimpse of the very same guy wading through the crowd looking for him. Taako cursed and took a swaying side step to put Magnus between himself and the blond as a screen. Leaning in to get heard through the crowd, and having to put a hand on Magnus for support, he giggled and whispered. "We should probs get out of here, like, now." The giggling, a result of his drunk brain trying to bottle fear, wouldn't stop as his grip on Magnus' shirt tightened. "For reals, Maggie, now. Think I pissed off the locals." Still using Magnus for support he started to make his way out through the crowd.
Magnus’ eyebrows furrowed at the questions tumbling out of Taako's lips, as slurred as they were. Had he really forgotten that quickly? Had someone taken Taako's phone just to lure him here?

His thoughts of confusion flew out the window as he felt Taako meekly move behind him, and he felt his own back straighten, chest puffing out. The big blond guy was heading their way, obviously looking around for the missing Taako with a sour expression on his face. Immediately, he went into the protective mode he'd often been praised for in kindergarten. Good for standing up to bullies, bad for not coming back with a black eye everyday.

While something desperately wanted to step forward and confront the slick looking type, he felt the reluctance to stay a second more than necessary from Taako, and so he turned, wrapped an arm around Taako, and headed for the exit. “You’re okay, yeah? He didn't hurt you?” Magnus said lowly enough for only the smaller man in on his arm to hear, walking briskly.
As they neared the exit Taako looked over his shoulder at where the blond had stopped, a confused look on his face. Taako, drunkenly finding the entire situation hilarious, winked and blew a kiss at him right before they left the building. Squinting in the sudden darkness he waved a hand in Magnus' direction. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I can hold my own ya know, no need for knight action."

Giving Magnus arm a swat Taako let him go, eager to not rely on anyone more than necessary. He spotted a car not far from them and jumped up to sit on it, only stumbling slightly. With his head leaning to the side Taako looked Magnus over and smirked. "Though it would suit you. Armour. Like in those old stories with the table." It was all a ruse of course, an attempt to make everything normal and okay, and hide any left over fear or discomfort he held. "Or maybe more like in Shrek. That's more like it."
Finally out in the cool spring air again, Magnus took a few deep breaths to stabilize himself. Feeling Taako pry himself out of his grip, he reluctantly let go, looking another way. He didn't know what had gone through his head in there. It had taken a little bit too much willpower to not walk up to the blond guy and give him a not-too-friendly suckerpunch. It would've felt marvelous, he was sure.

His head snapped to Taako as he began talking about armours and knights and green swap ogres for some reason. Despite this being an obvious attempt to diverge from what had happened at the party, Magnus felt a smile tease his lips. “Really? An armour?” He asked, disbelief clear in his voice. “I mean, if I were a knight, what would you be? The beautiful prince I had to save again and again?”

He would've been embarrassed to call Taako 'beautiful’, but he couldn't imagine a universe where the man on the car hood hadn't been called that before. He was beautiful, handsome, everything in-between. Magnus became a little bit more convinced of Taako's previous inquiry of being able to hold his own just by looking at him. Sitting down on a filthy car like the world owed him everything. Strangely, Magnus couldn't find himself intimidated by that.

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