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Fandom Dinner and a Show (OOC)



Dazed, confused, but chugging on.
OOC page for Dinner and a Show, a multifandom sandbox.

whole fun of each night!

The plaque is the first thing you see when you enter the club. Etched in its chrome alloy are the following rules:
1. We're okay with a little spat, but we better not find any dead bodies. (Don't kill each other, let alone without permission)
2. Don't do ANYTHING you wouldn't want to have to explain to a kid! (No lewd/sexual Mic Night acts)
3. If someone's already on stage, suck it up! Your spoken verse can wait. (Please don't interrupt each other's stage performances, unless the other person is okay with it)
4. We get it, you're mad. How about we don't throw the club into a black hole? (Don't powerplay)
5. Absolutely NO PUTTING EARTHWORMS IN ANYONE'S FOOD OR DRINK. We shouldn't have even had to etch this one...(Don't do anything extreme to another person's character, like knocking them out or poisoning their food, without their permission)
6. We don't allow weapons beyond the entrance. (Equipment is to be checked upon entry, and weapons are usually confiscated. This doesn't mean you won't ever have access to them, however, because they're not very well guarded...)

-You should clarify where your character is in each post, so nobody gets lost. It doesn't have to be in the post itself, you can put a blurb somewhere at the beginning or end telling everyone your character's location. If you don't know where to put your character, here is a map.
(Crappy map. I know.)
-Don't be afraid to ask someone to interact with your character here.
-Since this is a sandbox, you can create new locations, and I will make a new map for it.
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May I pop in, just for a little? I don't plan on staying too long, but it would be nice to practice writing again with something more nonchalant like this.
I'm not entirely sure what chaos is going on... But the thought of this demon walking in, looking at the absolute mayhem, shrugging his shoulders, and heading through it all to the bar... It just tickles me.
What's happening currently is primarily between Bendy and Laura, who put the club into a panic through a series of accidents.
Yes, the chaos is wonderful xD

Someone (that is, Grim the dragon) did the equivalent of walking into the middle of the room and shouting "Look out, he's got a gun!!!!", except without the gun

Truly, the classics never die.
Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre Yes I totally didn't forget
Not much honestly. Haven't RPed in a minute. You?

P PopcornPie Btw, Lucky already introduced his name, and Malice can't really... hold two conversations at once?
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Just skimming through the IC. Still haven't got a clue on what's going on.
Stuff was pretty hectic a moment ago, but I think they've settled down. A few people are talking in the doorway, my character is at the bar... As for everyone else's, I'm not 100% sure.
I've been way busy with irl drama lately... I'll see what I can do today.
Puppernickel Puppernickel Hey, can I get a good look at your character? I can't find an appearance on the character sheet, so if I could get either an image or a detailed written description, that would be awesome. It makes posting a bit easier if I know how to have Malice react to someone's appearance.

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