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Fandom Dimensional Conflict (OOC)

In regards to character creations, our highness. Are custom characters allowed? (Like player characters in video games. Like DND characters)
KirienIsamu KirienIsamu
I think in the case of DnD those are more like OCs but in the case of some games like Pokemon, RPGs like skyrim, I think it would just go to the characters default look to remain as cannon as possible kinda like how when smash bros adds a character from an RPG they just give the character the most iconic equipment and abilities the game is most well known for. Although If you want to add your own choices to them I think it should be fine like a pokemon trainer having whatever pokemon you want them to have (and can be obtained in the game they are in.)
Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre
What kind Of fandoms are accepted?
Cause I have some that are (or might be) a little overpowered. I need to make sure this is fine
I Won't get a post up when you do start till in the morning.
But, I'm looking forward to seeing this :)
I'm sorry if I'm not doing a good enough job trying to give everyone something to work with. If anyone has any ideas to help more people get involved I'd love to hear them.
I'm sorry if I'm not doing a good enough job trying to give everyone something to work with. If anyone has any ideas to help more people get involved I'd love to hear them.
That's quite alright, I just work with about everything. As long as it's not a one liner, I can work with it :)
I promise I'll get something out tomorrow. I got caught up in my own personal project today. Lost track of time, and I couldn't think of something to update today. While I'm hear how would you all like to see the story go. (We will be getting off the boat soon) Any thing you would like to try to happen in the story or your characters?
Sombre suddenly figuring out that this wasn't a great idea to leave equestria.
Any thing you would like to try to happen in the story or your characters?
Spinel probably going to lose
Bendy wanting to kill everyone.

I mean I have a bunch of ideas, but I'm not sure which to use

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