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Natasha nodded before racing down the hall. She burst into the barracks and flopped onto the first bed she saw; the first bed on the left closest to the door. She let out a happy giggle before sitting up and arranging her things so they looked nice and tidy. The one bag she had she stashed underneath the bed for later use, not seeing a need to rummage through it just yet. She then began wondering where Noor, and maybe Umbra? would be sleeping. Oh, she hoped it was next to her! They could grow closer and become even closer friends than they are now! They could talk about what they liked and disliked, plan trips out on the town so Natasha could show her around. Natasha could teach her how to make modifications to her weapon so that she wouldn’t have to pay for them and get that satisfied feeling from doing it yourself. And then Noor could teach her something and they’d have fun teaching and learning together! And then they could talk about their fami- Natasha stopped that thought before it finished. She was not talking about family. She would not scare off the first girl she could become friends with without knowing her family.
Natasha’s smile faded for the briefest of moments, turning into a worried look. But it was quickly replaced before someone could notice. She had two new friends just waiting out in the Guild Hall, and she would make the most of it. Umbra could teach her warding and....ugh....that meditation thing he was talking about. Maybe it would help her release some excess energy she has been told she needed to get rid of? And maybe he could tell her stories of his adventures! That would be so much fun, hearing tales of adventures and, maybe, just maybe, he’s encountered Older World ruins! Natasha knows they are rare to find, but it’s always a possibility until proven impossible!

Augustus "Gus" Raqual
The young male eventually woke up with a groan as he sat up and stretched eyes still half close he looked around and sighed to himself getting up to dusting off his tattered pants while putting on his jacket and gloves. After getting dressed in his usual attire he grabbed his mace attaching it to the sheath on his back followed by his shield. With his belongs on him the man made way into the wall with his hands in his jacket pockets and once he made it to the door he opened it and looked around "Man this place is as dead as some villages..." he stated with a short scoff. Setting his eyes on the purple haired main and walked eyeing him up and down with the same blank face and lifeless eyes "You the one in charge of this guild?" Gus asked in an almost demanding tone. Not waiting for an answer he started looking around the place and at the runes on the walls rolling his eyes a bit hating the fact that something so small can keep out the demons. (Very sorry for the late reply!)
Umbra turned to Gus, their eyes stern and almost piercing "yes I'm I run this guild. Is there an issue with something? Did one of my ex-hunters beat you? If so send them to me and I'll make sure they'll need their food pre-chewed before they get it" Umbra crossed their arms and looked the man up and down. From what they could tell the man didn't look like trouble but then again they had seen younger people try to start fights over less "or maybe you're here to join the guild? If so welcome, my name is Umbra." Umbra extended their hand to offer a handshake to Gus

Augustus "Gus" Raqual
Listening to the man's words he scoffed a bit "No, I have doubt on your ex-hunters could have beaten me I'm sure they had to high of moral and sense of justice to fight dirty unlike me." Gus stated in a firm tone while looking back at the man's hand ignoring it he just gave a small nod "I am here to join but I don't give a damn about the village I'm only doing it to protect the ones without a home the people I call family without shame." He said his gaze not leaving the man noticing his scar which Augustus assumed was from having a close encounter with either a demon or fight within the guild. He was leaning towards the demon if he got that big of a scar from a guild member it just proved why they were disbanded in the first place though it wasn't like he knew the whole story anyways or cared much to ask around about it. Finally after examining the man enough he let out a sigh "My name is Augustus Raqual are there any requirements to join? Cause I don't have money if that's what you're wanting from newer members." The man said "And I best not be the only one cause I'm sure and hell not going to be the only one risking my neck got that?" He quickly added while looking around some more wiping some sweat from his forehead muttering to himself mostly about the heat wards and how he wanted to destroy them but held back from voicing his opinion on the matter.
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After Natasha had explored the barracks a bit, she decided that was enough idling about so she walked back out into the hallway. As she walked, her first destination the entrance of the Guild Hall, she saw Umbra and a new guy. She instantly grew excited, ignoring the seemingly hostile nature of the new appearance. All she thought was: A new friend! She skipped over, smile wide and demeanor inviting. Her hair had basically all but come undone, a few strand still seemingly tied together, but again, Natasha didn’t seem to notice.
“Hey Umbra! Who’s this?” She asked, stopping next to the scarred man. “A new recruit? Will he be joining Noor and me in training? What skills do you have? Oh! What weapon do you use? Can I see it?” She asked, never taking a breath. She had meant to ask the other two about their weapons too, but had completely forgot in the excitement of NEW PEOPLE! She’d ask Noor later, seeing as Natasha didn’t see her around, but hopefully Umbra would answer too.

Augustus "Gus" Raqual
Taken aback by the sudden appearance and barrage of questions the male shook his head slightly and looked at the female with the cold eyes he had given the one in charge "They must really be desperate. What are you going to do talk the demons to death?" He asked while rubbing the bridge of his nose in frustration. A small habit that had grown rather quickly on him whenever something was bugging him and right now it was the female with seemingly endless breath to the point Gus was starting to believe she was a possible wind demon that learned to shape shift for whatever reason. Eventually regaining himself the older male just rolled his eyes a bit "Stop acting like a little child and grow up which means stop with all the questions they're annoying. The skills and weapons I use are not of importance to you as long as they kill demons is the only thing that matters. Making friends is by far the lowest priority on my list." Augustus scoffed at the woman while flicking her forehead slightly "And fix your hair for god sake its like you came out of bed after a wild night." He added without a single sign of sarcasm just his normal dead tone that put the hair on the back of anyone's neck stand on end. At least on the streets it did he had a faint feeling everyone here won't fall victim to it since they all apparently thought of him as just a normal person.
Natasha didn’t even bat an eye. She instead looked to the side at her hair, gasping in surprise. “Oh, guess it’s coming undone. Must be because I got so excited.” She laughed, completely untying it and retying the white ribbon around her right wrist. “I’ll fix it later.” She mumbled as she mused her hair into a somewhat presentable tangle of brown. She then looked back up at the newcomer with a seemingly impossible larger smile.
“Oh, of course it’s my business! I love weapons. Even made my own! And I’ll be taking lessons with Draven comes back from getting more materials. I could make improvements for a lot cheaper than anywhere else.” She said, clasping her hands together in delight as she spoke about weapons. They were her only love, after all! “So, of course, don’t be shy to ask!” She added with a giggle.
“And of course we’re going to be friends, silly! We are so going to bond! It’ll be fun! Also,” she playing nudged his shoulder with another laugh. “If you’re trying to be scary, Father is a lot scarier without words. You’re like a cute little kitten compared to him! Oh! And then there is Nathan....and Frederick....and Jackson..... Yeah, my whole family is scarier than you.” She quickly said after listing half her brothers. “Oh! My name is Natasha, by the way! What’s yours?” She asked, holding her hand out in greeting for him to shake.

((Sorry if my replies are slow; I just got off work not too long ago.))
Umbra shot a look at Gus which almost seemed to drop the temperature of the room by a few degrees "I won't have you talk to fellow Hunters like that. If you want to hunt demons you've got to gel as a team. I had a lone wolf on my team once and I will not have a lone wolf again, understand?" Umbra sighed and turned to Natasha "but maybe give the new guy some time to get his bearings before we hound him with questions hm?" Umbra looked back to Gus "as for money I don't want any payment from you. I pay you to be a Hunter but that doesn't mean I'm not asking for something in return. All I ask for is loyalty to the Guild" they crossed their arms.

Umbra drew his sword slowly and turned to Natasha "this is my weapon, a weapon we found in some large ruins years ago. Apparently there was a country to the East before the demons arose, I found a sword and had Draven forge a new one, it's thing but it's good for slashing and stabbing. We never learned how to make the hilt for it so I just wrapped some bandages around it and it's been working for me ever since"
Looking back at Umbra he walked up and looked right into the male's eyes "Sure "boss" I understand perfectly what you're saying but I never remember saying I would be a lone wolf." He said with venom on his words before rolling his eyes and stepping aside so the two others can have their chat about weapons. He wasn't about to go deaf in one ear from the the overly enthusiastic girl that did nothing but push his buttons and annoy him. Personally he thought she was down right crazy for keeping that whimsical smile of hers and the guild boss wasn't no better thinking he'd become a lone wolf if that were the case he'd never have even decided to join in the first place but he was tired of watching people on the streets die and not being able to help. So as long as he can get money to support them he'd have to make sacrifices even if he hated it with that in mind he sighed in annoyance and quickly shook the girl's hand before pulling his own away as if she was a plague "My name is Augustus and no it isn't a pleasure to meet you don't mistake this for any sort of friendship bond I have people I need to protect and I can't afford to get kicked out of the guild." Gus muttered to the female before walking to the wall and sitting down looking up at the rafters thinking to himself.
Natasha’s attention turned to Umbra, or more specifically, their sword. Her eyes seemed to gleam as her hazel orbs danced along the blade. And no hilt? That gave it personality, character....fascinating. “Do you plan on ever adding the hilt once you find out how to make it? Or will you keep it like that? Because I much prefer it this way. Soooo cool.” She beamed, clenching and unclenching her hands to stop from reaching out and feeling it over. Learning the blade as if it was a person and she was trying to figure out it’s quirks. It’s sharpness and flexibility.
To distract herself, she refocused her attention on Augustus. “Then Gus! We’ll be best friends, quicker than you will realize. It’s like...my superpower!” She giggled, looking sure of herself with that statement, though it sounded like she was making an innocent declaration of a child with the awkward new student at school. “You can call me Nat....or Tasha....or Tash....Oh, or Bubbles! I get called that a lot, though I’m not sure why....?” Her expression turned confused as she tried to think of a reason.
Umbra glared at Augustus, they could feel the venom in his words and it took them a second to resist the urge to throw a punch. Umbra turned to Natasha "I'll probably leave it as is even if we find out how to make the hilt, the bandages are comfortable enough plus I'm planning to sew defensive wards into them at some point so I can turn them into a portable ward circle" they offered their sword to Natasha so she could get a closer look "I don't mind you taking a look at it, just be careful, it's a lot thinner than normal swords so it's easier to break than other weapons"
Natasha’s focus instantly snapped to the weapon. “What kind of material did you use? Have you thought of reinforcing it with anything? It could even be a super thin layer, like a coating, but if you use the right material and make sure it’s evened out before it cools and hardens, then it could give it a higher durability, so you wouldn’t have to be too concerned with it breaking.” She fired off, turning the blade over in her hands, treating it like a fragile doll she used to have. Each touch delicate and intentional. “Or you could use wards. Carve some into the metal so it adds to its defensive or offensive...Can wards be offensive? I’m not too knowledge on them, after all.” She added, looking kind of embarrassed for admitting that.
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Umbra sighed "you became a Hunter without first knowing that we haven't had offensive wards for centuries? That's what us Hunters do. We scout the world for offensive wards in the hopes that one day we can take the fight to the demons" Umbra looked back to their sword "the sword is tough enough, if we ever find offensive wards I'll make sure they're carved into my blade. This here is the sword that will cut off the head of the snake and skewer the body while it is thrashing" their eyes shone with ambition as they looked into the distance
Natasha made a face at the thought of cutting the head off of a living animal. That didn’t sound pleasant. “Ah....right....Well, I really just wanted to help people, and explore what’s outside to explore its fullest potential. I’m definitely no expert in warding, which is why I’ll be heading to the Ward room soon to start learning.” She confessed, her energy seeming to have died down a bit, like she was child who had gotten lectured. “If you wouldn’t mind showing me where that is, of course.” She added, looking up at him through her lashes and her waterfalling hair that moved as freely as she did. “You can also always make improvements to make your weapons better, so it’ll last longer and allow you to take less damage....” She mumbled under her breath, seeming fearful of stating this opinion to him.
Umbra smiled "the ward room is connected to a staircase in the barracks, follow me and we'll go together. Warding isn't really more than art either so don't worry too much, draw a shape a certain way and watch it do its thing" they began to walk towards the barracks "Augustus, Noor, will you be joining us?" Umbra shouted without looking behind them.
The man grinned a bit seeing the girl's reaction to hearing about killing an animal finding a twisted sense of amusement out of it wondering how he could use that to his advantage to get her to leave him alone. Suddenly getting jerked from his thoughts he looked at Umbra confused at first but quickly regained his composer and shrugged a bit pushing himself upwards "I guess if this is the training we're doing sure. But when is the combat training? I've been aching all day to use my mace." He asked while basically ignoring what the man was mentioning about wards more so just questioning who this Noor person was and if they were like this Nalala person? Gus was really hoping that was not the case he could barely deal with one he's most likely go crazy if there was another.
Umbra started down the staircase at the end of the hallway, as they walked down they began speaking "just a reminder that the books here are not to be taken outside of this building. It took me long enough to 'liberate' them from under the Duke's keep and I won't have them stolen now" Umbra walked past rows of shelves, each one packed to the brim with ancient books about different wards and demons "oh and try not to mention the fact we have these either. If one of these books so much as loses a page I'll see to it that the offending party loses a finger, understood?" they said the last part of the sentence as if they were joking but their eyes said otherwise
Natasha brightened again at the mention of books. “There are books here? Anything about the Older World?” She asked, going down the stairs two at a time. “Or anything informative? I’d like to learn as much as I can before I actually go out, so I’m prepared for anything!” She added with a look of determination, holding her hands up in clenched fists to show that enthusiasm. “Also, with the training rooms, are there training practices we have to use, or is it free learn? Because if it’s free learn, I’m gonna need to be taught the wards before I can practice on my own so I don’t blow something up.” She said with a laugh. “I’ve done that before with fire, and Father was not happy. I was on skinning duty for a month, right after the kill too.” Natasha made a disgusted look, waving her hands in disgust to emphasize her point. She wasn’t even allowed to bleed them first! It was so messy.
Umbra raised an eyebrow "if you can blow yourself up with a defensive ward I'd be impressed and worried...They don't explode, heat wards keep in heat, wards of forbidding keep demons out and make sure they can't come up or go back down" Umbra shrugged "as far as training goes, I kick your asses for a few weeks and then hopefully you'll be able to hold your own in a fight against me. Then I teach you all how to see properly in the dark of night and then we go on our first kill run. Nothing glorious, we push demons into warded pits and let the sunlight blast them back into nothing" Umbra looked around "as for warding, you wake up early every day. I make sure of that don't worry. We do exercises then I bring you to the warding room and teach you for two hours, followed by a break of twenty minutes then it's on to combat practice, meditation to make sure every can find their centre and then you have the rest of that day as you see fit." they looked at the group

"The only thing I ask is that no one annoys Draven, after a month outside of Arden's walls he's always a little irritable shall we say, a couple of years ago he broke an apprentice's hand just because they dared to ask if he could ward metal properly, not a pretty sight and while I can use healing wards they require a lot of energy that we can't afford. So try not to maim each other thank you"
Listening to these two made Augustus wanna drive his head into a brick wall. Which he was still considering doing while following them down the stair case only to scoff at what the man said "So the training is being a punching bag? Sounds more like a challenge than actual training if ya ask me." The man stated while cleaning out his ear with his pinky finger and yawning a bit "We just gonna read the books about the wards and how to use them properly? Cause I wanna see how Nalila manages to blow up a defense ward it'd be a good laugh." He said with a grin on his face imaging the damage if any that it could cause but he's highly doubting anything would go wrong if the leader was watching them like a hawk. But what did gain his interest was the black smith and his short fuse after returning from outside "Is this the worst thing he's done or did he do something much worse?" Augustus asked with a small peak on interest learning there was someone who could cause pain on another human without thought. Sounds like someone who would be fun to tempt faith with if ever given the chance.
“Nalila?” Natasha repeater, seeming confused for about three seconds before brightening into a giant smile. “You gave me your own nickname?” She gushed with joy. “Oh, that’s wonderful! I’m so happy! And I thought you didn’t like me, Gus!” She squealed, quickly enveloping him in a hug before skipping ahead of them. “We are going to be best friends! Yay! Oh! And I’ll try to blow up a ward, just so you can see it!” She added, turning around, her skirt fluttering a bit as she did so. “I’ll have to play around with them a bit, first. So give me a few months!”
Her attention was then turned to Umbra with a concerned look. “Do we have to meditate? I don’t think I can sit still that long.” She whined, hoping to get out of it. She really didn’t want to stay still unless she necessarily had to. “I’d rather spend my time with Draven, learning the proper way for weapon making and improving. Or even getting beaten up in sparring. Anything but meditation!”
The man tensed up at the sudden action before tearing the girl away from him "That is not a nickname and stop calling me Gus! I do not like you at all nor are we going to be friends!" Gus snapped glaring at the girl before walking ahead of her and grabbing a book on the self flipping through the pages carelessly "I do not need any friends I have one promise and I tend to stick to it without anyone interfering understood you carefree brat. Keep that attitude up and you're destined to get us all killed." He stated ruthlessly while his brow furrowed thinking back to all the ones he left behind promising to put a stop to the demons and protect them. How many people he broke that promise to sense he was to slow. Looking back at Umbra he closed the book and returned it to its rightful place "Can't follow that order of meditation unless you count punching something as meditating there is no "calming" or finding my center hasn't been for years so I'll pass not having it has helped me survive so there is no point in it." Gus told the leader before disappearing further into the mazes of books taking deep breaths to calm his nerves preparing for the backlash of his actions whatever it may be.
Natasha watched him go, nothing but joy on her face. She would get through to him yet, she could feel it! All it took was a little love and a lot of determination on her end. He was already calling her by a nickname, even if he wouldn’t admit to it. He just needed help letting his happy out, that was all. The young woman laughed under her breath before she turned back to Umbra. “Can you show me the Ward room? I’d like to get a head start so I at least know the basics before you start whipping us into shape.” She asked, bouncing on her toes in anticipation. She was hoping she could learn some good defensive wards so she could have Draven teach her how to effectively put them onto the other’s weapons in case they needed them added and Draven was busy. She would just have to stay on his good side and not make him angry.....Easy!
Umbra watched the two silently and sighed to themselves. Between Natasha's energy and Gus's attitude they figured they were going to work about as well together as a snake and a mouse. They placed a hand on Gus's shoulder "you'll meditate with the rest of us. I can't take another loose cannon out in the field with me. You either learn to find your centre and hold it or the only thing I'll be able to let you do is make sure the hall is cleaned properly. Duke personally inspects all my members before I can clear them. Wants to make sure his money is being spent well"
"First get your hand off my shoulder understood?" Gus stated ripping his arm away and dusting off his shoulder with an almost disgusted look "Second I have already told you I am not a loose cannon I wouldn't waste my time coming if I was so get it through that think skull of yours." He added while looking back at the purple haired man with hatred when he was threaten to clean the hall "Sure I'll clean the halls if you count pissin' on every table and spitting in every mug to clean them I'd be more than happy to take the job. Sign the homeless man up to do janitorial duties let the Duke relish in his work from his high throne gleaming in the sky while looking down on the rest with that fake venomous smile and dagger piercing eyes." The man said with fake joyfulness projecting in his voice while he clasped his hands together looking off in the distance in a fake awe stare. As quickly at that happened he reverted back to his normal blank stare with the hatred of the Duke ever present in his mind before popping his knuckles to help relieve the pent up stress of the whole day knowing that he literally has zero choice but to even participate in the mediating as much as he hated it decided all he can do is just fake finding his centre or whatever Umbra was talking about until he passed the lovely Duke's inspection as if he was cattle for slaughter.

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