Demigods and Titans - Scion IC Thread

The staff strikes out, hitting the two vans square in each side, shattering the glass on the side panels and knocking each of the two vehicles briefly out of control. The driver of van number one manages to keep control of his vehicle well enough to recover and keep on going, even with the damage done. However, the second van loses it, twisting to the left and rolling over and tumbling repeatedly before coming to a stop on its side.

Athos stares in amazement at the sight for a moment with a smile on his face, then the sounds of the rapidly approaching sirens shakes him back to reality. "If we are not going to be invited guests of New York's finest, we had best be on our way out of here pronto!" He turns to the injured samurai and slips his arm under the man's armpits and lifts him up and begins to lift him towards his Hummer.

The guy with the giant sword nods in agreement with Athos. He says, "Yeah, getting the hell out of here is a damn good idea! I don't know who you guys are, but I am grateful for your assist!" He yells up at the archer on the roof, "Head out and we'll call you when we can!" Turning back to Athos, he says, "Here, let me help you with Steve. He keep on thinking that he's tougher than he really is." Together, they hoist the wounded man into the back of Hummer.

At the crashed van, Johnny manages to land on his feet and skid to a stop without losing his balance. From where you are, you can hear the sound of some movement inside the vehicle; either from the driver or someone in the back.

The sirens are getting closer. You have only a few moments before a horde of police cars will tear around the corner and will come into view, but there is some time, but not much.

What do you do now?
The staff shrinks back down to it's normal size just as fast as it had expanded. With a simple flourish he prepared himself for his next action.

One out of two wasnt that bad. With the police coming, sadly that didnt leave much time. He was about to chase after the other van, but the sound from the downed van caught his attention. He might not be able to catch that van, but he was confident he could get whoever was in there and split before the cops came. Be it the driver or some victim.

As fast as he could, Johnny would go to the van and find the source of the noise.
Dawn cracks a wide smile as she sees the van crash over on its side, and pumps her fist in victory. "Yes! That's the way to do it! Teach those assholes to mess with kids like that!" She looks over at one of her ravens nearby and asks, "You see that van that's driving away? Do you think that you can keep up with it and report back as to where it goes?"
Johnny reaches the van and can see in the driver's seat that the driver is still alive, but is knocked for a loop by the airbag going off in his face and the wild tumble that he took. But you can also hear groaning from the back passenger compartment. Taking a quick look in, there is a figure slumped on the side of the van. It is clearly a young teen girl in a fancy school uniform, her face covered in blood. Head wounds do bleed a lot. You'll either have to go to the rear door go get her out or the side door that is currently on the top of the van, since it is lying on its side.

The raven squacks out, "Awk! Its fast, but I'll try!" It takes off with a loud flap of its wings, along with a half dozen of its flock. Sherwood Sherwood what are you doing now?

Grey Grey what are you doing right now?
(Just in case I cant and to keep from holding things up)

After the blow he just delivered to the side of the vans, he wasnt about to count on the side door cooperating when with time now being of the essence.

As Johnny moved to back door of the van, he shrunk his staff down and stored it back into the tube on his back. Given him both hands to get the back door open and get to the girl inside.

He would go to her to help her up and get her out. Would pick her up and carry her if he had to.

"Come on, sweetheart. Let's get you out of here. You're safe with me." He said, showing her a friendly and cheerful smile, to give her some reassurance if she wasnt too brain rattled to notice. He didnt know how afraid she might be. Goodness knows being abducted like this might make anyone afraid, let alone a kid.
In no position to be useful at this point, Ciarán joins the others in the Hummer with intent to flee. If necessary he could bar death's door a short while, but thankfully it doesn't yet look like they've gotten to the threshold. No time for hostages, even, but at least these friendly strangers might fill in the many blanks.
Taking off again, Dawn flies over towards the crashed van to see if there is anything she can do to aid Johnny, since Ciaran and Athos seem to have the samurai fellow and his friend well taken care of. She drops the effect of her invisibility as she settles down, sheathing her sword as she does so. Dawn then says to her fellow Scion, "I have some of my birds trying to follow the other van, but it's really hauling ass out of here so I don't know if they will be able to keep up with it. What do we have going on here? Anything I can do to help?"
As Johnny is pulling the girl out of the van, she lets out a low moan of pain but is otherwise unresponsive. A quick look doesn't show you any signs of severe trauma other than the bleeding on her head. You can see that her hands and feet have been zip-tied together, but there is nothing that has her tied down in the back of the vehicle; that is a part of the reason she is so banged up right now. But at least she's alive and no longer in custody of the gunmen.

Speaking of the gunmen, the back of the van has several sub-machine guns of different styles, along with at least a dozen hand grenades that have been scattered about from a broken case that had popped open in the crash. These guys were not going along lightly armed at all. It seems that they were expecting trouble, and were coming fully armed for it.

At the Hummer, the guy with the huge sword waves his hand, and the blade vanishes before he jumps inside, helping with his bullet-ridden friend. He works at getting the helmet off of the samurai, and Ciaran can see a rather young-ish looking Asian man, wincing in pain as he tries to make room in the back seat for everyone. The samurai manages to grunt out, "Well, I can say that getting shot that many times really fucking sucks. Hell, getting shot at all really sucks, but I am surprised that my armor didn't stop the bullets better. That really tore me up."

When that's done, Athos jumps back into the drivers seat, puts the vehicle in gear and pulls up to where Dawn and Johnny are. The big Greek yells, "Get her in here and lets get the hell out of here before the cops show up." He glances back at the two newcomers and says, "It will be a tight fit with all of us, but I like the alternative a whole lot less. Everyone, squeeze in!"
"We got a girl here, Danny." He said to the irish godspawn. "A bit battered up but alive." Without waiting any longer, he went ahead picked the girl up.

"Looks like she was who they were after... we only knew about one of them. So we can only hope that nobody else is in that other van." Though if Dawn could track down that van... then they very well might get a good lead in who is doing this.

He took a look back. Good lord. Those gunmen looked ready to fight an army. Police will have a field day trying to figure this mess out.

Once Anthos pulled up, Johnny made it top priority to get that girl inside the hummer. If there wasnt enough room, he would speak up."If it's full up, I can jump away, and she can fly. We can just meet back up at the pub if need be."

"Anthony, tell me quick. Was there only one scion here they would be after?"
Psychie Psychie
Does there godsmell tell them this girl is a scion?
Yes, it does. It is faint, but absolutely there. It is likely that she has not had her Visitation from her divine parent yet.

There is enough space for everyone inside the Hummer for a quick ride. Once everyone is in, Athos jams his foot down on the accelerator and peels out. As he does so, the guy that had the Claymore says, "Uh, we have a couple of rooms at the nearby Hampton Inn that we can use to hide out in, and check out this little lady, and get the last of the bullets out of Steve."

Athos nods. "Sounds good. How do I get there from here? And what is your name, by the way?"

"I'm Ryan. Ryan Cooper. And this is Steven Kim. Good to meet you. Turn left up at the next light. And slow down before we get pulled over for speeding!"

"Yeah. You're right." He eases off on the gas, and eases into the turn. Behind you, you can see three police cars that go tearing by towards the school, their lights and sirens blaring. It seems that you have gotten out just in the nick of time.
Everyone, now that things have calmed down a bit, please give me a Int + Investigation roll or a Per + Awareness roll, whichever one has a better pool for you.
As you are driving along, something comes to Dawn's mind. You have been in fights with both mortals and Titanspawn before, and for 'mere' mortals, those guys took an awful lot of damage before being brought down. Hell, when you first arrived on the scene, Athos ran over two of them with the Hummer, and they were able to get back up and keep fighting! Not to mention that some of the gunmen had a whole bunch of arrows in them from the archer on the roof. It is clear to you that they were not just regular humans.

The final straw on that camel's back is the knowledge that all the gunmen had the faint feeling about them that indicated that they were Scions. But it was faint; very different than the feeling you get from being around each other.

For all of you, with the close proximity to Steve and Ryan, you all get the 'smell' of cherry blossoms from Steve, and burning amber from Ryan.
Who is Johnny sitting between? Or did he get shotgun again? (Also what does amber smell like when its burning?)
Dawns shifts a bit in her seat, trying to get more comfortable in the cramped car. As they drive, she says, "Is it me, or did those guys take a lot to take down? Even assuming that they had some kind of body armor, they still seemed to take a lickin' and keep on tickin', if you guys know what I mean. And I also got the feeling that they were like us. Y'know what I mean. Scions. Am I just imagining it, or did that really happen?"
Who is Johnny sitting between? Or did he get shotgun again? (Also what does amber smell like when its burning?)
Steve and Ryan both loaded themselves into the back seat. It is up to Ciaran as to which seat he'd take to know if you are in the front seat, or crammed in the back with Steve, Ryan and Dawn.

And to be honest, I have no idea what amber would smell like when it burns.
When Dawn says her piece, Ryan nods. "Yeah, they were a real pain in the ass. I've never had a fight with people like that, beating on them as much as I did before they fell. I was thinking that they were some kind of monster, but Titanspawn don't . . . feel . . . the same as a Scion does. In fact, I've never sensed any Titanspawn before the way I could sense them. By the way, who are you guys? I'm guessing you were there for the same reason that we were; to stop them from grabbing the girl. Am I right?"
"I'm Dawn. Dawn Kelly. And yes, we were there to try and keep her from getting nabbed. I guess we were just in time."

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