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Tendrils of Cora’s long hair whipped around her face in a whirlwind as the helicopter took off once more, leaving her atop the designated building. She turned to look out towards the street, the half decimated building sitting slightly lower in stature than her current position. The building was exposed in various areas, as if someone had taken bites out of it. Not to mention that the top floor of the building was almost completely exposed, offering her a great visual on the deadman in question.

Cora couldn’t help but let a conceited smirk glide across her face. Judging by the circumstances, apprehending this deadman should be a cakewalk. For her, at least. Not often does she get a building positioned in such an ideal location and an exposed view of the contents inside.

She pulled the hood of the cloak over her head before bringing the large rifle to her side smoothly. Her eyes scanned the edge of the building, looking for a nice, flat spot. Once happy with her decision, she began setting up the rifle, laying down on the gritty concrete texture of the rooftop.

Cora drew in a deep breath and closed her eyes. The light surrounding her began to dim noticeably, creating a small pocket of shadow that would be easily looked over in a survey of the surrounding buildings. Now successfully cloaked, Cora nestled her head down into the scope of the rifle, peering observantly at the top floor.

It didn’t take long for her to spot the deadman through one of the exposed areas of wall at the front of the building. He stood there, mindlessly. “What is he waiting for?” Cora thought to herself.

She clicked into the team channel. “Target spotted,” She said. “Male, top floor. He–”

Cora’s info was cut off abruptly at the sight of Ai’s drones honing in on the target, firing without permission to take him out. The deadman exploded in a symphony of flying shrapnel and heat, caving in more parts of the building and devastating the top floor completely. The wind from the explosion reached her seconds later, the wave of heat brushing against her exposed skin.

Unable to find the boy in the settling dust and rubble of the building, Cora shifted her scope to look down at the street below to ensure the team’s safety. Glass and metal littered the street, but the team appeared fine. She then shifted her view towards the opposite end of the street, pausing abruptly upon seeing the figure of the deadman standing there, waiting. He began biting into his arms like a diseased animal, flesh and blood flying through the air violently. Her heart dropped at the sickening sight of clones birthing from the spilled blood, their limbs and muscles writhing uncomfortably in their new bodies. The discomfort in growth lasted only a few seconds before they sprinted forwards in a hoard.

The team responded frantically, opening fire against the wave of monsters now charging them. Each bullet that landed, each drop of blood that spilled, only served to strengthen the deadman’s army. The clones, on the other hand, exploded violently upon getting struck, forcing the team’s focus to remain on cutting them down at a safe distance, leaving the deadman time to continue building his frontline.

Cora’s finger hesitated on the trigger. She drew in a deep breath before holding it, her scope following one of the wildly approaching clones. It was getting a little too close to the team, approaching their blindspot with an unnerving amount of speed. Cora fired, the bullet traveling quickly to burrow itself squarely in the deadman’s head. The clone’s body exploded immediately upon the impact, sending ground up asphalt to rain down on the team.

She heard Dakota’s strained voice through the comms, urging the team to find the main guy as a way to hopefully cut off the life force of the clones.
Cora turned her attention towards the scrambling mess of bodies, unable to get a clear vision on the deadman in charge. Smoke and debris from the exploding clones only made it harder to see much of anything. Through the tangled mess of battle, Cora could still make out the outline of his figure, dead center in the hoard like the eye of a hurricane. Chaos and destruction stemmed outwards.

“I can’t get a clear visual on the target,” Cora reported in the comms. “If you guys can lure the clones away from him, I can probably get a good shot. Right now, he’s protecting himself with those bodies.”

She cursed under her breath. So much for this being a cake walk. With this many targets, Cora’s effectiveness would have to be honed in on taking out the main target. Hopefully an opening would present itself to her soon.
Orson rolled his eyes at Cherry, a muffled chuckle leaking through his mask. “Nonsense, you’re also 90 percent of my daily value of red,” he teased. “I’m messing with you. Love you, man.”

The situation escalated quickly, from the moment they hit the ground. One moment, the drones were opening fire. The next, it was an inferno. The deadman had landed on the pavement before the team, only to multiply for a brazen assault. Shield raised and expanded, Orson hunkered down for full cover. He activated the LAM on his pistol, the dot focusing on each clone quickly before he pulled the trigger. “Permission to move up?” he requested urgently, as he considered using his powers to cut down the number of clones.

FentasticFen FentasticFen EccentricFantasy EccentricFantasy
Rafi Istar

Rafi could help but laugh a little as actual health bars popped up on her hud. Totally not what she had wanted but it was awesome none the less, and honestly would probably be pretty helpful on the quick. However she still pulled open the vital monitors for more accurate readings. As the ATV rumbled down the road she familiarized herself with everyone's readings so she'd be able to recognize when someone's was off.

And then everything went to hell.

Rafi let out a startled shriek as the building exploded and Rustie brought the ATV skidding to a stop. She climbed off the vehicle as the bruiser started screaming into her communicator and then froze, taking in their target standing in the street. But if he was there then who was in the- She didn't get to finish the thought before the deadman started tearing into himself and she watched in horror, at first disgusted by his self-mutilation then terrified as the real threat became clearer. Rustie did not need to order her twice as she quickly ducked behind her. "He explodes and multiplies? We did not cover this in fucking basics!" She screeched over the gunfire. "And I thought deadman were supposed to be mindless! So how the hell did he set up a trap?"

We really start the mission with a bang! The voice inside Ai's head squeaks in excitement. Ai ignored the remark and hastily trying to stabilize the position of her remaining drones. That explosion really blows them away and the three drones that went into the room had been turned into mere rubbles.

"That's a good point, Rafi." Ai spoke through the comm, her voice could be heard by all members. "Subject needs some degree of restrain and strategizing capability to be able to execute this type of moves."

"We can assume that the subject's ability is to create explosive clones by spilling his own blood. We don't know whether he has other ability, or the exact rules of how this ability works. Based on the information that we currently have, I concluded that the safest way of neutralizing the subject is by drowning him in a large body if water, East River is roughly 58 yards to our southeast."

@WARWOLF01 EccentricFantasy EccentricFantasy FentasticFen FentasticFen Pepsionne Pepsionne @Sybil @Worthlessplebian Ian Temero Ian Temero @LibbyM098 Goonfire Goonfire

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