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Futuristic Dead End: Zombie Apocalypse Rp

"That's good," Dallas replied. "And you're right, we ain't gonna do shit for you. At least that way we won't be getting attached to nobody and we ain't gonna be upset when anyone dies."

He turned and starting walking with the rest of the group.

"By the way don't try anything, I've shot people before, not just zombies, and I'll do it again."
Mari comes out and looks at the people "D-Dallas.... a-are these your friends..... I-I'm sorry for the zombies..." she looks down with tears
"Yeah," Dallas said. "It's alright, just come on, we've gotta get out of here fast, I saw some zombies out that back window."

He hurried to the front door and shoved it open, hurrying into the rain pouring down. It immediately drenched him, but he didn't care, he was used to discomfort by now.
Maddie followed the group, occasionally glancing at Dallas. He amused her. She'd never seen a guy like him act the way he did. Though, it's not like the last group had known her for long before 'accidents' happened.
Albert sat on the box. It has been ten minutes since charlotte left and he was starting to get restless. "What's taking them so long?" Albert thought to himself. Albert looked around to see the entire supermarket. The floor was covered with bullet shells, empty cans, and the occasional corpse. Albert sat there for another minute until he decided to look for the group. He searched the aisles wondering were they have gone. The sound of rain and thunder echoed throughout the desolate market and Albert was starting to get nervous thanks to the silence. "Where are they?" Albert once again thought. He looked out into the streets and saw the group walking away. "Motherfuckers." Albert said just above a whisper in a annoyed tone. They may not be friends, but it's a common decency to tell someone you're leaving. Albert stood there for a moment. Thinking over his options. He either follow them back home or he heads somewhere else. "sigh.....Fuck it. I'm going with my gut." Said Albert as he started walking after the group.  
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Dallas hadn't felt the need to tell Albert where they were going, after all if he stayed behind it would mean less mouths to feed, but when he saw that he was coming with them he was glad. He got attached to people quickly he knew and already felt that he had to care for the group. He didn't notice Maddie glancing at him, too absorbed in his own thoughts.

Just walking down those streets made him nervous. He had no weapons ready and to draw one he would have to drop the food first. That could easily give him too little time. He glanced towards Maddie, but she still seemed trustworthy and nothing to worry about. He thought maybe he should trust people more, after all they all just wanted to survive, but he still felt the need to always be ready to kill anyone at the slightest threat. He walked to Charlotte's side, he felt like she was safer like that.
"Look at this group guys, we're...we're huge" thinking about all these group members made Tonks happy. He was happy because everyone is a bit safer now. He looked over to Nia while she was walking and just stared at her, how she kind of squealed out of the hug. He pushed the thought to the back of his mind and thought about something else. "So, where are y'all from, i wanna know because i care for all of you, ill go first, Im Tonks and I'm from the coast of North Carolina and i also am a nurse or well at least was, what about you maddie?"
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Charlotte ran out of the supermarket behind Dallas, clutching the food and the steel handle - her only weapon - to her chest. She looked around at the group. There were so many of them. She noticed Albert wasn't with them, and she felt conflicting feelings. On one hand they might be better off with less mouths to feed and without someone they weren't sure they could trust. On the other hand she felt bad. No one deserved to just get left behind. She slowed down a bit, looking behind her at the supermarket. She knew she should go back, but there was no time. There could be a hoard around the corner and she wasn't about to get killed for someone who might not be trustworthy. She sped up again, and Dallas walked closer to her. She felt better that way, protected. 
Maddie looked over to Tonks,"You want to know where I'm from? Okay then... I'm from New York and I worked as a freelance animator for a while."
Dallas glanced around at the group. He was glad in way that they were all talking, that they were learning about each other. But he wasn't so sure about sharing anything about himself. He just hoped no one would ask him to so he could listen to the others without saying anything. He hadn't even told the three others from the original group much. He glanced towards Tonks. He just seemed so strangely social, and like he was glad to have this large of a group. It was strange to Dallas that someone could be like that, even after all that happened.
Why can't everyday be like this, why can't people just all get along and work together Tonks thought. Tonks loved people. He loved the thought of big social get-togethers and people talking about their problems so he could help them. Tonks began to think maybe he's a key to this group survival and maybe could be a great leader.
Maddie smiled at Tonks before turning her head to Dallas. "What about you, Dallas? Got anything to share?"
Dallas looked down at his scuffed boots. So much for trying not to participate.

"In from North Carolina," he said. "A smaller town than here. I didn't really have much of a job before, I changed where I worked a lot, really anywhere that would hire me."

He shared a minimal amount, about as much as the others before him. He didn't want to share much before the others had.
Dallas gave no response, turning his attention to trying to hold both his gun and the supplies at once. He glanced around the group, seeing if anyone was willing to share next, as he adjusted the supplies and held his gun in one hand. The rain didn't seem to be slowing, in fact it looked like there could be a thunder storm soon. This felt like the worst situation he could possibly be in and he wondered how the others managed to be optimistic about it all. The only reason he hadn't given up already was for the group.
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"Do y'all think there's a cure to this disease, do y'all think that maybe we can live on to see the end of these days" Tonk said looking up at the sky
Charlotte decided to speak up. "I think there are cures to everything, but there might not be anyone left to find a cure..." she trailed off, realizing how depressing what she just said was. It was probably true though. It seemed like everyone had been victim to the disease...or whatever it was. Hopefully there was someone out there who was trying to cure it, but she doubted it. "Even if there was, could they even get to everyone?" she said, becoming upset despite her food find. 
Dallas glanced up at Tonks and Charlotte. 

"No," he replied briefly.

It was the truth, he didn't think anyone was finding a cure or getting out alive. And if there was he doubted they would find them.
Nia wasn't speaking. She walked somewhere on the edge of the group in contemplative silence. Her brown eyes searched around them, always aware, always ready, her machete waiting in her hand. She listened but didn't join in. Not right now.
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Dallas walked in silence, still close beside Charlotte. It wasn't just for her safety, that was part of it, but it was also because he didn't trust anyone else enough to walk that close to them. He knew that she wouldn't, and likely couldn't, hurt him. There was a flash of lightning and he sped up, it would be safer indoors. Soon the old house could be seen up ahead on the road.
Charlotte sped up to keep up with Dallas. Even though their walk was short, she liked the way it felt to have someone who was capable of doing things she probably couldn't near her. They got to the house quickly, just as the rain turned into a downpour, 

Charlotte put all her rations on the table, putting her steel handle through a loop in her jeans. In hindsight, it would have been good if she had done that earlier, but she didn't think of it before. She was a bit slow with things like that, clearly, but she thought she had make big steps today, and felt good about it. She had helped out, and was at least somewhat valuable to the team. 

"Okay, we need to split up all this," she said, motioning to the rations Dallas was holding as well,
Dallas stepped forward, setting what he was holding on the table, then stepped back again.

"You all can split it how you want, he said.

He turned to Charlotte.

"Thanks," he said to her, quiet enough that only she would be able to hear. "I'm pretty sure you're the only person who actually did shit for the group today."

This, of course, wasn't completely true, the rest of the group did some to help, but he was still grateful for Charlotte finding the food. Dallas at least knew that he didn't help much.
Albert was the last one to enter the house. He looked around and saw that the house and let out a whistle. "Nice find you guys. No broken windows and the doors are still on the hinges. That's rare nowadays." Albert said as he walked into the living room and sat his backpack by him. As he started to get comfortable he couldn't help, but hear Dallas and Charlotte in the other room talk about splitting the food. Speaking of food Albert looked in his bag. He still had his bag of jerky, his water bottle, and the unmarked can. After a moment of thought Albert decided to share it. It's the least he could do since they were letting him stay. Sure they left him back at the supermarket, but if he was being honest he would've done the same thing if he was in their shoes.

Albert got up from the couch and went into the kitchen. "Hey its not much, but consider it a thank you for letting me stay here and for....Well trusting me and not trying to kill me." He said as he placed the unmarked can, his bag of jerky, and the water bottle on the table. "Don't ask me about the can. All I know is that it's still fresh." He continued as he walked back towards the couch. He decided to keep the medic box a secret for now. He was thankful, but he didn't want to tell anyone about it until they needed it or he met a merchant. After all people are willing to give anything for medical supplies.

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