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Fandom DC Batfam character pages

okay had to change it so now it looks fine
he did chose that option , but in this current time i dont think he's thinking about that .
well , time to wait for some time to pass , time for superman to be the more important one of my characters untill kyle does his thing
Name: Breanna Wayne

Relationship: adopted daughter of bruce wayne

Age: 18

Nickname: "bri" "anna" "ann"

Backstory: Breanna had lived in the gotham city orphanage till she was about 8 years old. She was adopted by bruce wayne at 8 and has been raised by him ever since. She has always idolized the batman but didn't know she lived with him until a year ago. She is trained by her father and takes on the role as the masked crusader
Got a description of appearance or picture for a faceclaim?
Isn't that just Talia Al Ghul, might want to find something else to use
yeah i can find something else i apologize it's a new oc so i'm just now finding a faceclaim for her. how's this one?

So the Wayne's (except Richard) ans the Kent's are all camping while Richard's with his girlfriend with her family and is going to join them on the camping trip later
You jump in where they are camping since they're not home, if she's adopted she'd be included on the family trip

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