Darkening Skies - OOC

I am really glad to hear you guys are enjoying it! It's getting really fun to write at this point in the plot.
Damn it! You're so picky. (Kidding, changing now. The pic looks like a crossbow, though. :) )

EDIT: Fixed! And I was damning me messing up again, not you just in case it came off that way.
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So.. I recall a year ago I posted a character for this, but there wasn't room.

I don't suppose there's ended up being more room?
Still going strong. Introducing a new character might upset our dynamic, but it's not just my game - what do you think, crew?
We had a dynamic? (:3)

Sorely tempted to consider switching out Urral for Enzri but I wanna see where Grey is going with this chapter.
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[QUOTE="Teh Frixz]We had a dynamic? (:3)
Sorely tempted to consider switching out Urral for Enzri but I wanna see where Grey is going with this chapter.

Aw, don't abandon Urral too soon! There's still so much in store for her.
Well, I won't change out Lenore until she either dies, or I feel that her narrative arc has reached its end. Considering that she's effectively immortal, the whole slew of things she has yet to do for the House and accomplish, and the rather high mortality rate of her family, my money unfortunately is on the former, rather than the latter.

But yeah, I don't mind someone else getting on the ship, so long as they post regularly.
To be honest, if we're going to have any new players on board, this would be the best time seeing as we are in port.
I like Urral too but she needs some sort of conflict to keep her fresh though. Right now she's very disconnected from her House and her somewhat stable relationship inside the crew is keeping her from being fully utilized in a dramatic sense. With no concrete goals, she's listless as a character.
I would be sad to see Urral go, in particular because I feel like she still has some shit to work out.

However, Frixz is generally a hoot with her characters, so I would appreciate whatever she brings to the table.
Oh trust me, there's always conflict around the corner. Issues coming from House Lezek, consequences of her impulse duels coming back to bite her, illness, issues regarding Kaiden Spire and her friendship with Heresh...

EDIT: Also, exactly what Grey says. You could always go for another duel with Lenore~
Also if anyone requires answers, more detail, anything like that before they can reasonably post, let me know.
Silvertongued said:
Oh trust me, there's always conflict around the corner. Issues coming from House Lezek, consequences of her impulse duels coming back to bite her, illness, issues regarding Kaiden Spire and her friendship with Heresh...
EDIT: Also, exactly what Grey says. You could always go for another duel with Lenore~
I have been sitting on an NPC for Urral in this situation for literally a year.
Honestly Urral is quite nearly addicted to her vice. Pride gives her a purpose so if she deludes herself enough, causing problems and being proud of being able to solve it/make it go away through martial skill is something to be proud off.

I wouldn't be surprised if she is also proud of how well she skirts the consequences of her actions though she'd not admit that.

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