Darkening Skies - OOC

[QUOTE="The Fuzz]Going to wander around the marketplace buying materials for making shit, charging it to the ship's constructions account, while keeping receipts and everything to present to Lenore.

Fancy upper market, or practical lower market?
I think that after they go the bank to help her friends get the coin they need for the upgrades required, she is going to take some of it, and return to the ship. She is going to wait there until the Bones arrive. Once they do, she is going to go back into the Spire, and head up. It is her plan to make people talk and to turn heads. It will be her desire to look like an avenging, warrior-queen. And then she is going to go shopping to fill up the larder. Urral might want to meet up with her at this point because Namia wants to go to the top of the spire and shove her title down everyone's throats. Lenore had asked that she make it clear that she was under the Infernal's protection, so she is going to do just that.

Once she has made it clear that she is under Lenore's protection and tutelage, she'll then probably demand apartments in the palace, as is her right. If she does decide to do this, then she will will draft a few messages. One will end up going to Lenore to explain to her where she is and what has occurred. She'll ask one of the Infernals to write it in Urd so it can only be read by an Infernal. Another one will be sent to Heresh to inform her that she is welcome to the Upper Spires.

If it becomes obvious that staying in the Upper Spires isn't in her best interest, then she will return to the ship.

Either way, she is probably going to also find someplace to bathe and get her clothes properly clean.

She'll probably ask Lenore, after they have the coin from the family accounts, if she can hire a tutor/someone to help both her and Heresh hone their craft.
[QUOTE="Teh Frixz]Wandering upper spire with no goals

Misread that as "no goats", and I was like "Right on, let's get some goats!"

Also, Namia keeps on not getting that while Heresh may not have the sheer bloodline privilege of L'ámnia, she is still Spire nobility. Minor nobility from a cadet house, on the strength of her mother's name and position, but still. Heresh can request access to the upper spire by herself.
Llorn is totally at a loose end at this point in time. Perhaps he'll go find a hinkey card game to ruin or a cock fight to tamper with. Unless anyone has some better plans to suggest to him?

Although current plans remind me of this:


Captain Hesperus
Colby will most likely be joining Heresh. He's after the same things for making and constructing shit. Also stopping by the library too at some point.
"I am finding it disturbing to be down here. Do not the rulers see the poverty? Do they not care? And then I wonder if the lower levels of Silverlight are like this.
Oh boy. Is she going to direct these questions to Roland later, or do I should I just go post my totally cutting response here and now?
It is definitely worse than the high Spire, but better than the hamlet around the base.
But she's never seen this part, of this Spire. She doesn't quite get abject poverty. And I think she'd be shocked to see the base, at least a base as it is normally. Any time she'd go below the highest spire, it'd be a quality controlled environment. She wouldn't actually see humanity as its basest, would she? And though she has been elsewhere, it's different, it's not a Spire. She has been able to look about everywhere else and not appreciate that there are people in the Spires who are miserable.

However, now that she sees it, sees that the same conditions exist in the Spires, she'll be more mindful of that in the future. I think this is good for her, good for her, even if it surprising to her. She's not silly enough to think she should trade her luxury to live as them, but she is mindful of it. And I think she's also lucky in that she does have people around her who can help her see and understand.

And if the conversation sways in a way in which she and Roland discuss it, then he should find some comfort in knowing that maybe someone might suffer less because someone who will be in power sees it.

Of course, she's already got positions in mind for everyone... although it's more of a whimsy... if she were to put people in charge of different aspects of her court, where would she put her friends... this is something she has thought about.
Right, ordered a huge amount of crafting stuff (within the budget!).

Let's go see what's happening upstairs, shall we?
Also, going to make drop cores for the Bones.

I'm not entirely sure that going upstairs to kick the hornets' nest is a super awesome idea, but simply announcing the presence of L'amnia Silverlight should cause sufficient stir.

In fact...isn't there an incipient succession crisis just waiting to boil over here? If L'amnia makes noises which could be taken as support for one side or another, there could be serious trouble.
[QUOTE="The Fuzz]Also, going to make drop cores for the Bones.
I'm not entirely sure that going upstairs to kick the hornets' nest is a super awesome idea, but simply announcing the presence of L'amnia Silverlight should cause sufficient stir.

In fact...isn't there an incipient succession crisis just waiting to boil over here? If L'amnia makes noises which could be taken as support for one side or another, there could be serious trouble.

Or you know, the crisis between Hagen and Silverlight, since the paranoid uncle and ruler of one, is trying to axe off the heir to the throne of another? Or you know, the jealous cousins may get in on the action.

[QUOTE="Teh Frixz]I'm just excited to play a blunt instrument in a political intrigue situation

Same, except Roland knows when to keep his mouth shut.
So, potential complications:

Multiple factions among Puddleglum contestants. L'amnia's support could be considered a valuable token.

By contrast, friendship with her means the enmity of her uncle. It goes several ways. Some will expect her to fail and die, some will support her in the hope of having favour if she wins, and there will be some quietly expecting her to live in exile, bouncing from Spire to Spire in hope of amassing enough support to claim either Silverlight or Hagan. You know, in classic deposed noble style.

Then there's the Olimak thing. Some folks will see her as an Infernal cat's paw, and will see denying her or courting her as effectively treating with an Olimak political asset.

There are four possible (open, public) responses from her uncle.

1. Declare his relief that she has surfaced, alive and well, and invite her home.

2. Denounce her as an impostor. (Unlikely, unlikely to succeed.)

3. Denounce her as an Olimak pawn, a vector of Infernal control into internal Spire affairs, and make it clear to everyone what a dangerous game she's playing. (Likely, for the reason that it's a good move, provided he doesn't go so far as to actually insult the Houses Infernal. If he can simply point out how "unwise" and "unstable" such an arrangement is, it becomes a subtle attack on L'amnia's judgement and sovereignty. If he goes for "saddened, disappointed, but willing to forgive and teach her better", that limits L'amnia's possible counter-moves.)

4. Ignore her, make no public statement...for now.

Another consideration: L'amnia might have a claim to both Silverlight and Hagan, but attempting to press both claims while appearing to be supported by the Olimak would be political suicide. That really would make it look like an Infernal power grab on temporarily weakened Spires.
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This is one of those times I wish I had used a Dellebron. Oh the fun I could have had.

Not that I'm unhappy or bored with Urral, she's just not wonderful at out of House affairs.
Gonna be honest here......I don't think that a Dellebron party member would substantially improve this particular snarl.

Make it more subtly entertaining and/or dreadful, certainly.
She hates them with a passion. She'll work with them, even assist them, but having one as part of her entourage is a prospect that disgusts her.
This is going to be so full of political fun I think.

As of right now, L'ámnia simply wants to stir things up and see what falls. She has no real intention of supporting anyone or anything. She'd rather people underestimate her, and her goals so that way, when she returns to deal with shit, she takes everyone by surprise. And she will trust absolutely no one. If her uncle is by chance, there, I do not know what she will do.

But whatever happens, it'll be a heck of a lot of fun to have at least Urral there.

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