Darkening Skies - OOC

...okay, that's pretty awesome, but probably not conducive to keeping the crew around me alive. World's largest walking claymore mine.

That said, you could probably make electromagnetic grenades that take avail of that. Good things for the rest of the crew to have.

I was just thinking of sending a pulse through the armor that would shock the shit out of anyone trying to grapple or hit her.
If you're going with that line of thinking, could probably also set it up so that it could be fed intentionally. That or it could have a discharge that is directly linked to either Heresh or Namia. Either one of them could take the excess energy, hold it then slowly feed it back to whomever needed it.
Bearing in mind, Heresh's own armour modification is going to include a fully sealed helmet mask, so that she can literally fill the air of any combat area with powdered glass.
I'm just trying to fill the holes in Lenore's weak points. At the current point in time, Lenore is highly resistant to being killed through the majority of conventional means (including falling off a spire or flying airship). However, destruction or loss of her head, asphyxiation, electrocution, Lionbrass, and anything that can meddle with her armor, these are all things she's weak against, as well being (probably painfully) blinded while underwater.
That defensive focus is interesting as I'm trying more and more to make her a Infernal Killer /Boss slayer. Very offensive minded with enough natural speed and agility and soak to handle her targets.
Cry havoc, and let slip the spuds of war!

So, we're gonna build a pneumatic potato cannon, for Namia to get some manatech design instruction with. Then, we're gonna use it to fire potatoes at Urral, for her to cut them out of the air. Extra points if she manages a nice crinkle cut chips pattern.
To make things easier on Grey, we might propose an out of character itinerary, so he has warning of the places we're looking to visit and can think up descriptions and details before they're needed.

Heresh is likely to visit:

Scrap dealers, metal dealers, general raw materials traders.

Also to look for Stormtech consults, possibly by hanging out in a tearoom with a bunch of techies and yelling at each other over blueprints.

Also the Cathedral to Dead Rion, and a milliner and tailor.

What y'all up to?
Lenore's probably gonna want to visit a nice bathhouse or something. You know, somewhere with good food, good drink, bathing, possibly massages. She's after spending a month in a relatively confined space with little washing facilities, as I'm pretty sure we don't have a bath on board capable of dealing with her girth.

Other than that, not much. She's done her business at the Factor, she's assigned what she needs and wants from the other characters, and there's no family here that look like they'll want her attention. This place looks like a dreary little shithole, with nothing to truly attract Lenore's attention. Mostly, she just wants a little time to get away and relax.
I'm not sure everyone is at a comfy scene transition right now, but fuck it, new scenes for everyone later today.
I've got no idea what to do with Urral right now. She's oddly...disconnected from society in a way where putting her in other situations feels strange. It's weird to think how dependent she's become on the rest of the group even though she doesn't know/show it.

So since she decided to commit to some sort of religious cut off your nose to spite your face gaff, Urral is wandering around the Spire. With no real place to go, she'll just go wherever looks interesting, probably migrating slowly upwards and just investigating goings on.
Explain the Dead dragon/Rion to me really quick. It seems a separate pantheon than Urral's infernal sect.

The market is always an option, I'll be surprised if she isn't working her way there eventually. In regards to the cathedreal, she's self aware enough to not be rude to the congregation but she'll probably act like a non-interested atheist pulled into a catholic mass.
So, Dead Rion is/was a dragon. THE Dragon. Kinda. Died during the creation of the world, pouring its essence into all things, giving birth to the spark of magic. Lightning is its element, and Stormlords are among the Patterns closest and most emblematic of it.

Dead Rion's blessings are sacrifice, creation, altruism, and magic itself.

Dead Rion's curses are ingratitude, neglect, and forgetfulness.

The Stormlord's prayer begins: "I have not forgotten, and I am grateful. Live in me today....."

Well in that case there would be a definite...rift between Urral and the church of the Dead Rion. If the Dragon died creating the world and birthed the realm/magic, Urral and those of Infernal Ilk would have a disconnect. She's not of this realm, her world is Hell, her family, her ancestors, her parents are all Hellspawn. Infernals cannot be mages, so I'm guessing that Rion held no sway over her creation. Best case scenario in Urral's world would be achieving full demonhood and 'ascending' to becoming a Baron of Hell.

Then again, living just under that point is also a goal for Urral, as by having ties to the mortal realm she can further the agenda of the Highfather without being banished. Oh my god, Scions are Daemon Princes!
Rion is still technically part of the same pantheon which Lenore believes in. I dunno if Lenore prays to Galathas, but perhaps Lenore considers herself an emulator of Galathas.

Also appropriate, as Lenore is probably going to say something along the lines of this at some point.

If everyone could just clearly state where they are going next and why, I can fix this all in my head well enough to continue.
Lenore's going to a fine bathhouse, or somewhere to relax and get cleaned up. Failing that, she's going to go looking for such a place.
Going to wander around the marketplace buying materials for making shit, charging it to the ship's constructions account, while keeping receipts and everything to present to Lenore.

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