Darkening Skies - OOC

Wow, this OOC blew up while I was asleep.

Regardless, yeah. If you'd all be willing to have me, I'd be happy to make a character. Uh.. what would I do for Chargen most likely? I was thinking some kind of Magus, or finally making use of that one Infernal I rolled up for that other game who.. never got into play, Augustus. (Maybe a nerfed down version of the bastard.)
Well....what do you feel the crew might need, in terms of cool shit which your character can do and personality traits which you would enjoy playing?

In particular, what would you envision your character doing that isn't combat? We have a lot of combatants on board, and being able to hold your own will likely be important, but what other cool stuff would you like to do?
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Also, I will be home in around thirty six hours, with a healthier computer to use.

I need to finish evacuating the data from this backup laptop.
Well, the first character I tried to make for this game was a Communer. They where based around Healing and talking, and... actually, reviving them might work.

But I get what you mean, yeah. Augustus was cool, but he was also mostly just.. a big ol' Djukanim Combat monster. I'm sad I never got to use him in that game he was made for, but that's really secondary.

Do you have a PC communer, by chance? Or maybe a Seer..
I like the idea of a Communer. I mean, yes we have a Doctor on board so the healing part is covered, but I always thought one that was more plant based would be entertaining. Growing crops on board the ship, that the crew could eat and sell. Their cabin room is a literal jungle. xD
That was too much fun to write.

Didn't want to push it too far since it's quite late and I'm unable to sleep but it felt good to try and wrap my head around Urral's hot mess.
Urral can totes be her own person! Make her own decisions! Attract and then crush her own damned suitors! Appreciate her friends, but be able to let them know when to back off a bit!
[QUOTE="Mrs Hesperus]Aaaaand if L'amnia's speech just now doesn't make her blood boil hot... then what will?

Ratpile on the Lezek, that's what!
I thought she'd like the idea of intimidating a bunch of nobles. Of course, L'ámnia is getting a lot of ideas about how to run things once she's ruling. And right now, she knows who she can count on and trust, which is a lot for someone like her.
Hey, would a hive mind Lybar be a possibility. Five or six individuals making up a singular group? Something akin to goblins?
[QUOTE="Teh Frixz]Hey, would a hive mind Lybar be a possibility. Five or six individuals making up a singular group? Something akin to goblins?

That's an interesting idea. I could see it happening.
Also thanks for your patience, guys. I'll get a post up for Heresh & Colby soon enough, and the rest of you still seem to have to talk a little before you head for your next destination, wherever it may be.
Actually, a sudden thought occurred to me.

@The Fuzz Heresh wishes to fly, or at least, massively increase her mobility in the air, correct? We have a skilled metallurgist and blacksmith on board. Tell me Fuzz, have you ever seen an old Disney Cartoon called Talespin?
It's already in the works. Going to build a multi-component system for it, with the following functions:

A set of reinforced, multi-layered silk and canvas patagia-styled wings. The clever bit here, see, is the deployment and retraction system. The wing flaps are attached to strongly magnetised hook connectors, along lines built into the armour. When the wing flaps are retracted, they're stored in pouches at the armpits and inner thighs of the armour, then when a small magnetic repulsor is activated, they're 'pushed' outward and locked into place. Instant deployment, and fast retraction.

The second component is several small equivalents of the dandelion seed emergency drop cores, built into the armour and set up to distribute the buoyancy generation around the armour's heaviest points. Main difference between these small cores and the emergency drop cores is that the emergency drop cores have to incorporate their own power core. These distributed cores will not, as I'll build one larger power core into the suit itself. Allows them to function for longer than just a few minutes. Funny bit: allow the cores to have variable effects, controlled by teeny palm switches. At their weakest, they're not switched on at all. At their strongest, they would give the armour suit slight positive buoyancy, meaning that it would still have mass, and therefore inertia and momentum, but not weight (sort of).

So, we're combining:

The ability for the armour to either weigh a couple of kilos, or to have effectively negative weight to the value of several pounds, and to dial smoothly between these extremes.

The armour has very sturdy, rapid deployment wingsuit patagia.

The armour is being worn by someone with Dexterity 4, Acrobatics 4, Training in High Acrobatics, and the at-will ability to do this, with no Manashock:

Logos 2: Navigator

This spell blesses any form of transport dependent on the air, as the magus spins a windpath to fill sails, support hulls, and grant speed and maneuverability.

[Logos 2, therefore target number 8.]


Other funny shit which might result:

Going to build in magnetic clamp attachments to the vambraces, allowing her to spider climb on metallic surfaces.

The buoyancy generators can be activated independently of the wings, meaning that at any moment Heresh might decide that it's time for the armour to stop weighing several kilos, and instead offset a couple of pounds of her own bodyweight, while she bounces off the walls, deploying the magnetic grips.

[QUOTE="Teh Frixz]Well now I have images of wing suit Heresh flying with regal Urral

Did I not tell you? That's been the idea for quite some time.
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I thought I posted for Blackadder and Dreaming weeks ago?

I'll post for everyone tomorrow, anyway.

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