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Fantasy Dark Forest Academy - Always Open

Launet Serfa
She nodded, "That could work at least until I learn control over it. Maybe you could knot me some gloves as well." She turned and began walking stopping at a door, "And we are here..." She opened the door and walked in the smell of books filled her nose and she smiled, "I love this place..." Her mind drifted to the books she was wanting as she thought about them. She turned down a row and wasn't paying attention, until she ran into something hanging above her head. "Ow..." she said jerking back and holding her horn. It thankfully had no effect on her, she rubbed around the horn and looked up to see what she had walked into. Alias Alias SadSnake SadSnake

Lukas Ivory
Lukas cringed at the mention of water, "Yeah no that's perfectly fine with me I don't like water much..." His eyes going a bit dark as a memory surfaced, "Momm..." Slpash slpash .... "plea...." Splash "I'm. Sor..." "It's all your fault you horrendous child!!!!" His mother spat at him as he drown in the water. A shiver ran down his spin and he shook his head trying to clear the memory away. MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat Alyce-Marie Alyce-Marie Helpful Little One Helpful Little One

(OOC:Thauvin was sitting on one of the shelves.)
Thauvin didn't even realise Launet ran in his feet. As he felt his head started spinning, Thauvin started to loose his balance, and fell down face first from the shelf. He sat down, saw the people around him, and tried to say something, but the only thing that came out of his mouth was a confused groan. His book fell on the ground, and the pages spread out of the book and onto the floor. He was too confused and surprised to think anything apart from: what's going on?
( BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Alias Alias Shagranoz Shagranoz )

"Woah, it's huge!", Timothy said as he looked around. "Shh!", an older lady caught his attention and signalled him to be quiet. "Ah, sorry", he replied in a soft whisper. He followed Launet to an aisle when a small book caught his attention. He picked it up and turned it to it's first page. At first it was written in a strange language he's never seen before. Then, right in front of his eyes, the symbols changed into english.

It read, "Magic for beginners". "Hey Lu, this is so-wah!", he was about to call Launet about the changing book when something fell from the shelves. It was humanoid... but it had scales, wings, and a head of a dragon. Launet has already told him not to be suprised with other non-human beings, but his stunned expression tells it all.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising SadSnake SadSnake
Joanne's smile turned a bit more nervous as she saw Cael turn pink, blushing a little. She probably would've also blushed at him if she had any blood in her system to be able to do something like that. There was a little laugh going off internally as she thought of the idea of a magical star in human form blushing around her, it really humanized Cael in her eyes even though he could technically destroy everything around him in an explosion. When Cael mentioned Kyni and where she ran off to, Joanne's mind returned to the moment and she remembered that after turning to Kyni who was behind them, she hadn't really seen the small vampire. She was too caught up with Cael and the beauty of the hallway they were in to notice that she had run off somewhere. "O-oh, I, uh, don't know, I could've sworn I saw her just a moment ago."

Joanne stumbled around her words a little as she regained her bearings, noticing Cael trying to do the same. Once her mind was off of him and their little "moment", Joanne realized something that worried her immensely. "The last time I saw her she was behind me, and she looked awfully curious about whatever she was looking at." While Joanne didn't want to mention it, she realized that if they didn't find Kyni and left, without Cael's magic, the place would certainly start drawing on her own pool and most likely kill her in a matter of seconds. Joanne also, somewhat selfishly, wanted to just continue exploring the place, especially now that she'd made a friend in Cael. As much as she wanted to just go on, Joanne couldn't shake the feeling of worry whenever she thought about the small child getting drained literally to death by this place.

Prrrgadilly Prrrgadilly Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
"Well, I guess we should go look for her. Like I said, she can't get to far, in he Chassis, but we if we lose track f her, it could take a while to find her again. There's a great deal of hallway to cover in here." Uerendi said to Joanne in an offhand manner as he turned and tried to remember where they were the last time they'd seen the curly haired girl. He wasn't too concerned that anything was wrong. It wasn't like Kyni was in any danger in here; the Chassis didn't abide by violence and would simply expel anyone who went against its wishes on the matter. "Let's just backtrack from when we last saw her, and see if maybe she just sat down somewhere to stare at the walls. I've done it before. Come on, Joanne." In an easy voice, Uerendi turned around and went back the way he came to where he'd last seen Kyni. Occasionally, he call out her name questioningly. "Hey Kyni? I wasn't kidding about there being no bunnies here, you know."

RoninN7 RoninN7 Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
Bethany turned around at the massive thump coming from behind her to see a boy land flat on his face. Jeez. My mom told me the boys would be tripping all over themselves to meet me, but I didn't think she meant literally. This is the second time today! "You okay?" she asked, taking his hand. "What were you doing up there, anyway?"

SadSnake SadSnake
Thauvin was still feeling dizzy. he shook his head, and said: "i'm.. i'm fine... just... a little dizzy... so-sorry....i was just... reading...i don't know what happened.....". He stood up, and tried to make a step, but he staggered, and had to lean against a shelf. He started massaging a spot at the base of his neck, where the glands holding the flammable liquids were. he didn't want to accidentally set the library on fire if he threw up. "C...C-an you get me a glass of water?" As always, his voice was very deep. his day was just getting worse and worse. He slowly started taking all the pages of his book. it was going to be a pain to put them back in order, he thought.
( Shagranoz Shagranoz BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Alias Alias )
Kynthia started to close her eyes again, really not used to being up during the day. It was very strange to not be asleep at this time and her body still wanted to shut down again. She started to slip again, laying down and curling up. The first thing she saw was his bright blue eyes and fangs getting closer. Kynthia sat up in shock, once again wide awake. "Nope. Nopenopenopenope!" She mumbled and banged her head against the wall a few times just to get herself out of sleep.

A little bit later, her name got called by someone who she probably should know. She forgot for a moment and froze up in terror. "Oh no." The voice got closer and Kynthia relaxed slightly. It wasn't some crazy man (But Kyni couldn't be sure if Cael was actually crazy yet as she didn't know him too well). "Why am I around a light ball..." She mumbled to herself with a deep frown. Wasn't light what she was supposed to avoid too much of? Oh well.

Even as they got closer, Kyni scooted down a little farther into a darker side wing with no exit. She wasn't too sure she wanted to be found, but she listened as the two got closer. If they really wanted to find her, they'd find her.
Prrrgadilly Prrrgadilly RoninN7 RoninN7
Crootal Reedge Grandi

Crootal was confused by lukas' reaction to the idea of the water. She didn't like water herself due to the nature of her bird half but his reaction reminded her more of fear than dislike. "Are you okay you seem a bit shooken Lukas?" She moved closer to him about to comfort him but stopped herself seeing as though she didn't know him well and she didn't like touching people leaving her awkwardly standing in the center of the group. She quickly jumped to his side but ensured that she was atleast a foot from him. "i don't like water either but you can probably guess why." she said looking at her feet to hide her face.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat
Alyce-Marie Alyce-Marie
Kaazoth yawned leaning against a wall and looking at her pocket watch for the time, wondering when we would all get to start being students ",this is getting boring" I said.
Launet Serfa
She held her horn, "I'm so sorry!!!!" She bent down next to him, "Let me heal you...this is my fault I'm so so sorry..." She was glad he was a dragon breed. His scales had probably just saved his life. Alias Alias

Lukas Ivory
He shook his head, "i'll be fine thanks for worrying." It was kind of nice having a person worry about him... What if it was a lie..what if she wanted to betray him as well and was just pretending. MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat Alyce-Marie Alyce-Marie Helpful Little One Helpful Little One

Joanne followed closely behind Cael, not wanting to call out because she was somewhat afraid that the child would just feel threatened and run off. However, as Cael called her name out, she heard very light shuffling further down the path they were on, towards what she thought was a dead end. "Cael, I think I heard something this way." She spoke softly, not quite whispering but not audible enough for anyone farther than a couple of feet to hear her. Taking soft steps she moved down the path where she heard the sound, still unsure whether it actually was Kyni or if her mind was playing tricks on her. Luckily for her, her vampiric senses would allow her to see in this dark little patch. "Hey, you here?" Joanne could make out something that looked like a silhouette pressed up against the wall. "You can come out, there's nothing threatening here." Even though Joanne was probably the most awful babysitter anyone could ever know, she had taken some hints from her mother about how to calm a child down when they don't want to cooperate.

Prrrgadilly Prrrgadilly Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
Thauvin was still feeling dizzy. he shook his head, and said: "i'm.. i'm fine... just... a little dizzy... so-sorry....i was just... reading...i don't know what happened.....". He stood up, and tried to make a step, but he staggered, and had to lean against a shelf. He started massaging a spot at the base of his neck, where the glands holding the flammable liquids were. he didn't want to accidentally set the library on fire if he threw up. "C...C-an you get me a glass of water?" As always, his voice was very deep. his day was just getting worse and worse. He slowly started taking all the pages of his book. it was going to be a pain to put them back in order, he thought.
( Shagranoz Shagranoz BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Alias Alias )
Launet Serfa
She held her horn, "I'm so sorry!!!!" She bent down next to him, "Let me heal you...this is my fault I'm so so sorry..." She was glad he was a dragon breed. His scales had probably just saved his life. Alias Alias

Lukas Ivory
He shook his head, "i'll be fine thanks for worrying." It was kind of nice having a person worry about him... What if it was a lie..what if she wanted to betray him as well and was just pretending. MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat Alyce-Marie Alyce-Marie Helpful Little One Helpful Little One

He speaks english!, Timothy thought as the man-dragon asked them for water. He couldn't hold his excitement. This person looks so cool. "I have water", he said as he shuffled through his bag. He pulled out a half-empty bottle of water. "Here you go"

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising SadSnake SadSnake

Location: Dark Forest Academy; Entrance to the Academy
Mood: Contemplating
Mention: Damafaud Damafaud Taelonthesands Taelonthesands

Li-Yuan turned his attention towards a lady, jumping into the conversation as she walked towards them.

"Pardon if I am interrupting anything gentlemen, but I couldn't help but notice that you both just arrived as well. I was wondering if either of you were familiar with what to do from this point."

Li Yuan lifted his hands and was ready to speak, but Triage beat him to it.

"As a matter of fact, we need to wait until they have distributed our schedule first, " Triage turned to Li Yuan with a smile. "It had been a pleasure, but I think I want to explore a bit by myself, " the male bowed to Li Yuan, as he returned one back. It was a pleasure that the male was kind enough to bow back to him. Li Yuan lit a small curve on his lips, as he watched Triage leave.

Li Yuan turned his head back towards the young female. Red hair, green eyes, and a unique mark on her forehead. "I believe what the male earlier said was correct. I'm not sure of what to do at this point, but they haven't distributed the schedule, so I believe that it's best to explore or do something until they give us an announcement." He replied to the lady. His tone of voice wasn't the best when speaking since the male spoke in a low, quiet tone, but hopefully, the young lady could hear her.

Uerendi nodded as Joanne mentioned a noise; he'd heard it as well. Following her into the dim niche, couldn't help but roll his eyes as his own glow unintentionally brightened and lit the small space enough to make Kyni out clearly. "And what do you think you're doing sitting back here in this dark corner of a space?" Uerendi had his hands on his hips as he stepped up beside Joanne. He decided to affect a quite convincing, and posh, English accent as he continued speaking, punctuating every other sentence with a stuck-up sniff. "This really isn't the place to be playing hide and seek, you know. Much too complicated; the game would never end." Uerendi smiled at Kyni as he offered her his hand to help her up. "Come on then, let's go get you some beans and bloodfruit. Then we can find a nice spot with plenty of twilight yo relax in.

RoninN7 RoninN7 Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed

McCartney Scarsworth


At the mention of water, McCartney froze momentarily, eyes wide. She had an immense fear of drowning, and would rather stay as far from any large bodies of water as possible. During her training to be pack Beta and thus pack assassin, McCartney's werewolf father put her through hours of water torture, nearly drowning her multiples times only to bring her back and do it all over again. He claimed it was to get her used to torture in case she was ever captured by another pack. But McCartney knew he secretly enjoyed watching her suffer. Mac shuddered then returned back to her guarded self, emotionless and intimidating. She noticed the end of Lukas's reaction, wondering if he had been through a similar experience to hers. Shrugging it off, Mac glanced back into the forest, smelling and hearing a few deer scamper by. Her wolf wanted nothing more than the shift and take off after the prey, but Mac stayed in her spot.

Interactions: Lukas ( BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising ), Crootal ( Helpful Little One Helpful Little One ), and Amaria ( Alyce-Marie Alyce-Marie )

Code by JayeTheKat JayeTheKat
Kynthia frowned at Cael, not really trusting him with his very glowy skin. He could simply blow her up at any moment. She liked Joanne right now and shot out to hide behind her. Nothing was said to Cael, just a suspicious frown at him. Instead she grabbed Joanne's hand and stood up to whisper to her. "He could just burn us right now. Maybe he doesn't like us! He wants to kill us!" She whispered frantically with a nod. Kynthia glared at Cael with a look that said 'I'm on to you' and 'Holy heck I'm going to die somebody help!'.
Prrrgadilly Prrrgadilly RoninN7 RoninN7
Dark Forest Academy: Library
Around: Thauvin ( SadSnake SadSnake ), Timothy( Alias Alias ), Launet ( BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising ), Bethany ( Shagranoz Shagranoz )


The school was a huge disappointment, he thought to himself. Too far located from any decent tavern was bad enough, but located in the middle of a forest? No excitement at all! He would tolerate a volcano or even a desert nearby. It wasn't even winter, but his paws already felt too cold for his liking. His tail flicked around as he attempted to float from the ground. Once he was safely airborne, the distaste in his eyes melted for a bit. At least the school would have new people to impress. The thought entertained him as he floated above the school ground, and entered through one of many windows.

The black cat stretched his paw lightly on the stone floor before pulled it back. Cold. With a new distaste in his eyes, he broke the spell that let him hover comfortably in the air and land noiselessly. He spied a few students in the library. Most of them were reading quietly, just like good pupils. Kitty began to think he might tolerate the place when he heard a huge crash in the supposedly quiet place. Doesn't anyone know what quiet means? A piece of his mind might do them good.

Gingerly walking toward the source of the noise, he was greeted by the sight of a half dragon, leaning against a shelf. The shelf tilted dangerously from his weight. At least three other students flocked around the dragon. Like crows around an ear of corn. He wouldn't mind them so much if not for the racket they were making.

"I thought the common room would have fewer books than this. Or is this the library? "

Thauvin accepted the two bottles, and emptied them, he then gave them back to their respective owners. He wasn't used to this much people around him. He muttered "Th-thanks....". He then turned to launet. "It-it's alright....but...what did you do...?" Maybe she casted a spell by accident. Anyway, she didn't mean harm. The dizzyness was slowly disappearing as well. He nervously fiddled with the fur on the back of his neck with one hand, and continued massaging with the other. "My.. my name's thauvin... i-i'm sorry for the trouble.... ". He finished grabbing the pages, hastily stuffed them in the book. Thauvin didn't answer the talking cat. it was probably someone's pet, he thought.
( Damafaud Damafaud Alias Alias BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Shagranoz Shagranoz )
Launet Serfa
She shook her head and sighed, "M-my...horn is a death trap for anyone who touches it to much...I'm just glad your part dragon. I could have killed you..." Her eyes went from the dark pink to red as she heard another voice join them being rude and sarcastic. She stood turning to the man, "I suggest if you don't know the situation you sit down and mind your own business." Her horn went from the pinkish color to red along with her hair. This was also one of her problems, her tendency to snap at people who were rude and interrupted. Damafaud Damafaud SadSnake SadSnake Alias Alias Shagranoz Shagranoz

Lukas Ivory
He looked over to Mac and noticed how uncomfortable she seemed at the mention of water. He tapped her shoulder, "Hey you got another cig...I could use it right now." Trying to shake his past from his mind, a cigarette would help relax him. He glanced over to Crootal and Amaria, "Unless cigarette smoke is bad for you two?" If it was he wouldn't smoke with them around. Helpful Little One Helpful Little One MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat Alyce-Marie Alyce-Marie
Variella nodded as Rila assured her that it wasn't Variella's fault.She was sure that it was, but it was nice of her to say. She was more interested in the mind link- screw her sorrow, this is magic!
"But Rila, don't dragons live much longer than..." She hesitated, not entirely knowing what Rila was. Was dragon tamer a species?
"Don't dragons live much longer than everything else? Or does the mind meld only happen for a short time?" She asked.
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
(Sorry I didn't see this)

Rila Fathford
She smiled, "Well see most dragon tamers have dragons blood flowing through them. That's why my father is able to take the form of a dragon. So while our dragons here may live longer than us we still live a pretty long life. As long as I don't die while mind melded with him or any other dragon is I get the chance he or they won't die." She knew it was a lot of information to take in but she was also really happy to talk to someone about her kind. Now she wanted to know about Variella, "So what about shifters can you even take on different human forms?" BoilingWriter BoilingWriter
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Dark Forest Academy: Library
Around: Thauvin ( SadSnake SadSnake ), Timothy( Alias Alias ), Launet ( BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising ), Bethany ( Shagranoz Shagranoz )

Rude girl! He decided in an instant he didn't like her at all. That placed her on number 450th on his list with cucumber, the drunkard he met ten years ago, and a chatty farmer wife. Sometimes he wondered if the rest of the world was crazy. Just in case, he put strangers on number 448th as default.

Ignored and patronised, Kitty raised his nose high in the air and moved pass them. It wasn't his fault they made a ruckus in the library! A low growl could be heard from the cat. After a moment, he stopped growling. A dangerous spark danced behind his eyes. So they want a mess in the library? He will show them a mess.

He walked to the aisle behind them with a smug smile on his mouth. He flicked his tail in a complex pattern as he muttered a spell under his breath. The bookshelf Thauvin leaned against a short while ago started to shake gently. It swayed back and forth slowly, as if it was placed on a ship. Then as sudden as it started, the bookshelf stopped moving... And tipped toward the small group, threatening to crush them.

On the other side of the aisle, Kitty licked his paws in satisfaction.
Bethany handed Thauvin a couple of spare pages. "It's no problem." She then turned to the other girl, confusion in her eyes. "Your horn's cursed? How did that happen?"
Uerendi frowned slightly, straightening back up, as Kyni hid behind Joanne. He was sure he hadn't done anything threatening to inspire such sudden distrust, and he voiced as much before crossing his arms over his chest and giving Kyni as questioning stare. "Care to explain the sudden tonal shift?" He asked. "I thought we were getting on quite swimmingly." There was a mild level of disappointment in his voice but beyond that, he was simply confuse. Usually he had to actually do something offensive to get this kind of reaction out of people. Something about being a star made people inherently take him at face value; stars generally having no reason to lie. "Joanne?" He asked, hoping that she would be able to shed some light on the subject, since Kyni remained silent.

Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed RoninN7 RoninN7
Just after thauvin said "y-i don't want to be rude but... y-you should probably watch where you are going next time...", he noticed the shelf dangerously tipping over. he had a choice. pushing people out of the way, or try to stop it from falling. He chose the later, and started pushing back on the shelf, that was in a 20° angle. He was stopping it from falling, but he needed help to put it back onto place. He didn't react as every book of the shelf fell on his back. His dragon skin protected him. He wasn't used to physical exercise, and couldn't keep it there forever. "I...i could use a hand!" he said.
(i imagine the shelf is pretty long, and has some weight as well)
( Damafaud Damafaud BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Alias Alias Shagranoz Shagranoz )
Launet Serfa
She wanted to smacked the cat as he rudely growled while walking passed them. When the shelf began to shake and started crashing towards them she threw up a force field. It kept them all safe. She used her demon energy to send the shelf backwards on top of the cat. She didn't intend to hurt him so she put a force field over him. "like I said if you don't know the situation then don't run your mouth." There was a taking sound behind her as the librarian came up behind her, "Launet Serfa, please try to refrain from using magic in here." She turned and bowed slightly, "Don't worry I'll clean it up." The librarian nodded, "Okay." SadSnake SadSnake Damafaud Damafaud Shagranoz Shagranoz Alias Alias
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Crootal Reedge Grandi

Crootal smiled at the gesture of concern floating around and realised that she was actually making friends. Who knew i could do that? She thought to herself and turned her head to Lukas. "Technically smoke is bad for everyone but no go ahead." Crootal looked around the courtyard curious as to what it beholds. "Hey can we maybe find somewhere to sit? I've been traveling the whole day and i'd like to see more of the academy grounds." She gestured to the rest of the courtyard hoping everyone else noticed how stupid we look standing in the doorway like we were ready to run for it at any moment. "Please?" It was true. Crootal had been flying the whole day. She had been a Day and a half's fly away when she finally decided that she was going to come to the academy. She was so excited that she pushed herself to fly faster than she ever had and halved the time it would have normally taken her and she was beginning to feel the consequences.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat
Alyce-Marie Alyce-Marie

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