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A simp
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
As of lately, I've been in a big mood to roleplay Danganronpa, and with a new game coming for the Nintendo Switch, I decided, why not roleplay?
I've seen/played
Trigger Happy Havoc Arc, The End of Hope's Peak Academy Side: Despair/Hope/Future, V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing

About Me:
Hello ! My name is Nick (she/her) and I'm an active roleplayer. I've been roleplaying for six years, mostly on another site. There is nothing much to say about me, but I can assure you all that I am a very friendly person !

Rules and Roleplay Information:
I always try my best to mirror my roleplay partner's writing style ! But I normally write around 400-700 words, if not more depending on what is going on in the roleplay.

Roleplay Partner. I would prefer to befriend my RP partner. It's not necessary but I will personally feel more comfortable with the roleplay. I also like doing this because then I feel like most will feel more comfortable sharing ideas. Communication is part of this too. Please let me know if you don't want to RP or make any sort of change. I won't have an issue.

LGBTQ+ OC's that are LGBTQ+ are always welcome ! I will accept them, no questions asked ! If you yourself are part of the LGBTQ+, you are also welcomed ! I, of course, allow B×B and G×G, but I ask you to be okay with B×G.

OC. Okay, please please actually read my oc. I will read yours too. I also like to ramble about how great an oc is since I know you all have great creations, I will appreciate if you did the same. Any feedback is accepted. If you just say "I like/love your oc" literally five minutes after I sent it, I won't reply to you because that shows you did not read the rules.

Oc x Canon. Oc x canon only ! And double up ! No canon x canon unless if it's for your side and I will not do Oc × Oc.

I would also like to point out that I am willing to play as any character you want me to play as. Also, we do not have to go with the same game. Let's say for example you want the first game, and I want the third. You'll have the first game on your end as I'll have the third. Seems fair, no?

I also want to point out that I prefer roleplays with romance. But I don't mind angst

I will not do crossovers. Sorry
I will also add more to the rules if anything happens, but these were at the top of my head.
If this has caught your interest, please feel free to send me a DM and I look forward to roleplaying with you lovely people !

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