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Fantasy Dance of Swords Chat

IG42 IG42 last I check we didn’t have a heart as a element. You should check with the gm....if you already did all that then feel free to ignore this xD
IG42 IG42 last I check we didn’t have a heart as a element. You should check with the gm....if you already did all that then feel free to ignore this xD
Actually they suggested it and if you look at the list of roles it's been there for days.
Does anyone want to be friends with my character? Still working on her CS but she is a strict girl who follows the rules.
Boosh did the thing.
Haha he is awesome!!! XD sorry I wasn't there ignoring you I promise. My 2 year old had been super sick the past couple of days.

IG42 IG42 last I check we didn’t have a heart as a element. You should check with the gm....if you already did all that then feel free to ignore this xD

also yeah the idea was one I had in mind for a while since rebooting this but I didn't know if anyone be interested and so I sort of threw the idea at IG and they agreed!!! XD
I would like to start up the rp here soon, so if everyone could get their charactes up thatd be great!! :D
Alright, later than I intended, but here we go. Looking to touch base with the other swords about relationships and nicknames. This is based on impressions of how I think Ember views the other swords I got from reading their CS's. From there, we can work out the details and errors.

animegirl20 animegirl20 - I'm thinking that Fire tends to be a little stand offish of Light, not shunning her, but can seem distant. This stems from Fire viewing Light as what she should probably be. Kinder, more understanding, and so on. But she doesn't know how to be that, feeling like her more harsh and violent traits are necessary. She feels conflicted while around Light, hence her being a bit distant. Light is one of the few people who Fire will listen to when told to back down.
Nickname: Stardust.

Sona Sona - Much like Ice, Sona's personality and element clash with Fire. She doesn't get his lack of emotions, and thinks of the element of shadow as something that exists only when she isn't around. However, she has some respect for his methods. This kind of nets out to neutral from Fire, leaving Sona alone for the most part.
Nickname: Shade or Shady

Godhowsae Godhowsae - Fire likes Wind's blunt nature and discipline. He's a worthy warrior with an element she finds useful. She might rag on him from time to time to lighten or loosen up, but respects him enough to get the job done.
Nickname: Hawk

B E A R B E A R - The way I figure it, Fire and Earth work best in spurts. They get along fine until Fire's filters go down and she might say something that hurts Earth's feelings.
Nickname: Dragon Lily or Lily.

IG42 IG42 - Fire admires Heart's caring nature and appreciation of life. Though she can see him as soppy at times, she won't have him any other way.
Nickname: Old Man

AI10100 AI10100 - Additional detail is Fire will listen to Storm's advice and call to back down more readily than most of the others.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising - Ember's nick name for Lilah is Little Phoenix or Phoenix.
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Alright, later than I intended, but here we go. Looking to touch base with the other swords about relationships and nicknames. This is based on impressions of how I think Ember views the other swords I got from reading their CS's. From there, we can work out the details and errors.

animegirl20 animegirl20 - I'm thinking that Fire tends to be a little stand offish of Light, not shunning her, but can seem distant. This stems from Fire viewing Light as what she should probably be. Kinder, more understanding, and so on. But she doesn't know how to be that, feeling like her more harsh and violent traits are necessary. She feels conflicted while around Light, hence her being a bit distant. Light is one of the few people who Fire will listen to when told to back down.
Nickname: Stardust.

Sona Sona - Much like Ice, Soma's personality and element clash with Fire. She doesn't get his lack of emotions, and thinks of the element of shadow as something that exists only when she isn't around. However, she has some respect for his methods. This kind of nets out to neutral from Fire, leaving Soma alone for the most part.
Nickname: Shade or Shady

Godhowsae Godhowsae - Fire likes Wind's blunt nature and discipline. He's a worthy warrior with an element she finds useful. She might rag on him from time to time to lighten or loosen up, but respects him enough to get the job done.
Nickname: Hawk

B E A R B E A R - The way I figure it, Fire and Earth work best in spurts. They get along fine until Fire's filters go down and she might say something that hurts Earth's feelings.
Nickname: Dragon Lily or Lily.

IG42 IG42 - Fire admires Heart's caring nature and appreciation of life. Though she can see him as soppy at times, she won't have him any other way.
Nickname: Old Man

AI10100 AI10100 - Additional detail is Fire will listen to Storm's advice and call to back down more readily than most of the others.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising - Ember's nick name for Lilah is Little Phoenix or Phoenix.
I have to say Arturo's nickname is hilarious. Also Lilah's is cute! XD
Stickdom Stickdom Usom Usom Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Can you guys tell me were y'all stand. I really don't want to seem pushy i just don't want this to die again before it ever even starts. I really don't even mind if you post a wipe character sheet for the time being. Just something so I can at least mark then down. :)
Godhowsae Godhowsae - Okay, so I'm unsure where we were with Banzan and Zen but it would seem like they wouldn't have much of a personal connection with him? He doesn't seem to have really stayed that long with the royal family? Though, it would really seem like they would have sometimes talked but nothing much more than that.

Sona Sona - I remember that we talked that the two didn't really care much for each other? Like, they fought beside each other before but they ended up not really having any relationship with each other. Storm probably tried to be on neutral terms with him most of the time and left him alone. Storm wasn't very clingy in his first life.

B E A R B E A R - Awesomebells. In any case, I think I remember Storm sometimes helping out Aurora('s past life) when she's going out to test out poisons and stuff like that. Maybe friends / good acquaintances. Storm wasn't really much for personal relationships back then.

animegirl20 animegirl20 - Storm has probably tried to comfort her once or twice - if she had those problems before. Like maybe awkwardly tried to reassure her that everything was fine and she was doing alright and stuff like that.

I swear Zen is a lot nicer than Storm.
Alright sorry I'm late on this um. Are you talking about when ever she gets scared and stuff?
Alright, later than I intended, but here we go. Looking to touch base with the other swords about relationships and nicknames. This is based on impressions of how I think Ember views the other swords I got from reading their CS's. From there, we can work out the details and errors.

animegirl20 animegirl20 - I'm thinking that Fire tends to be a little stand offish of Light, not shunning her, but can seem distant. This stems from Fire viewing Light as what she should probably be. Kinder, more understanding, and so on. But she doesn't know how to be that, feeling like her more harsh and violent traits are necessary. She feels conflicted while around Light, hence her being a bit distant. Light is one of the few people who Fire will listen to when told to back down.
Nickname: Stardust.

Sona Sona - Much like Ice, Sona's personality and element clash with Fire. She doesn't get his lack of emotions, and thinks of the element of shadow as something that exists only when she isn't around. However, she has some respect for his methods. This kind of nets out to neutral from Fire, leaving Sona alone for the most part.
Nickname: Shade or Shady

Godhowsae Godhowsae - Fire likes Wind's blunt nature and discipline. He's a worthy warrior with an element she finds useful. She might rag on him from time to time to lighten or loosen up, but respects him enough to get the job done.
Nickname: Hawk

B E A R B E A R - The way I figure it, Fire and Earth work best in spurts. They get along fine until Fire's filters go down and she might say something that hurts Earth's feelings.
Nickname: Dragon Lily or Lily.

IG42 IG42 - Fire admires Heart's caring nature and appreciation of life. Though she can see him as soppy at times, she won't have him any other way.
Nickname: Old Man

AI10100 AI10100 - Additional detail is Fire will listen to Storm's advice and call to back down more readily than most of the others.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising - Ember's nick name for Lilah is Little Phoenix or Phoenix.
Does she admire light?
How do you think Light reacts to Fire?
If she's looking up to her sort of like a older sibling then she'll probably act like her big sister. And she would tell her off if she thinks fire went to far with something. Probably tell her to cool it and would act like a big sister scolding her sibling maybe. And since she is distant light would of tried to close that gap.

How does that sound?
If she's looking up to her sort of like a older sibling then she'll probably act like her big sister. And she would tell her off if she thinks fire went to far with something. Probably tell her to cool it and would act like a big sister scolding her sibling maybe. And since she is distant light would of tried to close that gap.

How does that sound?
Sounds good to me.

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