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Fandom DA:I - Quest for Justice

Emile stared at the Templar and looked more concerned than annoyed or fearful. "Look, I think you may have taken too much Lyrium...which is a rookie move...Imma call you rookie from now on Ser Knight." he said amused and looked away before snapping back into the situation. "You could attempt to fight me, but it won't end well for either of us. It matters not that you're a Templar rookie, you need help. I can tell you're not going to leave the ruins without whatever it is you're looking for, so you might as well let me help you."
"Hey, shemlen panelan! Drop your weapons. No one hear wishes to harm you unless you do the same!" She yelled, moving towards him.

(Short post is short, sorry. I'll be back in a bit. If you attack her try not to power play- she's fast so she may not hit you- but you'll have a hard time pegging her, too)
Emile sighed and scratched the back of his head and looked at the Templar with concern, "Look rookie, you're in no position to fight...lay down your weapon. If you're concerned about the violent idiot, I'll make sure he doesn't die...maybe get beat up pretty badly...but not dead." Emile slowly put his hand out to lower her weapon in order to make sure he wouldn't have to hurt her
((It won't make sense to think Salasar isn't here, so I'll use some REALLY dirty handed scumbag tactics to eliminate him from the fight... If you want it changed just say @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki))

LucianGrey7971 said:
Emile sighed and scratched the back of his head and looked at the Templar with concern, "Look rookie, you're in no position to fight...lay down your weapon. If you're concerned about the violent idiot, I'll make sure he doesn't die...maybe get beat up pretty badly...but not dead." Emile slowly put his hand out to lower her weapon in order to make sure he wouldn't have to hurt her
((By how the fights going, shouldn't he be concerned about the elves and dwarf? He doesn't know Areos will get KO'd xD ))

Areos immediately reeled himself back, as the small explosion sent vibrations across the shield, and in turn his body. Yet he remained upright, his naturally muscular, and large build, alongside his defensive stance made sure of that. Though he had no time to regain his composure, the conflict was now in full swing. It was then, the dwarf lunged forward, axe in hand, striking viciously skillful blows, whilst Areos parried, and maneuvered back, being sure to use his shield to block any arrows from the other elf. he scoffed as the elf tried to negotiate... Whilst her friend was trying to murder him with arrows.

Stumbling over a patch of dirt, Areos examined the odds... Three versus one, anything goes in his mind. the dwarf lunged again, causing Areos to stop and trap the man's axe, before kicking the dirt into his eyes, and whilst he was stunned, Areos threw his foot out, colliding with the fierce dwarf's crotch. Aptly downing him for the duration in which he would dispatch the elves.

Starting now...

Areos rushed towards the closer elf girl, the archer now out of reach. Clashing blade to daggers, as he began to swiftly and skillfully outplay her in combat. Using much better skill and technique, parrying with little effort, and laying on an offense she was clearly incredibly hard-pressed to defend against. Any normal man would be dead. but the elf was incredibly agile - much more so than him - easily able to move out of range, and around his strikes. Though she was obviously struggling to avoid the onslaught.

((hope this isn't too much, let me know if it is @Hel))
Either the Lyruim was fucking with her mind more or the mage was being sarcastic. Rookie. It was what they called her at the circle. But even though she hated it, the Mage was right. She didn't move, letting the Mage lower her weapon.

But then she looked towards the other warrior, seeing him still fighting. She could admit she respected the man. They threatened him first, even if they didn't she doubted he would care. And even now she wanted to help, but would use could she be in her current state?

As much as she wanted to kill the Mage, she couldn't, well not yet. For now, Rookie slowly backed away, staggering as she did so. How pathetic was this? A Templar listening to a Mage, not helping the other man in this battle.
Emile sighed with a bit of relief before looking at the skirmish "I should probably find a way to put an ed to this unnecessary fight huh? The things I do for people I don't even like...Andraste never had to put up with this crap..." he complained as he tried to figure out what the best way to stop the fight was, well without having to attack, maim or kill anyone
((hel will be a bit slow posting. She's driving))

Kaja hugged, not appreciating the man's attempts on her sister's life. Perhaps she wouldn't be attacking if he hadn't aggressed first. Attacking Kaja was one thing: Attacking Ari was another. For that, she had only one shot. She jumped up on top of a pile of rubble, kneeling down on her perch. She took a deep breath, drawing back her bow.
"Ah No..." Emile looked at Kaja and groaned in frustration "And after I said I wouldn't let him be killed. I should get some sort of reward for this..." he said before beginning to cast an illusion spell. He didn't want to hurt her, maybe just make her miss the target and not kill the violent man
"Kaja!" Aria yelled, she really was struggling to keep up and had completely abandoned any offensive moves, hoping now only to wear him out. Then she remembered something she had bought earlier- at the market in Woodbridge.

Leaping out of the way of the soldier's blow and using his sheild to lean back long enough to give her time, she fished in her sidepouch for the vile, using the time to clarify what she meant.

"Kaja stop!"

(Next post it is :)
Emile didn't have time to make a complete illusion spell, so he just focused on making the violent man's position shift a foot to the left. "Hopefully that'll keep him from dying...so I can punch him in the face...I am such a good person..." he said amused with himself
The archer had little tolerance for her sister's demands and shot anyway. She was unaware of Emile's intervention and rather than the shot to the head, she was rewarded just barely with an attack on Aeros's leg. She didn't realize this until after the shot was fired and she was extremely irritated upon realizing this.
Areos immediately pushed the elf's weight off his shield, lunging forward, her defense now open for the killing blow, when an arrow went straight into his greave. Snatching his attention, he stared for a good second - maybe two - first thinking it was in his leg. Luckily, he had some well-made armor, and the greave had saved him from becoming a cripple.
Emile was too busy trying to heal his wounds to notice that Kaja had still managed to hit her target, albeit not where she had intended to. He was muttering a good number of curses under his breath, some human, some dwarven...and a good number of them were even elven. He honestly could not believe that he had promised the Templar that he'd save the stupid violent maniac. "I mean honestly, the grand cleric has nothing on me in terms of being virtuos"
There! Aria thato though, fishing out the flask and throwing it in the center of the battle scene. Within it was a gas- an alchemical mix of toxins that a mags had shifted into a gas and she intended to use to knock out all of those involved- well, mainly just the bloodthirsty Qunari-Esque brute, but beggars can't be choosers.

After throwing the flask, aria backed off, hoping she was far enoigh it wouldn't effect her.
Areos immediately coughed, as the flask smashed in a large cloud of smoke around him. As he tried to stumble his way forward, his vision getting more weary by the second. "Ah... I'm... Not... Tired..."

There was a loud 'thud' as his unconscious body hit the ground.

His last thoughts were along the lines of 'I'm so dead'.
The wind was, however, not in Kaja's favor. She exhaled sharply, frowning and dropping back to her knee, eyes blurring. Ugh. She was usually far enough off that the gas didn't get to her. Today was apparently an exception. She tried to knock another arrow, determined to kill the intruder, but found that she may as well be drunk; she couldn't get the arrow knocked. She huffed in irritation and sat back, trying to clear her head.
Emile walked over when the smoke had cleared and poked Areos with his bow "...I...is he dead? Cause that puts a damper on my whole not letting him die thing.." he stood over the man's body and looked around "Ok, so there's no more reasons to fight, now let's settle down and talk this through. My name is Emile, I would rather we figure out how to work together than spill blood on these sacred ruins."
Rookie stood where she was, watching as the man hit the ground. Though she couldn't tell if he was dead or not. Nor could she figure out why she even cared. But the battle was over? Hopefully it was, her eyes now bloodshot. Fucking hell this was all bullshit.

But everyone was calm, for the time being. I can't believe I trusted a fucking Mage. She thought, though she just blamed the Lyruim.
Kaja slid down the mound and approached her sister. "He didn't hurt you, did he?" She asked, furrowing her brow. She put away her bow, then looked at Emile. "Had that one not threatened us, there never would have been a fight." She nodded to him. "My name is Kaja. What did you say your name was...?"
"My name is Emile and I'm the guy who's gonna keep everyone from tearing out each other's throats...but first, I have to help out rookie over there, because somebody took too much Lyrium, and I have apparently been thrust into the role of mediator and caretaker...thank the Maker Varric isn't around to see this...he'd have a field day writing about this." he muttered as he walked over to the Templar "The Fennec Mage, known for escaping Templars for years, playing caretaker to a Templar"
Rookie watched as the Mage walked towards her. "Banal! (No)" She lifted her hand up, shaking softly. "Step no....closer Mage..." Her words meaning to sound threating came out weakily. It was worse that she trusted him to begin with, but to do it again? No. "Ar tu na'lin emma mi! (I will see your blood on my blade.)" Wait. Why was she speaking in Elvish?

Shaking her head softly, she stared at the ground. "Just. Stay away from me Mage." She wasn't all that well on threats, let alone trying to look threating. Though she didn't know why she spoke in Elvish. But then again it would be interesting to see how those elves reacted to it. Fuck. Relax. Just fucking relax.
Emile looked at her "...Tel garas solasan (Come not to a prideful place) you are in no position to continue into the ruins without assistance. I am not here to harm you" he said softly but didn't take a step closer
Kaja sighed and went over to Bells, putting a hand on the big mare's shoulder before sitting down against a pillar. She watched the Mage, looking a bit incredulous. She wasn't sure she understood why Emile was willing to help this Templar. It was a terrible idea. Her incredulity grew when the Templar "Rookie" responded in elvish. She scoffed. "Ehn lasa ma Elvhen, panelan(Who taught you elvish, knight)?" She frowned and looked at Emile. They kept getting more and more unlikely.
"Hey, I have a second one of those, you know, if you two start fighting I'll use it on you, too." Ariathari threatened, stepping over to tie up the knocked out Aeros so that he didn't harm anyone when he came to. She listened to Kaja ask the questions that she, too, had. Then she finally after the others answered her question, Aria asked one of her own.

"Why are you two here? At the ruins?"
Rookie remained foucsed on the Mage, again he was right. And still hated that she was agreeing with him. But then she turned her gaze towards the elves. She could answer them, but chose not to.

She wondered how long it would take for the Lyruim to wear off, or how long it would take for her father to get here. Till then she had to wait.

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