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Fandom DA:I - Quest for Justice

Emile merely put the back of his hand up to his cheek where he was punched. He chuckled to himself and watched the man run off. "Well that was...abrasive...at any rate Ser Knight, my previous statement was true, I'll not interfere with your business in the ruins, but I would accompany you for my own purposes. There's strength in numbers friend."
"Yes, he was," Aria answered, then she grinned when they saw signs of the ruins, and leaned forward, her arms wrapped around her sister for balance on the speeding horse. As they approached, and the horse slowed, she jumped of the side of the horse, hardly waiting for it to slow. Taking a deep breath in, she looked at the ruins in awe.

"This is them, Kaja," She said, scarcely louder than a whisper. She couldn't believe it, they finally found it- and with the help of a dwarf, no less! Well, she supposed they owed him now, but at least it was just one thing.
"He drove a hard bargain but he was a good elf....They are a beaut aren't they."He said steping down from the cart and followed the girl, a proud smile coming to his lips seeing them excited when something caught her eye. He leaned over near some footprints and touched them. "Ladies we should be careful there couldn't more threats there then mere skeletons."
Rookie looked over at them, what was going on? But then she saw one run off, and she decided to follow behind him. He followed her to begin with. In the distance she could see the ruins, a small grin on her face. But stopped when she saw the elves and the dwarf. Keeping her helm on she honestly didn't know what to do.

She could talk, but what would that do? No. She came here to examine what she could, but this isn't what her father said.

The ruins will have a statue of Fen'harel. It is at the entrance, you cannot miss it. But there were no statues of the Elven Pantheon to be seen. A few stone carvings could be found but no statue. Frustrated she sighed, taking of the helm she paid bo attention to anyone that was near. Whistling rather loudly, she held out her arm, the raven landing. Taking out something, she tied it to its leg before letting it fly off.
Emile stood up and motioned to the blood mage and winked. "Keep following" he mouthed before running after the Templar. He saw the Elven Ruins and laughed. "Right on top of us! How intriguing that I couldn't..." he realized that he was walking up on the Templar, "see it. It's pretty big. So Templar...what are you looking for? Perhaps I could be of assistance. I am well traversed in scouring ruins."
Areos soon noticed the large ruins laying up ahead, now questioning how they were so close, yet did not find them sooner. Then he heard footsteps, and noticed he had been followed by the templar, who seemed to be absolutely out of her mind. That lyrium must have really fried her head, she didn't say a word to any of them earlier, ignored a blood mage, and was now fidgeting. Despite finding what she was looking for...

Then, came that annoying man who he planned to kill later... Did he just NOT learn? Areos wanted to gut him on the spot, but alas... His death scream would likely attract the elves and dwarf up ahead. Which would be unfortunate. Instead, he drew his sword, and spared one uncaring glance to the templar, and a nasty glare to the archer... Though that almost turned into a smirk, as he noticed the large bruise forming on the man's cheek.

Turning back to the ruin, Areos began making his way towards it, as silently as possible, his weapon ready. Just thinking about the treasures this place may hold was amazing. Better still, the dwarf looked particularly wealthy, his body would hold a few coins, Areos was sure. Maybe the elves too... Despite their... Nature.
Aria's hands slowly moved to her daggers as she noticed the footprints the dwarf pointed out, then the loud whistle drew her attention. Had someone followed them? Why? Nobody believed them, so who would follow them? She wondered. She looked her sister, motioning for her to ready her bow.

"Ady ar'an lahna esh'ala, ar onhar?" (Should we call them out, I wonder) She asked her sister, staring out towards where the whistle and raven had come from.
Kaja had a wide smile, looking at her sister and Selesar. "Finally," she said quietly. She slid off hmthe bug silver and black mare herself, holding the lead. "Oh, imagine — what sort of life must this place have offered?" The young elf seemed almost anxious not to awaken something in the place. "...I only wish I could have seen it myself."

At the sound and her sister's words, Kaja immediately went for her bow, turning around sharply. She looked at Aria, but couldn't quite come up with an answer. She shook her head. She didn't want to trust that these were elves.
Aria looked to the woods, then back to the entrance of the Ruin. They were surrounded by lake's and waterfalls, and frankly she was a bit amazed that the whistle had cut so clearly through the sound of rushing water. The path they had come from had lead from the woods underneath of an overhang, and opened up into the large valley of ruins and waterfalls in which they now stood. There were plenty of places for one to hide, but to get to their small group of three they would have to expose themselves in the tunnel.
Emile merely smiled at the overly violent man before seeing the sisters ahead. "Oh...more people. What a fun day!" he walked towards the caravan, halfway in cover. He wasn't sure how they would react, what with a violent swordsman, a Templar who seemed a bit out of it, and a blood mage with a very gentle personality...Today was weird
Something wasn't right. Rookie basically threw off her helm, she pinched the bridge of her nose. True she had taken more Lyruim then usual but it never did this to her. Had she really let two Mages live? And one is a Blood Mage. She was going against what she was taught. They had to be killed. Though, she was in no state to be fighting.

After all this was dealt with, she would have to seek out this damn merchant. It was most likely that she took to much, but still. No one would miss the man. But why did she hesitate to kill the man when she had the chance? There were other times where this happened before. Sure, she found the ruins, but she wasn't sure it was the right one.
(I gotchu)

Kaja spotted the other group and took a suddenly-blazing arrow and knocking it before the pale-haired Mage approached them boldly. She hesitated, looking slightly taken aback. She looked at her sister. "As'an ane shemlen. Ar'an nadas data ish'ala(they are human. We must kill them)." Then she looked at the man. "An ra ma nuvena-? Oh — What is it you want?" She frowned, shifting back to English.
Areos had crept up to a nearby wall, capitalizing on how the trio looked at where he had entered the ruin, clearly too late however. Examining the surroundings, he noticed that the annoying man was also in cover near a caravan, the templar woman was not in the vicinity... Had she even entered the ruin yet? Or was she still wondering aimlessly outside... That woman was majorly touched in the skull, he swore.

The people before him however, were close. One had a bow, one had daggers, one dwarf, had axe and shield.

He could take the dwarf and rogue elf... But the damned archer. Areos looked around at the various corpses and skeletons, there armor still upon them... "Here goes nothing..." He whispered, wrenching a fully masked steel helmet off of a skull, still cobweb covered before giving it a brief wipe and sticking it over his head. "Yugh!" Areos grimaced, as the awful smell. But the man needed the helmet for protection from the annoying archer, and elven archer...

Though he could only imagine how ridiculous he looked, wearing fancy red ornate armor. With a ancient, green elven helmet over his face. He walked out of cover, sword drawn, and ready for combat. Now understanding what the woman had said to the annoying archer, she had caught, and then to him. "Quiet your tongue elf, before this gets ugly!" He snarled aggressively.
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Emile stepped out behind the caravan and kept his hands where the group could see them and approached slowly. "Ah...let's see here...how does it go...Aneth ara friends! I mean you no harm and I am not here to cause problems. I am merely interested in learning about history through these ancient ruins. I gained the knowledge of a lost style from ruins such as these, I believe it's...Dirth'ena enasalin? I merely wondered what such ones would hold" Emile smiled keeping his hands.

Emile groaned and put his face in his palm shaking his head in complete disgust. "I would like to state that I am not with him nor am I associated with him."
"No," She said, simply to her sister, before the other two had spoken, Aria then turned, facing the new intruder. How was this? How had someone found their way here first? He was too study to be an elf, so he must be shemlen- a looter, and a thief.

"If you do not return whatever it is you have stolen from this place, you will be the one regretting it." She called. While she knew she was not an incredibly skilled fighter, she hoped the dwarf was- and knew her sister was death on a bow. She then heard what the other mage had said. A trick, and a liar? No, if he wanted to fight he would strike from a distance, he has a bow if nothing else. Though, if he learned an art from the ruins he must also be a mage.

"If you did not come here to steal, then you won't mind staying with us when we enter- that way we can keep an eye on you?" She called back over her shoulder to Emile. She didn't sound confrontational so much as... skeptical. She wanted to assure the sanctity of the old city.
"I have no problems with that...but my Templar...associate might need you to help her as well...she's looking for something, I highly doubt she's going to take anything, but it seems to be important...not to mention she seems a bit out of it. I think she might have taken too much lyrium" Emile bowed slightly, he had no reason to lie to them, he truly wanted to learn more about the ancient elven race, from what he had learned from the phylactery, they were highly enlightened in there dealings with magic and keeping a balance between everything.
Kaja leered at the human looter, pulling back the bow and ignoring Emile as well as she could at the moment. She the shouted at the warrior, "In mar masa, Shem!" It needed no translation for the meaning to be conveyed. Tone is funny that way.
"Fenedhis...." She mumbled, her head still was not right she left her helm, which was a mistake. Slowly she made her way towards the voices. The elves spoke, of course one suggested to kill them. Elves such as them were the ones Rookie hated, it was much like her. See a Mage kill them. For them, it was see a human kill them.

Talking a hold of her shield she held it up, not yet drawing her weapon. She shook her head, but turned towards the the non-mage man. What the hell waa he wearing? But her thoughts went back towards the elves. "Garas quenathra? (Why are you here?)" She spoke to the two elves, sure it was a stupid question. It was obvious to why they were there.

Her eyes turned towards the Elven archer. Scoffing she tried her best to push aside what the Lyruim was doing to her.
"Now what say we lower our weapons, it wouldn't be appropriate to spill each other's blood in such a sacred place...though I will admit that he is not the most...calming of people.." Emile sighed and looked back towards the Templar exasperated "Can we not add any more tension to this situation. How about we all just take a breath and get to understand one another...and possibly restrain the overly violent man" he gestured towards Areos
Areos was smart enough to have his shield out for the archers. Both the elf and the cursed man beside him, the better question was which one to kill first... Of course, he was confident he could beat them. All of them. The dalish were nomads, they received no 'proper' training, how good could the be, especially with a small elf girl holding two daggers. The dwarf looked experienced, but again, Areos had the reach advantage, and likely the skill advantage. He looked at the elven archer... His shield raised...

She died first.

Surprisingly enough, when the templar finally arrived, he turned to her, a look on his face almost pleading for her to back him in this. He was clearly outnumbered, and would likely die if she shoved a sword through his back... No, would certainly die. And he certainly did not like the man next to him... Perhaps it would be an idea to take him out first come to think of it, they were close to each other. And he damn well hated his annoying personality.

"Hah come restrain me you weak fool!" Areos taunted towards the archer, before rushing in his direction, before viciously slamming his shield into the man's face. Not to kill, but to incapacitate. That move would certainly leave him dazed and delirious, his aim would be as bad as a beginner after that... It was also satisfying to strike him again.

But Areos was now in a more delicate and dangerous situation, whilst the archer was down and dazed, he rushed forwards towards the trio of people, lunging out with his sword towards the woman with the bow, before reeling into a defensive position, in order to block a counter attack from the dwarf and other elf.
Kaja looked around the small gathering, suddenly slightly panicked. She assumed the woman who surprised her with a working knowledge of the Elvhen language was the Templar. She had to agree with Emile's breezy, relaxed statements. When the warrior went after her, Kaja flipped a good distant back, shooting a burning arrow on her drop back to her feet a good few yards from him. She backpedaled fiercely, shooting another arrow, this one exploding when it hit the armor.
"We will lower our weapons when we are certain that he will do the same." Aria said to the archer-mage. "I don't wish to kill anyone, neither does my sister. We are here for a much greater purpose even then knowledge." She said, but then the man dashed at them, obviously aiming to injure or kill. As he rushed forward, she watched the battle start, her daggers at the ready to strike when the time came. This was not what she had wanted, but it appeared they had no choice.
Emile hit the ground and was equally pissed off and dazed as he sat up "Seriously?! How is it the damn Templar is more calm than you?!" he stood up and brushed the dirt off himself and wiped the blood from his nose. He staggered a bit before regaining his balance and he had to stop himself from entering the fray. Instead, he walked over to the Templar, "Alright, I know you're a Templar and I'm a Mage and we're supposed to hate each other, but seriously, are you ok?"
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Shaking her head Rookie did her best on trying to focus, but the Lyruim was still in affect. Still she held her sheild up, but did not reach her weapon. She could easily help the man kill these trio of....people?

Through hesitation she took out her sword. "Ir Abelas hahren." She spoke, it was an apology to her father, even if he couldn't hear her say it. It was clear that she was not fit for battle, the weapon shaking in her hand.

Dread Wolf..... She thought, it would be wise to not fight, but the man could be killed. Why was she hesitating? This was unlike her.

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