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Fandom DA:I - Quest for Justice

"So, now what? Delve deeper into the unknown or call it a job well done and leave? Quite frankly a Revenant being here means there's something more....potent down here than what was originally thought. If you two are trying to use this to revitalize Elven civilization, it would be smart to get rid of it while you have the numbers." he said to the elves then turned to the templar "It could help you with whatever it is you're supposed to be looking for. And as for the dwarf and the unnecessarily violent man, usually something dangerous means great treasure." he looked at Timon ".....I got nothin."
"Demons aren't there to protect artifact, a prize at the end for wading through them like a dungeon in a storybook."Timon intersected looking clearly uncomfortable. " With an artifact like the one here the veil shouldn't be that bad. I think people were messing around in this place, performing a ritual. I have a feeling of bad juju here even after fade was closed. "
"There is nothing in these ruins. Well nothing of importance. The thing I was in search for is not here. This is not the right place, so it'd be best if I left." Rookie said. One, she knew traveling further was pointless, not to mention she was in the wrong place. Secondly, she didn't want to be around these people any longer, and if they wanted to travel further into the ruins, whatever that lurked there would surely kill them.

Thirdly, she just wanted to leave. The Mages were not dead, and she made no move to kill them. Especially the one that helped her, and it bothered her. She nevef had trouble in killing Mages, yet something was stopping her. Rookie sighed softly, pacing around, trying to see if she could find an exit.
Emile looked at Timon "You clearly have not heard the stories of the Warden's exploits...or Hawke's for that matter. Well, if that's the case, I'll take my leave then, not that it hasn't been fun but...keeping everyone from murdering each other had put me in a position of responsibility and rationality that I just should not be put in." he bowed slightly and began to leave the ruins as well.
"Stories which cant agree on the wardens' gender or race?" Timon said before sighing and nodding." Will go as well, cant push my luck with these people. Also an expecting wife is waiting for me pack home, she should be worried sick about me."

"Here I thought everyone was bonding. Well, too bad just add this in to the lack of treasure in this place." Salesar said beginning to walk back to his cart."You people want a ride or anything from my store I am happy to give at a reduced price."
"I was hoping... maybe..." Aria shook her head. The others were right, keeping this particular group together would be unwise. She did want to rid this place of anything that crawled within, but she worried that they would run into more problems with each other than actual practice.

"We'll be heading back on Kaja's horse. But thank you for the offer." Aria added.

Kaja had stayed surprisingly quiet through all of this, probably unsure of exactly what she thought. Now, however, she spoke up.

"I want to clear this place out, make it safer." She said to her older sister, firmly. Aria shook her head no at Kaja.

"We'll return when the clan gets here. We'll have higher numbers, then."
Rookie was already half way through the ruins. It'd be weeks before her father could get here, and that's if he brought some of his people with him. Taking a Lyruim vial out she took it, throwing it to the ground.

Perhaps now she would go to the correct ruins this time, and actually find what her father wanted. Also she would look for more Lyruim, since this would not last her long.
Areos had deducted he was in the presence of cowards, they'd run based on a few skeletons!? Simply sad, the mage was right in terms of Hawke and the Warden, they had many feats worthy of worship. Neither would sigh away from a few ruins... Which could possibly hold all kinds of treasure, treasure that he would have more of should he go in alone. He was not impressed however, even the elves were running. Despite the history this place may hold for their kind, which wasn't like a dalish to do. Same for the dwarf, merchants braved the deep roads all the time, yet he was afraid of this? And the templar... What did she have to fear, magic was no threat to her, and that was the only danger the ruins portrayed so far. Each of them lacked any spine.

Huffing carelessly, Areos began to head further into the ruins, ignoring those who left, if he was to keep the treasures for himself... Well, he couldn't complain.
"Hey, Stop!" Aria called out, following behind Aeros, whether he wanted her presence or not. "If you're going in, so are we. We can't have you stealing from this place, after all." She said. She had been planning on leaving only because the others were, also. And if there was one thing she knew it was that a fighter she was not.

Kaja watched as her sister followed after the idiot and sighed. What was she thinking? Well, if she was going, Kaja had to, also. She ran to catch up with her sister, and took a place just to the other side of the brute. If he decided to attack, he would have to attack in two different directions to hit them both.
Emile walked after the Templar at a distance, not hiding the fact that he was following her, but not drawing attention to himself
Salaser saddled up his horse and sorted the items in his cart making sure everything was in place after placing Areos here. Though he disliked the man, he doubted he would try anything like that. He looked back at the ruins trying to understand what to make of the events there, he just couldn't believe this was just a one of thing, it was too unusual. Still didnt seem there was anything to do now so sat on the driver site carriage and turned to leave back to the town. He hand gone far when he saw blumes of smoke coming from the town.
Areos shrugged, and continued walking. He wasn't exactly going to try to murder them, even if he would rather go alone. He still respected history, and this ruin was their history, no matter how thin their claim maybe, it still existed. "Fine, don't care for your artifacts, but I do care for gold. I intend to take any I find." Areos answered assertively, not preparing to become subservient to the dalish sisters.

Areos fixedaflare in the second elf however, the one who had almost killed him. Her strategy was obvious, she was quite clearly anticipating an attack, in which his targets would be split. He had no ill intent for the first woman, she seemed anything like a dalish, more innocent than most humans even. Had she not possessed pointy ears he would have been fooled. The second elf however, she was a typical savage dalish, he had less qualms with an ill-intent to her.
Emile finally spoke up to her, "Look rookie," he walked in front of her and started back pedaling. "I know you really do not like Mages and I get it, we don't have the best track record when put in a position of power, but by now you should realize I am NOT your enemy. Logically speaking, I've had nothing but opportunities to kill you while you were...drunk off of Lyrium. I know you have a loner streak as well and I get that, but even a lone wolf has a crow that becomes its companion. You may not like me 'cause I'm a mage, but if you are going to dive head deep into another Elven ruin, then you're going to need help."

Emile pointed to himself and held up his hand and it became see through, almost completely incorporeal. A butterfly happened to be in the vicinity and passed right through his hand before going about it's business. He held it in this form for a few seconds before allowing it to become fully corporeal again.

"You've seen my very nature today, I'm clever, I'm strong and I'm calm under most situations that you can put me under...I, of course have the nature NOT to be a hero unless forced into the situation but that's neither here nor there, but above all else, I have no ill will towards you. Whatever your reasons for hating Mages, I have the same reasons to hate Templars, but ask any Templar about the Fennec Mage and all they'll tell you is that at best, I've led some Templars down a rabbit hole and knocked them unconscious. I am able to look past what they are to realize that they are the same as me, Human, fearful, arrogant, cautious humans that just want to live their lives and protect those they care about. So how 'bout it rookie, can you put aside your hatred for mages and work with me, or am I going to have to deal with your sword being pointed at me again? Mind you I AM running out of reasons not to protect myself" Emile meant the last part to be a joke and held out his hand to the Templar.

Everything he had said was true, he had encountered nothing but hostility and murderous intent from Templars since escaping the Circle, but he had never once killed a Templar. He truly hoped that this girl, who hadn't even given out her name, could show him the same courtesy.

@Revas Kenway
Rookie was taken back at what the mage said to her. Giving him an odd look as he went on about something she didn't care to hear. As he held out his hand, she placed hers on her weapon. She tilted her head as the butterfly went through his hand. Slowly she took her hand off her weapon and stared at the ground, thinking about this situation for a moment.

She would not team up with a Mage, but it did speak some truth. Going forth into the other Ruins alone was rather foolish, and it was better him then someone else, well there was that warrior but he wasn't the most trustworthy person. Well neither was the Mage, but he had aided her when she was high off Lyruim.

She let out a sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose she pushed him out of her way, walking off. "Keep up Mage." She mumbled, hating herself entirely for actually listening to him.
"You can have your gold," Ariathari said with a nod, following Aeros deeper into the temple.

(Is this still a thing guys? Just wondering! Also, @Sleipnir you can have Kaja back)

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