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Fandom DA:I - Quest for Justice

Timon was a little concern that the mage had phylacteries around his neck, what mage willingly carry these leashes around was beyond him. He tried to ignore the that fact as he looked through the pages."Maybe if we hold it in better light..." He approuched the brazier and tried to light it, it set alight but in a greenish white flame. "Wow... That is new...2
Kaja watched them, awed by the fire. She was certain she'd seen it somewhere before or perhaps read about it, though she couldn't recall exactly what it was. She slowly walked up to the flame, eyes shining, and grinned. She then glanced at Timon. "Did I catch your name...?"
Aria watched the two. She had no real clue who Timon was or why he was there, but she did know that holding paper up to a fire seemed a bit like tempting fate.

"Do you really think that is a good idea?" She asked. She was impressed by the flame, but she'd heard stories of others like it before- the fire only mages can create. She moved closer, and looked over to the artifact as well. It seemed familiar, but she couldn't place it in her mind. Surely she'd read of something like this before- or heard the stories- but where? And why?
"No because I didn't throw in. Timon, herbalist and user of magic which has a bad reputation." He introduced himself aside while still mesmerised by the flame. Timon wasn't his real name of course, even his wife didn't know. It was safer that way, he past wasn't something to be proud of. He went to place the parchment near the fire to have closer look before he heard the other elven girl spoke up. It is not like I am going to toss it into the fire... what is the worse that could happen?"
"Yes, what's the worse that can happen when an unknown piece of seemingly blank paper gets held up to veilfire? This is why the darkspawn exist, someone said 'hey, let's try to break into the city of the Maker,' and wham! World's full of darkspawn and corruption." Emile tucked the phylactery back into his shirt. Something felt off, why was there no protection in this place, just an artefact and a blank piece of paper. He had been in countless ruins since his escape and not one of them was ever devoid of at least one dead skeleton trying to kill him.

"I say web ignore the paper and the veilfire and try to figure out why we're not being attacked..."
"Shining a light on a paper equals the corruption of the golden city? Aren't you being a tad over dramatic? Next thing you will tell me it can show the past or future but will blind you in the process. " Timon said shaking his head before continuing to on the act of shining the veil fire on the page. The elven symbols appeared again but it was strange as they were now legible." Hey guys, this says the device is set to strengthen the view her... or at least it's meant to... The text cut off suddenly."
Aria nodded in response to Emile's second notion.

"Perhaps it used to be enchanted with magic that has since worn away. Perhaps someone was here before us and defeated the protection. I think those would be our unlikely best-case senarios." She said, looking around. She found another torch stand across the room and headed to that side to grab it, that way she could light the others and perhaps the group could see more clearly.

On her way over, however, she could have sworn she heard something moving. She went ahead, trying not to show how much the thought of skeletal guards terrified her.
"Oh goody, cryptic messages that can only be viewed by veilfire that may or may not strengthen something, ancient Elven writing I only somewhat understand that may or may not be a warning, and the threat of skeletonized guards that may or may not start attacking..." Emile used his fingers to comb his hair out of his face

"All these coincidences and the only thing I can think of is that finding out what it all leads to may get unnecessarily messy...Eh we all have to die sometimes." he shrugged and walked after Aria. "Onward, do try to with us rookie, there's no telling what kind of traps there might be"
"I faced the skeleton earlier." Salesar said walking to were the rest of the group were." Last time i was here, the blighters dont go down easy and some can wield magic." He looked around the ruins and became disappointed. "The place is picked clean."

"I am sure they were master dwarf but then you were on your own, there is six of us here now and two of us are mages ourselves. I think we can handle ourselves well." Timon interjected. "Besides the thin veil here could be trouble in the long run, i have seen what can crawl out an opened veil. If this artifact can close it up, i think its worth the risk. "
Areos groaned, his head felt heavy, his muscles were stiff. And he swore he was suffering from what had to be the worst hangover he'd ever had. It took him a few minutes to actually think up what had happened, of course he remembered attacking the others... Before getting handily knocked out, the only positive was...

no, there was no positive.

"Bloody... elves and there.... trickery." Areos mumbled, still dazed and barely conscious. The man tried to move, before he came to the abrupt realization that his hands and feet were bound. Lovely. Ironically enough, he was also stuffed into the back of a merchant's cart. Perhaps he was to be sold to a slaver... if he was lucky, and the elves didn't torture him first.

Well, that was less than desirable, he had to at least to try and escape. Dragging himself off the cart, with great difficulty, Areos tumbled onto the stone floor, groaning heavily as pain seethed through his already aching muscles. Moving onto his back, the man examined the surroundings, his captors were all clearly incompetent half-witted oafs. They'd left his weapon were he dropped it.

The warrior began dragging himself over, hoping the others didn't hear him tumble off the wagon, for freedom was close, then he could seek revenge. Or leave, he hadn't decided which he preferred yet.
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Emile stopped and looked back at the Templar and saw the violent idiot crawling towards his weapons "..." he looked at the positions of everyone else, no-one seemed to notice the warrior was trying to escape. He drew his bow quickly and shot it...in the opposite direction.

The arrow didn't fly long but it flew true and hit a skull dead center. "Hmm...must have been a rat..." Emile shrugged, making sure the attention was off of the warrior. He didn't feel like watching anyone die today.
Rookie was lost in her own thoughts as she walked, until she hear a thud. Turning her gaze towards the cart she noticed he finally awoke. She watched as he dragged himself towards his weapon, for it only to be moved from him by an arrow. Looking towards the Mage she shook her head.

Walking towards the warrior she grabbed out a small kinfe she kept, cutting off the rope that held his hands and feet together.

Was this a smart move? Maybe not, but she would not have him bound. Stepping away from him she put away the knife. Would the others disapprove of what she had done? Of course, though it didn't matter.
Kaja turned sharply, watching Rookie. She glowered. "You really think we can trust him?" She asked harshly.
Areos grimaced as he felt the movement behind him. He was going to be knifed in the back, not a great way to go. Bleeding out was less than valiant. Needless to say, when the ropes were abruptly cut, freeing him, the man was quite stunned. Why was he spared? Why did they trust him? Questions he would ask, now able to move once more... after some jests.

"Ah, I'm free." He turned to the elves, knowing they likely had the idea for him to be tied up, a devilish look in his eyes. "If you wanted to tie me up, you may as well have removed the armour, far more... activities that way,"
Emile merely tightened the glove on his left hand without looking at the warrior. "So we're all free and whatnot, can we get a move on? I'd like to finish up before the blight comes back" Emile holstered his bow before examining the walls again, this time with a renewed sense of exploration
"Can we deal with the squire later, we need to shore up the veil and we can go killing each other later." Timon said and despite feeling worried about Aeros, Salesar nodded walking up to Aroes axe at the ready just in case." I suggest we bury the hatchets for now, unless you want it burried in your head. This time to blast of sand will help you." Salesar said keeping a close watchful eye while Timon walked to the artifacts. He raised his hand at the artifact and muttered a few words and the artifact began to glow with a green light.
Rookie didn't answer to the question, she walked towards where his weapon was and picked it up, handing it to him. In truth, they needed more arms if trouble was ahead. Even with the mages, rogues and warrior they had, whatever was in these ruins, they would need the help.

Though as much as she liked to kill the mages, she had to stay her blade for the time being. She looked through her pack, checking on how much Lyruim she had. She had taken most of one bag already, that would explain why she was out of it earlier.

She'd wait a few more hours before taking anymore, it needed to last her a few months.
Emile looked around, mentally marking what exits there were. If push came to shove and things went completely sour, he'd make his escape, maybe he'd save the Templar and the Blood Mage. He held the phylactery in his right hand, leaned against the wall and yawned. He would have helped the Blood Mage, except he didn't really care, that and if things did end up going completely and utterly south, the stories wouldn't say the Fennec Mage was responsible for bringing about the end of the world.

"So Templar, what exactly brought you here? You needn't tell me all the details, just enough so that I know I didn't risk my life for evil. I'll assume the ill-tempered man I saved was just following you for loot." Emile sighed, finally took his hood off and let his hair fall over his face. He then used his fingers comb his hair out his eyes.
Rookie looked at the Mage, confused on his question. She was silent for a few moments, before deciding to tell him.

"My father requested that I examine Elven Ruins for him, though I read the words wrong. This is not the one he spoke of. Still, I believe he would want me to examine what I could, and bring any knowledge that he may find useful. Though, perhaps he can be the judge of that. If he receives it that is. Does that answer to your curiosity Mage?"
Emile laughed "Nothing satiates my curiosity. It's the reason I'm even free of the circle...which brings me to another question rookie, how have you not heard of me? I'd thought at this point, my making fools of Templars would have landed me fame all across Thedas"
"The Templars hardly speak of any Mages, by the time I came out here most of them joined the Red Ones or dead. So any Mage was hardly spoken amongst my fellow Templars." Rookie replied, rubbing the back of her neck.
"Well now I just feel unimportant. Hmph. And after so many went out of their way to kill me" Emile seemed to be pouting a bit. It was rare for Templars to give a name to an apostate, it was even rarer that he'd met a Templar that didn't know him by that title
Areos straightened, and glared daggers at Timon, squire?! The audacity of that thin pompous fool! He had half a mind to go over and stick this sword between his eyes, until the stocky little dwarf decided to play tough guy. Not happening.

"Watch your tongue little man, you won't always have some frolicking elves to save you!" Areos threatened right back, unmoved. Before shooting a glare at both mages, and folding his arms before walking to the back of the crypt-like room and resting on the wall away from them all. He didn't like anyone here, and certainly disliked the elves, and dwarf... and mages more. So the templar was the only person he 'slightly' disliked, he almost hated the others.

@Hel @Sleipnir (Still with us?)
(Ah! Why did I get no notifications! Sad face!)

"Will you stop throwing your weight around?!" Aria asked, ignoring what had distracted her and spinning to face the Aeros. "If we wanted you useless you would be. Calm down and either leave or help-" Her words were cut of by a smal squeel as a skeletal hand grabbed her ankle and pulled her to the ground. Aria turned to face the creature, daggers at the ready. She tried to hack the creatures hand of but was met with an ancient sword she had to knock away.

The group was under attack.

From the edges and shadows of the room emerged the skeletons of those who had died there in the past- elves and humans alike, all of various causes. The difficult battle, however, lay with their ghosts that accompanied them. A skeleton could be defeated but would keep raising until crushed to dust or until it's ghost was killed.

(Not exactly true to fandom, but interestingish.)
"Anonymity can sometime be a good thing. Fame attracts the wrong type of people." Salesar commented watching the scene involved, however a sense of nostalgia was clear in his tone."Expectation too.. That you either cant or don't want to meet and the consequences that come from that."

"You say that as you think i need them... Now please, leave me to me spell i need to concentrate..." He went to say continuing the spell but there was a sudden unearthly sound emanating seemingly out of nowhere. "Crap, we attracted attention, somebody doesnt like the veil closing and pushing back.... " The spell stopped as the glow shot out of the artifact into the sky before dissipating." Double crap, this thing wont seal the veil on its own! We need to find other like this or be in ass deep in demons!" Its seemed it was too late as skeletons appeared out of the woodwork.

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