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Dice D&D 5e: The Butchers of Buldran

Would the hounds count as a kind of fiend? I assume it would be since that term applies towards Outsiders (Of which hellhounds count) that are evil. I just wanted to make sure though
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Yes you could consider the hounds fiends. Congradulations on landing the killing blow @ShadowedNexus Well done everyone. Now you have the choice of dealing with the burning building or letting it sort itself out. Intelligence and Wisdom checks can be made to find water, but there is none in sight. Strength checks can be used to pull the building apart. Even Charisma checks can be made to rouse the citizens of Stice to action.

No posting order now, but one by one let me know what you want to do. Again, remember you do not have to help at all. Feel free to watch that F**ker burn.
Are you in need of a Sorcerer? I've a charismatic fast-talking bloke I've been working on for a spin, if you've need of him.
I dunno if the thing I'm trying works, but Shatter is a force spell that automatically explodes any inanimate objects in its spell radius (a sphere with a radius of 10 feet). You ever see a fire get put out with a grenade? I'm hoping it'll work something like that...maybe. I didn't make a roll for Shatter since there's no one to attack.
Gernades put out fires? I mean, sure, it would definitly disapate it, and whatever if bloody burning.
Legit, that's cool as all hell.

So one could literally label explosives as "fire supressants."
@AlexNos I dont have any room for your character here, but I do have room for them at D&D 5e City of Shaldra~Zin rp that I have. You would need to build the character to level 2 with starting gear. 27 point stat buy. Minimum of 8 maximum of 15 before racial traits. No exotic races or classes. Post your character in the character sign up page and I will get you up to speed with the story before we add you in.
@mechanimated thats a cool idea. It will definatly take the house down. I will roll a percentile dice to find out how much of the fire goes out as a result, but this should be very effective.

Important side note. I would like everyone to roll a d20 here in the OOC.

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@mechanimated you are going to gain a point of inspiration on that arcana check. You feel an urge to examine this unusual arcane practice even more. You feel like you could learn from it and apply it to some of your own spells. If you do a few more of these checks during your battle against the butcher you may gain some extra XP.
Ok i think we are just waiting for @JR McCormick to roll on that. Jr I cant remember if you shared the information we PMed about. If not, your next post would be a good time to bring it up.
Alright :-) thanks for the rolls everyone. Looks like ShadowedNexus is our winner. Mechanimated placed second. McCormick and Orikanyo better luck next time.

If someone would like to examine/open that treasure chest we can find out a little more about these rolls!
I wasn't sure if you'd want a roll at all since I'm just looking to remove the pin and not actually picking the lock, but I figured I'd make them just in case (guessed what would be relevant).
Thanks for the rolls anyways. It is always best to be safe.

The Halo Crusher Hammer ~ A one handed hammer that adds +1 to AC (When being attacked by an Evil alignment source) by magical means. A wind shield will appear around you when you are attacked by evil. Also if an evil enemy should crit fail an attack roll against you the shield will not only turn away their blade, but deal 1d4 force damage to them.

Dark Halo Horn Holder~ +1 to intelligence and wisdom checks.

Vestments of the Virtuous~ ???? (arcana check)

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