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Fantasy (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)City of Shadows...(Accepting)

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  • Hexlair Gang

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  • Delayaran Gang

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  • Nuetral

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Remi smiled and made a cross with his hand and smiled

"Musican, Preist, Scholar, Gentleman" he did a little bow and grinned, "Remi at your service" His cross glowed for a brief second, "I do hope im not interrupting? "

@Hisan @Trust
"A man of God..." Misery noted and put the arrow away. He walked up to the child and got down on one knee and started to inspect the child. Misery smirked under the mask. "You believe in God boy."
Remi smiled, "Greetings" he said bowing

"God is with me as he will be with you" he said itching for a fight. Being proper was good and all but sometimes Remi just wanted to bathe in blood...

@Hisan @Trust
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"I'm pretty sure he isn't with me. People don't like being killed especially when God himself is killed by a mortal. Also..." I say as I stand up. "If you want blood that badly I can make you drown in it." I say and you can see my eyes fill up with a black liquid.
Remi was hesitant, the situation wasnt in his favor

"Hmmm maybe another day" he said cheerfully. He put the cross away and sighed, "Anyways, what is going on here?"

Michael Michaelis

Michael glanced around at the strange voice which beckoned them. Deciding to pay no attention to the man, he then cast his eyes once more at....

'What...? Where did he....?' Michael realised that it was a trap. It was unfortunately too late.

His eyes widened slightly by the feel of his legs which was held firmly by the very forest ground which he stood on.

He watched as the demon suddenly snapped his fingers, allowing a few of his own swords to obey the command.

"So, you have had this in mind, very clever....I should have known..." the swords suddenly flew towards him like torrents of raindrops..

"Shit...." He cursed to himself, as the blades suddenly penetrated his rigid body..

"Ugh...." The remaining swords which had not obeyed Axolius shielded a few of the remainding ones, spinning at at rapid rate. Michael felt his bones cracking slightly as he fell backwards on the ground.

"You....how dare you...." Michael growled. He felt pain. This....human body....he could understand fully why humans value their pityful lives...

@The Regal Rper (nice jutsu there lol xD )
(I try) @Dark Child

"Shhhh" a voice whispered into the demon's ear. "It'll all be over very soon, unless I get bored" A strong jab met the demon's side, before three of the blades within him turned simultaneously to add to the pain the demon was already feeling.

The next thing Michael saw were several other Axolius' each bearing that same calm expression. "Now then demon, let's have some more fun shall we? Because I do get bored often. You see being trapped within Ginti's mind is awful. It's like a maze, never ending going on and on. He's always changing it, always twisting it like a puzzle, so that I can't get out or find a weakness in his field, but with today's events he left me several opportunities and you pushing him to the brink has allowed me some if only a little time for momentary freedom. Now demon, I believe it was one of your own kind that said" -both Axolius' irises ignited in blood red, and the green purple aura emanating from those sickly green eyes ignited imensely pouring like a mist and surrounding each copy that stood before the demon, going as far as to ignore the swords that had acted as the demon's shield moments ago. "Let me hear those screams."

Then one copy of Axolius punched the demon in one injured side. So did another, and another and another, each copy wailing away at the demon punch after punch, never changing their expressions always maintaining that calm face all while in the distance the original watched from behind, and just like the others he ignored the demon's blades as if they were unimportant, all with the same expression.

Iinterest yet boredom.

Michael Michaelis

Michael winced as the pain seared through his body. He glanced sideways at the demon before coughing a handful of blood...

"Q-Quite heartless, wouldn't you say..? A true demon you are... It is such a pity that this body has it's own limits. Human bodies are much too weak.." Michael laughed softly, as the replicas of Axolius continued to torture his body.

Michael sighed as he allowed the demon to have his fair share of fun. He sighed to himself, as he mumbled a few words to himself..

"Lo...Lo...Lo....felos....hu...die...zhi..." Michael whispered, before numerous blades appeared above them both. They seemed certainly infinite. These blades were no ordinary blades.

Michael's aura silently slithered its way underground, as his previous form was still capable of speaking; capable of feeling pain. His aura slowly transformed into his own image, as it stood at a distance, before seating itself gracefully on a tree branch, where it could oversee the whole scene.

"I'm sure you have heard this mortal saying that, 'two can play the game...?' Though, I prefer to call it, a marvelous fight.." Michael's replica smiled softly, as it placed a finger at its lips.

"Now then....I shall show you the grand fight. Cast your eyes upwards, lowly demon. " The millions of swords positioned itself towards Axolius. Their flaming appearance was as bright as the sun.

"My form below which you seem so much to enjoy torturing may now be your outcome to your death...You, should have paid more attention." Michael's body which lay helplessly was now protected by an unbreakable barrier..

"Now..entice me with your skills, lowly demon..." Michael commanded with a single hand towards the swords as they flew towards the demon without mercy...

@The Regal Rper
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Delilah seemed to be disheartened at the realization that there were still many things that had to be done and that anymore pda would have to wait. Nodding slightly, she slowly pulled away, reluctantly disentangling herself from Alfons as something came up in her head that she had been meaning to ask him ever since Jekyl and Hyde's visit. "Should i be the one who couriers this over to this Misery person?"
"No," Alfons answered. "We can use a teleportation spell instead. Magic is Hexlair's specialty, after all." Taking the package in hand, he set it down beside the crystal ball. "But instead of that, we still have our scrying to finish. What was next, again?" Alfons muttered. He knew that they had looked in on Bolvair and Gralance. Oh and Delayaran as well. Well, than the newer ones were up next. Eildor and Lliyan Harp.


Delilah joined him back at the table just as the image in the crystal ball seemed to shift and changed. A large female dragon could be seen interacting with the tiny figures of Oz and Weigl. "...quite an odd mix of gang members,.." She murmured softly once she was by his side again, watching the crystal ball with interested eyes.
"Have fun master I'm going home." Misery said bored. He waved to the aura in the distance as he started to walk home.
"Dragons," Alfons huffed slightly. "What a lively bunch. Usually so arrogant too. But then, that just makes them easier to manipulate. I'm not so interested in them." Waving his hand over the crystal, the scene changed. Llyia Harp. His eyes widened in surprise before they narrowed thoughtfully. "Well, well, well, what have we here? A police force disguised as a gang? How shrewd of them," Alfons laughed quietly.


"Hmmm...it would seem that they're getting clever..." Delilah said in an amused tone as she watched the image within the crystal ball with narrowed eyes. "I had heard about a project within the police force, but only a few of the higher ups knew of what it ws about. So...this was it?" Her gaze lifted from the ball to him in a questioning look, "should we let them play their little game?"
Alfons smirked at Delilah. "For now. I don't want to jeopardize a possible advantage. We know of them and they don't. With that, we have the upper hand. Right now, we should move onto our next task: Delivery service." Alfons waved a hand over the ball once again, murmuring an incantation while doing so. "Ah, that's right, I was supposed to be teaching you. When you finish a spell, you must cancel it. This is of an utmost importance. Not only can it cause a drain on you, but if spirits sense a large power source, they will be drawn to it. And where spirits are, demons shall follow."


At his words, she watched with uttermost interest, taking note of every movement he made as if she was recording them, writing them into her memory. She took a few silent seconds to just imagine the consequences of forgetting to cancel a spell... Exhaustion, bloodshed....death? Most likely. "I'll remember that..." She murmured with a small smile as this very scenario mimicked that of a teacher teaching a child, a memory from her distant past.
Alfons smiled gently at Delilah. "Come, I'll show you the teleportation spell," he said, getting up and walking over to his large cabinet. Alfons pulled out several items and went to put away the crystal. "As I was saying before, each element contains a factor in the spell. Can you guess what we'll need for a teleportation spell, Del?"


Taking a seat on the corner of his desk, she watched him going about putting things back in their place as she considered his question about the factors of a teleportation spell. "Would it perhaps be similar to a scrying spell, but instead with a claw of sort instead of an eagle's eye? So to carry something instead of look for something?" She offered, her gaze lifting to him for confirmation.
When the blades connected all copies of Axolius fell, smoke rising as blade after blade seemed to hit the original with deafening force, till finally the entire battle field was covered by a hazy dust that came from the forest ground. For a while there was not a word, the sounds of beating had ceased, and there was not a peep from Axolius.

That is till his figure seemed to appear, and with that figure from the distance it looked as though several of the mystical blades the demon had sent had finished him, but when the smoke cleared it was quite the opposite. The blades that had flown strongly at him, were now dangerously close to impaling Ginti's body, but some unseeable force restrained these swords from getting any closer, few had managed to scratch Ginti's clothes even drawing a little blood, but no serious damage was made as ancient runes lost to this world began repairing the little damage caused.

Axolius stood still watching the blades struggle to reach him, trying to obey their master but incapable of moving any closer to him. And so he took a step towards them, and when he did the blades moved away however still pointed at him. ...I see, Axolius thought. Taking another step the blades backed away again, never changing their position still trying to reach him but with every step he took they backed away just as much, some even began slicing at him but they never made much of a mark so they were ignored as he began moving in the demon's direction.

"You know, I find it humorous you all believe me to be a demon. When the truth is I'm not one at all. I may act like one, but I grantee you I am no demon. But despite not having your rank even these blades seem to understand strength when they see it."

@Dark Child
Alfons looked pleased. "Indeed. But it will need more magical components because it's a more... difficult spell than scrying. Physical manifestation requires a dragon claw instead of a simple eagle foot. More than that, we can't allow the spell to anchor to the earth itself, but a specific place." He took the things from the previous spell and put them away neatly as he spoke. "To do that, we'll need a place or person to focus on. How do you reckon we make that clear in the spell?"


His smile... She tried not to stare at his lips as he gave her a pleased smile and just waved off the warm feeling of accomplishment that was building in her chest. Instead, she focused on his words and his next question, to which she had no answer to... At first she thought of those voodoo dolls with the name of a person written on them with needles sticking out of their various cloth body parts and the ridiculousness of her thoughts brought a giggle out of her. "...Would a name or an address help tie the spell down?"
"That, but since spells are more reliant on symbols than anything else, it's best to use something that the person owned or something that came from the place you want to send it to. Though, because we don't have something like that, we would have to use a name and focus on who we mean. It'll take a bit more energy so keep that in mind."


"Misery... We have only that... Is that sufficient for the spell to work? " pushing off from the desk, she approached him by the cabinet full of strange ingredients, glancing over them briefly. "We don't know what he looks like, nor his personality nor anything else about him besides his name and address... Can we work with that?" She asked, curiously, wondering how this spell would work.
Alfons grunted in response. "It'll be difficult and it'll take quite a bit of power, but yes. Don't we have an address? We can use that as well." Saying so, Alfons took some items off of the shelf. "We can also use the scrying ball to aid us if we need to."


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