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Fantasy Cursed Island

"Remember the boulders?", Adran asked, referring to back when goblins tried to crush them by dropping boulders behind them. "That's basically the biggest I can produce and maintain.
"If they can at least slow things down, that'll help a little. I'm gonna go get started on my work."
"Sure, sure," Adran waved if off as they started heading back to the group, where Joanne and Emfa were working on assembling the ballista parts into a working version.
Niudisa found a clear space before setting up her workstation and getting started on the blood.
Adran took a seat on the nose of one of the heads, drawing his bow to shoot anything he could see coming. "You find anything interesting, Shuffle?", he called.
Shuffle looked over from her most recent hole, shaking some mud off her head. "Lots of mud and a few bones. Nothing shiny though."
"In a manner of speaking," Adran nodded. "Come on up," He gestured next to him on the head, "We've got to shoot anything that moves coming towards these heads that isn't part of the group, can you manage that?"

"If it is protection you wish for," Nalla called, "You would do well to remember that your party has grown."

"What can you do, then?"

"I am a shaman, I am to nature as you are to fiends."
Shuffle climbed up and grabbed her bow. She was already looking around for something to try to shoot.
There was nothing in the immediate area that seemed to be a danger, far off in the distance there were some saurians chowing down on a section of the hydra necks, but they were far enough away that they didn't realize the party was there.
Shuffle considered trying to shoot the saurians, but she decided against it. Instead she looked at Nalla. "So...what does that mean?"
Nalla smiled at Shuffle, before Wild-Shaping into an eagle and landing on top of the head before turning back, "I can urge nature to act on my will as the elf does with demons."

"If you can make our lives easier," Adran glanced at the goliath, "Then I think I speak for everyone when I say do it and stop talking about it, kinda a high stress situation, right now." Adran could only imagine what Asta was doing to whatever creature was unlucky enough to cross his path or stupid enough to challenge him right now, let alone what Jerry was feeling.
Shuffle tilted her head.

Asta was patrolling the area and could occasionally be seen walking past. Judging by the blood on his claws, he'd already driven something off.
"As you wish," Nalla shrugged, tapping her staff to the ground, thorny vines growing out from where she contacted the hydra and growing into a hedge that started spreading around the emergency campsite, forming an arch of an entryway large enough that even Asta could walk through without difficulty, but easy to defend.
Shuffle looked around at the hedge. "Ooh." Forgetting about her target practice, she headed over to take a closer look at the hedge.
The hedge was made of thorny bushes, tall enough that most creatures the party encountered could not scale it by jumping, and climbing it was extremely hazardous to anything not made of steel or stone or smaller than tiny Asta.
Shuffle flapped her wings to fly up where she could see over the hedge. She wanted to try the magic arrow again, so she didn't grab an arrow just yet.
Flying over the hedge was relatively easy, it would seem that the greatest danger in the camp would be from airborn foes, if they appeared.
Shuffle decided to keep watch from up there.

Niudisa glanced over when the hedge formed, but she otherwise kept working. She was getting close by now.
By now Joanne and Emfa had more or less re-assembled the ballista. There were four sets of arms crossed, able to fire four bolts in succession before needing to be reloaded. There were still damaged parts, but the two fighters suspected that Adran's Mending spell would be able to solve that problem.

"How's Jerry doing?", Emfa asked. Veo looked up and held up some bloody bandages. "Gotcha."
Erina walked over to set down some bandages she'd just made. She had prepared a supply beforehand, which is what Veo had already, but she figured she should make some more, just to be safe.

With the hedge raised Raine felt a little safer, so she stepped away to practice her sword swings.
"Thank you," Veo gave a strained smile to the arachne and focused back on what she was doing. As many times as people in the party got almost fatally injured it was probably taking years off of Veo's life.

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