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Realistic or Modern COVEN - ooc.

thank y’all for continuing things on, sorry for my absence. I went a night without access to RPN so even though I wanted to get things rolling yesterday I couldn’t. Hopefully I’ll be able to write something soon.
thumbelinaaa thumbelinaaa the thing that is happening, is it finding about Julia?

I'll try to get a reply up. I had other rps to respond to and more, also I got a bit busy with school
i'm gonna guess that it's about juli, yeah haha

also ik my post says it's nighttime but if y'all are in the morning i'll just say a couple hours have passed since juli's incident
The elder witches can sense yes, the others can learn but most likely cannot do so yet at this point. Valentina found out through Mother Luna.
Oooooh I just saw this (and your post about the wifi Rose, we await your return!) I can fly Jereminah in there then

Also would anyone like for me to get a discord started?
there doesn't need to post order but if y'all want one we could have one!

also finally have some free time to post today

(And a discord could be cool)
i still have to catch up and read the thread...

should i post thread updates every so often -aka basic summaries of the story?-
apologies for my lack of a post this weekend! things have been busy, but i'll have one up within a few days

also anyone can control Mother Luna (and Father Sol)if they wish (especially if u need them for a certain plot and i might not be very available). but the next post she'll be trying to explain some things to the other witches. after i'll try posting like a guide on their personalities. and y'all can post add some "headcanons" to it as well

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