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Futuristic Cosmic Deep Lore Thread


This is the lore thread for the roleplay Cosmic Deep. Here you'll find extra info on the Avian Expedition fleet as well as different races/planets/colonies in the known universe (so far!).


The Avian Expedition is a fleet of starships with one common goal - to explore the hidden depths of space. It was funded and created by many contributing races and factions all throughout the known universe. Despite it's cooperative nature, there is also personal benefit to be gained through this expedition. Some call it the biggest space race in all of history. Everyone who contributes has the chance to gain untold amounts of wealth, power and new technology. After all, deep space is an unclaimed fortune of secrets.

There are many ships part of the Avian Expedition fleet. I will list the most notable ones here for now, however new ones will be added as the story progresses so be sure to check back!

Expedition Leader
Avian Expedition Space Ship (AESS) Condor
The largest ship of the fleet and the hub for all operations.

Reconnaissance Starships
RS Blackbirds Cry
RS Sparrow Wing

These ships have the very important task to scout ahead of the fleet and report back to the leader. They are often sent on intelligence missions.

Battle Starships
BS Golden Eagle
BS Black Kite
BS Grey Falcon

Ships equipped for fighting and protecting the fleet. Small, fast and nimble.

Cargo Starships
CS Sturdy Shoebill
CS Shy Cassowary

Large, sturdy ships hauling important materials, gear and commodities. They should have enough cargo to last a decade.

Research Management Starships
RMS Penguins Flight
Research ships have some of the best equipment of the fleet. They are the ones who are officially documenting the expedition, if you will.


Here will be the space for some of the currently known alien life forms, planets, colonies and their lore. Use this to create your character!

Home world - Earth
Humans are one of the most abundant and widespread races of the universe. Though they tend to stick to their home galaxy the Milky Way, they are able to thrive in most environments. Intelligent, adaptive and resourceful, Earth Humans have invented incredible ships and technology that are commonly used across the stars. They are known for being imaginative and ambitious, and as such were the first to create sentient Androids. Several of the human colonies include but are not limited to the Luna Colony, Mars Colony and Venus Colony.

Home world - Anywhere
Though sentient Androids were first created on Earth, they have become so widely made in all parts of the galaxy that their home depends on where they are first given sentience. Each race creates Androids in a different way and no Android is ever the same as another. Despite common fears, they apparently have no desire to destroy life, rather embrace it's chaos and beauty. Often found on starships for their multi-technical capabilities.

Homeworld - Venus
A sapient, parasitoid wasp which emerged within human colonies on terraformed Venus. It converts its humanoid victims1652111938868.png into living hives, producing swarms of drones to serve and defend itself while it acts as the brain of this strange, collective organism. Once feared as the bogeyman of human colonization, the Chalcidian's small population and unaggressive nature eventually earned it begrudging acceptance within galactic society, though tensions with its "parent" species remain palpable.

Homeworld - Sanmagela
Tiny creatures, resembling earth monkeys and standing little more than a foot in height. They are master engineers, constructing intricate mechanical exoskeletons the likes of which would impress even the most brilliant members of
other spacefaring species. They are also an incredibly warlike people, using their brilliant machines for brutal conquest, or to proffer their services as mercenaries in times when their immortal god-queen decides to take a vacation from the bloodstained sands of the front lines.​

Homeworld - Le Wrileen
The Posonids are an aquatic people, made of many races that live on an ocean planet. Through many violent wars and strife they have become a unified planet, however most of the original cultures of each race were near completely erased to serve their greater nation. With no qualms about slaving and corruption, the Posonids are some of the least friendly races in the galaxy. Though they maintain friendly relations and trade with other races solely to maintain their own status as a galactic powerhouse.

Homeworld - Krostava
The Ensindijee are a tall ancient species of insectoids that dwell on a small world of massive rainforests. They are run by a big Empire ruled by a king and queen and live on the outskirts of known civilization. They are not known to fraternize too much with other races and many accuse them of 'harboring galactic secrets', a claim which none have quite denied. They are able to communicate telepathically with one another. Whether they are able to do so with other races is currently unknown.​

Star Child
Homeworld - ???
A race of mysterious cosmic beings that are birthed from a falling star. One day a meteor crash landed on earth and inside the rock, almost like a cracked egg, was a child unlike anything ever seen. A being made from the cosmos, without a face or a memory. Humans named them star children. They are navigational experts and have no need for space suits or other protective equipment. Not much is known about them as they are extremely rare.

Homeworld - Hephas
The Rindikan are a dutiful people, brought up to believe that they are each individually a part of the people's republic and that only together can they effectively defend themselves from the outside threats of the world. The Rindikan military, as such, is extremely powerful, and the Rindikan people in general have a strong moral philosophy. The Rindican are a species that has traveled far and wide before many other sentient races achieved space flight. They were especially enamored with the warrior cultures of Earth and as such have patterned much of their armor after that of Human warriors. The Rindikan's true form is likened to that of sentient-fuel, like a plasmic connection of brain cells. Upon birth, they are transported into custom made Rindisuits, large mechanical, armored bodies that they live within until the day they die.



Homeworld - Vleebolai
The Vleeboes are a flea bitten rodent people native to Vleebolai. It is often rumored that they came upon interstellar travel as a mistake. They have no known government aside from disparate scattered clans whose members barely hold allegiance to one another. They live on taking odd, often dirty jobs. That of mercenaries, smugglers, slavers, and thieves. They make their homes in the seediest parts of the galaxy.

Homeworld - Varmasia
Originally considered a pest species, found aboard ships docking on the resource world of Varmasia. These odd lifeforms consist of a solid core surrounded by amorphous, shapechanging slime, and while initially slow, simple organisms, feeding on starship fuel reserves has caused them to evolve hyper intelligence, with many individuals constructing mechanical limbs for themselves so that they might mimic the humanoid forms of other spacefaring species. Modern Kalkins are dedicated wanderers, taking any job they can upon starships to fuel their insatiable curiosity and drive to explore the furthest reaches of the universe.

Homeworld - Marient1652116366337.png
They are a subterranean, slime-skinned race of people. They have no eyes but large sensitive ears like a bat and star-shaped snouts snouts used for finding their way in darkened underground tunnels via echolocation and smell as well as tusks jutting out of their lower jaw. They are quadrupedal and have massive claws on their feet for digging. The Engreint homeworld is inhospitable topside to living creatures. Only underneath the planet can any living species thrive, which is where the Engrients built their civilization.

Homeworld - Yal Yuan
Yal Yuan is one of the largest habitable planets in the universe, and as a result has the most populated race and most diverse biological make. They are said to be the first beings to discover space travel in the Milky Way and are responsible for the very first contact with extraterrestrial life within the known cosmos. Rich, prosperous and greedy are good words to describe a Zonkoian. Their appearances differ, but most commonly their coarse skin takes on bright colors and patterns that are easily recognizable.

Homeworld - Sanmagela
Reptilian people who live alongside the Zumolka. Despite their sometimes threatening appearance they are said to be kind and loyal, winning an alliance with the Zumolka through their charming wit. The Craedenese tend to live simple, humble lives and as such enjoy jobs in agriculture and the medical field. Most Craedenese are deeply religious and believe in the rules of their Craeden Creed. Uninterested in the politics of the galaxy, they are often mistaken as aloof loners, however their religion dictates that a Craeden must help any being that asks.


Homeworld: Kas'kri'suu'li'li
Born to the floating islands formed in the upper atmosphere of a toxic gas giant, the avian Ji'ki'ko'kri'kan are an old race, well-versed in the importance of trade and discourse. They flew out from their world not only in search of more room to support their growing population, but also in search of new markets and commodities to thrill and excite them. To the Ji'ki'ko'kri'kan, the excitement of the bartering process and thrill at discovering a previously unknown resource will forever outweigh the value of any currency.

Gulu Brulshiya
Homeworld: Ahnba Degota
A hulking, muscular race, looking like a cross between a gorilla and a bison. They lack any form of centralized government, dwelling in small nomadic clans. Though quiet and pious by nature, many gulu have been abducted from their worlds for use as mercenaries and laborers. Those who travel the stars willingly do so most often as scientists, or as pilgrims on the search for spiritual enlightenment in other stars.

Homeworld: ???
The Ythpiiron are a far-reaching but incredibly rare race of beings that appear across many worlds in mythic or deific roles. They always seem to take on the shape of great monsters (Earthborn would perhaps draw similarities to dragons or other legendary beasts), but depending on the world they inhabit, often look quite different from each other. Despite their differences, there are
commonalities shared between the creatures. First, Ythpiiron are gargantuan in size - depending on the environment of the world, they can be bigger or smaller, but always are the largest creature on the planet. Second, Ythpiiron are sentient and have telepathic abilities, although they do not often deign to communicate - those who have actually spoken with these legendary beings believe that this is not due to arrogance but rather a desire to remain neutral. Third, they wield tremendous power, and feed off the energy of the planet or closest star. The Ythpiiron believe themselves to be guardians, although what they are guarding is a mystery, as is what they are guarding it against. The progenitor of the race has been named as Oyrcthae, and is said to float the space in-between spaces. Although there are a half dozen worlds known to be home to a Ytthpiron, it is believed that there are less than a thousand of the beings in total, spread across the near infinite cosmos. Thus seeing a Ytthpiron, let alone meeting one, will perhaps forever be nothing more than a flight of fantasy for poets and dreamers.

Homeworld: Neraeis
Deimosians were originally human colonists of the world Neraeis. When the world went through its cataclysm, so to did the Neraean Colonists. What exactly happened is entirely up to scientific debate, but what is self-evident is the changes it wrought on the Neraean's, who later came to rename themselves "Deimosians". The skin of all inhabitants was turned to a shades of black and the same became true of their hair and nails, though teeth seem to remain unchanged, and the insides of their mouths and bodies have taken on more greyish and ash colored tones. Their skin is heavily scarred, and their eyes are commonly a vibrant red. Deimosians have a strong warrior culture, and arm themselves in armor that is charred black from heat and fire, along with swords that are the same. They have a deep, complicated history, and the philosophy of many hinges on the idea that "Only the Strong are Deserving".
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Homeworld: ???

The Ythpiiron are a far-reaching but incredibly rare race of beings that appear across many worlds in mythic or deific roles. They always seem to take on the shape of great monsters (Earthborn would perhaps draw similarities to dragons or other legendary beasts), but depending on the world they inhabit, often look quite different from each other. Despite their differences, there are commonalities shared between the creatures.
First, Ythpiiron are gargantuan in size - depending on the environment of the world, they can be bigger or smaller, but always are the largest creature on the planet. Second, Ythpiiron are sentient and have telepathic abilities, although they do not often deign to communicate - those who have actually spoken with these legendary beings believe that this is not due to arrogance but rather a desire to remain neutral. Third, they wield tremendous power, and feed off the energy of the planet or closest star.
The Ythpiiron believe themselves to be guardians, although what they are guarding is a mystery, as is what they are guarding it against. The progenitor of the race has been named as Oyrcthae, and is said to float the space in-between spaces.

Although there are a half dozen worlds known to be home to a Ytthpiron, it is believed that there are less than a thousand of the beings in total, spread across the near infinite cosmos. Thus seeing a Ytthpiron, let alone meeting one, will perhaps forever be nothing more than a flight of fantasy for poets and dreamers.
Capital City: Veneralia Orbital Complex
Significant Settlements: Vinalia Urbana, Vinalia Rustica

When most refer to "visiting Venus", what they are really refering to is the vast and beautiful Veneralia Orbital Complex. The crown jewel of space station engineering in the Milky Way galaxy, and seldom equaled outside it, the Veneralia Orbital Complex (or simply Veneralia for short) is an expansive leisure resort, catering to both humans and aliens alike. It is a technological marvel, with vast nature preserves, amusement parks, and even sandy beaches, making one forget they're on a station at all. It also hosts countless casinos and bars, and it is a rare day indeed when one struggles to find red-light ships in its docks.

The surface of the planet is perhaps less inviting. The population of Venus proper is largely contained within the colony of Vinalia, split between the metropolitan Urbana and agricultural Rustica rings. Despite the ever bustling Veneralia above, the planet itself remains to this day largely undeveloped beyond scattered, independent settlements. Though the colony has bounced back from the Chalcid panic of centuries past, deep scars still remain. Many Venusians feel as though they were abandoned by Earth's government during the crisis, having been violently quarantined with any ships attempting to flee the colony being summarily shot down by the blockade circling overhead. The eventual construction of the Veneralia leisure resort over their own atmosphere has also done little to ease tensions between the two planets, and as a result Venusians remain among the staunchest proponents for separation from Earth's central government in the entire galaxy.
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The Helios was nothing special, a small freighter that served a dual purpose of cargo ship and cheap passenger transport. Outfitted with a mess hall, small barracks and common areas, and five separate cargo holds. The Helios could carry 70 passengers and 15 crewmembers, and while an outdated model, it was reliable. In it's 30 years of service, The Helios only suffered three major issues.​
  • Running out of fuel on the fringes of the Andromeda system​
  • 15 minute main computer shut down during the emergency maintenance on the life support system​
  • A crash landing on an asteroid after getting mixed up with an unexpected military training exercise​
A near spotless reputation that gained the trust of the countless people looking for a cheap ride between the colonies. The Helios had all the permits, never made headlines, hell, if you weren't poor in some way or another, you probably didn't even know about it until it was suddenly the hottest thing on the news about 20 years ago. It was a standard trip, Stopping at the Luna Colony to pick up 32 passengers. They would stop at a fuel station orbiting Earth for a day before continuing on to Venus. However, they wouldn't make it. Among the passengers they had received, were 6 Androids. They kept to themselves, acting a bit odd when anyone approached them, but there were no immediate red flags. Three days out from the Venus Colony, The Helios suffered an odd power surge. It was not entirely uncommon in the older ships like this, but a system wide check was necessary for the safety of everyone aboard. According to what was recovered from the security cameras on-board, one of the crew members was preforming a check too close to one of these...strange Androids. It attacked, killing the crewmember almost instantly before turning on the passangers themselves.​

The other Androids followed suit shortly after, attacking whoever was close by. The engines stalled about 25 minutes after the attack began, the Androids breaking through to the flight deck and killing the captain and first mate. The passangers and crew members were all in a state of chaos, and the partially destroyed footage made it hard to pinpoint an exact timeline. It's believed however that over the course of two days, the Androids systematically hunted down the remaining organic life forms. A majority of which were killed upon discovery, but a few (one man and 3 women) were kept alive. Shortly after the Android's rampage, a small craft docked on The Helios and members of The Crimson Thorns (a now defunct cartel) boarded The Helios. When military frigate, the SS Roosevelt, finally received the SOS transmission from The Helios, they came to the conclusion that they had been attacked in order to scrap it. This was a theory that was disproven a few days later.

The SS Roosevelt put it in high gear and was on top of the Helios witin 17 hours. The small ship was still docked, and wanting to catch the bandits in the act, Major Paul Hart and his ground squad consisting of three soliders, a hacker, and a medic would board the Helios. It smelt of death and munitions, niether of which the team was new to. But bloodshed of this level would bother even the most hardened of veterans. They made their way though the holds, one solider and the hacker breaking off to find the flight deck and hopefully the black box. The rest of them pressed on further bad would eventually find the largest of the five cargo holds. It was infested by the bandits, and the soliders wound up in a firefight that lasted nearly 2 hours. It ended with the final three bandits surrendering. Once they were in cuffs, the soliders could finally explore the area. They of course found the few survivors, definitely worse for wear, but still alive. Not only that, they found the Androids. They had been killed, and staged as if it had been in a fire fight (though they had clear execution style head wounds which destroyed the memory banks for these models).

After a bit of pressing, Major Hart learned that the Thorns intended for it to look like the Androids had snapped and attacked. The few survivors were being beaten, drugged, and threatened until their minds broke so they couldn't recall anything useful about the attack in order to make it more believable. The Hacker at about this same time, found the real ledger which showed a large amount of illegal items, ranging from drugs to weapon mods. Each different category was hidden in a different cargo hold, and the bandits had hardly made a dent in what they wanted to recover. Using the ledger, the soliders would work through The Helios and each cargo hold to find the items in question. Which of course, led them to the hidden children.

It was a major bust which not only began the hunt of The Crimson Thorns, but revealed a smuggling ring that took an additional five years to dismantle once it was discovered. The Helios was the ship that also started a long list of different regulations and laws for small passanger ships, known as the Helios Doctrine. Said doctrine required small passanger ships to join an official agency, be open to random inspection, and have bi-weekly check update of their floorplans among many other changes. The Helios is now an infamous name among the humans, many of them blaming it for things they can no longer get away with, completely ignoring how many lives were changed that day 20 years ago.
Europa is known as Jupiter's ice moon for a reason. It is a vast landscape of ice and snow, covering a deep black ocean. When humanity was first moving to the stars, Europa was one of their first stops. Creating a home on the ice planet proved difficult but not impossible, and its location in the solar system made it a good staging area for a spaceport.

Today, Europa is one of Earth's largest colonies, and the spaceyard and spaceport encompass a large area nearby Europa. Ships carrying valuable goods come and go almost constantly. The Europan Police Force, though not strictly an army, keeps the peace in this area. Although most of their budget goes to fighting piracy and smuggling, they also manage local investigations.
RS Blackbirds Cry
courtesy of the one and only DarKnight36

Engines & Flight:
The Blackbird's Cry maintains three engines - one on each wing, and one on the central frame. The central engine only engages during faster-than-light travel, or emergencies. All three engines have compartments that run along the length of the ship, which open up for cooling or to help with maneuvering. The wings on the Blackbird's Cry can extend outwards for water or surface landings, but generally remain closed.

Weapons & Shielding:

The Cry's weapon systems contain both high-intensity beam tech and the more outdated kinetic/ballistic tech. The older weaponry is more easily replaced and stocked; the Cry maintains an impressive arsenal of 550 missiles and torpedoes of varying sizes and payloads. The ship has four missile ports located just above maintenance, and can be quickly loaded during battle to fire 360 degrees around the Blackbird's Cry.

The beam weaponry has sixteen firing ports located around the ship, most near the top where the armor is thickest. These fire high-intensity short bursts that are designed to bolster ship defenses over offensive actions. Each cannon comes equipped with what amounts to a battery pack: these packs are non-rechargeable but can last up to 2500 shots each.

Shield technology is designed to withstand kinetic weaponry just like it would withstand a collision with an asteroid. Most shielding can be overwhelmed given time, but in general, the larger the craft, the bigger the shield and the longer it can withstand punishment. The Cry's shielding is a one-of-a-kind masterpiece that is able to withstand up to five hours of what is considered "normal" bombardment. To bolster this further, the beam cannons are able to pick off incoming kinetic missiles and destroy them before they reach the craft.

Since shielding does not stop the lasers fired by the beam cannons, thick armor plating is used to diffuse any offensive use of lasers. To breach the hull of most standard craft, a charged shot is required - charged shots drastically reduce the number of shots available however, and can be hazardous to the health of the beam cannon itself.

As something of note, the ship is designed to be unable to enter faster-than-light travel without its shielding available. This is to protect the ship, as without shielding, even a tiny object could do incredible damage.


Upper Deck (Level One): Main Bridge / Captain's Room / Navigation & Conservatory
- The Main Bridge is located at the peak of the ship, at its fore. It is usually where you will find the Captain, unless she has business elsewhere. The Captain's Room is located behind the bridge, accessible from either side of the elevator and stairs. This is a private room used by the Captain for short meetings with officers or other personnel.
- Navigation is found to the aft of the upper deck. It also functions as the records room. Although navigation generally remains on the Main Bridge, the Navigation Room has more functions available than upstairs allows.
- The Conservatory is found on the opposite side of the aft upper deck from Navigation. It is mostly used for stargazing and relaxation.

Crew Deck (Level Two): Secondary / Crew Quarters / Recreation / Dining
- The Secondary Bridge is used in emergencies if the Main Bridge has been compromised. The Secondary Bridge is considerably larger than the Main Bridge, as its main intent was to be used as a large conference room. It is located midships.
- The fore of the ship is mostly allocated to Crew Quarters. Rooms are shared except for the Captain and First Officer, whose rooms are a bit smaller to compensate.
- Recreation & the Cafeteria is found at the aft of Level Two. A large tree is in the center of the Cafeteria, and extends upwards into the Conservatory. Recreation has a small gym and an indoor track, as well as a few other rooms that can be modified for various sports or games.

Technical Deck (Level Three): Science / Medical / Security / Engineering
- On each floor is a security storage room, for quick arming of personnel, although its headquarters is on level 3. All personnel are required to be at least trained in simple combat, but a small elite guard police the ship. The headquarters for Security is found midships.
- The Science Wing & Medical Wing are both found in the fore of level three. Science maintains a shipping elevator into the hangar below that allows them to transport new discoveries with the lowest risk of contamination.
- Engineering offices are found in the aft of level three. They also have a small stairwell that allows direct access to the engines.

Storage Deck (Level Four): Hangar / Storage / Engine Access

- The Hangar is a large area at the fore of the ship. It can open up to allow quick loading & unloading of goods. It also doubles as storage.
- Another storage area is found midships. This houses mostly food & water.
- Engine Access is the very aft of the ship. Engineering maintains this area.
The Model S Tactical Android

Manufacturer: Altis Corporation

The Model S is a general purpose combat android designed for force augmentation of police and security teams, and more recently military combat units.

The original Model S is capable of fulfilling the role of any team member in any security environment, and has a reputation for durability. However, these early units had notable shortcomings in adaptability.

The Earth Defense Force Future Soldier 2355 Competition:
In 2355, the EDF began looking into acquiring highly sophisticated androids, in numbers never attempted before. The goal was to create infantry battalions of fully mechanized soldiers. This move drew wide criticism, as robot armies had been tried before with mixed results.

The EDF sought entries from several of it's close defense industry partners for this endeavour.

The MEV (Modified Export Variant):
Altis Corp submitted a heavily modified version of its Model S security android for the Future Soldier 2355 program. The Model S served as a base, but was almost completely redesigned for this competition. All modifications were centered around survivability.

The first change came to the power supply. The Model S was equipped with redundant rechargable batteries with a dedicated charging station and a solar panel backup. The MEV would have its electrical system completely reworked, and would be powered by an atomic battery with a tritium core. The tritium core has a 24 year lifespan.

The next upgrade was to musculature. The original electric drive motors were replaced by a pressurized oil hydraulic system. By some standards, this was an archaic design choice, but in testing, Altis discovered that a hydraulic system was 75% stronger and was infinitely more reliable in adverse conditions than an eleltricly driven system. This was also a necessity in order to reduce strain on the Tritium battery.

Anti-cyber warfare hardening:
In order to deter the threat of cyber attacks, which had been the Achilles Heel of most android soldiers, all interface systems would be removed from the MEV. It would not be capable of wireless signalling and all hardwire dataports were removed. The only way to "takeover" an MEV is to carefully remove the units Ring Laser Core, reprogram it, and reinstall it.

The Ring Laser Core:
The RLC is a laser-moderated, lightweight, sixth-generation AI core with significant growth capability. It had already been in development for years prior to the MEV program. It is not designed for sweeping high-bandwidth calculations, but extremely high-speed realtime data-processing. It's like a human brain, with some quirks. Ultimately, this feature would be the death of the MEV program due to its high cost of development.

The RLC remains highly-classified and its inner-workings have been kept secret. Only one of the three MEV prototypes has been equipped with the RLC.

MEV Cancellation:
The Altis corporation would cancel the MEV project a year into protoype testing. Ostensibly, this was due to cost overruns of the project. However, no official reason was given for the projects cancellation. But rumors have been circulating after the Earth Investigative Agency raided Altis' corporate office on Luna.

No one knows how or why Altis' landed in hot water with the government. But some have noticed that many security firms have suddenly begun pulling their Model S' off the line.

  • World:


    p069v5xs.jpgOriginally, the area immediately surrounding Neraeis (a debris field speculated to have been a moon or other celestial body that was shattered millions of years ago) was used for mining operations, but after it was discovered that the planet of Neraeis itself was capable of sustaining life, efforts were made to colonize the planet both for its resources, and to more easily supply the surrounding mining operations. What the colonists failed to realize before setting down was how truly hostile the planet was. It had suffered its own equivalent of a Climate Crisis, and it teetered on the brink of a complete ecological collapse, even before human settlement. Nonetheless, the Neraean Settlers did what they could to make it somewhat habitable, even simply using the existing atmosphere to live and build without need for space suits.

    For a time, this worked.

    PA030036.JPGHowever, 300 years ago, something happened to the planet. The crisis had unexpectedly accelerated to near total hostility to life. The soil dried up even worse than before, sterile and incapable of hosting any plant life beyond weeds and mold. Massive flooding filled plains and valleys, often times with water that was filled with disease, poisonous elements, even parasites and funguses. Forest fires erupted across the planet, scorching what little plant life was left and creating vast tracts of ashlands and ashmires, with many areas still to this day burning (possibly fed from underground coal fires). The skies across the planet are filled with smoke, blotting out sunlight and leaving areas with either an eerie grey coloration to them, or a foreboding reddy-orange color. And that was just the start of what was occurring with the climate. Massive Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions, Tsunamis, Hurricanes, and more, cracked, scarred, and and bled the surface of the planet.

    Today, the planet continues to be hostile to all but the most resilient life forms, mostly the deadly ones, both flora and fauna.

    Dying Swamp.png3-alien-planet-artwork-richard-bizley.jpg



"Touched by the Grace of Strength"

Neraeis Flag 3 Spikey.png
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Hundreds of years of progress has turned the once pre-dystopian planet of Earth into a thriving, healthy, near-utopian society. When humans began to leave their suffering home to first colonize Mars, it became apparent that those who wished to stay needed to change their destructive ways and repair the Earth's atmosphere and ecosystem. Thus renewable energy became the new norm and eco cities were born, allowing life to revive and prosper. Now the Human race is one of the most substantial races in the known universe with a vast population spread across the stars. Despite being one of the few races to be so easily manipulated and mutated by other entities, humans are famously known for their somewhat romantic ideologies, ambitious nature and ability to endure.

Notable Earth Characters
more to be added later
Captain Ghin Gareuxtully-summers-15.jpg

An Earth-born Zonkoian with a brilliant, visionary mind. He is a celebrated hero and Captain well known across the universe for his many triumphs in battle, but most notably his grand venture as the CEO of The Avian Expedition and Captain of the AESS Condor.​


Dr. Imani A. Suleiman

Brother to Captain Tish J. Suleiman of the Blackbirds Cry. Imani is currently a doctor serving on the AESS Condor. He and Tish are close family and he serves as a constant guide for her in times of need. It is said that he only joined the Avian Expedition because of his sister.
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Space Stations


South Eeddin Space Station

One of the major stations located in the Milkyway galaxy. It is positioned atop of a large asteroid just above the planet Marient and is a hub for miners and cargomen traversing in and out of the planet's toxic atmosphere. Its large design is Zonkoian made and primarily serves as a spaceport. The citizens of South Eeddin are generally tradesmen and middle class workers, thus its crime rates are surprisingly low for galactic space station standards. A wide variety of engineers, miners and pilots can be found on South Eeddin.


The Crescent

The Crescent is a space station located on the safe outskirts of black hole Megalomorchen UOX-35. It was built to research the new supermassive black hole that had invaded our part of the universe and has since furthered our collective understanding of black holes and space travel. It was named as such due to its crescent moon shape. It was on this space station that the idea for the Avian Expedition was born, and thus has important significance in all of our shared galactic history.


Krostava is a relatively small world in the Andromeda System and home to one of the oldest races recorded in known Galactic Record, the Ensindijee. Exactly how old they are is unknown, but their long lifespans hint that they may have been among the first to evolve into intelligent lifeforms capable of building civilizations. Any queries as to why that is gounanswered for the Ensindijee refuse to speak of such things. They harbor in their world, a massive library, rumored to contain several millenias worth of data from back when the Ensindijee used to frequent the stars.

It is surmised that they once had been avid explorers but after a certain point in their history, returned to their world en masse and stayed secluded, only leaving to colonize nearby moons and terraform them into suitable living conditions as their small planet was susceptible to overpopulation. It is highly likely that they would've completely kept to themselves if not for the discovery of their world by intrepid Zonkoi explorers.

When forced to interact with the greater galactic society, they did not entirely object, but they were incredibly reclusive. They acted with no violence, merely shunning potential nosey travelers by shutting themselves in their enormous hives which hung upon giant tropical trees as tall as that nearly brushed against the sky or in one of their massive mounds as tall as mountains, dug up from the earth.


It soon became obvious they had something to hide and they didn't seem to care if others knew it or not. As such, the planet, given it's sweltering humid atmosphere and unfriendly natives had garnered something of a bad reputation although if you visit and don't ask too many questions they will treat you to some tea and lesser-bug crackers which are one of the few (and generally among the most popular overall) exports the Ensindijee actually provide.

However, whenever aid is requested in any capacity during times of warfare, they refuse. When enquired on what they would do if they themselves required aid, the Ensindijee Queen stated that she'd rather her people be left to their fate. Though it seems in general the Ensindijee are a peaceful if cagey race, there were rumors speculating they once went to war with the Rindikan, though both races deny this and the Rindikan are perhaps one of the few races that could say they were on completely friendly terms with the Ensindijee, perhaps owing to their status as representatives of Andromeda or perhaps more.

They are not without compassion, however. While they refuse to aid in any sort of warfare, should any stray ship land on their planet with injured occupants, they will tend to the wounded to the best of their ability. Any Ensindijee who do wander from their homeworld will offer aid to anyone who seeks it for as long as they desire. Those who have returned from their world and told the tales of their compassion have done much to lessen the cold hostility they tended to evoke to most of the known races of the galaxy. Though, of course, even those who they tended to the most, were never let in on what secrets lay hidden deep within the heart of their world.

Perhaps, the most worrying thing about the Ensindijee is what happens to those who refuse to abandon their pursuit of knowledge. Those persistent enough are allowed to stay, free of charge, on their homeworld but they must join their monastaries and never leave. Their ships are dismantled, the parts taken to classified locations and they are allowed to contact their loved ones but are strictly monitored. However, all who have taken this path have come to no harm and are treated with the same respect as a dignitary.

The Ensindijee have evolved from many species of insects and tend to be omnivorous. Their diet largely consists of vegetation but also birds, fish, small mammals, and lesser-bugs, unevolved insects much like ours but a bit larger. Their government is a monarchy of sorts, ruled by the King and Queen who give out orders to Ensindijee through telepathic thought. The exact details of how their world is run are unknown. It is not a hive mind per see, though all Ensindijee present on Krostava is thought to be connected to the King and Queen telepathically in some manner.


Hephas is the homeworld of the Rindikan, one of the oldest known races in the galaxy, perhaps the second or third oldest in Andromeda, and the first to understand and create technology capable of traveling through a black hole to traverse to another galaxy. According to them, they were not quite the first. They had created the means as a necessity, in order to pursue a 'great enemy' that had crossed the black hole into the milky way first. Once their long, bloody battle was over, there was a time of great peace for the Rindikan, which allowed them to advance their sciences further with a focus on exploring and observing fledgling races grow and develop.

One planet in the Milky Way they had taken a particular interest in, was that of Earth. Observing Earthlings throughout history in their spinning disk-shaped ships that had eventually come to be known as 'flying saucers' they became fascinated with the planet's warriors. Being a warrior culture themselves, the Rindikan couldn't help but feel as if the races of the galaxy had a long way to go before they lived up to the code of conduct they allegedly sought to aspire to. And while humans were included among these, the Rindikan were quick to admit they had taken a liking to their style.

As such, their Rindisuits had undergone many upgrades to better resemble the armor of Earth's Knights, Centurions, Samurai, or even unarmored combatants such as the cowboys and outlaws of the Wild West or buccaneers and pirates which were popular among the few Rindikan that turned away from their rigid system of justice.


Rindikans value honor, justice, and peace among all other else in the Galaxy. And due to their strict code of conduct, they will offer aid to any cause deemed just enough, though they will only do so when their aid is asked for. Many Rindikan uphold their own laws to the letter and do not yield to any interpretation or variation, thereof. When on other planets, they try their best to adhere to that planet's laws but in many cases their own sense of justice supersedes this and as a result, many Rindikan are banned from certain planets, colonies, and space stations due to being 'disruptive'.


Still, they are respected people in the galaxy at large. There are occasionally a rare group of Rindikan, every now and then who break from this mold, refusing to serve in their military and instead venture out on their own in pursuit of their own justice, or even rarer, pursue a life of crime. However, even these individuals do not completely abandon their sense of honor and any are considered unwelcome among the various criminal enterprises of the galaxy unless they undergo great effort to prove that they can be trusted.

The nature of the Rindikan is an odd one, their true selves being a sort of living liquid, similar in texture and smell to gasoline. It is unknown how they first gained the capability to build Rindisuits and all the various technology on their world, but they all attribute this to a godlike figure to them, a machine known as Blessed Anvil, where the first of the Rindisuits were crafted.

The Rindikan are a social people. While they do not form romantic attachments nor do they have sexual relations like other races, they greatly enjoy companionship, camaraderie, and telling stories of great deeds. They are drawn to crews, consisting of five or more crewmates, Rindikan or otherwise and treat them as family.

The Rindikan are governed by a republic of ten figures that are voted upon every five years. A single Rindikan is not allowed to rule for more than two terms on the senate. Unlike many planets, their government has not undergone much change, if any at all for all the years in its existence. Hephas is a very sterilized and hospitable world, and also very mechanical. Huge floating spires and hovering vehicles operating in perfect order make it a very aesthetically pleasing place to look at. However, while the coliseum is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the galaxy, they don't offer much aside from sport in terms of visiting.

All food is imported from other worlds as Rindikan do not require it themselves, though not unable to eat per see. Their diet mainly consists of water. There is also nothing remotely close to nightlife as Rindikan in general do not care for it. Even the Rindikan who break from their world's laws to live a life of crime tend to only indulge in such ventures as a brief curiosity with few truly understanding what the thrill of it is.
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Blackbird's Cry Hangar
As the Blackbird's Cry is a smaller scouting vessel, it does not have many vehicles docked within it's hangar. The few present, however, each have useful applications when it comes to planetary exploration and survival.

The Hummingbird

Agile, van-sized six-seated aerial vehicle of human and Posonid design. Small but made with a dense malleable metal fiber to withstand intense heat and pressure. A staple for exploration vessels beloved for its surprisingly quick speed and ability to traverse across the land quickly via land, air, or sea. It can be used as an emergency escape pod if necessary due to its dense shell. In midair, it extends wings equipped with additional rocket boosters and the fastest recorded flight speed is around 4,800 mph.

On land, its wings retract and the boosters on its underside keep it aloft a few feet from the ground for swift travel. Underwater its wings extend again and its thrusters activate their propulsion mode for further maneuverability. It is equipped also with powerful searchlights in order to illuminate darkened areas. The only downside is this model is not initially equipped with any sort of weaponry, though with the speed it is capable of it more than proficient at avoiding danger.

The Exo-Vator

A heavy-construction mech of Zumolkan design. Used to lift heavy cargo and has magnetized feet for conducting work on the outer hull. It is equipped with an adjustable seat capable of housing Zumolkans and those larger up to eight feet tall. All of its arms operate on a series of interlocking and rotating gears in order to readjust their placement if need be. Two arms are meant for heavy lifting, one is primarily used for welding and the last arm is used for drilling. Each 'hand' of the mech is interchangeable with whatever replacement parts are most convenient.

Swapping hand mods is designed to be quick and easy, able to be changed at a moment's notice for emergency repairs. Such other parts include wrenches, saws, hammers, and pliers.

The OR-99

A combat mech designed by the Zonkians. It is an upgrade of the standard units used for cargo ship security and is equipped with superior firepower in the form of it's Delta-Dex Hand Cannon, its Heavy SMG, Proton-Blade, and heavy ordinance rockets launched from its shoulders. It is to be used planetside and it is highly inadvisable to pilot it in-ship. Possibly one of the most heavy-hitting weapons on the Blackbird's Cry after the ship itself, its quick movement speed and high-level aim assist programming make it one of the most popular security models to date.

As diplomacy is preferred over violence in the Avian Expedition, it is to be used as a last resort if need be and not the first response. This is left to the security team's discretion.
The Southern Frontier


The Southern Frontier is one of the newly colonized frontiers of the Milky Way, and falls within the borders of Human Occupied Space. The name derives from the region being "South" of the Sol System, residing in the Outer Arm, south also of the Perseus Arm and Orion Spur.

The oldest colonized planets in the system are Palisade (at 600 years) and Neraeis (at 500 years). Regional Governance is centered in Palisade, the "Capital Planet" of the region. Besides Neraeis, the Southern Frontier has remained largely loyal to the Earth Governments, with many wealthy and powerful Earthlings having varied and vast interests in the region. Because of this, it attracts significant Earthling investment and travel, with millions coming to the region both for employment, and even vacations (though it is primarily Palisade that is visited).

093b03ec9b2667a6597182b814cc992f.jpgAlong with being an emerging economic region, the Southern Frontier is also part of the forefront of terraforming technologies and technology. The region hosts a variety of Near-Earth planets that have acted both as new colonies, and terraforming testing grounds.

Many of the communities forming on these planets are small in terms of population, and to ensure greater survivability, often congregate into denser, heavily defended cities and outposts.

For some planets, there's good work for mercenaries and hunters, defending against the local fauna's (and sometimes floras) that put the communities at risk.



Often colloquially referred to as "Earth 2", Palisade is the economic, military, and political center of the Southern Frontier. Originally named for its strategic positioning (it acts as choke point between the rest of the Southern Frontier and the rest of Human Space), many of its first inhabitants mistakenly felt the name evoked palaces, villas, beautiful homes, and so were drawn to it as a second home. What they found only reinforced the visions they had of sweeping, fantastic landscapes, filled with elegant monuments to their affluence.

High peaked mountains, low and wide valleys, lush plains, and every other biome one would find on Earth. More importantly, vast deposits of stone like marble or alabaster (part of what drew in the elites of Earth) allowed them to make these visions a reality. Today, most of Palisade's architecture maintains the various aesthetics attributed to classical elegance and class. Even the homes of the working class or the poor maintain these same structures, mandated by local governance to keep with the beauty standards they wished to maintain.

Governor Caliburn
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Capital of Neraeis


Hessradh is the Capital City of Neraeis, originally built using strange, black stone as a primary building material. The material was surprisingly very strong, so much so that it even had military applications for bunkers and other strategic facilities. Along with this, it was fairly abundant on Neraeis, and cheap to manufacture into building material.

Neraeis - Life Underground: tarmo-juhola-industriahole.jpg

In many parts of Neraeis, certain aspects of life have been moved underground. Indeed, whole cities, sprawling factory and mine complexes, and much more have all been built in subterranean cave systems, some natural, others "Man-Made".

Along with this, a complex series of underground transportation networks have been established, primarily rail based. Many of these trains are old industrial locomotives, from when the planet was first being colonized. Others have been militarized since then, and play a part in a mobile, planetary defense system. This has made it easier for Demosians to move artillery systems, weapons of mass destruction, and other powerful weaponry, safely and without detection from invading forces.

Neraeis - Industrialization Becomes Militarization:

As the colony of Neraeis began almost exclusively to acquire more resources, most of the technology and equipment originally developed here was designed for heavy industrial purposes. Spacecraft, locomotives, and other equipment, was all designed for durability, not luxury. As the planet grew more populace, rather than creating traditional public transports, older industrial equipment was generally just repurposed to fulfill these roles. As such, many Deimosians today (and even 300 years ago when they were human) travel between cities either by heavily armored cargo trains with conversions made to accommodate passengers, or in industrial space and aircraft also designed for cargo or equipment transport.

What applies to the civilian sector also applies to the military sector. Many of the weapons and equipment used by Deimosians started as old industrial equipment, repurposed and converted for military use. Before Deimosians were "Touched the by Grace of Strength", Neraeis had begun to build some of its own military weaponry and equipment. This was quite sparse, only really intended to give the planet a small colonial military force to slow down any invasions, but much of this old equipment has been used to reverse engineer more effective equipment and weapons today. Some of the Pre-Deimosian equipment is even still in use.

Neraeis - The DSS Enkidu: nick-foreman-mss-texas-02.jpg

A shattered corpse of a vessel, this once mighty ship now orbits Neraeis like an asteroid of steel. The DSS (Deimosian Space Service) Enkidu was once the Capital Ship of the Neraean Colonial Fleet, and then the Deimosian Fleet after that. The ship is equipped with one of the most powerful rail-guns in the Southern Frontier, even to this day, capable of cracking open almost any enemy ships. It was also made out of powerful metals found on Neraeis, making its hull incredibly durable. However, what it had in firepower and armor, it severely lacked in shield systems. This flaw unfortunately led to the ship's untimely destruction during one of the attempted invasions of Neraeis. While no longer serving its original purpose, there are rumors that the ship's gun is very much still operable, and that some of the subsequent failed invasions of Neraeis may be partly due to the ghostly ship.


Neraeis - Nergal: The Plague Knight ThanatanPlague Thanatan.png

In isolated corners of Neraeis, spoken of in hushed terms, there is something of an urban legend that persists. Or, if the "eyewitnesses" are to be believed, a very elusive cryptid.

The story goes that, in some of the unpopulated, remote, and hard to get to areas of Neraeis, there is a Thanatan that stalks the landscape, unlike any other. Thanatans are known for their unique appearance, parts and pieces of their bodies having been replaced with mechanical instruments, similar to organ transplants. This Thanatan, however, does not share this appearance.

It's body is covered with a veritable forest of black spines and spikes protruding from it, of varying lengths, widths, and shapes. The spikes themselves appear hard, almost like daggers or needles, but supposedly they demonstrate organic properties. Movements, pulsations, perhaps even the secretion of noxious liquids or gases.

Reports are mixed, but what is stated consistently is that contact with these spikes causes similar growths to erupt from the bodies of those it touches, mutating and killing them.

The spread could be, and has been, likened to a fungus, or a disease.

It is also rumored that this being carries a melee weapon of some kind, potentially a sword, but this isn't entirely confirmed.

Hence, this Thanatan legend acquired the name Nergal, The Plague Knight.

Sightings of Nergal exist across Neraeis, casting some doubt on this beings existence, due to the great geographical distances this would require crossing. Despite this, and the fact that the Deimosian political elite do not outright acknowledge the existence or non-existence of Nergal, there is an unofficial, State Recommendation of zero contact with Nergal. Regardless of being Touched by Grace, it can be inferred that the threat Nergal poses to the inhabitants of Neraeis is greater than that of any other Thanatan encountered.
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Ahnba Degota

Approaching the mountainous planet one is immediately struck by its awe-inspiring grandeur. Towering peaks, capped with glistening snow, dominate the landscape, their rugged silhouettes etched against the sky. Between these giants deep valleys and winding canyons carve intricate patterns into the terrain, testament to eons of geological shaping. The planet's surface is a mosaic of ecosystems, each uniquely adapted to its altitude and climate. Lower slopes are adorned with lush forests, vibrant and teeming with life, and when ascending the vegetation thins, giving way to hardy shrubs and resilient wildflowers that cling to the rocky slopes with determination. As the altitude increases the landscape becomes more austere. Barren scree slopes and glaciers dominate, their icy grip extending towards the heavens. Here, only the most resilient creatures dare to roam, their adaptations allowing them to thrive amidst the harsh conditions. Yet, despite the challenges posed by its rugged beauty, Ahnba Degota beckons explorers with promises of discovery and adventure. Its peaks hold the allure of untold mysteries waiting to be unveiled, while its breathtaking vistas inspire wonder and reverence in all who dare to venture into its wild embrace.

Gulu Brulshiya

1713965347592.pngThe nomadic tribes of the Gulu Brulshiya roam the towering peaks and rugged valleys of Ahnba Degota, their existence intimately intertwined with the majestic landscape they call home. For generations they have traversed the high altitudes, adapting to the challenges of mountain life with resilience and ingenuity. Physically, the Gulu Brulshiya are marked by their hardiness and strength, their bodies sculpted by the demands of their environment. Muscular, hulking frames carry them through the terrain with ease, while keen eyes, accustomed to scanning vast distances, reflect a deep connection to the land. Crafted from sturdy Tataya hides and woven fibers, their attire offers formidable protection against the biting cold and relentless winds that sweep across the peaks, however certain Gulu Brulshiya are covered with thick, mammoth-like fur, shielding them from the most frigid climates. Variations in their physical traits reflect the diversity within their ethnicities. Some are endowed with hooves ideal for traversing vast plains and valleys with ease, while others possess hands or paws akin to those of humans, enhancing their dexterity in mountainous terrain. Much like gorillas on Earth, Gulu Brulshiya move as quadrupeds, utilizing both their hands and feet for walking. They employ a form of locomotion known as knuckle-walking, where they traverse on the tops of their knuckles rather than bearing all their weight on their palms. Occasionally, they also exhibit bipedal walking.

Despite their imposing appearance, with an average height of 7 to 8 feet and weight averaging 2000 pounds, the large horns and size of Gulu Brulshiya can be deceiving. Contrary to expectations, they are predominantly peaceful beings, seldom initiating conflicts either among themselves or with other species. They possess a rich cultural heritage, steeped in tradition and reverence for the mountains. To them, the mountains are not merely a backdrop but a sacred realm, to be respected, revered, and protected for generations to come. Music and dance are integral parts of their identity, weaving tales of bravery, survival, and the enduring spirit of their people. Known for their warm hospitality and innate generosity, the Gulu Brulshiya extend a welcoming embrace to travelers who venture into their midst. Regrettably, their gentle demeanor has been manipulated by opportunistic outsiders over time.

Upon their initial contact with the Gulu Brulshiya, Zonkoian explorers perceived them as primitives ripe for exploitation. With no centralized government and overwhelmed by confusion and fear, the Gulu Brulshiya became targets for colonizers who abducted their young, ferrying them away from their homeworld. These abducted children often found themselves coerced into physically demanding roles, such as laborers and mercenaries. It is only in the last century that this practice has been outlawed across the galaxy, but the deep generational scar will remain for a long, long time. Nevertheless, in the vast expanse of the cosmos, the Gulu Brulshiya stand as a testament to the beauty and diversity of life, embodying the strength and resilience of their planet while inspiring awe and wonder in all who encounter them.

Ehta's Edge


Perched at the pinnacle of the world, the mountain village of Ehta's Edge emerges as a bastion of resilience amidst the rugged peaks and swirling mists. With its backdrop of sheer cliffs and sweeping panoramas, this remote settlement embodies both the majesty and the challenges of high-altitude living. The architecture of Ehta's Edge is a testament to the ingenuity of its inhabitants, with sturdy stone buildings and timbered chalets clinging tenaciously to the rocky terrain. Roofs are pitched sharply to shed the weight of winter snows, while intricately carved eaves and balconies add a touch of rustic elegance to the village's rugged facade. Life here is shaped by the ever-changing whims of the mountain weather. Summers are brief but vibrant, as the alpine meadows burst into bloom and the villagers emerge from their winter hibernation to tend to their fields and flocks. But even in the height of summer, the threat of sudden storms looms large, forcing the villagers to remain ever vigilant against the fury of the mountain winds.

Despite the challenges of high-altitude living, the inhabitants of Ehta's Edge are a resilient and resourceful lot. They have learned to adapt to their harsh environment, drawing on centuries of tradition and innovation to carve out a sustainable existence amidst the peaks. Their bonds of community run deep, and in times of desperation they come together to support one another, sharing resources and lending a helping hand to those in need.

Kshet Ehta
(Clan of the Summit)

In appearance, the Kshet Ehta bear a remarkable resemblance to Earth's bison, their colossal frames draped in shaggy fur spanning a spectrum from rustic browns to deep, marbled grays. Their sturdy heads, adorned with smaller yet distinctive curved horns, are carved with markings denoting their status within the herd. What truly distinguishes them from their brethren among the Gulu Brulshiya is the addition of muscular arms, an extra set that aids them in navigating the rocky landscapes they call home. Many of the Kshet Ehta children were taken off-world in the siege of Ahnba Degota, leaving remnants of a once thriving community in tatters.

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Notes on the Evolution and Physiology of the Kalkin Race

First discovered on the humid jungle world of Varmasia by Zonkoi miners, the Kalkin were originally a simple species known as fruolds, similar to Earth slime molds. Regarded as little more than a pest, fruold spores would often get into the vents and engines of spaceships and mining equipment, causing them to break down when the rooting fungal spores began to develop and eat away at the substance around them. Changes to the development of the species were first noted when fruolds were discovered growing inside the tanks of the Ji’ki’ko’kri’kan cargo ship Hek’ho’lo’lo, whose crew had found themselves unable to take off due to the budding fruolds consuming the bulk of their fuel supply.

This batch of fruolds proved faster and more resilient than other broods, growing larger and displaying intelligence previously unheard of for the species. They were immediately collected for study, and in only two generations the offspring of these first fruolds had developed sapience matching that of other spacefaring races, and were beginning to develop rudimentary speech faculties as well. It took less than three decades for the propagation of this new breed to be recognized as an independent species by galactic society, taking the name of Kalkin from Ka'li’ki, captain of the ship that first discovered them.

The Kalkin are a species that reproduce quickly, being hermaphroditic and capable of asexual reproduction when populations are small. They produce clouds of thousands of spores which stick to their nearby surroundings, eating away at their anchored surfaces as they grow. They develop quickly, able to reach full size in a handful of years, and though most seldom live more than a few decades it is possible for an individual to live several centuries with a healthy diet and barring disease or injury.

The Kalkin are opportunistic omnivores, originating as bottom feeding scavengers, able to digest materials that would be completely inedible to most species. This does not mean everything is safe to be consumed however, and many an overconfident individual has found their lives cut short by an ill-chosen meal. While technically considered plants, they are closer to fungi, and cannot photosynthesize (despite the attempts of some lazy individuals.)

The Kalkin’s core, once considered to be analogous to their brain, is in fact more closely compared to an oyster’s pearls. It is a waste byproduct formed by indigestible portions of the things a Kalkin eats, growing as they do over time. It seems that among Kalkin, the size and appearance of their core is treated as something of a status symbol, with larger and more lustrous cores being more desirable and earning a Kalkin more esteem from its fellows.

Kalkin have little in the way of social culture, possessing nothing in the way of family structure and being more interested in their own passions than any sense of community. That being said, Kalkin colonies have developed over the centuries on worlds rich enough in resources to support their appetites. Such colonies often become local system hubs for the arts or sciences, due to the highly curious and driven nature of the species. Even their homeworld Varmasia, often disregarded as a simple mining colony, has come to boast some of the most auspicious laboratories and art museums in the Milky Way galaxy, and is renowned across the known universe for its culinary exploits, with local chef Capriole Halve responsible for some of the greatest developments in culinary science in the past fifty years.
Le Wrileen

There's one thing that always fascinates visitors to Le Wrileen. The Eternal Fire in the Trenches. A massive flame that burns eternal underwater, towering high above the center of Le Wrileen's capital city. Some thought it to be an undersea volcano but upon closer inspection, it soon became the talk of scientists throughout known space. It defied all logic. It was here that Poseion Helbain the Conqueror had forged the Thalassic Axe, the weapon he used to lay waste to his enemies, take their lands, and enslave their peoples. He gave status to those people he found strength in, and enslaved those he deemed too weak to serve as warriors. So began the bloody history of the Posonid 'race'.


Le Wrileen was once a land of many cultures and peoples, each at differing stages of advancement. The first to begin the endless cycle of conquest was Cephlaos Insirion who was widely regarded as a sorcerer. Historical accounts cannot confirm the exact nature of his 'magic' as much of it is told through oral history and the tales only grew taller in time but most historians conclude that he was a high-end psionic of sorts. He led his cephalopodian people into enslaving lesser-developed races to use as manual labor. Poseion Helbain was among the fifth generation of slaves of his nameless race and an heir to the line of chieftains, back when they were roaming barbarian tribes. He was taught that he held the strength of all their ancestors behind him and it would be he who the gods would favor to enough to brave the trek to the Eternal Fire and forge a weapon that he would use to lead his tribe to becoming the mightiest in the sea.

And so he did. He forged the Thalassic Axe and cut down the Cephalos Insirion, turning the tables on the squidlike race and enslaving them instead. He then set about on what is known as Steady Migration. He made a promise that his people, named the Posonids after himself, would conquer the seas and unify the world. Centuries passed. Millenias passed. And well into the age when most races had begun to reach for the stars, the Posonids were continuing their bloody conquest.


Early visitors to the world were the Zonkoi who were treated with mistrust, hostility....and intrigue. The Posonids viewed the stars as a sea too. One rife for conquest. The Zonkoi thought them an interesting but barbaric people....they never realized that the Posonids after studying their starships would find the means to modify their sub-maritime vessels to do the same. And once all peoples of Le Wrileen were united under one banner...the Posonid soon became frequent foes of the Rindikan, the Zonkoi, the Earthlings, and the Deimosians.


The conflict became so bloody, that the Ensindijee called for a galactic peace conference, inviting some Posonid representatives to attend. It is not known what deal was made that day. Some believe the Ensindijee planted a psychic suggestion to the Posonid King. Others disregard that, as Posonid have proven very resilient to psionics. Whatever the case, the Posonid put an end to their dreams of conquest...at least openly. They began to trade with the other races and migrate to other worlds. The only race to whom they remained hostile was the Deimosians.

Still, when one visits their world now, depending on the species of Posonid they encounter, they are met with suspicion. While they have greatly modernized, it is clear that they have not quite let go of the bloodlust that boils within them. King Wraemir Helbain is the current ruler of the planet. A direct descendant of Poseion, he commands strength to match. He shocked his world by marrying the Cephalaosian Seer, Ysdelmina, the chief mystic of the squid-like race, freeing them from their millenia-long status as servants. This act shocked the galaxy and was seen as a sign that the Posonid were paving the way to change.

But then they hear the whispers. That like Poseion in the days of old, the strength of all of their ancestors flows through Wraemir. That he has found the Thlassic Axe, once thought to be lost to the depths during Poseion's final battle. That he is the one who will unite the sea of stars as his ancestors once 'united' the seas of Le Wrileen...

The Posonid's diet is varied though mostly carnivorous. They are not shy about devouring the flesh of their enemies and even their fellow Posonids, depending on the species.
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Zumolka, Sanmagela, and the Glorious Forever War
Conflict is everything. Conflict is evolution. Conflict is the fire through which you prove your worth.


No race is as divisive or ubiquitous across the known universe as the Zumolka. The pan-Galactic nightmare, waiting to fall on an unsuspecting world in their vast millions, a terrible horde of raiders to darken the sky and bring devastation in their wake. The backbone of any shipyard, raising the standard for engineering and repair and thrusting interstellar technology forward by centuries.

The Zumolka are at once simple and infinitely complex - vicious ravagers, dedicated inventors, small in size yet massive in footprint. The Zumolka are, at their deepest essence, the universe’s most irate perfectionists; everything they do, everything they create, must both meet and exceed the highest standard one could ever set, and to do otherwise is to accept utter worthlessness. It isn’t enough to be the best, either - one must prove, definitively, that they are the best, against anyone who could ever say otherwise. And what better way to prove your own superiority than to beat the competition into a mangled paste in the sand?

So is the great and terrible fruit of Zumolkan competition born - a great and endless war across all corners of known space, led from the fore by their giant, immortal god-queen. And it was only by the hand of their god-queen that they could ever leave behind the deserts and forests of their homeworld; no other being could ever be so powerful and terrible and perfect as to unite the eternally squabbling Zumolka beneath a single banner.

Once a simple inventor in the age of antiquity, Puatexxya the Cosmic Mind became the pinnacle of all Zumolka in millenia past, forging the mechanical titan of a thousand names and leading her people toward the stars. It was she who forged her people’s bond with the Craeden, she who crushed the Rindikan stronghold at Gelgranna to earn their foothold on the galactic stage, and she whose presence becomes the terror of every world when the Zumolkan war cycle begins again.

The Titan of A Thousand Names

This is both Puatexxya’s crowning glory and the source of her immortality. A mechanical giant who towers over the very clouds, it is a self-repairing, self-updating monstrosity with Puatexxya serving as pilot and computer both. With her flesh and blood wired into the machinery itself, the Titan is less of a suit and more of a vast and terrible prosthetic, responding faster and more accurately than any conventional piloted machine ever could.

It’s said that to see the Titan touch soil is to know your planet is already lost; few are those who have ever managed to repel the Zumolkan queen. To date, only The Rindikan, Ensindijee, and Vleeboe have ever managed to force the Titan to withdraw, and never without heavy, heavy loss.

Rumor has it all Zumolka are able to hear the Queen’s voice when she begins to depart Sanmagela again, stirring them to join her in her crusades, but if this is true, they have never admitted to it.
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Vleebolai is a planet in ruins. For just how long, who can say? It was visited once by human explorers and they found what appeared to be the remains of a massive civilization that had all fallen to ruin. Statues of Vleeboes, depicting the valorously were strewn about the landscape. Had it been war that befell them? Greed? The Vleeboe were quick to explain. The formerly sprawling structures the humans saw before them, the once prestigious looking towards now shattered the glorious machinery. It was not the sad state of a once proud empire, now long dead. No, these marvelous structures....were all constructed, torn apart, and brought to ruin within a month. The humans in shock asked how this was possible and what caused it to fall so quickly. How everything was built so quickly.

The Vleeboe muttered about things not being up to code and scurried off, having watched their compatriots sneak aboard human ships in order to stowaway to the next world. Vleebolai has no government. Vleebolai has no laws. It never did, aside from brief moments in history, for Vleeboe are often not one for structure. It is unknown how the Vleeboe made their way off-world. They are not terrible at building things, but only with proper supervision. Alone their machines are liable to fall apart on the spot because oftentimes, they will not agree upon what should be done in the process of building it. The rest of the planet lies in similar disrepair and is permeated by toxic waste and a foul odor that drives many a would-be visitor away if they do not sport proper protection. The Vleeboes often relish in it though it is no less toxic to them.


Vleeboes were discovered by other races eons ago, on their own homeworlds, often in gutters or sewers. They formed gangs and often ran rampant in the poorer districts of various worlds. It seemed like their kind were natural cutthroats, but they were not to be underestimated. It cannot be said just how much Vleebolai is overpopulated. The main cause for Vleeboes to smuggled themselves offworld is due to this reason. So when enemy forces come to attack, the entirety of the Vleeboe race fights tooth and nail with their plethora of scavenged weaponry to fight back against their foes.

They also have allies. While there is no formal military, many pirate crews consider themselves friends of the Vleeboes. Many Vleeboes become pirates themselves and their smuggling operations via the black market allow pirates to procure all sorts of weapons they would not be able to otherwise. It is rumored that the Pirate Summit often is held at Vleebolai. Perhaps the one time the vermin are able to create a hospitable environment for visitors, though it is likely quickly torn down after it is used.

Despite their offputting, feral nature, Vleebolai intelligence should not be overlooked. They are a very smart race. Some Vleebolai raised offworld seek to change the image of their people throughout the galaxy and through hard work and ingenuity are able to find jobs in fields many race did not think possible. This is not common, however, partially due to prejudice, but year after year, the prospects of the Vleebolai grow higher in the galactic community with Intergalactic Conferences deciding on an initiative to grant them more worlds to help solve their constant overpopulation problem.

Vleebolai breed much like most rodents and give birth to many litters of children after about two weeks. Their lifespans are much longer, much to the chagrin of many. Their diet is omnivorous so they often eat anything they find edible, so long as it's dead. Most of the of the time.
A desert world, Marient is one of the furthest planets in its system from its sun and while life there may have started on the surface, harsh and punishing conditions such as violent sandstorms had driven every living thing down deep underground long ago. In these dark depths, the Engreints, a human-sized race of subterranean quadrupedal mammals that resemble a mix of a bat and a star-nosed mole, began to tunnel underneath the Earth, creating a complex and winding system of interconnected caves. As they evolved, their methods grew more advanced as they became experts at using echolocation to find their way around. Though quadrupedal, they eventually became proficient in the use of tools in order to craft houses, buildings, and temples in the dark.

Engreints are a very spiritual people. Living in the dark, they've learned to relish the quiet moments in life and often use this time to meditate, pray, and cool their heads from the stresses of day-to-day life. The monasteries of Marient are some of the most grandiose and beautiful structures in the entire galaxy. Many can scarcely believe they were crafted by a race who could not see. Even more remarkable was their ability to craft intricate multifaceted vehicles. First and foremost were their diggers. Massive tank-like vessels equipped with a drill for more efficient tunneling. Then there were their dig-gliders. Machines that were reinforced to enable exploration of the surface for additional resources. And through those came their spaceships. The Engreints were avid explorers and put great forethought into charting known space.


They invented special headsets to avoid sensory overload through their large ears and set about, hoping to meet other sentient races. They eventually came across the Rindikan and wished to aid them in charting known space. They also urged for unison amongst the galaxy so that in time they may all expand to explore even further. Their motives, while benign were not entirely selfless, however. For the Engreint are one of the most competitive races in a known galaxy.

The primary form of recreation on Marient is martial arts. There are many throughout the planet, with around 70 different sects and disciplines. Massive tunnels are dug out to create stadiums where tournaments are held to bear witness to which Engreint's fighting style is superior. This competitiveness has sprung outside of the martial realm. They want to push other races into being the best they can be so the Engreints can surpass them and prove that they're better. All in the spirit of competition. Upon learning more about Earth and its Olympic Games, they were the primary driving force towards commissioning the intergalactic variant.


They dislike war and senseless violence, or anything else that they believe fosters nothing, but they will fight to defend themselves and their allies, surprising the Zonkoi recently as they had begun to take a hardline stance against the continued mistreatment of the Gulu Brulshiya. The Engreints prefer martial combat as opposed to firearms but they do posses formidable energy weapons, that most races would be wise to steer clear of.

The Engreint society is led by a council of elders. Every fifteen years the leaders of the council retire as their replacements are voted in by the entire population. The closest thing to a singular world leader would be Burumpantu, the head abbot of the Engreint monastery. 350 years old, he still retains most of his faculties, though some consider him eccentric. He is far more of a religious figure and often avoids politics unless there is threat of a conflict, in which case his strategies often prove quite beneficial to the Engreints' continued survival.

The Engreint diet is omnivorous, with many eating fruits and small insects.
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Yal Yuan

A mesmerizing planet cloaked in various hues of blue, this celestial body orbits a parent star that imbues its surface with a wealth of cobalt deposits. This unique feature renders it a sought-after destination for both tourists and prospectors. Among the vast habitable planets scattered throughout the Milky Way, it stands as one of the largest, boasting a remarkably diverse array of life forms. Yal Yuan is home to numerous major cities sprawling across two vast continents, leading researchers to forecast its transformation into an ecumenopolis within the next millennium.

Zonkoi and the History of Success and Slavery
1714137905149.pngThe Zonkoi are an advanced species of extraterrestrial beings whose vibrant appearance mirrors their exceptional intellect. They hail from Yal Yuan, a planet bathed in the glow of multiple suns, which has endowed them with a dazzling array of hues and patterns across their sleek, streamlined bodies. Zonkoi boast a slender and agile physique, characterized by limbs exhibiting exceptional flexibility and dexterity. However, their bone structure is notably fragile, rendering them particularly susceptible to physical weakness. What they lack in strength is compensated by high intelligence, and they have mastered advanced technologies far surpassing those of humanity. Their understanding of physics, mathematics, and biology enables them to manipulate energy, travel vast distances across the cosmos, and engineer organisms with extraordinary capabilities.

Zonkoians exhibit remarkable diversity in appearance, thanks to an intriguing developmental gene within their DNA. As a result, each individual differs significantly from the next, although certain consistent physical traits persist. They are universally bipedal, with limbs resembling those of humans, and display vibrant colorations and intricate patterns across their bodies. Interestingly, their facial/head structure bears resemblance to that of humans, albeit without any hair growth on their bodies. Numerous Zonkoi perceive themselves as biologically advanced distant relatives of humanity, although some humans might question the term "biologically advanced," given that they could fracture a Zonkoians bones with a single punch.

Nevertheless, whilst humanity's early stage of development was still in the Stone Age, the Zonkoi had already embarked on interstellar journeys becoming pioneers in exploring the cosmos. They were the first to encounter extraterrestrial life within the Milky Way and subsequently made contact with the races inhabiting the Andromeda galaxy, notably the Rindikan. However, their initial interactions were marred by conflicting personalities, leading to strained relations. This pattern persisted within the galactic republic as Zonkoians earned a reputation for their arrogance and reluctance to engage in equitable dealings with other races. Their home planet, Yal Yuan, held immense value as a critical resource hub for space travel, particularly in terms of power generation, thus they became confident and greedy.


Driven by greed, the Zonkoi made questionable decisions to meet the escalating demand for cobalt on a galactic scale. In their pursuit of profit they sought to enslave the Gulu Brulshiya, whom they regarded as primitive beings. This decision sparked the siege of Ahnba Degota. Initially they tried to capture adult Gulu individuals but their internal resistance proved formidable. As an alternative, the Zonkoi began "adopting" Gulu children into their households, utilizing them for mining purposes and later as protection against the raging Posonid conflict. Furthermore, the Zonkoi attempted to invade Earth with the intention of enslaving humanity, however their efforts were thwarted by the Rindikan, who had been safeguarding Earthlings out of their deep fascination with human culture.

Despite their turbulent history, Zonkoians are now eagerly embracing the future. Their focus has shifted towards technological advancements and cutting-edge research. A primary objective of the Zonkoian empire is to unravel the mysteries surrounding the Great Attractor and finally resolve the age-old question of the essence of life.

Cosmic Forces
A popular yet frustrating topic of study is the nature of what the Ensindijee call cosmic forces. This is most apparent in the telepathic capabilities inherit in their race. The Ensindijee's telepathic manner of communication is well documented despite their lack of forthrightness on most subjects. The full capabilities of this ability are unknown, with the common fear being that they could use this power to control and manipulate the minds of others. The Ensindijee have insisted that this, while possible, is not done without great effort with some races, such as the Posonid being able to resist it outright.


-An Ensindijee fending itself from space pirates with a 'psionic shockwave'

What sparse information the Ensindijee have divulged about this particular topic, is that it isn't simply a matter of their own genetic evolution but one of the cosmic forces of the universe. Something intrinsic, natural and unnatural all at once. What this means exactly, no one quite knows, but scholars have been attempting to grasp the meaning of this terminology for centuries. Many races do not display such abilities. The only ones capable of on galactic record being the Ensindijee, sparse Zonkoi, Posonids, and the rarely seen Star Children.

Posonids do not often use telepathy when they employ the use of psychic abilities, but rather telekinesis, which the Ensindijee also employ, and displays of psionic energy projection. The Posonids claim, however, that these psychic abilities are different from the magic they purport to have. Displays of this magic are often left in the realm of war stories and myths, most scholars find little evidence that these claims are anything other than scare tactics. But these same doubters have to but spend a day observing the Eternal Fire of Le Wrileen to start to question their own certainty.


-A swirl of energy overhead the polar caps of Le Wrileen. Scholars say it is a concentrated swirl of psionic energy. The Posonid claim otherwise...

Many human research stations have attempted to find a way to harness psychic energy for their own uses to no avail, though studies indicate that Deimosians are far more likely to possess some degree of psychic aptitude as well as the two races' distant simian cousin-species the Zumolka. However, nothing has been formally documented in either case.

Still the study and research into the so-called cosmic forces has been a popular topic of discussion and debate across scientists of many different fields and backgrounds. Clearly there is something to it, but it is difficult to figure out what separates the facts from the pseudo-science.

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